Lab 5 Neww
Lab 5 Neww
Lab 5 Neww
1- Measure the clipping level and effect on the output waveform with various changes to a
biased clipping circuit.
2- Predict and measure the effect of dc bias voltage on a clamping circuit.
Components Needed:
1- Resistors: one 1kΩ, two 10kΩ, one 100kΩ
2- One signal diode 1N914
3- One 100µF capacitor
4- Signal generator
5- Oscilloscope
Part1: The Diode Clipping Circuits
1- Connect the circuit shown in Figure 5-1. Connect the signal generator to the circuit and set a
6.0 VPP sin wave at frequency of 1.0 kHz with no dc offset. Note that R 2 and RL from a
voltage divider, causing the load voltage to be a little less than the source voltage. R 1 will
provide a dc return path in case the signal generator is capacitive coupled. Observe the input
and output waveforms on the oscilloscope by connecting it as shown, then write your
Fig. 5-1
Circuit Diagram:
Input output waveform:
2- Add the 1N914 signal diode to the circuit as shown in figure 5-2. Look carefully at the output
waveform. Notice the zero-volt level. Sketch the input and the output waveform then
measure the waveform across R2. You can do this by viewing the difference between channel
1 and channel 2. Sketch the waveform (or attach the image obtained from the oscilloscope).
Fig. 5-2
Circuit Diagram:
Input Output Waveform:
Across R2
Circuit Diagram:
3- Change the load resistor to 10kΩ. Observe the effect of the smaller load resistor.
Circuit Diagram:
In the circuit of figure 5-2, did the clipping level change when the load was
No, the clipping level will not change when the load was changed.
Given the waveform across the source and the one across the load, how could you
use Kirchhoff’s voltage law to predict the waveform across R2 in figure 5-2?
Waveform across the source and the one across the load:
How could you use Kirchhoff’s voltage law to predict the waveform across R2 in figure 5-2?
We predict the waveform across R2 using KVL as follows
Circuit Diagram:
By hand waveforms:
4- Restore the original 100kΩ load resistor. Remove the cathode of the diode from ground and
connect the cathode to the DC power supply as shown in Figure 5-3. Start with 2V DC and then
vary the voltage from the power supply and describe the results.
Fig. 5-3
At 1V DC
At 2V DC
At 3V DC
It is observed that when we increase the DC voltage from 1V or 2V. Clamping in the output
wave is finished. So, when DC voltage was reduced to, clamping occurs. But by increasing the
DC voltage above 2V clamping gradually decrease.
5- Reverse the diode in the circuit of figure 5-3. Vary the dc voltage and describe the result.
By reversing the diode, we get following waveforms at different DC voltages.
At 1V DC
At 2V DC
At 3V DC
At 5V DC
We oberve that by turning voltage negative, the phase andle of waveforms got changed.
Fig. 5-4
It works same as previous circuit, but DC offset will be Vp+2 in it.
Thus, in output voltage waveform, 5V dc offset is observed.
Input Output Waveform:
4- Reverse the diode and the capacitor. Then replace the positive dc voltage with negative dc
source and observe the output.
To reverse the polarity of capacitor is very important, if we do not do this, the capacitor will
charge only when Vi>2V the DC battery voltage. In this way, we will get clipping circuit output
in place of the clamper.
So, for this case,
Vo =Vi(with -5V dc offset)
Input Output Waveforms:
When the diode and dc voltage were reversed in step 3, why was it necessary to reverse the
capacitor also?
When diode and DC voltage were reversed in step 3, it was necessary to reverse the capacitor
also, because the capacitor here was a polar capacitor. It does have positive and negative
polarity. If we did not do this, connection would be affected.
For the circuit of figure 5-4, what change in the output would you expect if the load resistor
was reduced to 10kΩ?
The time constant will increase due to T=RC, when R=10k. thus, the waveform will be same as
in the case 1.
Also, the average output voltage would reduce and response of the system would become faster.
From this experiment, we observed clipping of diode circuits at different conditions. We
concluded that clamping at output waveform is not affected by the load but it is affected by
changing the source voltage. As source voltage increases, clamping also increases. Moreover, we
learn the effect of capacitor in clamping of diode circuits.
Source of error:
The error may be cause by human or some device. In this case, one source of error is the
incorrect design or some internal fault of meter that is connected in our circuit. This fault give us
incorrect result. Its diffciult to find this type of error. Another source of error is by an
unexperienced person who do not know exactly how to operate the circuit and do not know the
exact connections to develop the circuit. This type of error can be reduced easily.