Holy Trinity School:: Center of Catholic Education Inc
Holy Trinity School:: Center of Catholic Education Inc
Holy Trinity School:: Center of Catholic Education Inc
Quarte Most Essential Objectives ( What, Why, Focus Activity/ Content Time/Materials-Modules No. of Days
How: will the student will Taught
r Learning
Competencies learn
Quarte Synchronous Activity: Asynchronous Activity:
Week 1 Explain that knowing Exhibits that knowing Defining the Self, Activity 1: As an
oneself can make a Strength and individual, you should
person accept his/her myself can make me
strengths and accept my strengths and Weaknesses-Concept, know yourself.
limitations and limitations and deal with and Valuing oneself. 4
dealing with others other people better.
Share his/her unique Learn to Share my unique
characteristics, habits, and characteristics, habits, and
experiences experiences.
Appreciate and value
Week 2 Discuss the Discussing the Discussion about Lesson Check yourself. This
relationship among 2: Developing the Whole initial activity will help
physiological, relationship among
cognitive, physiological, cognitive, Person you recall and identify
psychological, psychological, spiritual, physical changes that you
spiritual, and social and social development to experience during
development adolescence and the
understand my thoughts,
feelings and behaviors. coping mechanisms that
Evaluating my own you used to deal with such
thoughts, feelings, and changes.
Showing the connections
Evaluate his/her own between thoughts, feelings, Emometer. This activity
thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors and behaviors in actual life will help you realize that
situations. emotions have varying
degrees and that emotions
are affected by your
Week 4 Discuss understanding Discuss that What is stress and Stress bingo
of mental health and 4
psychological well- understanding stress how can
being to identify ways and its sources during adolescents
to cope with stress adolescence may help manage it?
during adolescence in identifying ways to Stress
Identify causes and Activity: WHAT
effects of stress in one’s cope and have a Management
life healthy life, Stress Response CAUSES YOU TO
sources of
Demonstrate personal their stress
ways to cope with stress and Activity: STRESS
and maintain mental illustrate SIGNALS
the effect My Stress Signals
of stress
on their
Demonstrate personal
ways of coping with
stress for healthful
Week 1 Explain that Understand the basic Topic: Career Basic Activity: THE CAREER
understanding different concepts and perspectives Concepts WHEEL
factors, career in career development,
development concepts Reading: TEN 16
and personal life goals Identify the personal MYTHS ABOUT
influence career factors that can influence CAREER
planning and decision- their career choices, and PLANNING
making. Assess their traits and BUSTED!
abilities that impact career
Identify career options and life goals. Give the Influence Factors
based on different Reading: WHAT
factors, career
development concepts INFLUENCES YOUR
and personal life goals CAREER CHOICE?