Grade 8 Surface Area
Grade 8 Surface Area
Grade 8 Surface Area
Specific outcomes:
2. Draw and construct nets for 3-D objects.
[C, CN, PS, V]
3. Determine the surface area of:
• right rectangular prisms
• right triangular prisms
• right cylinders
to solve problems.
[C, CN, PS, R, V]
4. Develop and apply formulas for determining the volume of right rectangular prisms, right triangular prisms and right cylinders.
[C, CN, PS, R, V]
By the end of this lesson students will Student participation in lesson to view any gaps in students’
knowledge on previous content (naming polygons, naming
Define triangle polyhedrons, drawing nets of 3D shapes). Review of homework.
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
Define quadrilateral
Define parallelogram If any large gaps found, suggest students watch videos to fill any gaps.
Define polygon
Classify polygons Check students understanding and participation on example
Define polyhedron problems in notes.
Define net
Define prism
Define pyramid
Classify polyhedrons
Draw nets from 3D object
Identify 3D object from net
Name polyhedron from net
Recognize when a net is complete or incomplete
Define area
Define surface area
Calculate area for a rectangle
Calculate surface area for a rectangular prism
Resources Personalization/Differentiation
What materials/resources/technology will be required? How will you attend to the needs of ALL learners in this lesson?
Fill in guided notes for students. Notes provided ahead of time with option to print colored completed
Loft board to show notes and fill in with students. version for all students
Each student has set of quick notes. (personal and/or color coated helps students who have trouble focusing
teacher version) helps students who cannot write and listen
White board and multiple colored markers. helps students with executive functioning issues
helps students with LD in reading/writing
Sticky notes Calculators available for students to aid in addition, subtraction,
Scissors multiplication and division.
Examples of nets prebuilt
Building set for nets Visual aids in guided notes.
3D objects which break down into their nets
Color coded steps on loft board and white board.
Learning/Activity Sequence
How will students ENGAGE, EXPLORE, EXPLAIN, ELABORATE, and/or EVALUATE their understandings of the outcomes.
What is the TEACHER doing? What is your plan for the body of What are the STUDENTS doing? How are they engaged while
Approx. time
the lesson? What steps are taken during the lesson? you are teaching the lesson?
Ask students if they had any questions from last class’s Ask questions if any specific ones were difficult. 4 minutes
homework on nets.
Draw net of Part B question 1 as class. (Include hashes and Draw net. 4 minutes
side measure)
Ask students to find area of one of the triangles. Suggest Try finding area. 3 minutes
using 3 x 8 rectangle from net. Highlight this part of the net.
Review how to find area of rectangle. Focus on 4 steps from Check answer and check for 4 steps. 3 minutes
grade 7:
well-labelled diagram
formula (matching variables in diagram)
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
substitution (in brackets)
answer (with units)
Set up first two steps for solving area of square. Copy first few steps, try to finish at later time. 3 minutes
Ask students to complete question on their own (at end of
class or for homework)
Work on SA of rectangular prism question. Hold up fingers. 2 minutes
First ask students how many different rectangles there are?
Ask students to hold up fingers for the number of distinct
Mention that the net is already drawn here, but usually we Copy down formula. 2 minutes.
want to try to draw disconnected nets. We can do this in the
formula for our question. Show formula with images of
rectangular faces (net) in the equation. Use distinct colors to
label each rectangle.
Replace rectangles with formula using variables. Need to Participate in leading questions to set up formula. 2 minutes
make sure these variables are on the original diagram.
Substitute for values and find answer with unites. Help find answer. 2 minutes
(OPTIONAL: TIME PERMITTING If no time, complete at Copy down quick notes. 5 minutes
start of next day’s work period. Will serve as a reminder to (OPTIONAL)
Complete quick notes together about key ideas from surface
Well labelled diagram.
Formula with disjoint net
Formula with variables
Answer (with unites)
How will you ensure students walk away with a sense of understanding the PURPOSE of the lesson and its IMPORTANCE to their learning?
Complete quick notes together about key ideas of surface area of rectangular prisms.
I used an analogy of wrapping up an object in wrapping paper, but wanting to be stingy with paper and now have any “extra” as an example for a real life
application of surface area. This helped the students understand what surface is measuring.