Consti Reviewer Constitutional Commission
Consti Reviewer Constitutional Commission
Consti Reviewer Constitutional Commission
Constitutional Commission
A. Common provisions
The salaries of the Chairmen and members are fixed by law and may not be
decreased during their continuance in office
Note: Art. XVIII, Sec. 17 of the Constitution provides that until the
congress provides otherwise the Chairmen of the Constitutional
Commissions shall receive an annual salary of 204,000.00 pesos each.
Additional Compensation – when for one and the same office for which
compensation has been fixed there is added to such fixed compensation an
extra reward in the form of bonus and the like
Enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an
election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum or recall
Exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests relating to the election, returns and
qualifications of all elective regional, provincial and city officials
Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all contests involving elective municipal
officials decided by RTC or involving elective barangay officials decided by the
MTC. Decisions, final orders, or rulings of the COMELEC contests involving
elective municipal and barangay offices shall be final, executory and
By virtue of B.P. 697, the COMELEC has the authority to issue the
extraordinary writs of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus but only in aid
of its appellate jurisdiction. (Relampagos v Cumba)
Decide, save those involving the right to vote, all questions affecting elections,
including determination of the number and location of polling places, appointment
of election officials and inspectors, and registration of voters
Deputize with the concurrence of the President law enforcement agencies and
instrumentalities for the exclusive purpose of ensuring free, orderly, honest,
peaceful and credible elections
Register, after sufficient publication, political parties, organizations or coalitions
which must present their platform or program of government.
File, upon a verified complaint, or on its own initiative, petitions in court for the
inclusion or exclusion of voters; investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute
cases of violations of election laws
Recommend to Congress effective measures to minimize election spending,
including limitation of places where propaganda materials shall be posted and to
prevent and penalize all forms of election fraud, offenses, malpractices, and
nuisance candidates
Recommend to the President the removal of any officer or employee it has
deputized, or the imposition of any other disciplinary action, for violation or
disregard of, or disobedience to its directive, order or decision
Submit to the President and Congress a comprehensive report on the conduct of
each election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum or recall.
The COMELEC en banc does not have the authority to hear and decide
cases at first instance. (Sarmiento v COMELEC)
To define the scope and techniques for its own auditing procedures
To promulgate accounting and auditing rules including those for the prevention
and disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or
unconscionable expenditures
To decide administrative cases involving expenditures of public funds
One Chairman; and
Two Commissioners
One Chairman; and
Six Commissioners
One Chairman; and
Two Commissioners
Qualification of members
Natural-born citizen
At least 35 years old at the time of appointment
With proven capacity for public administration
Not a candidate for any election immediately preceding their appointment
CSC Appointment
Appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments
Natural-born citizen
At least 35 years old at the time of appointment College degree holder
Not a candidate in any election immediately preceding the appointment
Majority, including the chairman, must be members of the Philippine Bar who
have been engaged in the practice of law for at least 10 years.
Members of the COMELEC are appointed by the President with the consent of the
Commission on Appointment for a term of 7 years without reappointment
Natural-born citizen
At least 35 years old at the time of appointment
CPAs with at least 10 years auditing experience or members of the Bar with at
least 10 years of experience in the practice of law (at no time shall all members
belong to the same profession)
Not a candidate in any election immediately preceding appointment.
Appointment and Term