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CHAPTER 10- EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT regardless of the time the President-elect is actually

4) The residence qualification is retained at ten years;
the object is to ensure close touch by the President
- The main motivation of the framers in writing of with the country and familiarity with its conditions
Article VII was to prevent the recurrence of another and problems.
despot (a ruler who has total power and uses that
power in cruel and unfair ways) like the discredited
ex-dictator Marcos. - The President and the vice-president are elected by
the direct vote of the people.
- Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular
- Article VII Section 1, reproduces the original rule
presidential election shall be held at six-year
in the 1935 Constitution that:
intervals on the second Monday of May.
Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in the
- The canvass of the election returns and the
President of the Philippines.
proclamation of the winners shall be conducted
- Executive power is briefly described as the power under Article VII Section 4, as follows:
to enforce and administer the law.
Section 4. The President and the Vice-President shall
QUALIFICATIONS be elected by direct vote of the people for a term of
six years which shall begin at noon on the thirtieth
- Qualifications are prescribed for public office to day of June next following the day of the election and
ensure the proper performance of powers and duties. shall end at noon of the same date, six years
In case of the highest office in the land, Article VII thereafter. The President shall not be eligible for any
Section 2, provides as follows: re-election. No person who has succeeded as
Section 2. No person may be elected President unless President and has served as such for more than four
he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a years shall be qualified for election to the same office
registered voter, able to read and write, at least forty at any time.
years of age on the day of the election, and a resident No Vice-President shall serve for more than two
of the Philippines for at least ten years immediately successive terms. Voluntary renunciation of the
preceding such election. office for any length of time shall not be considered
- The above qualifications are exclusive. as an interruption in the continuity of the service for
the full term for which he was elected.
1) A natural born citizen is one who is a citizen of the
Philippines from birth without having to perform any Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular
act to acquire or perfect his Philippine citizenship. election for President and Vice-President shall be
held on the second Monday of May.
- Naturalized citizen, who acquires his Philippine
citizenship after birth by any of the modes allowed The returns of every election for President and Vice-
by law. President, duly certified by the board of canvassers
of each province or city, shall be transmitted to the
2) Registration as voter connotes possession of the Congress, directed to the President of the Senate.
qualifications for suffrage as enumerated in Article Upon receipt of the certificates of canvass, the
V Section 1 of the constitution. President of the Senate shall, not later than thirty
3) The age qualification should be possessed by the days after the day of the election, open all the
candidate on the day of the election for President certificates in the presence of the Senate and the

House of Representatives in joint public session, and - SC declared that PET is an institution independent
the Congress, upon determination of the authenticity but not separate from the judicial department. It only
and due execution thereof in the manner provided by has functions peculiar only to the tribunal.
law, canvass the votes.
The person having the highest number of votes shall
- The term of the President (and VP) is fixed by
be proclaimed elected, but in case two or more shall
Section 4 as follows:
have an equal and highest number of votes, one of
them shall forthwith be chosen by the vote of a Section 4. The President and the Vice-President shall
majority of all the Members of both Houses of the be elected by direct vote of the people for a term of
Congress, voting separately. six years which shall begin at noon on the thirtieth
day of June next following the day of the election and
The Congress shall promulgate its rules for the
shall end at noon of the same date, six years
canvassing of the certificates.
thereafter. The President shall not be eligible for any
The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be the sole re-election. No person who has succeeded as
judge of all contests relating to the election, returns, President and has served as such for more than four
and qualifications of the President or Vice- years shall be qualified for election to the same office
President, and may promulgate its rules for the at any time.
- President is not eligible for re-election
- As the canvass is regarded merely ministerial, the
- The term of the President is fixed at only six years,
Congress shall not have the power to inquire into or
but it was extended by a few months in the case of
decide questions of alleged irregularities in the
Pres. Aquino. Although her term began Feb 25, 986,
conduct of the elections.
it was provided in Article XVIII Section 5, that “The
- As long as the election returns are duly certified and six-year term of the incumbent Pres and VP elected
appear to be authentic, the Congress shall have no in the feb 7, 1986, hereby extended to noon of June
duty but to canvass the same and to proclaim as 30, 1992” The next regular election for the Pres and
elected the person receiving the highest number of VP was held on the Second Monday of that year.
- Under this section, the Supreme Court, sitting en
- VP shall be elected directly by the people, for the
banc, shall be the sole judge of all contests relating
same term of six years and may be removed also only
to the election, returns and qualifications of the
through the process of impeachment.
President or Vice-President and may promulgate its
rules for the purpose. - His qualifications are the same as those of the
- Pursuant to this provision, the SC promulgated in
2010 its Rules establishing the Presidential Electoral - The VP is eligible for the position of member of the
Tribunal (PET), which provided for its membership Cabinet and when appointed as such does not need
(consisting of the members of the SC), the authority confirmation by the Commission on Appointments.
of its Chairman to appoint employees and
confidential employees of every member thereof, for The new provisions on the office of the VP are as
the establishment of a separate “Administrative Staff follows:
of the Tribunal” and the provision for a “seal” Section 3. There shall be a Vice-President who shall
separate and distinct from the SC. have the same qualifications and term of office and
be elected with, and in the same manner, as the

President. He may be removed from office in the Where no President and Vice-President shall have
same manner as the President. been chosen or shall have qualified, or where both
shall have died or become permanently disabled, the
The Vice-President may be appointed as a Member
President of the Senate or, in case of his inability, the
of the Cabinet. Such appointment requires no
Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall act as
President until a President or a Vice-President shall
Section 4(2) No Vice-President shall serve for more have been chosen and qualified.
than two successive terms. Voluntary renunciation of
The Congress shall, by law, provide for the manner
the office for any length of time shall not be
in which one who is to act as President shall be
considered as an interruption in the continuity of the
selected until a President or a Vice-President shall
service for the full term for which he was elected.
have qualified, in case of death, permanent
Section 9. Whenever there is a vacancy in the Office disability, or inability of the officials mentioned in
of the Vice-President during the term for which he the next preceding paragraph.
was elected, the President shall nominate a Vice-
Section 8. In case of death, permanent disability,
President from among the Members of the Senate
removal from office, or resignation of the President,
and the House of Representatives who shall assume
the Vice-President shall become the President to
office upon confirmation by a majority vote of all the
serve the unexpired term. In case of death,
Members of both Houses of the Congress, voting
permanent disability, removal from office, or
resignation of both the President and Vice-President,
- VP is allowed to serve as such for two successive the President of the Senate or, in case of his inability,
terms. the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall
then act as President until the President or Vice-
PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION President shall have been elected and qualified.
- There are two sets of rules on presidential The Congress shall, by law, provide who shall serve
succession, one found in (1) Section 7 on vacancies as President in case of death, permanent disability,
occurring before the President’s term and the other or resignation of the Acting President. He shall serve
in (2) Section 8 on vacancies occurring afterwards. until the President or the Vice-President shall have
The two provisions read as follows: been elected and qualified, and be subject to the
Section 7. The President-elect and the Vice same restrictions of powers and disqualifications as
President-elect shall assume office at the beginning the Acting President.
of their terms. - The cases contemplated in the FIRST SECTION
If the President-elect fails to qualify, the Vice are:
President-elect shall act as President until the (1) death or permanent disability of the president-
President-elect shall have qualified. elect
If a President shall not have been chosen, the Vice (2) failure to elect the president, as where the canvass
President-elect shall act as President until a of the presidential elections has not yet been
President shall have been chosen and qualified. completed or where for one reason or another the
If at the beginning of the term of the President, the presidential election has not been held.
President-elect shall have died or shall have become (3) failure of the president-elect to qualify, that is, to
permanently disabled, the Vice President-elect shall assume his office by taking the oath and entering into
become President. discharge of his duties..

- In the first case, the VP-elect shall become the Congress shall convene, if it is not in session, within
president forty-eight hours, in accordance with its rules and
without need of call.
- In other two cases, the VP-elect shall merely act as
a president until such time as the President shall have If the Congress, within ten days after receipt of the
been chosen and qualified. last written declaration, or, if not in session, within
twelve days after it is required to assemble,
- The Second Section deals with vacancies occurring
determines by a two-thirds vote of both Houses,
in the Office of the President during his incumbency
voting separately, that the President is unable to
and is limited to four specified situations:
discharge the powers and duties of his office, the
(1) death Vice-President shall act as President; otherwise, the
President shall continue exercising the powers and
(2) permanent disability; Ex. Incurable insanity duties of his office.
(3) removal Section 12. In case of serious illness of the President,
(4) resignation the public shall be informed of the state of his health.
The members of the Cabinet in charge of national
- the following additional rules on presidential security and foreign relations and the Chief of Staff
disability were originally embodied in a statute only of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, shall not be
but have now been transferred to the Constitution: denied access to the President during such illness.
Section 11. Whenever the President transmits to the OATH OF OFFICE
President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House
of Representatives his written declaration that he is - The taking of the oath of office by the president-
unable to discharge the powers and duties of his elect marks his formal assumption of his duties. The
office, and until he transmits to them a written prescribed oath is provided for as follows:
declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties Section 5. Before they enter on the execution of their
shall be discharged by the Vice-President as Acting office, the President, the Vice-President, or the
President. Acting President shall take the following oath or
Whenever a majority of all the Members of the affirmation:
Cabinet transmit to the President of the Senate and “I do solemnly swear [or affirm] that I will faithfully
to the Speaker of the House of Representatives their and conscientiously fulfill my duties as President [or
written declaration that the President is unable to Vice-President or Acting President] of the
discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Philippines, preserve and defend its Constitution,
Vice-President shall immediately assume the powers execute its laws, do justice to every man, and
and duties of the office as Acting President. consecrate myself to the service of the Nation. So
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the help me God.” [In case of affirmation, last sentence
President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the will be omitted].
House of Representatives his written declaration that - The oath is not a source of substantive power but is
no inability exists, he shall reassume the powers and merely intended to deepen the sense of responsibility
duties of his office. Meanwhile, should a majority of of the President and ensure a more conscientious
all the Members of the Cabinet transmit within five discharge of office.
days to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker
of the House of Representatives, their written PERQUISITES AND INHIBITION
declaration that the President is unable to discharge
- Article VII Section 6 provides for the perquisites of
the powers and duties of his office, the Congress
the President and VP as follows:
shall decide the issue. For that purpose, the
Section 6. The President shall have an official government-owned or controlled corporations and
residence. The salaries of the President and Vice- their subsidiaries.
President shall be determined by law and shall not
- These inhibitions are in line with the principle that
be decreased during their tenure. No increase in said
a public office is a public trust and should not be
compensation shall take effect until after the
abused for personal advantage.
expiration of the term of the incumbent during which
such increase was approved. They shall not receive - Except for the VP, all the officers above-mentioned
during their tenure any other emolument from the are now inhibited from holding any other office or
Government or any other source. employment in the government during their tenure.
- Emolument is the profit arising from office or - The Second paragraph of the provision, is intended
employment; that which is annexed to the possession as a guaranty against nepotism, hitherto prohibited
of office, as salary, fees and perquisites; advantage, only by statute.
gain, public or private.
- The court clarified that the “prohibition against
- President cannot accept other employment, holding dual or multiple offices or employment
whether in the government or in private sector and under Sec 13 must not be construed as applying to
must confine himself to the duties of his office, posts occupied by the Executive officials specified
although in case of the VP, he may be appointed to therein without additional compensation in an ex-
the Cabinet. officio capacity as provided by law and as required
by the primary functions of said official’s office.
- VP may not receive additional compensation in the
second capacity because of absolute prohibition in - The reason is that these posts do not
the above provision. comprise “any other office” within the
contemplation of the constitutional prohibition but
- The following inhibitions are also provided by
are properly an imposition of additional duties and
Section 13:
functions on said officials.
Section 13. The President, Vice-President, the
- The second paragraph of Section 13 prohibits the
Members of the Cabinet, and their deputies or
president from appointing his spouse and relatives by
assistants shall not, unless otherwise provided in this
consanguinity and affinity within 4th civil degree as
Constitution, hold any other office or employment
members of Constitutional Commission, Office of
during their tenure. They shall not, during said
the Ombudsman, or as Secretaries, Undersecretaries
tenure, directly or indirectly, practice any other
………. The prohibition applies only during his
profession, participate in any business, or be
tenure. This prohibition does not preclude him from
financially interested in any contract with, or in any
appointing his aforesaid relatives to the judiciary.
franchise, or special privilege granted by the
Government or any subdivision, agency, or EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE
instrumentality thereof, including government-
owned or controlled corporations or their - Defined as “the power of the Government to
subsidiaries. They shall strictly avoid conflict of withhold information from the public, the courts and
interest in the conduct of their office. the congress” or as “the right of the President and
high-level executive branch officers to withhold
The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity information from congress, courts and ultimately the
within the fourth civil degree of the President shall public”
not, during his tenure, be appointed as Members of
the Constitutional Commissions, or the Office of the - Executive privilege has generally been construed to
Ombudsman, or as Secretaries, Undersecretaries, refer to the so called informer’s privilege, the
chairmen or heads of bureaus or offices, including privilege accorded to presidential communications,

deliberative process privilege and diplomatic - This qualification applies whether the privilege is
negotiations privilege. being invoked in the context of a judicial trial or a
congressional investigation conducted in aid of
(a) Informer’s privilege – the privilege of the
government not to disclose the identity of a person or
persons who furnish information on violations of law - Unlike the deliberative process privilege, the
to officers charged with the enforcement of that law. presidential communications privilege applies to
documents in their entirety and covers final and post-
(b) Privilege accorded to presidential
decisional materials as well as pre-deliberative ones.
communications – which are presumed privileged
without distinguishing between those which involve (c) Deliberative process privilege – cover
matters of national security and those which do not, documents reflecting advisory opinions,
the rationale for the privilege being that “a frank recommendations and deliberations comprising part
exchange of exploratory ideas and assessments, free of a process by which governmental decisions and
from the glare of publicity is essential to protect the policies are formulated.
independence of decision-making of those tasked to
(d) Diplomatic Negotiations privilege – meant to
exercise Presidential, Legislative and Judicial Power.
encourage a frank exchange of exploratory ideas
- it applies to the decision making of the President between the negotiating parties by shielding such
rooted in the constitutional principle of separation of negotiations from public view.
Elements of Presidential Communications
- when congress exercises its power of inquiry, the
only way for department heads to exempt themselves
(1) protected communication must relate to a is by a valid claim of privilege. They are not exempt
“quintessential and non-delegable presidential by mere fact that they are department heads.
power” such as the power to enter into executive
- Executive privilege is not a personal privilege, but
one that adheres to the office of the president. It
(2) the communication must be authored or solicited exists to protect public interest and not to benefit a
and received by a close advisor of the President such particular public official.
as a member of the cabinet or the president himself.
- Executive Privilege covers President’s
(3) Presidential communications privilege remains a conversations and correspondences, military,
qualified privilege that may be overcome by a diplomatic and other national security matters which,
showing of adequate need, such that the information in the interest of national security, should not be
sought likely contains important evidence and by the divulged.
unavailability of the information elsewhere by an
appropriate investigating authority.
 Settled is the doctrine that the President,
- the privilege accorded to presidential
during his tenure of office or actual
communications is not absolute, being that ‘the
incumbency, may not be sued in any civil or
Executive cannot, any more than the other branches
criminal case, and there is no need to provide
of government, invoke a general confidentiality
for it in the Constitution or law. It will
privilege to shield its officials and employees from
degrade the dignity of the high office of the
investigations by the proper governmental
institutions into possible criminal wrongdoing’ President, the Head of State, if he can be
dragged into court litigations while serving

 Furthermore, it is important that he be freed
from any form of harassment, hindrance or
distraction to enable him to fully attend to
then performance of his official duties and
 Unlike the legislative and judicial branch,
only one constitutes the executive branch and
anything which impairs his usefulness in the
discharge of the many great and important
duties imposed upon him by the Constitution
necessarily impairs the operation of the govt.

CHAPTER 11- POWERS OF THE 3. PROCLAMATIONS – acts of the President
PRESIDENT fixing a date or declaring a status or condition
of public moment or interest, upon the
 Leadership of the President as head of state existence of which the operation of a specific
and chief executive of the Republic of the law or regulation is made to depend and
Phls is displayed by him not only in the which shall have the force of an executive
enforcement of laws but also in their order
enactment, as well as in the conduct of
foreign affairs, the command of the armed 4. MEMORANDUM ORDERS – defined as
forces, the administration of the govt and acts of the President on matters of
even the crystallization of public opinion on administrative detail or of subordinate or
vital issues. temporary interest which only concern a
particular officer or office of the govt
 President has the power to reorganize the
offices and agencies in the executive 5. MEMORANDUM CIRCULARS – refer to
department in line with his constitutionally acts of the president on matters relating to
granted power of control over executive internal administration, which the President
offices and by virtue of a previous delegation desires to bring to the attention of all or some
of the legislative power to reorganize of the departments, agencies, bureaus or
executive offices under existing statues. offices of the govt, for information or
 In DAVID VS ARROYO, the SC ruled that
the President does not have the authority to 6. GENERAL OR SPECIAL ORDERS –
promulgate decrees. President Proclamation refer to acts and commands of the President
1017 was declared unconstitutional which in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the
authorized her to issue decrees. SC held that Armed Forces of the Phls
legislative power is peculiarly within the
province of the Legislature and neither
Martial Law nor a state of rebellion nor a  Following is the discussion of the specific
state of emergency can justify President powers vested in the President by the
Arroyo’s exercise of legislative power by Constitution.
issuing decrees.


PRESIDENT (under Chapter 2, Book III of
EO No. 292, or Administrative Code of  ARTICLE VII, SECTION 16
 APPOINTMENT – may be defined as the
1. EXECUTIVE ORDERS – acts of the selection, by the authority vested with the
President providing for rules of a general or power, of an individual who is to exercise the
permanent character in implementation or functions of a given office.
execution of constitutional or statutory
powers.  It has likewise been defined as the “act of
designation by the appointing officer, body or
2. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS – acts of board, to whom that power has been
the President which relate to particular delegated, of the individual who is to exercise
aspects of governmental operations in the functions of a given office”
pursuance of his duties as administrative
 Although intrinsically executive and prescribe the qualifications to an
therefore pertaining mainly to the President, appointive office.
the appointing power may be exercised by the
legislature and by the judiciary, as well as the
Constitutional Commissions, over their own  There are now SIX CATEGORIES of
respective personnel officials who are subject to the appointing
power of the President:
 An appointment may be made verbally but is
usually done in writing through what is called 1. The heads of the executive depts.
the commission. The COMMISSION is the
2. Ambassadors, other public ministers and
written evidence of an appointment.
3. Officers of the armed forces from the rank of
those extended to persons possessing the
colonel or naval captain
requisite eligibility and are thus protected by
the constitutional provision on security of 4. Those other officers whose appointments are
tenure. vested in him by the Constitution
 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS – 5. All other officers of the govt whose
which are given to persons without such appointments are not provided for by law
eligibility, are revocable at will and without
6. Those whom he may be authorized by law to
the necessity of just cause or a valid
 In the 1987 Constitution, however, as already
 Appointments, whether permanent or
pointed out, the clear and expressed intent of
temporary, are distinguished from
its framers was to exclude presidential
designation in that the latter means simply the
appointments from confirmation by the
imposition of additional duties, usually by
Commission on Appointments, except
law, on a person already in the public service.
appointments to offices expressly mentioned
 DESIGNATION connotes an imposition of in the first sentence of Sec. 16, Article VII.
additional duties, usually by law, upon a
person already in the public service by virtue
of an earlier appointment.  The USUAL STEPS in the appointing
process are:
 Both the temporary appointment and the
designation are not subject to confirmation a. NOMINATION – made by the President
by the Commission on Appointments.
b. CONFIRMATION – prerogative of the
 The power to appoint is essentially executive Commission on Appointments
in nature, and the legislature may not
interfere with the exercise of this executive
also done by the President. This is where the
power except in those instances when the
appointment is regular
Constitution expressly allows it to interfere.
 On the other hand, in case of the AD
o The scope of the legislative’s
interference in the executive’s power
appointment comes before the confirmation,
to appoint is limited to the power to
which is made by the Commission when it
reconvenes following the legislative recess.
 DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN THE appointment made by the President if the
REGULAR APPOINTMENT and AD appointee has not been validly confirmed or
INTERIM APPOINTMENT: does not possess the required qualifications.
1. The REGULAR is made during the  An appointment is deemed complete only
legislative session; the AD INTERIM is upon its acceptance. Pending such
made during the recess acceptance, which is optional to the
appointee, the appointment may still be
2. The REGULAR is made only after the
validly withdrawn.
nomination is confirmed by the Commission
on Appointments; the AD INTERIM is made
before such confirmation
3. The REGULAR once confirmed by the appointing power:
Commission on Appointments, continues
a. ART. VII, SEC. 14 – this provision
until the end of the term of the appointee; the
emphasizes the caretaker capacity of the
AD INTERIM shall cease to be valid if
Acting President but at the same time allows
disapproved by the Commission on
the elected President to ratify his
Appointments or upon the next adjournment
appointments by mere inaction during the
of the Congress. In the latter case, the
specified 90 days.
appointment is deemed “by-passed” through
inaction of, and so disapproved impliedly by, b. ART. VII, SEC. 15 – the purpose of this
the Commission on Appointments provision is to prevent the use, or abuse, of
the appointing power for the purpose of
enlisting political support in exchange for
 In MATIBAG VS BENIPAYO, the SC some appointive office in the govt. This will
clarified that an “ad interim appointment is a also prevent the “midnight appointments”
permanent appointment because it takes that may otherwise be issued by an outgoing
effect immediately and can no longer be President.
withdrawn by the President once the
appointee has qualified into office. The fact
that it is subject to confirmation by the  In DE CASTRO VS JBC, the SC declared
Commission on Appointments does not alter that the prohibited appointments under Sec.
its permanent character. The Constitution 15 do not cover appointments to the SC.
itself makes an ad interim appointment
permanent in character by making it effective o The Constitutional Commission
until disapproved by the Commission on confined the prohibition to
Appointments or until the next adjournment appointments made in the Executive
of Congress. Dept. The framers did not need to
extend the prohibition to
 The ad interim appointment is intended to appointments in the Judiciary,
prevent a hiatus in the discharge of official because their establishment of the
duties. JBC and their subjecting the
nomination and screening of
 The President’s power of appointment may
candidates for judicial positions to the
also be limited by the Congress through its
unhurried and deliberate prior process
power to prescribe qualifications for public
of the JBC ensured that there would
office. The judiciary for its part may annul an
no longer be midnight appointments o Control is a stronger power than mere
to the Judiciary. supervision, which means
“overseeing or the power or authority
of an officer to see that subordinate
(1) THE REMOVAL POWER officers perform their duties. If the
latter fail or neglect to fulfill them,
 From the express power of appointment, the then the former may take such action
President derives the implied power of or steps as prescribed by law to make
removal. them perform these duties.
 However, it is not correct to say that all  DOCTRINE OF QUALIFIED
officials appointed by him are also removable POLITICAL AGENCY – department
by him since the Constitution prescribes secretaries are alter egos or assistants of the
certain methods for the separation from the President and their acts are presumed to be
public service of some such officers. those of the latter unless disapproved or
 In all other cases where the power of removal reprobated by him.
is lodged in the President, the same may be The doctrine essentially postulates that the heads of
exercised by him only for cause as may be the various executive departments are the alter egos
provided by law and in accordance with the of the President, and, thus, the actions taken by such
prescribed administrative procedure. heads in the performance of their official duties are
o The XPN only is with respect to the deemed the acts of the president unless the president
members of the Cabinet or other himself should disapprove such acts.
executive officials whose term of o This doctrine would not be applicable
office is determined at the pleasure of to acts of cabinet secretaries done in
the President their capacity as ex officio board
directors of a GOCC of which they
become members not by appointment
THE CONTROL POWER of the President but by authority of
 “The president shall have control of all the
executive departments, bureaus and offices.
He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully

 CONTROL – defined as the power of an  The power to take care that the laws be
officer to alter or modify or nullify or set faithfully executed makes the President a
aside what a subordinate officer had done in dominant figure in the administration of the
the performance of his duties and to government. The energy or indifference with
substitute the judgment of the former for that which he discharges this power will
of the latter. determine the measure of his success as Law
o It includes the authority to order the
doing of an act by a subordinate or to  The law he is supposed to enforce includes
undo such act or to assume a power the Constitution itself, statues, judicial
directly vested in him by law. decisions, administrative rules and
regulations and municipal ordinances, as well
as treaties entered into by our government.
 It has been suggested that the president is not 2. Suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas
under obligation to enforce a law which in his corpus
belief is unconstitutional because it would
3. Declare Martial Law
create no rights and confer no duties, being
totally null and void.
 Hence, until and unless a law is declared (1) COMMAND OF THE ARMED FORCES
unconstitutional, the President has a duty to - The power of the sword makes the President
execute it regardless of his doubts on its the most important figure in the country in
validity. times of war or other similar emergency.
- Grounds: (Art. VII, Section 18)
(a) Lawless violence
(b) Invasion
(c) Rebellion
 This section bolsters the principle announced
in Art. 2, Section 3, that “civilian authority is, Court martial- agencies of executive character
at all times, supreme over the military.” By which may be convened by the President
making the president the commander-in- independently of legislation and by virtue only of his
chief of all the armed forces, the Constitution constitutional function as commander-in-chief.
lessens the danger of a military take-over of These courts do not pertain to the judiciary and are
the government in violation of its republican utilized by him in properly commanding and
nature. enforcing discipline in the armed forces.

 The military establishment is the strongest - As long as the civil courts in the land remain
single institution in the country and could open and are regularly functioning, military
easily employ its physical force to wrest tribunals cannot try and exercise jurisdiction
power from the civilian authorities. over civilian for offenses committed by them
and which are properly cognizable by the
 It should be noted that although the president civil courts.
is made the commander-in-chief of all the
armed forces, he will be so only if there are IBP vs. Zamora
armed forces to command. The calling-out power of the President involves
 These forces will be raised by the Congress “ordinary police action”, which ordinarily not entitle
in the exercise of its general legislative him to “invoke a greater power when he wishes to act
power, and particularly under Art. 2, Sec.4, under a lesser power”.
providing that the Govt may call upon the David vs. Arroyo
people to defend the state and in the
fulfillment thereof all citizens may be The president cannot call the military to enforce and
required, under conditions provided by law, implement certain laws, such as customs laws, laws
to render personal military or civil service. governing family and property relations, laws on
obligations and contract and the like. He can only
 The MILITARY POWER enables the order the military to enforce laws pertinent to its duty
president to: to suppress lawless violence.
1. Command all the armed forces of the - It is only the President who is authorized to
Philippines exercise the calling-out power. Accordingly,
a provincial governor cannot validly issue a Writ of Habeas Corpus
proclamation calling upon the PNP and Civil
- This a writ directed to the person detaining
emergency force to “set up check points and
another, commanding him to produce the
choke points, conduct general search and
body of the prisoner at a designated time and
seizures including arrests, and other actions
place, with the day and cause of his caption
necessary to ensure public safety.
and detention, to do, to submit to, and receive
- As the chief executive, the president has the
whatever the court or judge awarding the writ
general responsibility to promote public
shall consider in his behalf.
peace, and as a commander-in-chief, she has
- What is permitted to be suspended by the
the more specific duty to prevent and
president is NOT the writ itself but its
suppress rebellion and lawless violence.
Rodriguez vs. Macapagal-Arroyo - This means that when the court receives an
application for the writ, and it finds the
The President may be held accountable for extra-
petition in proper form, it will issue the writ.
judicial killings on the basis of Doctrine of
The court will issue an order commanding the
Command Responsibility:
production before the court of the person
Requisites: allegedly detained, at a time and place stated
in the order, and requiring the true cause of
1. Existence of superior-subordinate his detention to be shown in the court. If the
relationship between the accused as superior return to the writ shows that the person in
and the perpetrator of the crime as his custody was apprehended and detained in the
subordinate areas where the privilege of the writ has been
2. The superior knew or had reason to know that suspended or for crimes mentioned in the
the crime was about to be or had been executive proclamation, the court will
committed. suspend further proceedings in the action.
3. The superior failed to take the necessary and
reasonable measures to prevent the criminal Lansang vs. Garcia
acts or punish the perpetrators thereof.
SC declared that it had the power to inquire into the
factual basis of the suspension of the privilege of the
writ of habeas corpus and to annul the same if no
- Power to suspend the privilege of writ of
legal ground could be established.
habeas corpus.
- Grounds: (Art. VII, Section 18) - Article III, Section 13, the right to bail shall
not be impaired even if the privilege of the
(a) Invasion
writ of habeas corpus is suspended.
(b) Rebellion
- Limitation: may be revoked by the Congress - Refers to that law which has application
or the SC in proper cases. when the military arm does not supersede
Article III, section 15 civil authority but is called upon to aid it in
the execution of its civil function.
SECTION 15. The privilege of the writ of habeas - Grounds: (Art. VIII, Section 18)
corpus shall not be suspended except in cases of a. Invasion
invasion or rebellion when the public safety requires b. Rebellion
it. - The declaration of Martial Law has no further
legal effect that to warn the citizens “that the
military powers have been called upon by the shall have the authority to determine the
executive to assist him in the maintenance of sufficiency of the factual basis of such action.
law and order and that while the emergency This matter is no longer considered a political
lasts, they must, upon pain of arrest and question and may be raised in an appropriate
punishment, not commit any act which will proceeding by any citizen. Moreover, the SC
in any way render difficult the restoration of must decide the challenge within 30 days
order and the enforcement of law. from the time it is filed.
- When the martial law is declared, no new The power to declare a state of martial law is
powers are given to the executive; no subject to the SC’s authority to review the
extension of arbitrary authority is recognized; factual basis thereof. The calling-out power,
no civil rights of the individuals are which is of lesser gravity than the power to
suspended. declare martial law, is bestowed upon the
President alone.
(4) LIMITATIONS ON THE MILITARY 9. Martial law does not automatically suspend
POWERS the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or
the operation of the Constitution. The civil
1. He may call out the armed forces when it courts and legislative bodies shall remain
becomes necessary to prevent or suppress open. Military courts and agencies are not
lawless violence, invasion or rebellion only. conferred jurisdiction over civilians where
2. The grounds for the suspension of the the civil courts are functioning.
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus and the 10. The suspension of the privilege of the writ of
proclamation of martial law are now limited habeas corpus shall apply only to persons
only to invasion or rebellion, when the public facing charges of rebellion or offenses
safety requires it. inherent in or directly connected with
3. The duration of such suspension or invasion.
proclamation shall not exceed 60 days,
following which it shall be automatically
4. Within 48 hours after such suspension or Article VII, Section 19:
proclamation, the President shall personally
or in writing report his action to the Congress. SECTION 19. Except in cases of impeachment, or as
If not in session, Congress must convene otherwise provided in this Constitution, the
within 24 hrs without need of a call. President may grant reprieves, commutations and
5. The congress may then, by majority vote of pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures, after
all its members voting jointly, revoke his conviction by final judgment.
action. He shall also have the power to grant amnesty with
6. The revocation may not be set aside by the the concurrence of a majority of all the Members of
President. the Congress.
7. By the same vote and in the same manner, the
Congress may, upon initiative of the - Executive clemency- is granted for the
President, extend his suspension or purposes of relieving the harshness of the law
proclamation for a period to be determined by or correcting mistakes in the administration
the Congress if the invasion or rebellion shall of justice.
continue and the public safety requires it. - Example: a person already serving sentence
8. The action of the President and the Congress by virtue of a final judgment may be extended
shall be subject to review by the SC which
a pardon if it is subsequently discovered that - Not every offense committed on election day
he is innocent. is to be considered an election offense.
- The exercise of pardoning power is - Example: several persons convicted of
discretionary in the President and may not having committed on that day the crime of
controlled by the legislature or reversed by qualified theft as punished under the RPC
the courts, save only when it contravenes the could be validly pardoned without the
limitations. necessity of a favorable recommendation
from the COMELEC.
3. Pardon can be granted only after conviction
(1) DEFINITIONS of final judgment.

Pardon- is an act of grace which exempts the In addition to the foregoing constitutional
individual on whom it is bestowed from the limitations, a pardon cannot be extended to a person
punishment which the law inflicts for the crime convicted of legislative contempt, as this would
he has committed. violate the doctrine of separation of powers, or of
civil contempt since this would involve the benefit
Commutation- is a reduction or mitigation of the not of the State itself but of the private litigant whose
penalty. (ex. When the death sentence is reduced rights have been violated by the contemner.
to life imprisonment)
Pardon cannot also be extended for the purpose of
Reprieve- is merely a postponement of a absolving the pardonee of civil liability, including
sentence to a date certain, or a stay of execution. judicial costs, since again, the interest that is remitted
It may be ordered to enable the government to does not belong to the State but to the private litigant.
secure additional evidence to ascertain the guilt Pardon also will not restore offices forfeited.
of the convict or, in the case of execution of the
death sentence upon a pregnant woman, to
prevent the killing of her unborn child.
Absolute Pardon- one extended without any strings
(2) LIMITATIONS attached.
Conditional Pardon- one under which the convict is
1. The pardon cannot be granted in cases of
required to comply with certain requirements.
- An impeachment proceeding is not a judicial, Plenary Pardon- extinguishes all the penalties
much less a criminal, prosecution and imposed upon the offender, including accessory
therefore does not essentially come under the disabilities, whereas a partial pardon does not.
pardoning power.
- Where the pardon is conditional, the
- HOWEVER, the party convicted in an
offender has the right to reject it since he may
impeachment proceeding is subject to
feel that the condition imposed is more
prosecution, trial and punishment in an
onerous than the penalty sought to be
ordinary criminal action and in this case can
be extended a pardon.
- In the case of an absolute pardon, the
2. No pardon can be granted for the violation of
pardonee has no option at all and must accept
any election law, rule or regulation without
it whether he likes it or not. In this sense, an
the favorable recommendation of the
absolute pardon is similar to commutation.

Espuelas vs. Provincial Warden of Bohol Probation may be Presupposes the prior
granted before actual service of part of the
Mere commission, not necessarily conviction by the service of sentence. sentence.
court, of any other crime, is enough in order that the
petitioner may be deemed to have violated the
condition of his parole or pardon. (6) AMNESTY
- Can be granted by the President only with the
concurrence of the Congress. This
(4) EFFECTS OF PARDON concurrence must be given by a majority of
- The legal effect of a pardon is to restore not all the members of the Congress.
only the offender’s liberty but also his civil Vera vs. People of the Philippines
and political rights.
The present rule requires a previous admission of
Monsato vs. Factoran guilt since a person would not need the benefit of
Pardon does not ipso facto restore a convicted felon amnesty unless he were, to begin with, guilty of the
to public office necessarily relinquished or forfeited offense covered by the proclamation.
by reason of the conviction although such pardon Distinctions between amnesty and pardon:
undoubtedly restores his eligibility for appointment
to that office. AMNESTY PARDON
Addressed to crimes Condones infractions of
- A pardon will not relieve the pardonee of the against the sovereignty the peace of the State.
civil liability or such other claims as may of the State, to political
pertain to private litigants, it will, however, offenses, forgiveness
have the effect of remitting fines and being deemed more
forfeitures which otherwise will inure to the expedient for the public
interests of the government itself. welfare than
prosecution and
Generally addresses to Usually addressed to an
classes or even individual.
PARDON PAROLE communities of
Involves a release of the Involves only a release persons.
convict with restoration of the convict from There may or may not There must be distinct
of liberty. imprisonment but not a be distinct acts or acts of acceptance.
restoration of his acceptance, so that if
liberty. other rights are
Pardonee- the sentence Parolee is still in dependent upon it and
is condoned, subject custody of law although are asserted, there is
only to reinstatement in no longer under affirmative evidence of
case of violation of the confinement. acceptance.
condition that may have Requires the Does not require the
been attached to the concurrence of the concurrence of the
pardon. Congress. congress.
Amnesty is a public act Private act of the
which the courts take president which must be
PROBATION PAROLE judicial notice. pleaded and proved by
Judicial Executive the person pardoned
because the courts do

not take judicial notice legislative powers, may not interfere in the
of it. field of treaty negotiations.
Amnesty looks Pardon looks forward - While Art. VII, Section 21 provides for
backward and abolishes and relieves the Senate concurrence, such pertains only to the
and puts into oblivion offender from the validity of the treaty under consideration, not
the offense itself. consequences of an to the conduct of negotiations attendant to its
The person released by offense of which he has conclusion.
amnesty stands before been convicted.
- Only the Senate has been given the authority
the law precisely as
though he had to concur as a means of checking the treaty-
committed no offense. making power of the President.
- Treaties and other international agreements
concluded by the President are also subject to
THE BORROWING POWER check by the SC, which has the power to
SECTION 20. The President may contract or declare them unconstitutional.
guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the Republic of
the Philippines with the prior concurrence of the THE BUDGETARY POWER
Monetary Board, and subject to such limitations as
may be provided by law. The Monetary Board shall, SECTION 22. The President shall submit to the
within thirty days from the end of every quarter of the Congress within thirty days from the opening of
calendar year, submit to the Congress a complete every regular session, as the basis of the general
report of its decisions on applications for loans to be appropriations bill, a budget of expenditures and
contracted or guaranteed by the Government or sources of financing, including receipts from existing
government-owned and controlled corporations and proposed revenue measures.
which would have the effect of increasing the foreign - This power is properly entrusted to the
debt, and containing other matters as may be executive department as it is the president
provided by law. who, as chief administrator and enforcer of
laws, is in the best position to determine the
needs of the government and propose the
DIPLOMATIC POWER corresponding appropriations therefor on the
- The president is supposed to be the basis of existing or expected sources of
spokesman of the nation on external affairs. revenue.
In this capacity, he may deal with the foreign - “The congress may not increase the
states and governments, extend or withhold appropriations recommended by the
recognition, maintain diplomatic relations, President for the operation of the government
enter into treaties, and otherwise transact the as specified in the budget.”
business of foreign relations.
- He is also vested with the power to conclude
treaties, except: THE INFORMING POWER

SECTION 21. No treaty or international agreement SECTION 23. The President shall address the
shall be valid and effective unless concurred in by at Congress at the opening of its regular session. He
least two-thirds of all the Members of the Senate. may also appear before it at any other time.

- The treaty-making power is exclusive to the - In his discretion, he may or may not give
President. Congress, while possessing vast information to the legislature, although he

will usually choose to do so for practical
- The President usually discharges the
informing power through what is known as
the SONA, which is delivered at the opening
of a regular session of the legislature. He may
also appear before it at any other time for the
same purpose.

- Power to call the Congress to special session,
to approve or veto bills, to consent to the
deputization of the government personnel by
the COMELEC, to discipline its deputies,
and by delegation, to exercise emergency and
tariff powers.


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