Modifying Circumstances Reviewer
Modifying Circumstances Reviewer
Modifying Circumstances Reviewer
ACT OF 4. Any person who, in order to avoid an evil First. That the evil sought to be avoided
NECESSITY or injury, does not act which causes actually exists;
damage to another, provided that the Second. That the injury feared be greater
following requisites are present; than that done to avoid it;
FULFILLMENT OF 5. Any person who acts in the fulfillment of Accused acted in the performance of a
DUTY a duty or in the lawful exercise of a right or duty
That the injury caused or the offense
committed be the necessary consequence
of the due performance of duty or the
lawful exercise of such right or office
OBEDIENCE TO 6. Any person who acts in obedience to an That an order has been issued by a
SUPERIOR order issued by a superior for some lawful superior
That such order must be for some lawful
2. under nine 2. A person under nine years of age. R.A 9344 Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act
years of age :15 yrs. old
3. A person over 3. A person over nine years of age and R.A 9344 Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act
nine years of age under fifteen, unless he has acted with : above 15 but below 18 yrs. old
and under fifteen, discernment, in which case, such minor When such minor is adjudged to be
unless he has shall be proceeded against in accordance criminally irresponsible, the court, in
acted with with the provisions of Art. 80 of this Code. conformably with the provisions of this
discernment and the preceding paragraph, shall
commit him to the care and custody of
his family who shall be charged with his
surveillance and education otherwise, he
shall be committed to the care of some
institution or person mentioned in
said Art. 80.
4. Accident 4. Any person who, while performing a Person is performing a lawful act
lawful act with due care, causes an injury With due care
by mere accident without fault or E causes injury to another by mere
intention of causing it. accident
Without fault or intention of causing it
Compulsion of irresistible force.
5. Any person who act under the that the compulsion is by means of
compulsion of irresistible force. physical force
that the physical force must be irresistible
that the physical force must come from a
third person
6. impulse of an 6. Any person who acts under the impulse That the threat which causes the fear is of
uncontrollable of an uncontrollable fear of an equal or an evil greater than, or at least equal to,
fear greater injury. that which h is required to commit
That it promises an evil of such gravity
and imminence that the ordinary man
would have succumbed to it
7. Insuperable 7. Any person who fails to perform an act That an act is required by law to be done
cause. required by law, when prevented by some That a person fails to perform such act
lawful insuperable cause. That his failure to perform such act is due
to some lawful or insuperable cause
Art. 15. Their concept. Alternative Aggravating Mitigating
circumstances are those which
must be taken into consideration
as aggravating or mitigating
according to the nature and effects
of the crime and the other
conditions attending its
commission. They are the
relationship, intoxication and the
degree of instruction and
education of the offender.
The alternative circumstance of Crimes against persons Crimes against property
relationship shall be taken into Committed against relative of a Crimes against persons
consideration when the offended higher degree or of the same Committed against relative of
party in the spouse, ascendant, level lower degree
descendant, legitimate, natural, or Serious physical injuries
adopted brother or sister, or Homicide and murder and rape
relative by affinity in the same regardless of the degree
degrees of the offender. Crimes against chastity
13. That the act be committed The time when the offender
with evidence premeditation. determined to commit the crime
An act manifestly indicating that
the culprit has clung to his
A sufficient lapse of time between
the determination and execution,
to allow him to reflect upon the
consequences of his act and to
allow his conscience to overcome
the resolution of his will
14. That the craft, fraud or
disguise be employed.
15. That advantage be taken of
superior strength, or means be
employed to weaken the defense.
alevosia 16. That the act be committed That at the time of the attack, the
with treachery (alevosia). victim was not in a position to
There is treachery when the defend himself
offender commits any of the That the offender consciously
crimes against the person, adopted the particular means,
employing means, methods, or method or form of attack
forms in the execution thereof employed by him
which tend directly and specially
to insure its execution, without Considered present in:
risk to himself arising from the mistake in personnae and
defense which the offended party aberratio ictus
might make.
21. That the wrong done in the 1. that the injury caused be
commission of the crime be deliberately increased by causing
deliberately augmented by other wrong
causing other wrong not 2. that the other wrong be
necessary for its commissions. unnecessary for the execution of
the purpose of the offender
Applies, when all the requisites necessary to justify the act or to exempt from criminal liability
are NOT attendant.
It is considered a privileged mitigating circumstance, provided, majority of the elements
required to justify or exempt are present.
But in the case of “incomplete self-defense, defense of relatives, and defense of a stranger,”
unlawful aggression must be present, it being an indispensable requisite.
PROVOCATION is understood as any unjust or improper conduct or act of the offended party, capable of
exciting, inciting, or irritating any one.
(1) The provocation must be sufficient.
> Sufficient means adequate to excite a person to commit the wrong and must accordingly be
proportionate to its gravity (People vs. Nabora, 73 Phil 434, 435)
> Depends on:
(a) The act constituting the provocation
(b) The social standing of the person provoked
(c) The place and time when the provocation is made
(2) It must originate from the offended party.
(3) The provocation must be personal and directed at the accused.
(4) The provocation must be immediate to the commission of the crime by the person who is provoked.
> The threat should not be offensive and positively strong. Otherwise, the threat to inflict real injury is
an unlawful aggression, which may give rise to self-defense.
BASIS: Diminution of intelligence and intent
(1) That there must be a grave offense done to the one committing the felony; his spouse; ascendants;
descendants; legitimate, natural or adopted brothers
or sisters or relatives by affinity within the same degrees.
(2) That the felony is committed in immediate vindication of such grave offense.
> “Immediate” allows a lapse of time unlike in sufficient provocation, as long as the offender is still
suffering from the mental agony brought by the offense to him.
To determine whether the personal offense is grave, the following must be considered:
(1) Social standing of the person
(2) Time when the insult was made
(3) Place where the insult was made
(4) Sometimes, even the age is considered
BASIS: Diminution of the conditions of voluntariness
(1) That here be an act, both unlawful and sufficient to produce such a condition of mind
(2) That said act which produced the obfuscation was not far removed from the commission of the crime
by a considerable length of time, during which the perpetrator might recover his normal equanimity.
(3) The act causing such obfuscation was committed by the victim himself.
> The passion or obfuscation should arise from lawful sentiments in order to be mitigating.
> May lawfully arise from causes existing only in the honest belief of the offender.
BASIS: Loss of reasoning and self-control, thereby diminishing the exercise of his willpower.
> When the offender is deaf and dumb, blind or otherwise suffering from some physical defect,
restricting his means of action, defense or communication with other
> The physical defect must relate to the offense committed. E.g. blindness does not mitigate estafa
BASIS: Offender does not have complete freedom of action; diminution of freedom and voluntariness
(1) Impulse of jealousy, similar to passion and obfuscation.
(2) Testifying for the prosecution, analogous to plea of guilty.
(3) Over 60 years old will failing sight, similar to over 70 years of age under par 2.