Criminal Law Book One Lecture Notes 1 130
Criminal Law Book One Lecture Notes 1 130
Criminal Law Book One Lecture Notes 1 130
Criminal Law – branch of public substantive law which and consistent with the presumption of innocence of
defines crimes, treats of their nature and provides for their the accused.
punishment. It is a public law because it deals with the 5. El que es causa de la causa es causa del mal
relation of the individual with the State. causado – He who is the cause of the cause is the
cause of the evil caused (People v. Ural, G.R. No. L-
Criminal Law Criminal Procedure 30801).
Substantive Remedial
Characteristics of Criminal Law
Prospective, unless A. General – it is binding on all persons who live or
favorable to the Retroactive; in favor of sojourn in the Philippine territory, regardless of
accused provided the ends of substantial nationality, gender, or other personal circumstances
that the accused is justice. (Art. 14, NCC).
not a habitual
delinquent. Exceptions:
Can be promulgated by 1. Treaty Stipulations
Only comes from the
the judiciary. Under the RP–US Visiting Forces Agreement, which
legislative body.
was signed on February 10, 1998, the Philippines
agreed that:
Terms a. US shall have the right to exercise within the
1. Crime – the generic term used to refer to a wrongdoing Philippines all criminal and disciplinary
punished either under the RPC or under the special law jurisdiction conferred on them by the military law
(Ortega); an act committed or omitted in violation of a of the US over US personnel in RP;
public law forbidding or commanding it. b. US exercises exclusive jurisdiction over US
2. Felony – a crime punished under the RPC. military personnel with regard to offenses relating
3. Offense – a crime punished under the special law. to the security of the US punishable under the
4. Misdemeanor – a minor infraction of law. law of US, but not under the laws of RP;
c. US shall have primary right to exercise jurisdiction
Sources over US military in relation to:
1. The Revised Penal Code (Act no. 3815) i. Offenses solely against the property or security
2. Special Penal Laws of the US or offenses solely against the
3. Penal Presidential Decrees issued during Martial Law property or person of US personnel;
ii. Offenses arising out of any act or mission done
Legal Maxims in performance of official duty.
1. Nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege – there is no crime
when there is no law that defines and punishes it. Under the VFA, in determining whether one can be
2. Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea – the act cannot prosecuted or not, the citizenship is immaterial, what
be criminal unless the mind is criminal. is material is one’s membership in the U.S Armed
3. Actus me invito factus non est meus actus – an act Forces.
done by me against my will is not my act. It is necessary that one is a member of the US
4. Doctrine of Pro Reo- Whenever a Penal law is to be armed forces either as:
construed or applied and the law admits of two 1. US military personnel; or
interpretations- one lenient to the offender and one strict 2. US civilian personnel connected to US military
to the offender- that interpretation which is lenient or operations.
favorable to the offender will be adopted.
This is in consonance with the fundamental rule that
all doubts shall be construed in favor of the accused
Example: A Philippine consulate official who is Exception: It may be applied retroactively when the
validly married here in the Philippines remarries in a new law is favorable to the accused.
foreign country cannot be prosecuted here in the
Philippines for bigamy under no. 4 of Art. 2 of RPC Exceptions to the Exception:
because the crime has no connection with his official 1. The new law is expressly made inapplicable to
duties. Nevertheless, if the second marriage is pending actions or existing causes of actions.
celebrated in the Philippine embassy, the 2. Offender is a habitual criminal (Art. 22, RPC)
ambassador may be prosecuted in the Philippines
because the embassy grounds are considered the Limitations on the Power of Congress to Enact
extension of sovereignty (Ortega, 2009). Penal Laws:
e. Should commit any of the crimes against The Congress, in enacting penal laws are restricted by
national security and the law of nations the following Constitutional and statutory limitations:
defined in Title One of Book Two. (Arts. 114-
122, RPC) 1. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be
enacted (Constitution, Art. III, Sec. 22).
When rebellion, coup d’etat and sedition are
committed abroad, the Philippine courts will not Ex post facto law
have jurisdiction because these are crimes It is a law that would make a previous act criminal
against public order. although it was not so at the time it was committed.
RA 9372, otherwise known as the Human 2. No person shall be held to answer for a criminal
Security Act of 2007 has extraterritorial offense without due process of law (Ibid., Sec.
application. 14[1]).
Sec. 58 of RA 9372 provides that the Act shall 3. It should not impose cruel and unusual punishment
apply to individual persons who, although nor should it impose excessive fines (Ibid., Sec.
physically outside the Philippines shall: 19[1].
i. Conspire or plot to commit any of the
crimes punished in the Act; RA 9346 prohibits the imposition of death penalty
ii. Commit any of said crimes on board therefore repealing RA 7659. In lieu of the death
Philippine Ship or airship; penalty, the following shall be imposed:
iii. Commit any of said crimes within the a. the penalty of reclusion perpetua, when the law
embassy, consulate or diplomatic violated makes use of the nomenclature of the
premises belonging to or occupied by the penalties of the Revised Penal Code; or
Phil. government in an official capacity; b. the penalty of life imprisonment, when the law
iv. Commit said crimes against Phil. citizens violated does not make use of the nomenclature
or persons of Phil. descent where their of the penalties of the Revised Penal Code (Sec.
citizenship or ethnicity was a factor in the 2, RA 9346).
commission of the crimes; and
If the new law totally repeals the existing law making the Two theories in criminal law:
act not punishable, the crime is obliterated (Reyes, 1. Classical or Juristic Theory
2008, p.15). a. The basis of criminal liability is human free will and
the purpose of the penalty is retribution
Effects of total repeal if: b. Man is essentially a moral creature with an absolutely
a. the case is still pending in court: dismissed, free will to choose between good and evil thereby
regardless of whether the accused is a habitual placing more stress upon the effect or result of the
criminal felonious act than upon the man, the criminal himself.
b. the offender is already serving sentence: c. It has been endeavored to establish a mechanical
i. Not a habitual criminal – the offender is entitled to and direct proportion between crime and penalty.
be released; unless the repealing law is expressly
made inapplicable to those who are serving 2. Positivist or Realistic Theory
sentence at the time of the repeal. a. Man is subdued occasionally by a strange and
ii. Habitual criminal – he will continue serving morbid phenomenon which constrains him to do
sentence this is so because penal laws should be wrong, in spite of or contrary to his volition.
given retroactive application to favor only those b. The crime is essentially a social and natural
who are not habitual delinquents (Ortega, 2009). phenomenon and as such it cannot be treated and
checked by applying law and jurisprudence nor by
2. Partial or Relative Repeal – a repeal is partial when imposition of a punishment, fixed and determined a
the crime punished under the repealed law continues priori.
to be a crime in spite of the repeal. c. The purpose of penalty is reformation.
Effects of partial repeal if: Note: Some authorities add a third school of thought.
a. If the case is still pending in court: the repealing
law which is more favorable to the accused shall be 3. Eclectic or Mixed Theory – a combination of both
applied to him regardless of whether he is a habitual classical and positive theories. Our Code is considered
criminal or not; unless, there is a reservation in the Eclectic (i.e., the age of the offender is taken into
said law that it shall not apply to pending causes of consideration, intoxication of the offender in order is
action. considered a mitigating circumstance unless it is
b. If the offender is already serving sentence: habitual or intentional)
i. Not habitual criminal – the repealing law which is
more lenient to him shall be applied unless there is ARTICLE 2
a reservation to that effect APPLICATION OF ITS PROVISIONS
ii. Habitual criminal – the repealing law which is more
favorable to the accused will not be applicable to Article 2 sets forth the instances where the provisions of
him the Revised Penal Code are applicable although the
felony is committed outside the Philippine Territory.
Effects of Amendment of Penal Law
1. If the new law makes the penalty lighter, it shall be 1. Extraterritoriality – RPC is applicable even though
applied except if the offender is a habitual delinquent outside the Philippine territory (See discussion under
or when the new law is inapplicable to pending action Territorial as a characteristic of criminal law).
or existing causes of action.
2. If the new law imposes a heavier penalty, the law in 2. Exterritoriality – a term of international law which
force at the time of the commission of the offense shall signifies the immunity of certain persons who, although
be applied (Reyes, 2008, p.15).
in the state, are not amenable to its laws (i.e. b. When a person acts without freedom, he is no longer
ambassadors, ministers plenipotentiary etc.). a human being but a tool.
3. Intraterritoriality – RPC is made applicable within the Lack of freedom - offender is exempt from liability. (i.e.
Philippine territory. presence of irresistible force or uncontrollable fear)
B. Culpable felonies – performed without malice. An honest mistake of fact destroys the presumption of
criminal intent which arises upon the commission of a
Requisites of CULPA: (FIN) felonious act.
1. Freedom;
2. Intelligence; Honest Mistake of fact is NOT applicable in CULPABLE
3. Negligence, imprudence, lack of foresight, or lack of felonies.
Requisites of mistake of fact as a defense:
The act or omission is voluntary but the intent or malice in 1. That the act done would have been lawful had the
intentional felonies is replaced by imprudence, etc. facts been as the accused believed them to be;
2. That the intention of the accused in performing the
Negligence act should be lawful; and
It indicates a deficiency of perception; failure to pay proper 3. That the mistake must be without fault or
attention and to use diligence in foreseeing the injury or carelessness on the part of the accused.
damage impending to be caused; usually involves lack of a. US vs. Ah Chong (15 Phil 488, 1910) – the
foresight. accused had no alternative but to take the
facts as they appeared to him, and such facts
Imprudence justified his act of killing his roommate.
It indicates a deficiency of action; failure to take the b. People vs. Oanis (74 Phil 257, 1943) – there
necessary precaution to avoid injury to person or damage was no mistake of fact when the accused
to property; usually involves lack of skill. police officers were shot Tecson, whom they
thought to be Balagtas (a notorious criminal)
Reason for punishing acts of negligence: who was sleeping in his bed, without
A man must use his common sense, and exercise due ascertaining his identity and the non-existence
reflection in all his acts; it is his duty to be cautious, of threat from the part of Tecson.
careful and prudent, if not from instinct, then thru fear of
incurring punishment (US vs. Maleza, 14 Phil. 468, 470). Mala prohibita
Crimes punishable by special penal laws whereby criminal
Note: In Art. 3, culpa is a MODE of committing a crime; intent is not, as a rule, necessary, it being sufficient that
hence, killing is denominated “homicide through reckless the offender has the intent to perpetrate the act prohibited
imprudence. In Art. 365 (quasi-offenses), culpa is the by the special law. It is punishable because the prohibited
crime punished; hence, the crime is denominated act is so injurious to the public welfare that it is the crime
“reckless imprudence resulting in homicide” (Boado, 2008, itself.
General Rule: As a rule, mere commission of crimes
Intentional Culpable classified as mala prohibita, even without criminal intent,
is punishable.
Act is malicious. Not malicious.
With deliberate intent. Injury caused is
Rationale: El que es causa dela causa es causa del mal Aberratio Ictus v. Error in personae
causa – He who is the cause of the cause is the cause of AI – the victim as well as the actual victim are both
the evil caused. in the scene of the crime; EIP – the supposed victim
may or may not be in the scene of the crime
1. That an intentional felony has been committed. AI –The offender delivers the blow to his intended
There is no Intentional Felony: victim but because of poor aim landed on someone
a. When the act or omission is not punishable by RPC; else; EIP – The offender delivers the blow not to his
or intended victim
b. When the act is covered by any of the justifying
circumstances in Art. 11 of RPC. AI – generally gives rise to complex crime unless the
resulting consequence is not a grave or less grave
Act or omission should not be punished by a special law felony; EIP – there is no complex crime
because the offender violating a special law may not
have the intent to do any injury to another. In such Example of Aberratio Ictus:
case, the wrongful act done could not be different, as a. A shot B but because of lack of precision, it was
the offender did not intend to do any other injury. C, a bystander, who was hit as a result of which C
died. There is a complex crime of attempted or
2. That the wrong done to the aggrieved party be the frustrated Murder, Homicide, Parricide or
direct, natural and logical consequence of the felony Infanticide and Murder, Homicide Parricide or
committed. Infanticide(MHPI)
Proximate Cause b. If C did not die but sustained injuries, there is still
It is that cause, which, in the natural and continuous a complex crime of attempted or frustrated MHPI
sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, and serious or less serious physical injuries (note
produces the injury, and without which the result would that there is no intent to kill insofar as the case of
not have occurred. C is concerned); however, there can be no
complex crime if C sustained slight physical
If the result can be traced back to the original act, then injuries as the same is only a light felony.
the doer of the original act can be held criminally liable.
When death is presumed to be the natural
The relation of cause and effect must be shown: consequence of physical injuries inflicted: (NER)
a. Unlawful act is the efficient cause a. That the victim at the time the physical injuries were
b. Accelerating cause inflicted was in normal health.
was in the room when the accused fired the shots. No one ARTICLE 5
was hit by the gun fire. There is factual impossibility in this DUTY OF THE COURT
case. It occurs when extraneous circumstances unknown
to the actor or beyond his control prevent the Par. 1. Acts which should be repressed but which are
consummation of the intended crime. One example is the not covered by law.
man who puts his hand in the coat pocket of another with
the intention to steal the latter's wallet and finds the Requisites:
pocket empty. In this case, Intod shoots the place where 1. The act committed by the accused appears NOT
he thought his victim would be, although in reality, the punishable by any law;
victim was not present in said place and thus, the 2. But the court deems it proper to repress such act;
petitioner failed to accomplish his end (Intod v. CA 285 3. In that case, the court must render the proper decision
SCRA 52). by dismissing the case and acquitting the accused;
Felonies against persons are: (MHPI-DRAP) 4. The judge must then make a report to the Chief
1. Murder (Art. 248) Executive, through the Secretary of Justice, stating the
2. Homicide (Art 249) reasons which induce him to believe that the said act
3. Parricide (Art. 246) should be made the subject of penal legislation.
4. Infanticide (Art 255)
5. Duel (Arts 260 and 261) The Philippines does not subscribe to the common law
6. Rape (Art. 266-A) crimes system. Under this article, if an act should be
7. Abortion (Arts. 256, 257, 258 and 259) repressed but there is no law punishing the same, the
8. Physical Injuries (Arts 262, 263, 264, 265 and 266) proper decision of acquittal must be made. This is in
consonance with the maxim nullem crimen nulla poena
Felonies against property are: (BRUCT-SCAM) sine lege.
1. Robbery (Arts. 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302 and 303)
2. Brigandage (Arts. 306 and 307) Par. 2. Excessive Penalties
3. Theft (Arts. 308, 310, and 311)
4. Usurpation (Arts. 312 and 313) Requisites:
5. Culpable Insolvency (Art. 314) 1. The court after trial finds the accused guilty;
6. Swindling and other deceits (Arts. 315, 316, 317 and 2. The penalty provided by law and which the court
318) imposes for the crime committed appears to be clearly
7. Chattel Mortgage (Art. 319) excessive because:
8. Arson and other crimes involving destruction (Arts. 320, a. the accused acted with lesser degree of malice,
321, 322, 323, 324, 325, and 326) and/or
9. Malicious Mischief (Arts. 327, 328, 329, 330 and 321) b. there is no injury or the injury caused is of lesser
Purpose of punishing impossible crimes: To suppress 3. The court should not suspend the execution of the
criminal propensity or criminal tendencies. sentence; and
4. The judge should submit a statement to the Chief
Notes: Executive, through the Secretary of Justice,
a. Felony against persons or property should not be recommending executive clemency.
actually committed, for otherwise, he would be liable for
that felony; there would be no impossible crime to speak The court must impose the penalty prescribed for the
of. crime committed although it finds the penalty too harsh
b. There is no attempted or frustrated impossible crime. It considering the conditions surrounding the commission of
is always consummated and applies only to grave or less the crime. The most the judge could do is to recommend
grave felonies. to the Chief Executive to grant executive clemency.
c. Under Article 59, the penalty for impossible crimes is
arresto mayor or a fine ranging from 200-500 pesos. Par. 2 not applicable to the offense defined and penalized
by a special law.
are not consummated the wrong done is so slight that 3. That the execution of the felony was decided upon.
there is no need of providing a penalty at all (Albert)
(Reyes, 2006, p. 121). There must be participation with a criminal resolution
because simple knowledge thereof by a person may only
Exception: If committed against persons or property, make him liable as an accomplice (People vs. Comadre,
punishable even if attempted or frustrated. G.R. No.153559, June 8, 2004).
Reason for the exception: Such commission The law specially provides penalty for mere conspiracy in:
presupposes moral depravity. (Under RPC) TRICSM
a. The exception with regard to crimes against persons is 1. Treason, (Art. 115)
actually unnecessary, as the only light felony against 2. Rebellion, (Art. 136)
persons is slight physical injuries which in the first 3. Insurrection, (Art. 136)
place is always consummated. 4. Coup d’ etat, (Art. 136)
b. The exception can apply however to attempted or 5. Sedition, (Art. 141)
frustrated light felonies against property BUT only 6. Monopolies and combinations in restraint of trade. (Art.
principal and accomplices are criminally liable while 186)
accessories are exempt.
(Under special laws)
Light Felonies under RPC: (STAMI) 1. Espionage,
1. Slight physical injuries (Art. 266) 2. Highway robbery,
2. Theft (Art. 309, par. 7 and 8) 3. Illegal association,
When the value of thing stolen is less than five pesos 4. Selected acts committed under the Dangerous Drugs
and theft is committed under the circumstances Act,
enumerated under Article 308 par. 3 5. Arson, and
3. Alteration of boundary marks (Art. 313) 6. Terrorism under the Human Security Act.
4. Malicious mischief (Art. 328, par. 3; Art. 329, par. 3)
When the value of the damage does not exceed two Conspiracy as a felony, distinguished from
hundred pesos or cannot be estimated. conspiracy as a manner of incurring criminal liability.
5. Intriguing against honor (Art. 364) As a Manner of Incurring
As a Felony
Criminal Liablity
Note: For light felonies, the only ones who can be held Conspirators should not If the conspirators commit it,
liable are the principals and accomplices. actually commit say, treason, they will be held
treason, rebellion, etc., liable for treason, and the
ARTICLE 8 it being sufficient that conspiracy which they had
CONSPIRACY AND PROPOSAL two or more persons before committing treason is
TO COMMIT FELONY agree and decide to only a manner of incurring
commit it. criminal liability, not treated as
General Rule: Mere conspiracy or proposal to commit a a separate offense.
felony is not punishable since they are only preparatory Felony relates to a Conspiracy is not treated as a
acts. crime actually separate offense but used to
committed. determine the liability of the
Exception: In cases in which the law specially provides a offenders.
penalty therefor. In conspiracy, the act of one is
the act of all.
It exists when two or more persons come to an agreement General Rule: When conspiracy is established, all who
concerning the commission of a felony and decide to participated therein, irrespective of the quantity or quality
commit it. of his participation is liable equally, whether conspiracy is
pre-planned or instantaneous.
Agreement may be oral or written, express or implied.
Exception: Unless one or some of the conspirators
Requisites of Conspiracy: committed some other crime which is not part of the
1. That 2 or more persons came to an agreement; intended crime.
2. That the agreement pertains to the commission of a
felony; and
defense under the RPC. (Sec. 26, R.A. No. 9262) The 3. Descendants
law provides for an additional justifying circumstance. 4. Legitimate, natural or adopted Brothers and Sisters, or
relatives by Affinity in the same degrees. Death of the
Battered Woman Syndrome spouse terminates the relationship by affinity.
It is a scientifically defined pattern of psychological and 5. Relatives by Consanguinity within the fourth civil
behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering degree.
relationships as a result of cumulative abuse.
The fact that the relative defended gave provocation is
“Cycle of violence” has three phases: (TAT) immaterial.
1. The Tension building phase;
2. The Acute battering incident; There is no distinction in the Revised Penal Code whether
3. The Tranquil, loving (or at least non-violent) phase the descendant should be legitimate or illegitimate; when
(People v. Genosa G.R. No. 135981, January 15, the law does not distinguish the courts cannot distinguish.
Justification: It is found not only upon a humanitarian
Four characteristics of the syndrome: sentiment, but also upon the impulse of blood which
1. The woman believes that the violence was her fault; impels men to rush, on the occasion of great perils, to the
2. She has an inability to place the responsibility for the rescue of those close to them by ties of blood.
violence elsewhere;
3. She fears for her life and/or her children’s life; and Par. 3. Defense of Stranger
4. She has an irrational belief that the abuser is
omnipresent and omniscient. Stranger
They are any person not included in the enumeration of
Only a certified psychologist or psychiatrist can prove the relatives under par. 2 of Art. 11.
existence of the Battery Woman Syndrome in a woman.
Damage to another includes injury to persons and
Battery damage to property.
It is any act of inflicting physical harm upon the woman or
her child resulting to physical and psychological or A person defending his common-law spouse or adopted
emotional distress. child will fall under this paragraph.
3. There be no other practical and less harmful means of The actual invasion of property may consist of a mere
preventing it. disturbance of possession or of a real dispossession. If it
is a mere disturbance of possession, force may be used
It is only in this par. (4) that the person defending himself against it at any time as long as it continues, even beyond
incurs civil liability, since generally in this article there is the prescriptive period of forcible entry. If the invasion
no civil liability on the part of the accused. Such liability is consists of a real dispossession, force to regain
borne by the person benefited. possession can be used only immediately after the
Greater evil must not be brought about by the negligence
or imprudence or violation of law by the actor.
Par. 6.Obedience to an order issued for some lawful
The damage caused by the accused in the state of purpose
necessity contemplated here is deliberate, while that in
Par. 4 of Art. 12 is accidentally caused (Regalado, 2009, Requisites:
p. 57). 1. That an order has been issued by a superior;
2. That such order must be for some lawful purpose; and
Par. 5. Fulfillment of duty or lawful exercise of right or 3. That the means used by the subordinate to carry out
office said order is lawful.
A security guard who shot a thief who refused to The burden of proof to prove the existence of an
surrender is not justified. exempting circumstance lies with the defense.
The executor of death convicts at the Bilibid Prison cannot Basis: The exemption from punishment is based on the
be liable for murder for the executions performed by him complete absence of intelligence, freedom of action, or
because he was merely acting in lawful exercise of his intent, or on the absence of negligence on the part of the
office. accused.
Doctrine of “SELF-HELP”
Article 429 of the Civil Code is applicable under this
paragraph. The article states, “The owner or lawful
possessor of a thing has the right to exclude any person
from the enjoyment and disposal thereof. For this
purpose, he may use such force as may be reasonably
necessary to repel or prevent an actual or threatened
unlawful physical invasion or usurpation of his property.
Par. 2.& 3. Minority (Amended and superseded by RA i. Where the imposable penalty is not more than
9344) 6 years of imprisonment, the PunongBarangay
or law enforcement officer shall conduct
JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE ACT OF 2006 mediation, family conferencing and
(RA 9344) conciliation.
ii. Where the imposable penalty exceeds 6 years
Child in conflict with the law imprisonment, diversion measures may be
It refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or resorted to only by the court.
adjudged as, having committed an offense under
Philippine laws (Sec. 4e). 2. Exemption from criminal liability herein established
does not include exemption from civil liability.
1. Minimum age of Responsibility - Under RA 9344
(Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006), the 3. Determination of age – The child in conflict with the law
following are EXEMPT from criminal liability (Sec. 6): shall enjoy the presumption of minority until he/she is
a. Child 15 years of age or under at the time of the proven to be 18 years old or older (Section 7, par.1).
commission of the offense. The child shall be
however subject to an intervention program The age of a child may be determined from:
pursuant to Section 20 of the Act. a. child's birth certificate,
b. baptismal certificate or
If after the intervention, there is no reform, the c. any other pertinent documents.
minor shall be returned to the court for the
promulgation of the decision against the minor; and In the absence of these documents, age may be based on
then the court shall either decide on the sentence information from the child himself/herself, testimonies of
or extend the intervention. other persons, the physical appearance of the child and
other relevant evidence.
b. Child above 15 but below 18 who acted without
discernment. In case of doubt as to the age of the child, it shall be
resolved in his/her favor.
It is the mental capacity to understand the Any person contesting the age of the child in conflict with
difference between right and wrong as determined the law may:
by the child’s appearance, attitude, comportment a. If the case against the child has not yet been filed – file
and behavior not only before and during the a case in a summary proceeding for the determination
commission of the offense but also after and during of age prior to the filing of the information in any
the trial. It is manifested through: appropriate court before the Family Court which shall
i. Manner of committing the crime decide the case within twenty-four (24) hours from
ii. Conduct of the offender receipt of the appropriate pleadings of all interested
Discernment Intent b. If a case has been fiied against the child in conflict with
Refers to moral Refers to the desired the lawand is pending in the appropriate court - file a
significance the person act of the person motion to determine the age of the child in the same
ascribes to the act court where the case is pending. Pending hearing on
the said motion, proceedings on the main case shall be
After initial investigation, the local social worker suspended.
a. Proceed in accordance with Section 20 if the 4. The prosecutor shall conduct a preliminary investigation
child is fifteen (15) years or below or above and file an information upon determination of probable
fifteen (15) but below eighteen (18) years old, cause in the following instances (Section 33):
who acted without discernment; and a. When the child in conflict with the law does not
b. If the child is above fifteen (15) years old but qualify for diversion.
below eighteen (18) and who acted with b. When the child, his/her parents or guardian does not
discernment, proceed to diversion under the agree to diversion; and
following without undergoing court proceedings c. Upon determination by the prosecutor that diversion
subject to the following conditions: (Section 23) is not appropriate for the child in conflict with the
7. Status Offenses – any conduct not considered an Basis: Lack of negligence and intent.
offense or not penalized if committed by an adult shall
not be considered an offense and shall not be Par. 5. A person who acts under the compulsion of an
punished if committed by a child irresistible force
who was kidnapped. Note: Under the law, the person arrested incident to
arrest must be delivered to the nearest judicial authority at
most within 36 hours under Art. 125 RPC; otherwise, the
The injury feared may The evil feared must public officer will be liable delay in the delivery to judicial
be of a lesser degree be greater or at least authorities.
than the damage equal to the damage
caused by the caused to avoid it. A mother who at the time of childbirth was overcome by
accused. severe dizziness and extreme debility, and left the child in
a thicket where said child died, is not liable for infanticide
Par. 6. Uncontrollable fear because it was physically impossible for her to take home
the child (People vs. Bandian, 63 Phil. 530, 1936).
1. That the threat which causes the fear is of an evil The severe dizziness and extreme debility of the woman
greater than, or at least equal to, that which he is constitute an insuperable cause.
required to commit; and
2. That it promises an evil of such gravity and imminence Basis: Lack of intent.
that the ordinary man would have succumbed to it.
Absolutory Causes
Duress as a valid defense should be based on real, Those where the act committed is a crime but for reasons
imminent, or reasonable fear for one’s life or limb and of public policy and sentiment, there is no penalty
should not be speculative, fanciful, or remote fear. imposed.
The compulsion must be of such character as to leave no
opportunity to the accused for escape or self-defense in Examples of absolutory causes:(DELIMA2-T2)
equal combat. 1. Spontaneous desistance (Art. 6)
2. Attempted or frustrated light felonies (Art. 7)
It must presuppose intimidation or threat, not force or 3. Accessories who are exempt from criminal liability by
violence. reason or relationship (Art. 20) and in light felonies
4. Slight or less serious physical injuries inflicted under
Basis: Complete absence of freedom. exceptional circumstances (Art. 247)
5. Persons exempt from criminal liability for theft,
Par. 7. Insuperable cause swindling and malicious mischief (Art. 332)
6. Instigation
Insuperable cause 7. Trespass to dwelling when the purpose of entering
It is some motive which has lawfully, morally or physically another’s dwelling against the latter’s will is to prevent
prevented a person to do what the law commands. some serious harm to himself, the occupants of the
dwelling or a third person, or for the purpose of
It applies to felonies by omission. rendering some service to humanity or justice, or when
entering cafes, taverns, inns and other public houses,
Elements: (RFI) while the same are open (Art. 280, par. 2)
1. That an act is required by law to be done; 8. Marriage of the offender and the offended party in
2. That a person fails to perform such act; and cases of seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness
3. That his failure to perform such act was due to some and rape (Art. 344)
lawful or insuperable cause. 9. Adultery and concubinage if the offended party shall
have consented or pardoned the offenders.(Art. 344)
The municipal president detained the offended party for Entrapment is NOT an absolutory cause. A buy-bust
three days because to take him to the nearest justice of operation conducted in connection with illegal drug-
the peace required a journey for three days by boat as related offenses is a form of entrapment.
there was no other means of transportation (US vs.
Vicentillo, 19 Phil. 118, 1911). Entrapment Instigation
Ways and means are Instigator induces the
The distance which required a journey for three days was resorted to for the would-be accused to
considered an insuperable cause. capture of lawbreaker commit the crime,
in the execution of his hence he becomes a
criminal plan. co-principal.
over 9 years of age and under 15 years old who acted Child in Conflict with the Law
with discernment, he is entitled to a mitigating It refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or
circumstance under Art. 68 but under RA 9344 said adjudged as, having committed an offense under
offender is exempt from criminal liability. Philippine laws
As to whether or not the provocation is sufficient When the aggression is in retaliation for an insult, injury or
depends upon: threat, the offender cannot successfully claim self-defense
a. The act constituting the provocation, but he can be given the benefit of the mitigating
b. The social standing of the person provoked, circumstance of under the provisions of paragraph 4,
c. The place and time when the provocation is made. Article 13. Provocation must be immediate to the
commission of the crime.
2. It must originate from the offended party;
3. The provocation must be personal and directed to the Factors to determine gravity of offense in vindication:
accused; and 1. Social standing of the person
4. That the provocation must be immediate to the act, or 2. Place
the commission of the crime. 3. Time when the insult was made
The threat should not be offensive and positively strong. Basis: Diminution of the conditions of voluntariness.
Otherwise, the threat to inflict real injury is an unlawful
aggression, which may give rise to self-defense. Par. 6. Passion or obfuscation
2. Evident premeditation
Passion/Obfuscation Provocation
3. Treachery
Offense which Must immediately
engenders perturbation precede the commission Basis: Diminution of intelligence of intent.
of mind need not be of the crime.
immediate. It is only Par. 7. Surrender and confession of guilt
required that the
influence thereof lasts Two mitigating circumstances:
until the moment the 1. Voluntary surrender to a person in authority or his
crime is committed. agents.
The effect is loss of reason and self-control on the 2. Voluntary confession of guilt before the court prior to
part of the offender the presentation of evidence for the prosecution.
If obfuscation and provocation arose from one and If both are present, there will be two independent ordinary
the same act, both shall be treated as only one mitigating circumstances.
mitigating circumstance.
Requisites of voluntary surrender: (NSV)
Provocation Vindication 1. That the offender had Not been actually arrested;
It is made directly only to The grave offense may 2. That the offender Surrendered himself to a person in
the person committing be committed also authority or to the latter’s agent; and
the felony. against the offender’s 3. That the surrender was Voluntary.
relatives mentioned by
law. Person in authority
The cause that brought The offended party must He is one directly vested with jurisdiction which is the
about the provocation have done a grave power to govern and to execute the laws, whether as an
need not be a grave offense to the offender individual or as a member of some court or governmental
offense. or his relatives corporation, board or commission.
mentioned by law.
It is necessary that the The vindication of the Agent of a person in authority
provocation or threat grave offense may be He is one who by direct provision of the law or by election
immediately preceded proximate, which admits or by appointment by competent authority, is charged with
the act. of an INTERVAL of time. the maintenance of public order and the protection and
security of life and property and any person who comes to
It is mere spite against It concerns the honor of the aid of persons in authority (Art. 152, as amended by
the one giving the a person. RA 1978).
provocation or threat.
When surrender is voluntary
1. Must be spontaneous.
Passion/Obfuscation Irresistible Force 2. Intent of the accused to submit himself unconditionally
to the authorities must be either because:
It is a mitigating It is an exempting a. He acknowledges his guilt; or
circumstance. circumstance. b. He wishes to save them the trouble and expense
Cannot give rise to Requires physical force. necessarily incurred in his search and capture.
irresistible force as it 3. The conduct of the accused determines the spontaneity
does not involve physical of the arrest.
force. 4. Intention to surrender without actually surrendering is
Passion or obfuscation is Must come from a third not mitigating.
in the offender himself. person. 5. Not mitigating when defendant was in fact arrested.
Must arise from lawful Is unlawful. 6. It is not required that, to be appreciated, it be prior to
sentiments. the issuance of a warrant of arrest. (People vs.
Turalba, G.R. No. L-29118, Feb. 28, 1974)
Passion and obfuscation CANNOT co-exist with: 7. Surrender of weapons cannot be equated with
(VET) voluntary surrender.
1. Vindication of grave offense
Requisites of voluntary plea of guilty: (SOPO) Par. 10. Similar or Analogous Circumstances
1. That the offender spontaneously confessed his guilt;
2. That the confession of guilt was made in open court, Examples:
that is, before the competent court that is to try the 1. Impulse of jealousy, similar to passion and obfuscation.
case; 2. Manifestations of Battered Wife Syndrome, analogous
3. That the confession of guilt was made prior to the to an illness that diminishes the exercise of will power.
presentation of evidence for the prosecution; and 3. Over 60 years old with failing sight, similar to over 70
4. That the confession of guilt was to the offense charged years of age under par. 2.
in the information. 4. The act of the accused leading the law enforcers to the
place where he buried the instruments he used to
Plea of guilty is not mitigating in culpable felonies and in commit the crime is similar to voluntary surrender.
crimes punished by special laws. 5. Extreme poverty, as similar to a state of necessity,
which may apply to crimes against property but not of
Where in the original information the accused pleaded not violence, such as murder.
guilty, but he pleaded guilty to the amended information, it 6. Outraged feeling of unpaid creditor, as akin to
is considered a voluntary plea of guilty and considered a vindication or obfuscation.
mitigating circumstance.(People vs. Ortiz, G.R. No. L- 7. Appeal to the esprit de corps of the accused, as
19585, Nov. 29, 1965) analogous to passion.
8. Wartime state of confusion resulting in illegal
Basis: Lesser perversity of the offender. possession of firearm after the liberation, as being
similar to lack of intent to commit so grave a wrong.
Par. 8. Physical defect of offender 9. Voluntary return of funds malversed by the accused, as
equivalent to voluntary surrender.
When the offender is deaf and dumb, blind or otherwise 10. Testifying for the prosecution without being discharged
suffering from some physical defect, restricting his means from the information, as being like a plea of guilty.
of action, defense or communication with others.
Circumstances which are neither exempting nor
The physical defect must relate to the offense committed. mitigating:
E.g. blindness does not mitigate estafa. 1. Mistake in the blow or aberratio ictus
2. Mistake in the identity
“Dumb” – lacking the power of human speech. 3. Entrapment
4. Accused is over 18 years of age
This paragraph does not distinguish between the 5. Performance of righteous action
educated and uneducated person with physical defect.
Specific Mitigating Circumstances
Basis: Diminution of freedom of action, therefore 1. Illegal detention (voluntary release within 3 days;
diminution of voluntariness. without attaining purpose; before criminal action)
2. Adultery (abandonment of spouse)
Par. 9. Illness of the offender 3. Infanticide/abortion (intent to conceal dishonor of
1. That the illness of the offender must diminish the CHAPTER FOUR
exercise of his will-power; and CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH AGGRAVATE
2. That such illness should not deprive the offender of
consciousness of his acts.
Aggravating Circumstances
Includes illness of the mind not amounting to insanity. Those which, if attendant in the commission of the crime,
serve to have the penalty imposed in its maximum period
Kleptomania, feeblemindedness, mistaken belief that provided by law for the offense or change the nature of
killing witches was for public good and illness of nerves or the crime.
moral faculty may be considered as mitigating
circumstances under this subparagraph Basis: Greater perversity of the offender manifested in
Basis: Diminution of intelligence and intent. the commission of the felony as shown by:
1. The motivating power itself;
2. The place of the commission;
are attendant (Art. 62, par. 3) even if there was obfuscation, vindication, or sufficient provocation) this
conspiracy. aggravating circumstance cannot be appreciated.
4. The circumstances which consist: It is also inherent in the case of accessories under Art. 19,
a. In the material execution of the act, or par. 3 (harboring, concealing, or assisting in the escape of
b. In the means employed to accomplish it, shall serve the principal of the crime), and in crimes committed by
to aggravate the liability of those persons only who public officers (Arts. 204-245).
had knowledge of them at the time of the execution of
the act or their cooperation therein. RA 7659 provides that crimes committed by a public
officer will be given the penalty prescribed at its maximum,
Exception: When there is proof of conspiracy in regardless of the nature and number of mitigating
which case the act of one is deemed to be the act of circumstances.
all, regardless of lack of knowledge of the facts
constituting the circumstance. (Art. 62, par. 4) Par. 2.That the crime be committed in contempt of or
with insult to the public authorities.
5. Aggravating circumstances, regardless of its kind,
should be specifically alleged in the information AND Basis: Greater perversity of the offender as shown by his
proved as fully as the crime itself in order to increase lack of respect for the public authorities.
the penalty. (Sec. 9, Rule 110, 2000 Rules of Criminal
Procedure)Such circumstances are not presumed Requisites: (ExNoKP)
(People v. Legaspi, G.R. Nos. 136164-65, April 20, 1. That the public authority is engaged in the exercise of
2001). his functions;
2. That the public authority is not the person against
6. When there is more than one qualifying aggravating whom the crime is committed;
circumstance present, one of them will be appreciated 3. The offender knows him to be a public authority; and
as qualifying aggravating while the others will be 4. His presence has not prevented the offender from
considered as generic aggravating. committing the criminal act.
2. the place of the commission of the crime Dwelling does not mean the permanent residence or
domicile of the offended party or that he must be the
owner thereof. He must, however, be actually living or
Definitions: dwelling therein even for a temporary duration or purpose.
The designation or title It is not necessary that the accused should have actually
of distinction used to fix entered the dwelling of the victim to commit the offense
Rank of the offended
the relative position of (i.e. triggerman fired the shot from outside the house, his
the offended party in victim was inside).
reference to others
May refer to old age or Even if the killing took place outside the dwelling, it is
Age of the offended aggravating provided that the commission of the crime
the tender age of the
party begun in the dwelling.
Sex of the offended Refers to the female
party sex, not to the male sex In People v. Balansi (187 SCRA 566, 1990) it was held
that the victim need not be the owner or occupant of the
The four circumstances enumerated can be considered dwelling where he was shot.
singly or together.
Dwelling is not included in the qualifying circumstance of
If all the four circumstances are present, they have the treachery.
weight of one aggravating circumstance only.
What aggravates the commission of the crime in
Disregard of rank, age or sex is essentially applicable only one’s dwelling:
to crimes against person or honor and has common 1. The abuse of confidence which the offended party
denominator which is the respect due to the offended reposed in the offender by opening the door to him; or
party 2. The violation of the sanctity of the home by trespassing
therein with violence or against the will of the owner.
Offender must deliberately offend the rank, age or sex of
the offended party. Dwelling was found aggravating in the following
cases although the crime was committed NOT in the
There must be a difference in the social condition of the dwelling of the victims:
offender and the offended party. 1. The victim was raped in the boarding house where she
was a bedspacer;
The aggravating circumstance of disregard of rank, 2. The victims were raped in paternal home where they
age, or sex is NOT applicable in the following cases: were guests at that time;
1. When the offender acted with passion and obfuscation. 3. The victims, while sleeping as guests in the house of
2. When there exists a relationship between the offended another person, were shot to death.
party and the offender.
3. When the condition of being a woman is indispensable Note: The Code speaks of “dwelling” NOT domicile.
in the commission of the crime (e.g. abduction,
seduction and rape). Meaning of provocation in the aggravating
circumstance of dwelling:
Dwelling The provocation must be: (GSI)
It must be a building or structure, EXCLUSIVELY USED 1. Given by the owner of the dwelling,
FOR REST AND COMFORT. A “combination of a house 2. Sufficient, and
and a store” or a market stall where the victim slept is not 3. Immediate to the commission of the crime.
a dwelling.
If all these conditions are present, it is NOT an
Dwelling includes dependencies, the foot of the staircase aggravating circumstance.
and enclosure under the house.
The provocation must also have a close relation to the
The aggravating circumstance of dwelling requires that commission of the crime in the dwelling.
the crime be wholly or partly committed therein or in any
integral part thereof. Reason: When it is the offended party who has provoked
the incident, he loses his right to the respect and
consideration due him in his own house.
Dwelling is NOT aggravating in the following cases: Requisites of obvious ungratefulness: (TAOU)
1.When both the offender and the offended party are 1. That the offended party had trusted the offender;
occupants of the same house. 2. That the offender abused such trust by committing a
Exception: In case of adultery in the conjugal dwelling, crime against the offended party;
the same is aggravating. However, if the paramour also 3. That the act be committed with obvious ungratefulness.
dwells in the conjugal dwelling, the applicable
aggravating circumstance is abuse of confidence. The ungratefulness contemplated by par. 4 must be such
obvious, clear and manifest ingratitude on the part of the
2. When robbery is committed by the use of force upon accused.
things, dwelling is not aggravating because it is
inherent. Par. 5.That the crime be committed:
1 In the palace of the Chief Executive, or
But dwelling is aggravating in robbery with violence 2. In his presence, or
against or intimidation of persons because this class of 3. Where public authorities are engaged in the
robbery can be committed without the necessity of discharge of their duties, or
trespassing the sanctity of the offended party’s house. 4. In a place dedicated to religious worship.
3.In the crime of trespass to dwelling, it is inherent or Basis: Greater perversity of the offender as shown by the
included by law in defining the crime. place of the commission of the crime, which must be
4.When the owner of the dwelling gave sufficient and respected.
immediate provocation.
5. The victim is not a dweller of the house. Must be dedicated to public religious worship; private
chapels not included.
Par. 4.That the act be committed with
1. Abuse of confidence, or People vs. Jaurigue (76 Phil. 174, 182) – there must be
2. Obvious ungratefulness. intention to desecrate the place dedicated to public
religious worship and hold said worship regularly in said
Basis: Greater perversity of the offender as shown by the place.
means and ways employed.
The President or Chief Executive need not be in the
Par. 4 provides two aggravating circumstances which, if Palace to aggravate the liability of the offender under no.
present in the same case must be independently 2 above. As long as he was present, and his presence is
appreciated. known to the accused when he did the crime, there is
aggravating circumstance.
Requisites of abuse of confidence: (TAF)
1. That the offended party had Trusted the offender; Except for the third which requires that official functions
2. That the offender Abused such trust by committing a are being performed at the time of the commission of the
crime against the offended party; crime, the other places mentioned are aggravating per se
3.That the abuse of confidence Facilitated the commission even if no official duties or acts of religious worship are
of the crime. being conducted there.
The confidence between the offender and the offended Cemeteries are not considered as place dedicated to the
party must be immediate and personal. worship of God.
It is not a mere betrayal of trust, since the offended party Offender must have intention to commit a crime when he
must be the one who actually reposed his confidence in entered the place.
the offender.
An electoral precinct or polling place during election day is
Note: Abuse of confidence is inherent in: (STEM) a place “where public authorities are engaged in the
a. qualified seduction (Art. 337). discharge of their duties”.
b. qualified theft (Art. 310);
c. estafa by conversion or misappropriation (Art. 315); and
d. malversation(Art. 217);
Basis: On the time and place of the commission of the When the place of the crime is illuminated by light,
crime and means and ways employed. nighttime is not aggravating. Illumination may come
from moon, torch, or gasera.
There are three aggravating circumstances in this
paragraph It cannot be applied to cases involvingan accidental
meeting, a chance encounter or spurs of the moment.
When present in the same case and their element are
distinctly palpable and can subsist independently, they Circumstance of nocturnity, although not specially
shall be considered separately. sought for, shall aggravate criminal liability if it facilitated
the commission of the offense or the offender took
Not applicable when the mitigating circumstances of advantage of the same to commit the crime.
passion or obfuscation or sufficient provocation are
present in the commission of the crime. It is not considered as an aggravating circumstance
when the crime began at daytime. The commission of
When nighttime, uninhabited place or band the crime should begin and end at nighttime.
1. When it facilitated the commission of the crime General Rule: Nighttime is absorbed in treachery.
(objective); or Exception: Where both the treacherous mode of attack
2. When especially sought for by the offender to insure and nocturnity were deliberately decided upon in the
the commission of the crime or for the purpose of same case, they can be considered separately if such
impunity (subjective); or circumstances have different factual bases. In People
3. When the offender took advantage thereof for the vs. Berdida (G.R. No. L-20183; June 30, 1966), the
purpose of impunity (subjective). Supreme Court ruled that “inasmuch as the treachery
consisted in the fact that the victims' hands were tied at
the time they were beaten, the circumstance of
That period of darkness
nighttime is not absorbed in treachery, but can be
beginning at end of dusk
Nighttime perceived distinctly therefrom, since the treachery rests
and ending at dawn.
(obscuridad) upon an independent factual basis. A special case
Nights are from sunset
therefore is present to which the rule that nighttime is
to sunrise.
absorbed in treachery does no apply.”
2. Uninhabited place
The determining factor for the existence of this
circumstance is the reasonable possibility of the victim
receiving or securing aid from third persons.
This should not be considered when the place where There should be deliberate intent to take advantage of this
the crime was committed could be seen and the voice circumstance. It is inapplicable to cases attendant of
of the deceased could be heard from a nearby house. negligence or carelessness, passion of obfuscation and
chance encounters
It must appear that the solitude of the place where the
crime was committed was sought in order to better Par. 8.That the crime be committed with the aid of:
attain the purpose. It cannot be applied in cases of 1. Armed men, or
chance encounters. 2. Persons who insure or afford impunity.
This aggravating circumstance is not applicable in When this aggravating circumstance shall NOT be
crimes against chastity, but is considered in crimes considered:
against property, crimes against persons, illegal 1. When both the attacking party and the party attacked
detention, and treason. were equally armed.
2. When the accused as well as those who cooperated
This aggravating circumstance is inherent in with him in the commission of the crime acted under
brigandage. the same plan and for the same purpose.
“Other calamity or misfortune” – refers to other conditions Mere moral or psychological aid or reliance is sufficient to
of distress similar to those preceding in the enumeration. constitute this aggravating offense.
A killing committed through any of these qualifies the Evident premeditation is presumed to exist when
crime to murder, except if arson was resorted to but conspiracy is directly established (People vs. Sapigao, et.
without intent to kill, in view of P.D. 1613 which provides a al., GR No. 144975, June 18, 2003).
specific penalty for that situation.
Premeditation is absorbed by reward or promise but only
Par. 7 “On the insofar as the inducer is concerned since he obviously
Par. 12 “By Means of Occasion of a reflected thereon in planning the crime but not the person
Inundation, Fire, etc.” Conflagration, induced since one can be a principal by direct
Shipwreck, etc. participation without the benefit of due reflection.
The crime is committed The crime is committed
by means of any such on the occasion of a In order for evident premeditation to exist, the person
acts involving great calamity or misfortune. premeditated against must be the same victim of the
waste or ruin. crime. It is not necessary that the victim is identified. It is
sufficient that the victim is determined so as he belongs to
Rules as to the use of fire: a group or class that may be premeditated against
Act of the Accused Crime Committed (Ortega, 2009).
Intent was only to burn Simple arson but with a
but somebody died specific penalty If the offender premeditated on the killing of any person, it
(Art.326) is proper to consider against the offender the aggravating
If fire was used as a Murder circumstance of premeditation, because whoever is killed
means to kill by him is contemplated in his premeditation.
If fire was used to Separate crimes of
conceal the killing arson and murder/ Evident premeditation, while inherent in robbery, may be
homicide aggravating in robbery with homicide if the premeditation
included the killing of the victim.
Par. 13. That the act be committed with evident It is a general rule that evident premeditation is not
premeditation applicable in error in personae or aberratio ictus, except if
there was a general plan to kill anyone to commit the
Basis: Reference to the ways of committing the crime crime premeditated.
because evident premeditation implies a deliberate
planning of the act before executing it. Evident premeditation is compatible with the mitigating
circumstance of immediate vindication of a relative for a
Requisites: grave offense.
The prosecution must prove – (TADS)
Par. 14 – That (CFD) identification more difficult, such as the use of a mask or
1. Craft, false hair or beard.
2. Fraud, or
3. Disguise be employed Par. 15.That
1. Advantage be taken of superior strength, or
There are three aggravating circumstances under this 2. Means be employed to weaken the defense.
There are two aggravating circumstances under this
Basis: Means employed in the commission of the crime paragraph.
Involves the use of Basis: Means employed in the commission of the crime.
intellectual trickery or
Craft(astucia) cunning on the part of the Par. 15 enunciates two aggravating circumstances either
accused to aid in the of which qualifies a killing to murder.
execution of his criminal
design. To deliberately use
Insidious words or excessive force that is out
machinations used to of proportion to the means
Fraud (fraude) induce the victim to act in a Advantage be taken for self-defense available
manner which would enable to the person attacked.
the offender to carry out his (People vs. Lobrigas, et.
design. al., GR No. 147649,
Disguise (disfraz) Resorting to any device to December 17, 2002)
conceal identity. The offender employs
Means employed to means that materially
Fraud Craft weaken defense weakens the resisting
Where there is a direct The act of the accused power of the offended
inducement by insidious done in order not to party.
words or machinations, arouse the suspicion of
No advantage of superior strength in the following:
fraud is present. the victim constitutes
1. One who attacks another with passion and obfuscation
craft. does not take advantage of his superior strength.
2. When a quarrel arose unexpectedly and the fatal blow
This is characterized by the intellectual or mental was struck at a time when the aggressor and his victim
rather than the physical means to which the criminal were engaged against each other as man to man.
resorts to carry out his design.
For abuse of superior strength, the test is the relative
strength of the offender and his victim, whether or not he
Fraud took advantage of his greater strength.
According to Justice Regalado, the fine distinctions
between “craft” and “fraud” would not really be called for When there are several offenders participating in the
as these terms in Art. 14 are variants of means employed crime, they must all be principals by direct participation
to deceive the victim and if all are present in the same and their attack against the victim must be concerted and
case, they shall be applied as a single aggravating intended to be so.
circumstance. Abuse of superior strength is inherent in the crime of
Craft and fraud may be absorbed in treachery if they have parricide where the husband kills the wife.
been deliberately adopted as the means, methods or
forms for the treacherous strategy, or they may co-exist Abuse of superior strength is also present when the
independently. offender uses a weapon which is out of proportion to the
defense available to the offended party.
Fraud is inherent in estafa
When the victim was alternately attacked, there is no
Disguise abuse of superior strength.
The test of disguise is whether the device or contrivance
resorted to by the offender was intended to or did make
Basis: Means and ways employed in the commission of When must treachery be present:
the crime 1. When the aggression is continuous, treachery must be
present in the BEGINNING of the assault (People vs.
Treachery (alevosia) Manalad, GR No. 128593, August 14, 2002).
It is present when the offender commits any of the crimes 2. When the assault was not continuous, in that there was
against person, employing means, methods or forms in interruption, it is sufficient that treachery was present
the execution thereof which tend directly and specially to at the moment the fatal blow was given (US vs.
insure its execution, without risk to himself arising from the Baluyot, 40 Phil 385, 1919).
defense which the offended party might make.
Hence, even though in the inception of the aggression
Requisites of treachery: which ended in the death of the deceased, treachery
1. That at the time of the attack, the victim was not in a was not present, if there was a break in the continuity
position to defend himself; and of the aggression and at the time of the fatal wound
was inflicted on the deceased he was defenseless, the
circumstance of treachery must be taken into account.
Alevosia should be considered even if: Par. 18.That the crime be committed after an unlawful
1. The victim was not predetermined but there was a entry.
generic intent to treacherously kill any first two persons
belonging to a class. (The same rule obtains for Basis: Means and ways employed to commit the crime
evident premeditation).
2. There was aberratio ictus and the bullet hit a person Unlawful entry
different from that intended. It is when an entrance (and not for escape) is effected
3. There was error in personae, hence the victim was not by a way not intended for the purpose.
the one intended by the accused.
Reason for aggravation: One who acts, not respecting
Reason for the rule: When there is treachery, it is the walls erected by men to guard their property and
impossible for either the intended victim or the actual provide for their personal safety, shows a greater
victim to defend himself against the aggression. perversity, a greater audacity; hence, the law punishes
him with more severity.
Treachery absorbs (CAN-ACE)
1. Craft Unlawful entry is inherent in:
2. Abuse of superior strength 1. Robbery with the use of force upon things;
3. Nighttime 2. Trespass to dwelling.
4. Aid of armed men
5. Cuadrilla (“band”) Par. 19 .That as a means to the commission of a
6. Employing means to weaken the defense crime, a (WaRooFDoW)
1. Wall,
Treachery cannot co-exist with passion or obfuscation 2. Roof,
(People vs. Pansensoy, GR No. 140634, Sept. 12, 2002). 3. Floor,
4. Door, or
Par. 17.That means be employed or circumstances 5. Window be broken.
brought about which add ignominy to the natural
effects of the act. Basis: Means and ways employed to commit the crime
Tends to repress, so far as possible, the frequent If the victim was already dead when the acts of mutilation
practice resorted to by professional criminals to avail were being performed, this would also qualify the killing to
themselves of minors taking advantage of their murder due to outraging of his corpse. But since the victim
irresponsibility. is already dead, cruelty cannot be appreciated in this
2. By means of motor vehicles, airships, or other similar
means. Ignominy (Par.17) Cruelty (Par. 21)
Involves moral Refers to physical
Intended to counteract the great facilities found by suffering suffering
modern criminals in said means to commit crime and
flee and abscond once the same is committed. Unlike mitigating circumstances (par. 10, Art. 13), there is
no provision for aggravating circumstances of a similar or
Use of motor vehicle is aggravating where the accused analogous character.
purposely and deliberately used the motor vehicle in:
a. going to the place of the crime, Other Aggravating Circumstances Under Special
b. carrying away the effects thereof, and Penal Laws
c. in facilitating their escape.
When a crime is
Meaning of “or other similar means” committed by an
Should be understood as referring to motorized vehicles R.A 9165, offender who is under
or other efficient means of transportation similar to Comprehensive the influence of
automobile or airplane. Dangerous Drugs Act dangerous drugs, such
of 2002 state shall be
Par. 21.That the wrong done in the commission of the considered as a
crime be deliberately augmented by causing other qualifying aggravating
wrong not necessary for its commission. circumstance.
1. (Sec. 1, par.3) If
Basis: Ways employed to commit the crime homicide or murder
is committed with
Cruelty the use of an
It is cruelty when the culprit enjoys and delights in making unlicensed firearm,
his victim suffer slowly and gradually, causing such use of an
unnecessary physical pain in the consummation of the unlicensed firearm
criminal act. shall be considered
as an aggravating
Requisites of cruelty: circumstance.
1. That the injury caused be deliberately increased by Use of Unlicensed
causing other wrong; Firearm 2. (Sec. 3) when a
2. That the other wrong be unnecessary for the execution (PD No. 1866 as person commits any
of the purpose of the offender. amended by R.A. crime under the
8294) Revised Penal
Cruelty is inherent in: Code or special
a. Crimes against persons laws with the use of
b. Mutilation explosives including
but not limited to
There must be positive proof that the wounds found on pillbox, molotov
the body of the victim were inflicted while he was still alive cocktail bombs,
in order to unnecessarily prolong physical suffering. denotation agents
or incendiary
devices resulting in
the death of a effects of the crime and the other conditions attending its
person, the same is commission.
The maximum penalty The alternative circumstances are: (RID)
Organized/Syndicated shall be imposed if the 1. Relationship;
Crime Group under offense was committed 2. Intoxication; and
R.A. 7659 by any person who 3. Degree of instruction and education of the offender.
belongs to an
organized/syndicated Relationship
crime group. The alternative circumstance of relationship shall be
Owner, driver or The penalty of life taken into consideration when the offended party is the
passenger of imprisonment to death is – (SADBroSA)
carnapped vehicle is imposed. a. Spouse,
killed or raped b. Ascendant,
c. Descendant,
Organized/syndicated crime group d. Legitimate, natural, or adopted brother or sister, or
It is a group of two or more persons collaborating, e. Relative by affinity in the same degree of the
confederating or mutually helping one another for the offender.
purposes of gain in the commission of any crime (Art. 23,
R.A. 7659). Other relatives included:
a.The relationship of stepfather or stepmother and
Crimes involving gain or profit: (TERI) stepson or stepdaughter.
1. Theft Reason: It is the duty of the stepparents to bestow
2. Estafa upon their stepchildren a mother’s/father’s affection,
3. Robbery care and protection.
4. Illegal Recruitment. b. The relationship of adopted parent and adopted child.
But the relationship of uncle and niece is not covered
Thus syndicate is not aggravating in: by any of the relationship mentioned.
1. Homicide
2. Murder Application of Alternative Circumstances:
3. Rape
4. Physical Injuries 1. CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY
Art. 16 applies only when the offenders are to be judged Par. 2.Principals by induction
by their individual, and not collective, liability.
1. That the inducement be made directly with the intention
of procuring the commission of the crime; and
2. That such inducement be the determining cause of the
commission of the crime by the material executor.
One cannot be held guilty of having instigated the b. Using words of command
commission of the crime without first being shown that the The person who used the words of command is a
crime was actually committed (or attempted) by another. principal by inducement while the person who
committed the crime because of the words of
Thus, there can be NO principal by inducement (or by command is a principal by direct participation.
indispensable cooperation) unless there is a principal by There is also collective criminal responsibility.
direct participation. But there can be a principal by direct
participation without a principal by inducement (or by Requisites:
indispensable cooperation). i. That the one uttering the words of command must
have the intention of procuring the commission of
The inducement must be the determining cause of the the crime;
commission of the crime by the principal by direct ii. That the one who made the command must have
participation that is without such inducement, the crime an ascendancy or influence over the person who
would not have been committed. acted;
iii. That the words used must be so direct, so
The inducement must precede the act and must be so efficacious, so powerful as to amount to physical
influential, hence if there is a price or reward involved, or moral coercion;
without prior promise, there can be no inducement. iv. The words of command must be uttered prior to
the commission of the crime; and
If the crime committed is not contemplated in the order v. The material executor of the crime has no
given, inducement is not material and not the determining personal reason to commit the crime.
cause thereof.
The inducement must precede the act induced and must
Two ways of becoming principal by induction: be so influential in producing the criminal act that without
it, the act would not have been performed.
1. By directly forcing another to commit a crime by:
a. Using irresistible force. If the person who actually committed the crime had
reason of his own to commit the crime, it cannot be said
Irresistible Force that the inducement was influential in producing the
It is such physical force as would produce an effect criminal act.
upon the individual that in spite of all resistance, it
reduces him to a mere instrument. Offender who Made
Principal by
Proposal to Commit a
b. Causing uncontrollable fear. Felony
In both
Uncontrollable Fear There is an inducement to commit a crime
It is a compulsion by means of intimidation or threat When liable
that promises an evil of such gravity and eminence Becomes liable The mere proposal to
that the ordinary man would have succumbed to it only when the commit a felony is
(U.S. vs. Elicanal, 35 Phil 209, 212, 213, 1916). crime is committed punishable in treason or
by the principal by rebellion. However, the
In these cases, there is no conspiracy, not even a direct participation. person to whom the
unity of criminal purpose and intention. Only the one proposal is made should
using the force or causing the fear is criminally liable. not commit the crime,
The material executor is not criminally liable because otherwise, the proponent
of Art. 12,pars. 5 and 6 (exempting circumstances). becomes a principal by
2. By directly inducing another to commit a crime by : What kind of crime involved
a. Giving of price, or offering of reward or promise. Involves any crime The proposal to be
The one giving the price or offering the reward or punishable must involve
promise is a principal by inducement while the one only treason, rebellion,
committing the crime in consideration thereof is a insurrection or coup d’
principal by direct participation. There is collective etat. (TRIC)
criminal responsibility.
Effects of acquittal of principal by direct participation have collective criminal responsibilities with the principals
upon liability of principal by inducement: by direct participation.
a. Conspiracy is negated by the acquittal of co-defendant.
b. One cannot be held guilty of having instigated the Individual Criminal Responsibility
commission of a crime without first being shown that In the absence of any previous conspiracy, unity of
the crime has been actually committed by another. criminal purpose and intention immediately before the
commission of the crime, or community of criminal design,
But if the one charged as principal by direct participation is the criminal responsibility arising from different acts
acquitted because he acted without criminal intent or directed against one and the same person is individual
malice, his acquittal is not a ground for the acquittal of the and not collective, and each of the participants is liable
principal by inducement. only for the act committed by him.
principal, provided he was aware that the objective of the 2. Without having participated therein either as principals
acts he was tasked to do was illicit. or accomplices, take part subsequent to its
commission in any of the following acts:
The person charged as an accomplice should not have a. By profiting themselves or assisting the offender to
inflicted a mortal wound. If he inflicted a mortal wound, he profit by the effects of the crime.
becomes a principal by direct participation.
In profiting by the effects of the crime, the
In case of doubt, the participation of the offender will be accessory must receive the property from the
considered that of an accomplice rather than that of a principal. He should not take it without the consent
principal. of the principal. If he took it without the consent of
the principal, he is not an accessory but a principal
Quasi Collective Responsibility in the crime of theft.
It is one where some of the offenders in the crime are
principals and the others are accomplices Knowledge of the commission of the crime after
acquisition of stolen property is sufficient.
Accomplice Conspirator
In both they know and agree with the criminal b. By concealing or destroying the body, effects or
design. instruments of the crime to prevent its discovery.
They come to know They come to know
about it after the the criminal intention “Body of the crime” is equivalent to corpus delicti.
principals have reached because they
the decision, and only themselves have Requisites:
then do they agree to decided upon such i. The fact that the crime was committed; and
cooperate in its course of action. ii. The participation of the offender in the
execution. commission of the crime.
They are merely They are the authors
instruments who perform of a crime. c. By harboring, concealing, or assisting in the
acts not essential to the escape of the principal of the crime, provided the
perpetration of the accessory acts with abuse of his public functions
offense. or whenever the author of the crime is guilty of
treason, parricide, murder, or an Attempt to take
Principal by the life of the Chief Executive, or is known to be
Indispensable Accomplice habitually guilty of some other crime.
Cooperation must be Cooperation is Two classes of accessories contemplated in par. 3 of
indispensable. dispensable. Art. 19:
Participation in the Cooperates in the 1. Public officers who harbor, conceal or assist in the
criminal resolution, that execution of the escape of the principal of any crime (not light felony)
is, there is either offense by previous or with abuse of his public functions.
anterior conspiracy or simultaneous acts, with
unity of criminal the intention of Requisites:
purpose and intention supplying material or a. The accessory is a public officer;
immediately before the moral aid in the b. He harbors, conceals, or assists in the escape of the
commission of the execution of the crime principal;
crime charged in an efficacious way c. The public officer acts with abuse of his public
functions; and
ARTICLE 19 d. The crime committed by the principal is any crime,
ACCESSORIES provided it is not a light felony.
Neither the letter nor the spirit of the law requires that the P.D. 1829 penalizes the act of any person who knowingly
principal be convicted before one may be punished as an or willfully obstructs, impedes, frustrates or delays the
accessory. As long as the corpus delicti is proved and the apprehension of suspects and the investigation and
accessory’s participation as such is shown, he can be prosecution of criminal cases.
held criminally responsible and meted out the
corresponding penalty (Inovero vs. Coronel, CA, 65 O.G. The acts enumerated under this decree are commonly
3160). referred to as “OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.” It
penalizes, inter alia, the act of harboring or concealing, or
General rule: the prescribed acts of the accessory facilitating the escape of any person he knows or has
under par. 2 must have been intended to prevent the reasonable ground to believe or suspect, has committed
discovery of the crime; hence, mere silence is NOT anyoffense under existing penal laws in order to prevent
punishable. his arrest, prosecution and conviction. Here, he shall be
punished as a principal in the crime of obstruction of
Exceptions: justice.
a. If, however, the crime involved is conspiracy to
commit treason, his silence may hold him liable for Art. 19, RPC P.D. 1829
misprision of treason (Art. 116) but as a principal The principal who was The person who was
thereof. assisted committed only assisted committed any
b. Knowingly concealing the evil practices enumerated any of the enumerated crime.
in Art. 142 is also punishable as a principal in felonies (MAPHaT)
Inciting to Sedition (Art. 142). unless the accessory is
a public officer who acts
Where the accused misleads the authorities by giving with abuse of public
them false information, such act is equivalent to functions.
concealment and he should be held as an accessory. The crime committed by The crime committed by
the principal must be the principal is
under the RPC. punishable under any
existing penal law,
including the RPC.
The person who gave The person who gave
assistance is punished assistance is punished
Note: For further discussion on PD 1829, see section on CHAPTER ONE: PENALTIES IN
Special Penal Laws. GENERAL (ARTS. 21-24)
EXEMPT FROM CRIMINAL LIABLITY It is the suffering that is inflicted by the State for the
transgression of the law.
The exemption provided for in this article is based on the
ties of blood and the preservation of the cleanliness of Different juridical conditions of penalty: (P2C3EL)
one’s name, which compels one to conceal crimes 1. Must be productive of suffering, without however
committed by relatives so near as those mentioned in this affecting the integrity of the human personality
article. 2. Must be personal – no one should be punished for the
crime of another
An accessory is exempt from criminal liability when 3. Must be commensurate with the offense – different
the principal is his – crimes must be punished with different penalties
1. Spouse, or 4. Must be certain – no one may escape its effects
2. Ascendant, or 5. Must be correctional
3. Descendant, or 6. Must be equal for all
4. Legitimate, natural or adopted brother, sister or relative 7. Must be legal – it is the consequence of a judgment
by affinity within the same degree. according to law
Accessory is NOT exempt from criminal liability even Purpose of the state in punishing crimes: The State
if the principal is related to him, if such accessory: has an existence of its own to maintain, a conscience to
1. Profited by the effects of the crime, or assert, and moral principles to be vindicated. Penal justice
2. Assisted the offender to profit by the effects of the must therefore be exercised by the State in the service
crime. and satisfaction of a duty, and rests primarily on the moral
rightfulness of the punishment inflicted.
Reason: Because such acts are prompted not by
affection but by a detestable greed The basis of the right to punish violations of penal law is
the police power of the State.
The public officer contemplated in par. 3 of Art. 19 is
exempt by reason of relationship to the principal, even if Three-fold purpose of penalty under RPC:
such public officer acted with abuse of his official 1. Retribution or expiation
functions. 2. Correction or reformation
3. Social Defense (Reyes, 2008, p. 585).
Reason: Ties of blood or relationship constitutes a more
powerful incentive than the call of duty. Constitutional restriction on penalties: The
Constitution directs that “excessive fines shall not be
Note: The benefits of the exception in Art. 20 do not apply imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted (Sec.
to PD 1829. 19 [1], Art. 3).
General rule: Penal laws are applied prospectively. The retroactive effect of criminal statutes does not apply
to the culprit’s civil liability.
Exception: When retrospective application will be
favorable to the person guilty of a felony, provided that: Reason: The rights of offended persons or innocent third
1. The offender is NOT a habitual criminal (delinquent) parties are not within the gift of arbitrary disposal of the
under Art. 62(5); State.
2. The new or amendatory law does NOT provide against
its retrospective application. No retroactive effect even when favorable to the
Reason for the exception: The sovereign, in enacting a accused – if the new law is expressly made inapplicable
subsequent penal law more favorable to the accused, has to pending actions or existing causes of action (Tavera v.
recognized that the greater severity of the former law is Valdez, 1 Phil. 468, 1902).
The provisions of Art. 22 are applicable even to special
Habitual delinquent laws which provide more favorable conditions to the
He is a person who, within a period of ten years from the accused.
date of his release or last conviction of the crimes of
falsification, robbery, estafa, theft, or serious or less Criminal liability under the repealed law subsists:
serious physical injuries (FRETSeL), is found guilty of any 1. When the provisions of the former law are reenacted; or
said crimes a third time or oftener.
The right to punish offenses committed under an old
Ex post facto law penal law is not extinguished if the offenses are still
It is an act which when committed was not a crime, cannot punishable in the repealing penal law.
be made so by statute without violating the constitutional
inhibition as to ex post facto laws. 2. When the repeal is by implication; or
An ex post facto law is one which: When a penal law, which impliedly repealed an old law,
1. Makes criminal an act done before the passage of the is itself repealed, the repeal of the repealing law revives
law and which was innocent when done; the prior penal law, unless the language of the repealing
2. Aggravates a crime, or makes it greater than it was, statute provides otherwise.
when committed;
3. Changes the punishment and inflicts a greater If the repeal is absolute, criminal liability is obliterated.
punishment than the law annexed to the crime when
committed; 3. When there is a saving clause.
4. Alters the legal rules of evidence, and authorizes
conviction upon a less or different testimony than the When the repeal is absolute, the offense ceases to be
law required at the time of the commission of the criminal (People v. Tamayo, 61 Phil. 226, 1935).
5. Assumes to regulate civil rights and remedies only, in Note: No retroactive effect of penal laws as regards
effect imposing a penalty or deprivation of a right for jurisdiction of court. The jurisdiction of the court to try a
something which when done was lawful; and criminal action is to be determined by the law in force at
6. Deprives a person accused of a crime of some lawful the time of instituting the action, not at the time of the
protection to which he has become entitled, such as commission of the crime.
the protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or a
proclamation of amnesty. Jurisdiction of courts in criminal cases is determined by
the allegations of the complaint or information, and not by
If retroactive effect of a new law is justified, it shall apply the findings the court may make after trial (People v.
to the defendant even if he is: Romualdo, 87 Phil. 641, 642).
a. Presently on trial for the offense;
b. Has already been sentenced but service of which has (See discussion of retroactive law under the Prospective
not begun; or characteristic of criminal law)
c. Already serving sentence.
Reason: A crime committed is an offense against the Pardon by the offended party under Art. 344 is ONLY A
State. Only the Chief Executive can pardon the offenders. BAR to criminal prosecution; it is NOT a ground for
extinguishment of criminal liability.
Note: In criminal cases, the intervention of the aggrieved CIVIL LIABILITY may be extinguished by the EXRESS
parties is limited to being witnesses for the prosecution. WAIVER of the offended party.
Compromise upon the civil liability arising from an An offense causes 2 classes of injuries:
offense may be had; but such compromise shall not Social Injury Personal Injury
extinguish the public action for the imposition of the legal
penalty (Art. 2034, Civil Code). Caused to the victim of
Produced by the the crime who suffered
A contract stipulating for the renunciation of the right to disturbance and alarm damage either to his
prosecute an offense or waiving the criminal liability is which are the outcome person, to his property,
VOID (Arts. 1306, 1352, 1409, Civil Code). of the offense. to his honor or to her
Exception: Pardon by the offended party will bar criminal Is sought to be
prosecution in the following crimes: repaired through the Is repaired through
1. Adultery and Concubinage (Art. 344, RPC) imposition of the indemnity.
EXPRESS or IMPLIED pardon must be given by corresponding penalty.
offended party to BOTH offenders. The State has an The State has no
interest in this class of reason to insist in its
Pardon must be given PRIOR to institution of criminal injury. payment.
action. The offended party
cannot pardon the The offended party
2. Seduction, Abduction, Acts of Lasciviousness offender so as to may waive the
(Art. 344, RPC) relieve him of the indemnity.
EXPRESS pardon given by offended party or her penalty.
parents or grandparents or guardian The offended party
cannot pardon the The offended party
Note: People vs. Lacson ([CA] 55 OG 9460) held that offender so as to may waive the
the pardon by the parents, standing alone, is relieve him of the indemnity.
inefficacious. Too, the express pardon of a person penalty.
guilty of attempted abduction of a minor, granted by
the latter’s parents, is not sufficient to remove criminal ARTICLE 24
responsibility, but must be accompanied by the MEASURES OF PREVENTION OR SAFETY WHICH
express pardon of the girl herself. ARE NOT CONSIDERED PENALTIES
Pardon must be given PRIOR to the institution of the The following are NOT considered as penalties:
criminal action. However, marriage between the offender 1. The arrest and temporary detention of accused
and the offended party EVEN AFTER the institution of the persons, as well as their detention by reason of
criminal action or conviction of the offender will extinguish insanity or imbecility, or illness requiring their
the criminal action or remit the penalty already imposed confinement in a hospital.
against the offender, his co-principals, accomplices, and 2. The commitment of a minor to any of the institutions
accessories after the fact. mentioned in Art. 80 (now Art. 192, PD No. 603) and
for the purposes specified therein.
Note: Not applicable in rape, where there are two or more 3. Suspension from the employment or public office during
principals involved and in case of multiple rape. the trial or in order to institute proceedings.
4. Fines and other corrective measures which, in the The scales in Art. 71 are for the purpose of graduating the
exercise of their administrative or disciplinary powers, penalties by degrees in accordance with the rules in Art.
superior officials may impose upon their subordinates. 61.
5. Deprivation of rights and the reparations which the civil
law may establish in penal form. Classification of penalties under article 25:
A. Based on their severity or gravity
1. Capital,
2. Afflictive,
Reasons why they are NOT penalties: 3. Correctional,
a. They are not imposed as a result of judicial 4. Light
proceedings. Those mentioned in paragraphs 1, 3 This classification corresponds to the classification of
and 4 are merely preventive measures before felonies in Art. 9, into grave, less grave and light.
conviction of offenders.
b. The offender is not subjected to or made to suffer these B. Based on their nature
measures in expiation of or as punishment for a 1. Principal penalties – those expressly imposed by the
crime. court in the judgment of conviction. May be further
classified based on divisibility.
Par. 1 does not refer to the confinement of an insane or a. Divisible – are those that have fixed duration and
imbecile who has not been arrested for a crime. It refers to are divisible into three periods.
“accused persons” who are detained “by reason of b. Indivisible – are those which have no fixed
insanity or imbecility.” duration. These are:
i. Death
Paragraphs 3 and 4 refer to administrative suspension ii. Reclusión perpetua
and administrative fines and not to suspension or fine as iii. Perpetual absolute or special disqualification
penalties for violations of the RPC. iv. Public censure
2. Accessory penalties – are those that are deemed
The deprivations of rights established in penal form by the included in the principal penalties.
civil laws is illustrated in the case of parents who are
deprived of their parental authority if found guilty of the C. Based on subject matter
crime of corruption of their minor children, in accordance 1. Corporal (death).
with Art. 332 of the Civil Code. 2. Deprivation of freedom (reclusion perpetua and
temporal, prision mayor and correcional, arresto
Where a minor offender was committed to a reformatory mayor and menor).
pursuant to Art. 80 (now, PD 603), and while thus 3. Restriction of freedom (destierro).
detained he commits a crime therein, he cannot be 4. Deprivation of rights (disqualification and
considered a quasi-recidivist since his detention was only suspension).
a preventive measure, whereas quasi-recidivism 5. Pecuniary (fine).
presupposes the commission of a crime during the service
of the penalty for a previous crime. Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification, perpetual
or temporary special disqualification, and suspension may
be principal or accessory penalties.
1. Perpetual absolute disqualification is a principal penalty
ARTICLE 25 in prevaricacion (Art. 204) and perpetual special
PENALTIES WHICH MAY BE IMPOSED disqualification, in malversation(Art. 217).
2. Temporary absolute disqualification is a principal
The scale in Art. 25 is only a general classification of penalty when the accessory acts with abuse of public
penalties based on their severity, nature and subject functions (Art, 19[3] and Art. 58) and temporary special
matter. disqualification, in direct bribery (Art. 206).
The scale of penalties in Art. 70 is provided for successive 3. Suspension is a principal penalty in rendition of unjust
service of sentences imposed on the same accused, in interlocutory orders (Art. 206).
consideration of their severity and natures.
Bond to keep the peace is imposed only in the crime of
threats (Art. 284), either grave (Art. 282) or light (Art. 283).
3. As a penalty for the concubine in concubinage (Art. When is the detention prisoner entitled to the full
334) credit of his preventive imprisonment?
4. In cases where after reducing the penalty by one or If the detention prisoner agrees voluntarily in writing to
more degrees, destierro is the proper penalty. abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed upon
convicted prisoners.
COMPUTATION OF PENALTIES When will he be credited only with four-fifths the time
during which he has undergone preventive
Rules: imprisonment?
1. When the offender is in prison – the duration of If the detention prisoner does not agree to abide by the
temporary penalties is from the day on which the same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners.
judgment of conviction becomes final.
In the case of a youthful offender who has been
Reason: Under Art. 24, the arrest and temporary proceeded against under the Child and Youth Welfare
detention of the accused is not considered a penalty. Code, he shall be credited in the service of his sentence
with the full time of his actual detention, whether or not he
Applies in cases of temporary penalties and the agreed to abide by the same disciplinary rules of the
offender is under detention (under preventive institution.
The following offenders are NOT entitled to be
2. When the offender is not in prison – the duration of credited with the full time or four-fifths of the time of
penalties consisting in deprivation of liberty, is from the preventive imprisonment:
day that the offender is placed at the disposal of 1. Recidivists or those convicted previously twice or more
judicial authorities for the enforcement of the penalty. times of any crime.
2. Those who, upon being summoned for the execution of
This rule applies in cases of penalties consisting in their sentence, failed to surrender voluntarily.
deprivation of liberty and the offender is not in prison.
Habitual delinquents are included in No. 1.
3. The duration of other penalties – the duration is from
the day on which the offender commences to serve his No. 2 refers to convicts who failed to voluntarily
sentence. Applies in cases of: surrender to serve their penalties under a final
a. Penalties consisting in deprivation of liberty and the judgment, since this is indicative of a greater defiance
offender is undergoing preventive imprisonment; but of authority. It does NOT refer to failure or refusal to
the offender is entitled to a deduction of full time or voluntarily surrender after the commission of the crime.
4/5 of the time of his detention.
b. Temporary penalties and the offender is not under The accused shall be released immediately whenever
detention – because the offender is released on bail. he has undergone preventive imprisonment for a
period equal to or more than the possible maximum
ARTICLE 29 imprisonment for the offense charged.
Preventive imprisonment
It is the period of detention undergone by an accused ARTICLE 30
where the crime with which he is charged is non-bailable EFFECTS OF THE PENALTIES OF PERPETUAL OR
or, even if bailable, he is unable to post the requisite bail. TEMPORARY
These rules on preventive imprisonment apply to all
sentences regardless of the duration thereof, including the 1. Deprivation of the public offices and employments
so-called perpetual penalties as long as they involve which the offender may have held, even if conferred by
deprivation of liberty. It applies to destierro. popular election.
2. Deprivation of the right to vote in any election for any
popular elective office or to be elected to such office.
3. Disqualification for the offices or public employments
and for the exercise of any of the rights mentioned.
A plebiscite is NOT mentioned or contemplated in Art. 30, 1. Deprivation of the rights of parental authority or
par. 2 (deprivation of the right to vote), hence, the guardianship of any ward;
offender may vote in that exercise, subject to the 2. Deprivation of marital authority;
provisions of pertinent election laws at the time. 3. Deprivation of the right to manage his property and of
the right to dispose of such property by any act or any
ARTICLE 31 conveyance inter vivos.
TEMPORARY But he can dispose of such property by will or donation
1. Deprivation of the office, employment, profession or Civil interdiction is imposed when the penalty is:
calling affected; 1. Death which is not carried out,
2. Disqualification for holding similar offices or 2. Reclusión perpetua,or
employments either perpetually or during the term of 3. Reclusión temporal
the sentence, according to the extent of such
disqualification. ARTICLE 35
EFFECTS OF THE PENALTIES OF PERPETUAL OR 1. The offender must present two sufficient sureties who
TEMPORARY SPECIAL DISQUALIFICATION FOR THE shall undertake that the offender will not commit the
EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT OF SUFFRAGE offense sought to be prevented, and that in case such
offense be committed they will pay the amount
1. Deprive the offender perpetually or during the term of determined by the Court; or
the sentence of: 2. The offender must deposit such amount with the Clerk
a. The right to vote in any popular election for any of Court to guarantee said undertaking; or
public office, or 3. The offender may be detained, if he cannot give the
b. To be elected to such office. bond, for a period not to exceed 6 months if
2. Not be permitted to hold any public office during the prosecuted for grave or less grave felony, or for a
period of disqualification. period not to exceed 30 days, if for a light felony.
Disqualification is the withholding of a privilege, not a Bond to keep the peace is different from bail bond which
denial of right – a restriction upon the right of suffrage or is posted for the provisional release of a person arrested
to hold office. for or accused of a crime.
Purpose: To preserve the purity of elections; one Imposed as a penalty in threats (Art. 284)
rendered infamous by conviction of felony or other base
offenses indicative of moral turpitude is unfit to exercise
such rights.
5. Arresto – suspension of the right to hold office and the CHAPTER FOUR: APPLICATION OF
right of suffrage during the term of the sentence. PENALTIES (ARTS. 46-72)
Three groups under the formal type: b. That one or some of the offenses must be
a. When the offender commits any of the complex necessary to commit the other; and
crimes in Art. 48. c. That both or all of the offenses must be
b. When the law specifically fixes a single penalty for punished under the same statute.
two or more offenses committed (Special Complex
Crimes). Note: Necessary means is NOT equivalent to
c. When the offender commits continuous crimes. indispensable means.
thereafter raped her, this would clearly be the complex Indeed, this is a constitutionally compelled choice. By
crime of abduction with rape (People vs. Oso, 62 Phil. prohibiting the splitting of charges under Article 365,
271). irrespective of the number and severity of the resulting
acts, rampant occasions of constitutionally impermissible
On the other hand, the rule has been that if he had no second prosecutions are avoided, not to mention that
lewd designs at the time of the forcible taking of the victim, scarce state resources are conserved and diverted to
but the taking advantage later when the victim was in his proper use.
custody he raped her, he committed two separate crimes
of kidnapping, a crime against personal liberty, and rape, Hence, we hold that prosecutions under Article 365 should
then a crime against chastity (People vs. Quitain, 99 Phil. proceed from a single charge regardless of the number or
226). severity of the consequences. In imposing penalties, the
judge will do no more than apply the penalties under
Subsequent acts of intercourse, after forcible abduction Article 365 for each consequence alleged and proven. In
with rape, are separate acts of rape for even while the first short, there shall be no splitting of charges under Article
act of rape was being performed, the crime of forcible 365, and only one information shall be filed in the same
abduction was already comsummated, so that each of the first level court.
three succeeding rapes cannot be complexed with forcible
abduction (People vs. Jose, No. L-282232, Feb. 6, 1971). This ruling secures for the accused facing an Article 365
charge a stronger and simpler protection of their
There is no complex crime of rebellion with murder, arson, constitutional right under the Double Jeopardy Clause.
robbery, or other common crimes. True, they are thereby denied the beneficent effect of the
favorable sentencing formula under Article 48, but any
Where the victim was kidnapped for the purpose of disadvantage thus caused is more than compensated by
extorting ransom under pain of death, and he was later the certainty of non-prosecution for quasi-crime effects
killed when no such ransom was paid, the complex crime qualifying as “light offenses” (or, as here, for the more
of kidnapping with murder was committed (Regalado, serious consequence prosecuted belatedly). it is so
2009, p.189). minded, Congress can re-craft Article 365 by extending to
quasi-crimes the sentencing formula of Article 48 so that
Article 48 does not apply to acts penalized under Article only the most severe penalty shall be imposed under a
365 of the RPC. Article 48 Does not Apply to Acts single prosecution of all resulting acts, whether penalized
Penalized Under Article 365 of the Revised Penal as grave, less grave or light offenses. This will still keep
Code. intact the distinct concept of quasi-offenses (Ivler v. San
Pedro and Ponce G.R. No. 172716, November 17, 2010).
Article 48 is a procedural device allowing single
prosecution of multiple felonies falling under either of two Rules in Art. 48 are NOT applicable:
categories: (1) when a single act constitutes two or more 1. When the crimes subject of the case have common
grave or less grave felonies (thus excluding from its elements;
operation light felonies; and (2) when an offense is a 2. When the crimes involved are subject to the rule of
necessary means for committing the other. The legislature absorption of one crime by the other;
crafted this procedural tool to benefit the accused who, in 3. Where the two offenses resulting from a single act are
lieu of serving multiple penalties, will only serve the specifically punished as a single crime, such as less
maximum of the penalty for the most serious crime. serious physical injuries with serious slander of deed,
since this is punished under Art. 265 par. 2, as the
In contrast, Article 365 is a substantive rule penalizing not single crime of less serious physical injuries with
an act defined as a felony but “the mental attitude x xx ignominy;
behind the act, the dangerous recklessness, lack of care 4. In special complex crimes or composite crimes;
or foresight x xx,” a single mental attitude regardless of 5. When the crimes involved cannot be legally complexed,
the resulting consequences. Thus, Article 365 was crafted viz.:
as one quasi-crime resulting in one or more a. Malicious obtention or abusive service of search
consequences. Article 48 is incongruent to the notion of warrant (Art. 129) with perjury;
quasi-crimes under Article 365. It is conceptually b. Bribery (Art. 210) with infidelity in the custody of
impossible for a quasi-offense to stand for (1) a single act prisoners;
constituting two or more grave or less grave felonies; or c. Maltreatment of prisoners (Art. 235) with serious
(2) an offense which is a necessary means for committing physical injuries;
d. Usurpation of real rights (Art. 312) with serious 4. Usurpation of real rights (Art. 312) with serious physical
physical injuries; and injuries; and
e. Abandonment of persons in danger (Art. 275) and 5. Abandonment of persons in danger (Art. 275) and
crimes against minors (Arts. 276 to 278) with any crimes against minors (Arts. 276-278) with another
other felony. felony.
II. Special Complex Crimes – those which are treated as Special Complex
single indivisible offenses although comprising more than Ordinary Complex Crime Crime or Composite
one specific crime and with specific penalty. Crime
Examples: As to their Concept
1. Rape with homicide,
The homicide must always be consummated, otherwise, It is made up of two or more It is made up of two or
separate offenses. The rape may either be crimes being punished in more crimes which are
consummated or attempted. distinct provisions of the considered only as
2. Kidnapping with homicide, Revised Penal Code but components of a single
3. Kidnapping with rape, alleged in one information indivisible offense
Kidnapping with rape is different from abduction with either because they were being punished in one
rape. In the latter, there is lewd design (People vs. brought about by a single provision of the
Jose, G.R. No. L-28232, Feb. 6, 1971). felonious act or because one Revised Penal Code.
4. Robbery with homicide, offense is a necessary means
Additional homicide NOT aggravating. for committing the other
5. Robbery with rape, offense or offenses.
Additional rape not aggravating. As to Penalty
NOTE: There is no complex crime of Arson with Penalty for the most serious It is the penalty
(Multiple) Homicide. Accordingly, in cases where both crime shall be imposed and in specifically provided for
burning and death occur, in order to determine what its maximum period. the special complex
crime/crimes was/were perpetrated – whether arson, crime that shall be
murder or arson and homicide/murder, it is de rigueur to applied according to
ascertain the main objective of the malefactor: the rules on imposition
a. if the main objective is the burning of the building or of the penalty.
edifice, but death results by reason or on the occasion
of arson, the crime is simply arson, and the resulting Note: One information should be filed when a complex
homicide is absorbed; crime is committed.
b. if, on the other hand, the main objective is to kill a
particular person who may be in a building or edifice, III. Continuous crime – a single crime, consisting of a
when fire is resorted to as the means to accomplish series of acts, but all arising from ONE CRIMINAL
such goal the crime committed is murder only; lastly, RESOLUTION; length of time in the commission is
c. if the objective is, likewise, to kill a particular person, immaterial.
and in fact the offender has already done so, but fire is Requisites:
resorted to as a means to cover up the killing, then 1. Multiplicity of acts;
there are two separate and distinct crimes committed – 2. Unity of criminal purpose or intent; and
homicide/murder and arson (People of the Philippines 3. Unity of criminal offense violated.
v. Edna Malngan G. R. No. 170470, September 26,
2006). Not a complex crime because the offender does not
perform a single act, but a series of acts, and one offense
When the crimes involved cannot be legally is not a necessary means for committing the other.
complexed, viz:
1.Malicious obtention or abusive service of search warrant In determining venue, a continued, continuous or
(Art. 129) with perjury; continuing crime is DIFFERENT from a transitory crime
2.Bribery (Art. 210) with infidelity in the custody of (moving crime) – in the latter case, criminal action may be
prisoners; instituted and tried in the court of the municipality, city or
3.Maltreatment of prisoners (Art. 235) with serious province wherein any of the essential ingredients thereof
physical injuries; took place.
Period ARTICLE 62
It is one of the three equal portions, called minimum, EFFECTS OF THE ATTENDANCE OF MITIGATING OR
medium and maximum, of a divisible penalty. AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES AND OF
Exceptions to the rules established in Arts. 50 to 57
(Article 60): Rules regarding aggravating and mitigating
Arts. 50 to 57 shall NOT apply to cases where the law circumstances:
expressly prescribes the penalty for a frustrated or 1. Aggravating circumstances which (a) in themselves
attempted felony, or to be imposed upon accomplices or constitute a crime especially punished by law or which
accessories. (Art. 60) (b) are included by the law in defining a crime and
prescribing the penalty therefor are not to be taken into
General Rule: An accomplice is punished by a penalty account to increase the penalty.
one degree lower than the penalty imposed upon the Maximum penalty shall be imposed:
principal. a. When in the commission of the crime, advantage
was taken by the offender of his public position;
Exceptions: b. If the offense was committed by any person who
The following accomplices are punished with the same belongs to an organized/syndicated crime group.
penalty imposed upon the principal: 2. The preceding rule applies with respect to aggravating
1. The ascendants, guardians, curators, teachers and any circumstances which are inherent in the crime;
person who by abuse of authority or confidential 3. Aggravating or mitigating circumstances which arise
relationship, shall cooperate as accomplices in the from:
crimes of rape, acts of lasciviousness, seduction, a. The moral attributes of the offender, or
corruption of minors, white slave trade or abduction b. From his private relations from the offended party,
(Art. 346); and or
2. One who furnished the place for the perpetration of the c. From any other personal cause,
crime of slight illegal detention (Art. 268) serve to aggravate or mitigate the liability of the
principals, accomplices and accessories as to whom
When penalty prescribed is single and indivisible – the such circumstances are attendant;
penalty next lower in degree shall be that immediately 4. The circumstances which consist in:
following that indivisible penalty in the respective a. material execution of the act, or
graduated scale in Article 71; b. the means employed to accomplish it,
shall serve to aggravate or mitigate the liability only of
If the penalty prescribed by the Code consists in three those persons who had knowledge of them at the time
periods, corresponding to different divisible penalties, the of the execution of the act or their cooperation therein.
penalty next lower in degree is the penalty consisting in 5. Additional penalty for habitual delinquency:
the three periods down in the scale; a. Upon 3rd conviction – culprit shall be sentenced to the
penalty provided by law for the last crime of which he
If the penalty prescribed by the Code consists in two is found guilty and to the additional penalty of prision
periods, the penalty next lower in degree is the penalty correccional in its medium and maximum periods.
consisting in two periods down in the scale; b. Upon a 4th conviction – the culprit shall be sentenced
to the additional penalty of prision mayor in its
minimum and medium periods.
c. Upon 5th or additional conviction – the culprit shall be As to the PERIOD of time the crimes are
sentenced to the additional penalty of prision mayor committed
in its maximum period to reclusion temporal in its The offender is found No period of time
minimum period. guilty within ten years between the former
from his last release or conviction and the last
Total of the two penalties shall NOT exceed 30 years. last conviction. conviction.
Upon the recommendation of the social worker who When the culprit has to serve two or more penalties, he
has custody of the child, the court shall dismiss the shall serve them simultaneously if the nature of the
case against the child and shall order the final penalties will so permit.
discharge of the child if it finds that the objective of the
disposition measures have been fulfilled. Otherwise, the order of their severity (under this article)
shall be followed – so that they may be executed
2. This article has been repealed or amended in the sense successively
that the accused in par. 1 thereof is completely
absolved from criminal liability under RA 9344, hence Penalties which may be simultaneously served are:
there is no basis for considering any privileged 1. Perpetual absolute disqualification
mitigating circumstance in his favor. 2. Perpetual special disqualification
3. That circumstance may, however, be involved in its par. 3. Temporary absolute disqualification
2 where the accused is over 15 and below 18 years of 4. Temporary special disqualification
age but he acted with discernment, and he is returned 5. Suspension
to the other correlative proceedings, if any, have not 6. Destierro
achieved their purposes and, in effect, the accused 7. Public censure
has been found to be incorrigible (Regalado). 8. Fine and bond to keep the peace
9. Civil interdiction
If the court finds that the objective of the disposition 10. Confiscation and payment of costs
measures imposed upon the child in conflict with the
law have not been fulfilled, or if the child in conflict with If the sum total of all the penalties does NOT exceed the
the law has willfully failed to comply with the conditions most severe of all the penalties multiplied by three, the
of his/her disposition or rehabilitation program, the three-fold rule does NOT apply.
child in conflict with the law shall be brought before the
court for promulgation (not execution) of judgment. The Three-Fold Rule: (3:4:40)
1. The maximum duration of the convict’s sentence shall
If said child in conflict with the law has reached NOT be more than three times the length of time
eighteen (18) years of age while under suspended corresponding to the most severe of the penalties
sentence, the court shall determine whether to imposed upon him.
discharge the child, to order execution of sentence, or 2. But in no case to exceed 40 years.
to extend the suspended sentence for a certain 3. This rule shall apply only when the convict is to serve 4
specified period or until the child reaches the or more sentences successively.
maximum age of twenty-one (21) years (RA 9344) 4. Subsidiary penalty forms part of the penalty.
2. Juridical accumulation system Fines are graduated into degrees for the accomplices and
Limited to not more than three-fold the length of time accessories and for the principals in frustrated and
corresponding to the most severe and in no case to attempted felonies.
exceed 40 years. This is followed in our jurisdiction.
Distinctions between fine with a minimum and fine
3. Absorption system without a minimum.
The lesser penalties are absorbed by the graver 1. In both, the law fixes the maximum of the fine.
penalties. 2. When the law fixes the minimum of the fine, the court
cannot change the minimum; whereas, when the law
ARTICLE 71 does not state the minimum of the fine but only the
GRADUATED SCALES maximum, the court can impose any amount not
exceeding such maximum.
Apply this article in determining the proper degree where 3. When the law fixes both the minimum and the
the law prescribes a penalty lower or higher by two or maximum, the court can impose an amount higher
more degrees than another given penalty. than the maximum; whereas, when only the maximum
is fixed, it cannot impose an amount higher than the
Scale No. 1 Scale No. 2 maximum.
1. Death 1. Perpetual absolute
2. Reclusion perpetua disqualification Art.76 – The legal period of duration of penalties shall be
3. Reclusion temporal 2. Temporary absolute considered as divided into three parts, forming three
4. Prision mayor disqualification periods, the minimum, the medium, and the maximum.
5. Prisioncorreccional 3. Suspension from
6. Arresto mayor public office, the right ARTICLE 77
7. Destierro to vote and be voted WHEN THE PENALTY IS A COMPLEX ONE
8. Arrestomenor for, and the right to COMPOSED OF THREE DISTINCT PENALTIES
9. Public censure follow a profession or
10. Fine calling Complex Penalty
4. Public censure It is a penalty prescribed by law composed of three
5. Fine distinct penalties, each forming a period: the lightest of
them shall be the minimum, the next the medium, and the
ARTICLE 72 most severe the maximum period.
OF CIVIL LIABILITIES An example of this is the present penalty for treason by a
resident alien, which is reclusion temporal to death (Article
Civil liability is satisfied by following the chronological 114). With the abolition of the death penalty, such concept
order of the dates of the final judgment. of a complex penalty finds no application now in the
computation of penalties, but it is submitted that the
SECTION THREE – PROVISIONS COMMON IN THE impasse may be resolved through the process of
LAST TWO PRECEDING SECTIONS (ARTS. 73-77) computation stated in the second paragraph (Regalado).
Art. 73 – Accessory penalties are also deemed imposed INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW (ISL)
upon the convict. Act No. 4103 as amended
byAct No. 4225
Art. 74 – The penalty higher than reclusion perpetua,
when death is not provided by law, shall be the same Concept of Indeterminate Sentence
penalty and the accessory penalties of Article 40 It is a sentence with a minimum term and a maximum
term which, the court is mandated to impose for the
Reason: penalty of death must be specifically imposed by benefit of a guilty person who is not disqualified therefore,
law as a penalty for a given crime. when the maximum imprisonment exceeds one (1) year. It
applies to both violations of Revised Penal Code and
Art. 75 – When necessary, fine shall be increased or special laws.
reduced for each degree, by ¼ of the maximum amount
prescribed by law, without however, changing the Purpose of ISL: To uplift and redeem valuable human
minimum. material and prevent unnecessary and excessive
deprivation of personal liberty and economic usefulness
(People vs Ducosin, 59 Phil 109; People vs Onate, 78 B. When benefit of the ISL is NOT applicable:
SCRA 43) (Gregorio). The Indeterminate Sentence Law shall not apply to the
following persons: 1D2P2 THEM
A. Sentence in the ISL 1. Maximum term of imprisonment actually imposed
Sentence in the ISL does not exceed 1 year
If the penalty is imposed If the penalty is imposed 2. Sentenced to the penalty of destierro or suspension
by the RPC by Special Penal Laws only
3. sentenced to death penalty, reclusion perpertua, or
Maximum Term
life imprisonment
That which could be Must not exceed the
4. Convicted of piracy
properly imposed under maximum term fixed by
5. Granted with conditional pardon by the president,
the RPC, considering said law.
but violated the terms thereof
the aggravating and
6. Convicted of treason, or conspiracy or proposal to
commit treason
7. Habitual delinquent
Minimum Term
8. Escaped from confinement as a prisoner, or evaded
Within the range of the Must not be less than
penalty one degree the minimum term
9. Convicted misprision of treason, espionage
lower than that prescribed by the same.
rebellion, or sedition (MERS)
prescribed by the RPC,
without considering the Note:For special laws, it
BUT a recidivist for the first time may be given the benefits
circumstances is anything within the
of the ISL.
inclusive range of the
Note:BUT when there is prescribed penalty.
C. Release of the Prisoner on Parole
a privileged mitigating Courts are given
The Board of Pardons and Parole may authorize the
circumstance, so that discretion in the
release of a prisoner on parole, after he shall have
the penalty has to be imposition of the
served the minimum penalty imposed on him,
lowered by one degree, indeterminate penalty.
the STARTING POINT The aggravating and
1. Such prisoner is fitted by his training for release,
for determining the mitigating
2. There is reasonable probability that he will live and
minimum term of the circumstances are not
remain at liberty without violating the law,
indeterminate penalty is considered unless the
3. Such release will not be incompatible with the
the penalty next lower special law adopts the
welfare of society.
than that prescribed by same terminology for
the Code for the penalties as those used
D. Entitlement to Final Release and Discharge
offense. in the RPC (such as
If during the period of surveillance such paroled
reclusiónperpetua and
prisoner shall:
the like).
1. Show himself to be a law-abiding citizen and,
2. Shall not violate any law,
In imposing a prison sentence for an offense punished by The Board may issue a final certification in his favor,
the Revised Penal Code or special penal laws, the court for his final release and discharge.
shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate sentence,
which has a maximum and a minimum term based on the E. Sanction for Violation of Conditions of the Parole
penalty ACTUALLY IMPOSED. When the paroled prisoner shall violate any of the
conditions of his parole:
ISL application is mandatory, where imprisonment would 1. The Board may issue an order for his arrest, and
exceed one year. thereafter,
2. The prisoner shall serve the remaining unexpired
BUT only when ISL would be favorable to the accused; if it portion of the maximum sentence for which he was
would result in lengthening his prison sentence, ISL originally committed to prison.
should NOT be applied.
F. Reasons for Fixing the Maximum and Minimum
Note: The modifying circumstances are considered only in Terms in the Indeterminate Sentence
the imposition of the maximum term of the indeterminate The minimum and maximum terms in the ISL must be
sentence (They are not considered in fixing the minimum). fixed, because they are the basis for the following:
1. Whenever a prisoner has: (a) served the MINIMUM b. Minimum Term – shall not be less than the
penalty imposed on him, and (b) is fit for release of minimum of 1 year and 1 day prescribed by
the prisoner on parole, upon terms and conditions said law.
prescribed by the Board.
2. But when the paroled prisoner violates any of the PROBATION LAW OF 1976
conditions of his parole during the period of (PD 968, as amended)
surveillance, he may be rearrested to serve the
remaining unexpired portion of the MAXIMUM A. Concept
sentence. Probation
3. Even if a prisoner has already served the MINIMUM, It is a disposition under which a defendant after
but he is not fitted for release on the parole, he conviction and sentence is released subject to
shall continue to serve until the end of the conditions imposed by the court and to the supervision
MAXIMUM term. of a probation officer.
In fixing the minimum penalty, it is necessary for the court Probation is NOT an absolute right. It is a mere
to consider the criminal, first, as an individual and, privilege whose grant rests upon the discretion of the
second, as a member of society. trial court. Its grant is subject to certain terms and
conditions that may be imposed by the trial court.
G. Illustrations of Application of Indeterminate Having the power to grant the probation, it follows that
Sentence Law the trial court also has the power to order its revocation
1. Under the Revised Penal Code: in a proper case and under proper circumstances.
A penalty of reclusion temporal was imposed upon
A for committing homicide. B. Three- Fold Purpose
a. There is no mitigating or aggravating 1. To promote the correction and rehabilitation of an
circumstance offender by providing him with individualized
i. Maximum Term – reclusion temporal which treatment;
should be imposed in the medium 2. To provide an opportunity for the reformation of a
period (Art 64 par. 1) penitent offender which might be less probable if he
ii. Minimum Term – anywhere within the range were to serve a prison sentence; and
of prision mayor, the penalty next lower from 3. To prevent the commission of offenses.
reclusion temporal.
b. There is one ordinary mitigating C. Application
circumstance This shall apply to all offenders except those entitled to
i. Maximum term – reclusion temporal, in its benefits under PD 603 and similar laws.
minimum period, after considering the
mitigating circumstance. May be granted even if the sentence is fine only, but
ii. Minimum term – anywhere within the range with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency.
of prision mayor without reference to any of
its period. D. Where and When to File the Application:
c. There is one aggravating circumstance An APPLICATION for probation shall be filed by the
i. Maximum Term – reclusion temporal, in its defendant with the trial court within the period for
maximum period, after considering the perfecting an appeal.
aggravating circumstance
ii. Minimum Term – anywhere within the range Note: NO application for probation shall be
of prision mayor without reference to any of entertained or granted if the defendant has
its period PERFECTED AN APPEAL from the judgment of
2. Under Special Law:
A is convicted of illegal possession of firearms E. Effects of Filing and Grant/Denial of Application
punishable by 1 year and 1 day to 5 years of a. FILING of application for probation operates as a
imprisonment waiver of the right to appeal.
a. Maximum Term – shall not exceed 5 years as b. The order granting or denying probation shall not be
fixed by law appealable.
c. Accessory penalties are deemed suspended once
probation is granted.
3. Fully discharges liability for any fine imposed. CHAPTER FIVE: EXECUTION AND
Note that the probation is NOT coterminous with its (ARTS. 78-88)
period. There must be an order issued by the court
discharging the probationer (Bala vs. Martinez, 181
SCRA 459, 1990). ARTICLE 78
Pardon Probation
Only penalty by final judgment can be executed. A penalty
Includes any crime and Exercised individually shall be executed in the form prescribed by law and with
is exercised individually by the trial court. any circumstances or incidents expressly authorized
by the President thereby.
Exercised when the Must be exercised
person is already within the period for
convicted perfecting an appeal.
Merely looks It promotes the
FORWARD and correction and Rules regarding execution and service of penalties in
relieves the offender rehabilitation of an case of insanity:
from the consequen- offender by providing 1. When a convict becomes insane or imbecile after final
ces of an offense of him with individualized sentence has been pronounced, the execution of such
which he has been treatment; provides an sentence is suspended only as regards the personal
convicted; it does not opportunity for the penalty.
work for the restoration reformation of a 2. If he recovers his reason, his sentence shall be
of the rights to hold penitent offender which executed unless the penalty has prescribed.
public office, or the right might be less probable 3. Even if while serving his sentence, the convict becomes
of suffrage, unless such if he were to serve a insane or imbecile, the above provisions shall be
rights are expressly prison sentence; and observed.
restored by means of prevent the commission 4. But the payment of his civil or pecuniary liabilities shall
pardon. of offenses. not be suspended.
Does not alter the fact Does not alter the fact NOTE: Art. 80 has been repealed by PD 603 which was
that the accused is a that the accused is a amended by RA 9344.
recidivist as it produces recidivist as it provides
only the extinction of only for an opportunity THE CHILD AND YOUTH WELFARE CODE
the personal effects of of reformation to the (PD 603, As Amended)
the penalty penitent offender
Does not extinguish the Does not extinguish the Who is a Youthful Offender?
civil liability of the civil liability of the R.A. 9344 (Juvenile Justice & Welfare Act of 2006)
offender offender repealed P.D. 603 (The Child and Youth Welfare Code)
on the matter so that a child 15 years of age or below at
Being a PRIVATE ACT Being a grant by the the time of the commission of the offense is exempt from
by the President, it trial court; it follows that criminal liability. If the child is over 15 but less than 18
must be pleaded and the trial court also has years of age, he is likewise exempt from criminal liability
proved by the person the power to order its UNLESS he acted with discernment.
pardoned revocation in a proper
case and under proper What is the Purpose of the Code?
circumstances. The purpose is to avoid a situation where JUVENILE
OFFENDERS would commingle with ordinary criminals in
If the court finds that the youthful offender committed the
crime charged against him, it shall DETERMINE the
imposable penalty and the civil liability chargeable against 2. Failure to give bond for good behavior in grave and
him. light threats (Art. 284);
3. Penalty for the concubine in concubinage (Art. 334);
The court may not pronounce judgment of conviction but 4. When, after reducing the penalty by one or more
instead SUSPEND all further proceedings. degrees, destierro is the proper penalty.
Note: Suspension of sentence shall NOT APPLY TO (1) a Entering the prohibited area is evasion of the service of
youthful offender who once enjoyed suspension of the sentence.
sentence under its provisions, or (2) one who is convicted
of an offense punishable by death or life imprisonment. ARTICLE 88
The youthful offender shall be RETURNED to the
committing court for pronouncement of judgment, when Served in:
the youthful offender: 1. Municipal jail;
1. has been found incorrigible, or 2. House of defendant himself under the surveillance of
2. has willfully failed to comply with the conditions of his an officer of law BUT ONLY when the court so
rehabilitation programs; or provides in its decision
3. when his continued stay in the training institution would
be inadvisable. Grounds: health of the offender; other reasons
satisfactory to the court
When the youthful offender has reached the age of
EIGHTEEN while in commitment, the court shall
determine whether- TITLE FOUR: EXTINCTION OF
1. To DISMISS the case, if the youthful offender has CRIMINAL LIABILITY
behaved properly and has shown his capability to be a
useful member of the community; or CHAPTER ONE: TOTAL EXTINCTION OF
2. To PRONOUNCE the judgment of conviction, if the CRIMINAL LIABILITY
conditions mentioned are not met. (ARTS. 89-93)
The final release of a youthful offender, based on good How criminal liability totally extinguished: (DSP3AM)
conduct as provided in Art. 196 shall not obliterate his 1. By the death of the convict as to personal penalties; but
CIVIL LIABILITY for damages. as to pecuniary penalties, liability is extinguished only
when the death of the offender occurs before final
Note: judgment;
Arts. 81 – 85 refer to execution of Death Penalty 2. By service of sentence; however, it does not extinguish
Arts. 86 refers to execution and service of other penalties the civil liability; (Salgado vs. Court of Appeals, G.R.
(reclusion perpetua, reclusion temporal, prision mayor, No. 89606, August 30, 1990)
prisioncorrecional&arresto mayor) 3. By absolute pardon;
4. By prescription of the crime;
ARTICLE 87 5. By prescription of penalty;
DESTIERRO 6. By amnesty, which completely extinguishes the penalty
Destierro and all its effects;
It is considered as a principal, correctional and divisible 7. By marriage of the offended woman with the offender in
penalty. Therefore jurisdiction over crimes punishable with the crimes of rape, seduction, abduction, and acts of
destierro lies with the Municipal Trial Court. lasciviousness. In the crimes of rape, seduction,
abduction, and acts of lasciviousness, the marriage, as
Only in the following cases is destierro imposed: provided under Art. 344, must be contracted in good
1. Death or serious physical injuries is caused or are faith.
inflicted under exceptional circumstances (Art. 247);
Pardon must be given AFTER final judgment, otherwise, Does not extinguish the Does not extinguish the
there will be violation of the Doctrine of Separation of civil liability of the civil liability of the
Powers. offender offender
Being a PRIVATE ACT Being a Proclamation of
Absolute Pardon Conditional Pardon by the President, it the Chief Executive with
must be pleaded and the concurrence of
The total extinction of The exemption of an proved by the person Congress; it is a
criminal liability of the individual within certain pardoned PUBLIC ACT of which
individual to whom it is limits or conditions from the courts should take
granted without any the punishment which judicial notice
condition. the law inflicts for the
The prescriptive period of continuing crime, cannot begin The penalties must be imposed by final sentence. Hence,
to run because there could be no termination of continuity if the convict appealed and thereafter fled to the
and the crime does not end. mountains, the penalty imposed upon him would never
prescribe, because pending the appeal, the sentence is
The filing of the complaint with the municipal trial court, not final.
although only for preliminary investigation, interrupted and
suspended the period of prescription in as much as the If the accused was never arrested to serve his sentence,
jurisdiction of a court in a criminal case is determined by the prescriptive period cannot commence to run.
the allegation in the complaint or information, not by the
result of proof. Prescription of the Prescription of the Penalty
Accused cannot be convicted of lesser offense included
within the offense charged, if the latter has already The forfeiture or loss of The forfeiture or loss of the
prescribed. (Francisco vs. Court of Appeals, 122 SCRA the right of the State to right of the government to
545, 1983) prosecute execute the final sentence
It is the penalty It is the penalty imposed that
Situations which do NOT follow Art. 91:
prescribed by law that should be considered.
1. Continuing crimes;
should be considered.
2. In crimes against false testimony
a. If the testimony is against the defendant – from the
date final judgment was rendered; ARTICLE 93
b. If the testimony is in favor of the defendant – from the COMPUTATION OF THE PRESCRIPTION
date when testimony was given OF PENALTIES
3. Election offenses – (1) if discovery of offense is
incidental to judicial proceedings, prescription begins Outline:
when such proceeding terminates; otherwise, (2) from 1. Period of prescription commences to run from the date
the date of commission of offense. when the culprit evaded the service of his sentence.
2. It is interrupted if the convict: The commutation of the original sentence for another
a. Gives himself up; of a different length and nature shall have the legal
b. Be captured; effect of substituting the latter in place of the former.
c. Goes to a foreign country with which we have no 3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may
extradition treaty; or earn while he is serving his sentence;
d. Commits another crime before the expiration of the 4. By parole
period of prescription. a. Parole – is the suspension of the sentence of a
convict, after serving the minimum term of the
The period of prescription of penalty shall commence to indeterminate penalty, without being granted a
run again when the convict escapes again, after having pardon, prescribing the terms upon which the
been captured and returned to prison. sentence shall be suspended
Elements: b. If the convict fails to observe the condition of the
1. That the penalty is imposed by final judgment; parole, the board of pardons and parole is
2. That the convict evaded the service of his sentence by authorized to:
escaping during the term of his sentence; i. Direct his arrest and return to custody and
3. The convict who escaped from prison has not given thereafter;
himself up, or been captured, or gone to a foreign ii. To carry out his sentence without deduction of
country with which we have no extradition treaty, or the time that has elapsed between the date of
committed another crime; the parole and the subsequent arrest.
4. If our Government has extradition treaty with the 5. By probation.
country to which the offender escaped, but the crime
committed is not included in the treaty, it is believed that Conditional Pardon Parole
it would interrupt the running of the prescriptive period. May be given at any May be given after the
5. That the penalty has prescribed, because of the lapse time after final prisoner has served
of time from the date of the evasion of service of the judgment; is granted the minimum penalty;
sentence by the convict. by the Chief Executive is granted by the
6. Acceptance of conditional pardon interrupts the under the provisions of Board of Pardons and
prescriptive period. the Administrative Parole under the
Code provision of the
Should the evasion of service of sentence, being in Indeterminate
itself a crime, interrupt the running of the prescriptive Sentence Law
period of penalties? For violation of the For violation of the
NO. The evasion of the service of the sentence, which is a conditional pardon, the terms of the parole,
requisite in the prescription of penalties, must necessarily convict may be the convict cannot be
take place BEFORE the running of the period of ordered re-arrested or prosecuted. Under Art.
prescription; hence, cannot interrupt it. re-incarcerated by the 159 of the RPC, he
Chief Executive, or can be re-arrested and
Period of prescription that ran during the evasion is may be prosecuted re-incarcerated to
not forfeited under Art. 159 of the serve the unserved
If the culprit is captured and evades again the service of Code portion of his original
his sentence, the period of prescription that has run in his penalty.
favor should be taken into account.
Obligation incurred by a person granted conditional
OF CRIMINAL LIABILITY (ARTS. 94-99) He must comply strictly with the conditions imposed in the
Criminal liability is partially extinguished: He becomes liable under Art. 159 (This is the judicial
1. By conditional pardon; remedy).
2. By commutation of sentence;
Allowance for good conduct is NOT given to prisoners 2. As an offense against the private person injured by the
released under conditional pardon. crime, UNLESS it involves the crime of treason,
rebellion, espionage, contempt, and others wherein no
Allowance for Good Conduct civil liability arises on the part of the offender, either
1. During the first 2 years of imprisonment, he shall be because there are no damages to be compensated or
allowed a deduction of 5 days for each month of good there is no private person injured by the crime.
2. During the 3rd to 5th years of imprisonment, he shall be Effect of acquittal
allowed a deduction of 8 days for each month of good Extinction of the penal action does NOT carry with it
behavior. extinction of the civil; UNLESS the extinction proceeds
3. During the following years until the 10th year of from a declaration in a final judgment that the fact from
imprisonment, he shall be allowed a deduction of 10 which the civil liability might arise did not exist. (See
days for each month of good behavior. Section 1, Rule 111 of the 2000 Rules on Criminal
4. During the 11th and successive years of imprisonment, Procedure. Civil liability arising from other sources of
he shall be allowed a deduction of 15 days for each obligations is not impliedly instituted with the criminal
month of good behavior. action).
The authority to grant time allowance is exclusively vested Effect of death of the offender
in the Director of Prison. Such allowance once granted If the offender dies prior to the institution of the action or
shall not be revoked. prior to the finality of judgment, civil liability ex-delicto is
extinguished (De Guzman vs. People, G.R. No. 154579,
In order to be entitled to the special allowance for loyalty, October 8, 2003).
the convict must have actually escaped.
In all these cases, civil liability from sources other than
delict are not extinguished.
Rule if the offender is acquitted, insofar as the civil
liability is concerned
As a rule, if the offender is acquitted, the civil liability is
(ARTS. 100-103)
extinguished, EXCEPT:
1. If the acquittal is on the ground that the guilt has not
been proven beyond reasonable doubt;
2. The acquittal was due to an exempting circumstance in
ARTICLE 100 favor of an imbecile or an insane person, and a person
CIVIL LIABILITY OF A PERSON under 15 years of age, or those over 15 but under 18,
GUILTY OF FELONY who has acted without discernment, or those acting
under the compulsion of an irresistible force or under
Every person criminally liable for a felony is also the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of equal or
civilly liable (Art. 100). greater injury;
3. When the court finds and states in its judgment that
Exceptions: there is only civil responsibility; and
1. Victimless crimes; 4. When civil liability arises from other sources of
2. Flight to enemy country. obligations
Restitution cannot be ordered before final judgment. 2. Principal, accomplice, and accessory:
Principals - Pro rata, 50 % of the civil liability
The liability to return a thing must arise from a criminal Accomplices - 2/3 of 50%
act, not from a contract. Accessories - 1/3 of 50%
Restitution can be ordered even if accused was acquitted The principals, accomplices and accessories shall be
but the thing was proved to belong to a third person. liable severally among themselves and subsidiarily for
those of the other persons liable.
In addition to the return of the property, the culprit will be
ordered to pay such amount representing the deterioration Any person who has participated gratuitously in the
or diminution of value, if any. proceeds of a felony shall be bound to make restitution in
an amount equivalent to the extent of such participation.
Limited only to crimes against property BUT:
1. In a treason case, the defendant was ordered to return In computing the loss of the victim’s earning capacity, as
the money he took from another person when he an item of civil liability exdelicto, the Supreme Court has
committed the treasonous act (People vs. Logo, 80 constantly adopted the American Expectancy Table of
Phil 377, 379). Mortality in the Computation thereof, using the following
2. In an abduction case, the defendant was ordered to formulae:
return the money taken from the offended girl (U.S. vs.
Banila, 19 Phil. 130, 134).