Functions of Judicial Review
Functions of Judicial Review
Functions of Judicial Review
Certain legal effects of the statute prior to its Facts: The Petitioner was charged with illegal
declaration of unconstitutionality may be recruitment to POEA. The Secretary of Labor
recognized. (Pelaez vs. Auditor General) issued a Closure and Seizure Order to petitioner for
having no valid license or authority from the
A public officer who implemented an Department of Labor and Employment to recruit
unconstitutional law prior to the declaration of and deploy workers for overseas employment. His
unconstitutionality cannot be held liable. documents and other personal property were
Issue: WON the POEA validly issue warrants of
Facts: Late President Marcos amended an EO which search and seizure under Article 35 of the Labor
orders that no carabao and carabeef shall be Code.
transported from one province to another such
violation shall be subject to confiscation and Held: No. The Constitution provides it is only a
forfeiture by the government. judge who may issue warrants of search and arrest.