Crim Pro Case Digest
Crim Pro Case Digest
Crim Pro Case Digest
Such clear
breach of notarial protocol is highly
censurable36 as Section 6, Rule II of the 2004
Procedural Issues: Rules on Notarial Practice requires the affiant,
petitioner De Lima in this case, to sign the
A Whether or not petitioner is excused from instrument or document in the presence of
compliance with the doctrine on hierarchy of the notary De Lima failed to sign the
courts considering that the petition should Verification and Certification against Forum
first be filed with the Court of Appeals. Shopping in the presence of the notary, she
B. Whether or not the pendency of the has likewise failed to properly swear under
Motion to Quash the Information before the oath the contents thereof, thereby rendering
trial court renders the instant petition false and null the jurat and invalidating the
premature. Verification and Certification against Forum
Shopping. Without the presence of the notary
C. Whether or not petitioner, in filing the upon the signing of the Verification and
present petition, violated the rule against Certification against Forum Shopping, there is
forum shopping given the pendency of the no assurance that the petitioner swore under
Motion to Quash the Information before the oath that the allegations in the petition have
Regional Trial Court of Muntinlupa City in been made in good faith or are true and
Criminal Case No. 17-165 and the Petition for correct, and not merely speculative.
Certiorari filed before the Court of Appeals in
preliminary investigation conducted by the OF COURTS
DOJ Panel. the rule on hierarchy of courts is an important
Substantive Issues: component of the orderly administration of
justice and not imposed merely for whimsical
A. Whether the Regional Trial Court or the and arbitrary reasons. well-defined exceptions
Sandiganbayan has the jurisdiction over the to the doctrine on hierarchy of courts.
violation of Republic Act No. 9165 averred in Immediate resort to this Court may be
the assailed Information. allowed when any of the following grounds
B. Whether or not the respondent gravely are present: (1) when genuine issues of
abused her discretion in finding probable constitutionality are raised that must be
cause to issue the Warrant of Arrest against addressed immediately; (2) when the case
petitioner. involves transcendental importance; (3) when
the case is novel; (4) when the constitutional
C. Whether or not petitioner is entitled to a issues raised are better decided by this Court;
Temporary Restraining Order and/or Status (5) when time is of the essence; ( 6) when the
Quo Ante Order in the interim until the instant subject of review involves acts of a
petition is resolved or until the trial court rules constitutional organ; (7) when there is no
on the Motion to Quash. other plain, speedy, adequate remedy in the
ordinary course of law; (8) when the petition
includes questions that may affect public
Ruling welfare, public policy, or demanded by the
broader interest of justice; (9) when the order
It is immediately clear that petitioner De Lima
complained of was a patent nullity; and
did not sign the Verification and Certification
against Forum Shopping and Affidavit of (10) when the appeal was considered as an
inappropriate remedy. Unfortunately, none of
these exceptions were sufficiently established
in the present petition so as to convince this
In Montilla v. Hilario,32 this Court described
court to brush aside the rules on the hierarchy
the "offense committed in relation to the
of courts. This Court cannot thus allow a
office" as:
precedent allowing public officers assailing the
finding of probable cause for the issuance of [T]he relation between the crime and the
arrest warrants to be brought directly to this office contemplated by the Constitution is, in
Court, bypassing the appellate court, without our opinion, direct and not accidental. To fall
any compelling reason. into the intent of the Constitution, the relation
has to be such that, in the legal sense, the
offense cannot exist without the office. In
THE PRESENT PETITION IS PREMATURE other words, the office must be a constituent
element of the crime as defined in the statute,
Granting a writ of prohibition enjoining and
such as, for instance, the crimes defined and
prohibiting respondent judge from conducting
punished in Chapter Two to Six, Title Seven, of
further proceedings until and unless the
the Revised Penal Code.
Motion to Quash is resolved with finality;
Issuing a Status Quo Ante Order restoring the
parties to the status prior to the issuance of
Public office is not of the essence of murder.
the Order and Warrant of Arrest, both dated
The taking of human life is either murder or
February 23, 201 7, thereby recall inf both homicide whether done by a private citizen or
processes and restoring petitioner to her public servant, and the penalty is the same
liberty and freedom except when the perpetrator, being a public
functionary took advantage of his office, as
In the palpable absence of a ruling on the
alleged in this case, in which event the penalty
Motion to Quash -- which puts the jurisdiction
is increased.
of the lower court in issue -- there is no
controversy for this Court to resolve; there is
simply no final judgment or order of the lower
But the use or abuse of office does not adhere
court to review, revise, reverse, modify, or
to the crime as an element; and even as an
affirm. As per the block letter provision of the
aggravating circumstance, its materiality arises
Constitution, this Court cannot exercise its
not from the allegations but on the proof, not
jurisdiction in a vacuum nor issue a definitive
from the fact that the criminals are public
ruling on mere suppositions.
officials but from the manner of the
commission of the crime. (Emphasis supplied)
Omb. Aniano Desierto formed a panel of
investigators headed by the Deputy Omb. for
Military Affairs, Bienvenido Blancaflor, to 1. Whether or not RA 8249 is constitutional.
investigate the incident. This panel found that (YES)
the incident was a legitimate police operation.
However, a review board led by Overall 2. Whether or not Sandiganbayan has
Deputy Omb. Francisco Villa recommended jurisdiction. (NO)
the indictment for multiple murder against 26
respondents, including Lacson.
An offense is said to have been committed in
relation to the office if it (the offense) is
‘intimately connected’ with the office of the On December 1, 1995, the Office of the
offender and perpetrated while he was in the Ombudsman, acting through the Office of the
performance of his official functions. Special Prosecutor, filed an information[3]
with the Sandiganbayan charging petitioner
Eduardo A. Alarilla with the crime of grave
While the information states that Lacson, et al threats as defined in Article 282 of the
committed the crime of murder in relation to
their public office, there is, however, no
specific allegation of facts that the shooting of Revised Penal Code. On the same day, a
the victim by the said principal accused was second information[4] was filed charging
intimately related to the discharge of their petitioner of having violated section 3 (e) of
official duties as police officers. Likewise, the Republic Act No. 3019. These informations
amended information does NOT indicate that were docketed as Criminal Case Nos. 23069
the said accused arrested and investigated the and 23070, respectively.
victim and then killed the latter while in their
When there is no showing of such grave
abuse, certiorari is not the proper remedy.[31]
Rather, the appropriate recourse from an
petitioner claims that the elements
order denying a demurrer to evidence is for
constituting the crime of grave threats have
the court to proceed with the trial, after which
not been proven. He insists that the
the accused may file an... appeal from the
prosecution had not established that his act of
judgment of the lower court rendered after
pointing a gun at complainant Simeon Legaspi,
such trial.[32] In the present case, we are not
assuming that it had actually... occurred,
prepared to rule that the Sandiganbayan has
constituted grave threats.[27] However, quite
gravely abused its discretion when it denied
to the contrary, the Sandiganbayan found that
petitioner's demurrer to evidence. Public
the prosecution's evidence, standing
respondent found... that the prosecution's
unrebutted by any opposing evidence,
evidence satisfactorily established the
sufficiently established the crime charged.
elements of the crime charged.
Correspondingly, there is nothing in the Section 1. Scope. -- This rule shall govern the
records of this case nor in the pleadings of procedure in the Metropolitan Trial Courts,
petitioner that would show otherwise. the Municipal Trial Courts, and the Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts in the following cases:
B. Criminal Cases:
2. Violations of rental law;
Our conclusion is that the prescriptive period
for the crime imputed to the petitioner
commenced from its alleged commission on (1) Whether or not the action had prescribed.
May 11, 1990, and ended two months
thereafter, on July 11, 1990, in accordance
with Section 1 of Act No. 3326. (2) Whether or not there is copyright
Accused-appellants Roger Posada and Emily
On the first factual issue, the Court found that
Posada were convicted by the RTC Branch 43,
the records of the case and the testimonies of
Virac, Catanduanes, in Criminal Case No. 3490
witnesses belie the accused-appellants'
for selling 12 pieces of transparent sealed
plastic sachet, containing Methamphetamine
Hydrochloride or shabu with a total weight of
0.4578 grams, in violation of Section 5, Article
Based on the records, the buy-bust operation,
II of R.A. No. 9165.
the arrest of the accused-appellants and the
confiscation of the illegal items happened at
around 12 noon of August 3, 2005. PO1 Area
Roger was also convicted by the same RTC in
received from Emily one sachet of shabu and
Criminal Case No. 3489 for possession of one
after PO1 Area introduced himself and
piece of torn plastic sachet, containing residue
arrested Emily, 12 more sachets of shabu were
of a crystalline substance (allegedly shabu), a
found in the possession of Emily. The said 12
piece of small aluminum foil, a pair of small
sachets of shabu were inside a coin purse,
scissors, and 15 pieces of used lighter all of
with a bundle of money. PO1 Area prepared
which are intended to be used for smoking or
on the same day an RPS in the presence of
introducing dangerous drugs into the body of
Asuncion, Kagawad Sarmiento and Vargas. On
a person, in violation of Section 12, Article II of
August 4, 2005, P/CI Tria requested for a
R.A. No. 9165.
laboratory examination of a piece of small size
heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet,
containing white crystalline substance marked
Aggrieved by the RTC Decision, the accused- with initial R; 12 pieces of small size heat-
appellants filed an appeal before the Court of sealed transparent plastic sachets, containing
Appeals (CA) which, via a Decision dated June white crystalline substance with sub-markings
17, 2010, affirmed the RTC Decision as to the R-1 to R-12; and one small size crumpled
accused-appellants' conviction in Criminal aluminum foil and small size plastic sachet.
Case No. 3490 but acquitted Roger in Criminal The request of P/CI Tria for laboratory
Case No. 3489 on the ground of reasonable examination dated August 4, 2005 was
doubt. received by PO2 Abanio and P/Insp. Sta. Cruz
on the same date.
I. Whether or not the trial court gravely erred Nothing in it would show that P/CI Tria
in convicting the accused-appellants submitted the alleged illegal drugs beyond the
notwithstanding the prosecution's failure to 24-hour reglementary period. In fact, even the
establish the chain of custody and integrity of Laboratory Examination Request dated August
the alleged seized illegal items. 4, 2005 does not indicate violation of Section
21 of R.A. No. 9165. Clearly, from the
foregoing, the accused-appellants failed to
adduce any evidence to prove their appellants received one piece of small size
contention. The age-old but familiar rule that heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet with
he who alleges must prove his allegation marking R, 12 pieces small size heat-sealed
applies in this case. The accused-appellants' marked as R-1 to R-12 and one small size
failure to show evidence that the police crumpled aluminum foil and small size plastic
officers did not comply with Section 21 of R.A. sachet totaling to 15 items. PSI Clemen's
No. 9165 gives us no other recourse but to testimony tallies with the Laboratory
respect the findings of trial court and of the Examination Request of P/CI Tria.