What Is A State
What Is A State
What Is A State
At its basic level, a state can be defined as a nation of civilians living under a single type of
government. Some states are autonomous (or sovereign), while others are not. Of the
sovereign states, some are democracies, democratic republics (such as the United States),
federations, confederations, or constitutional/parliamentary monarchies. A basic state is
governed by an authoritative entity that promotes the welfare of civilians.
Factors of Evolutionary Theory of State
Following are the forces and factors evolutionary theory of sate
1. Kinship
2. Magic and Religion
3. Property and the rise of Economic Classes
4. War and Force
5. Political Consciousness
The state is based on the principle of command and obedience. In the earliest stages we find
such a relationship in the family based on blood and birth. In this respect the matriarchal and
patriarchal societies became the basis of the origin of the state. There were families, clans and
tribes, whose Memberships were based on blood relationship which was the first element of
social unity and the first basis of organization and discipline. There used to be a council of
elders with a chief as political authority whose command was obeyed by all the members of the
tribe.. In this way the path was paved for the development of the state
Political Consciousness
This means the thought of knowledge as to why political organization is needed. In the
beginning there was the need for defense and protection of life, liberty and property,
regulation of social relations etc. Political consciousness began in ancient times. It is a very slow
process. It took a very long time for man to ask about the political authority. The day people
asked the question why political consciousness began and about its progresses and
development. This also helped in the growth and development of the state and government.
The generally accepted theory of the origin of the state is that various factors like religion,
family, force and political consciousness were behind the growth of the state.
The exponents of this theory believe that the state did not come into being by any effort of
man. It is created by God.
The King who rules over the state is an agent of God on earth.
According to him, the city is a conglomeration of several families which developed under the
control and authority of the eldest male member of the family.
The head or father of the patriarchal family wielded great power and influence upon the other
members of the family.
His writ was carried out in the household. This patriarchal family was the most ancient
organised social institution in the primitive society.
But among the primitive society, instead of permanent marriage there was a sort of sex
anarchy. Under that condition, the mother rather than the father was the head of the family.
The kinship was established through the mother.
The exponents of this theory hold that wars and aggressions by some powerful tribe were the
principal factors in the creation of the state.
They rely on the oft-quoted saying “war begot the King” as the historical explanation of the
origin of the state.
6. The Social Contract Theory:
The most famous theory with regard to the origin of the state is the social contract theory. The
theory goes to tell that the stale came into existence out of a contract between the people and
the sovereign at some point of time.