DSP Builder Handbook Volume 1: Introduction To DSP Builder
DSP Builder Handbook Volume 1: Introduction To DSP Builder
DSP Builder Handbook Volume 1: Introduction To DSP Builder
November 2013
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Additional Information
Document Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Info1
How to Contact Altera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Info1
Typographic Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Info2
November 2013
Altera Corporation
This chapter introduces DSP Builder for implementing digital signal processing (DSP)
designs on AlteraFPGAs.
3G wireless
Multimedia systems
Medical systems
Image-processing applications
Consumer electronics.
November 2013
Altera Corporation
The embedded DSP blocks also provide other functionality such as addition,
subtraction, and multiplication, which are common arithmetic operations in DSP
functions. Altera FPGAs offer much more multiplier bandwidth than DSP processors,
which only offer a limited number of multipliers.
One determining factor of the overall DSP bandwidth is the multiplier bandwidth,
therefore the overall DSP bandwidth of FPGAs can be much higher using FPGAs than
with DSP processors.
Many DSP applications use external memory devices to manage large amounts of
data processing. The embedded memory in FPGAs meets these requirements and also
eliminates the need for external memory devices in some cases.
Embedded processors in FPGAs provide overall system integration and flexibility
while partitioning the system between hardware and software. You can implement
the systems software components in the embedded processors and implement the
hardware components in the FPGA's general logic resources. Altera devices provide a
choice between embedded soft core processors and embedded hard core processors.
You can implement soft core processors such as the Nios II embedded processor in
FPGAs and add multiple system peripherals. The Nios II processor supports a
user-determinable multi-master bus architecture that optimizes the bus bandwidth
and removes potential bottlenecks found in DSP processors. You can use multimaster
buses to define as many buses and as much performance as needed for a particular
application. Off-the-shelf DSP processors make compromises between size and
performance when they choose the number of data buses on the chip, potentially
limiting performance.
Soft embedded processors in FPGAs provide access to custom instructions such as the
MUL instruction in Nios II processors that can perform a multiplication operation in
two clock cycles using hardware multipliers. FPGA devices provide a flexible
platform to accelerate performance-critical functions in hardware because of the
configurability of the devices logic resources. DSP processors have predefined
hardware accelerator blocks, but FPGAs can implement hardware accelerators for
each application, allowing the best achievable performance from hardware
acceleration. You can implement hardware accelerator blocks with parameterizable IP
functions or from scratch using HDL.
f Altera offers many IP cores for DSP design, for more information about these IP cores,
refer to Chapter 2, Introducing DSP Builder.
You can parameterize Altera DSP IP cores for the most efficient hardware
implementation and to provide maximum flexibility. You can easily port the IP to new
FPGA families, leading to higher performance and lower cost. The flexibility of
programmable logic and soft IP cores allows you to quickly adapt your designs to
new standards without waiting for long lead times usually associated with DSP
Write Assembly
or C Code
You can use algorithm development tools such as MATLAB to optimize DSP
algorithms and Simulink for system-level modeling. The algorithms and the
system-level models are then implemented in C/C++ or assembly code with an
integrated development environment that provides design, simulation, debug, and
real-time verification tools. You can use standard C-based DSP libraries to shorten
design cycles and derive the benefits of design re-use.
November 2013
Altera Corporation
The DSP Builder tool simplifies hardware implementation of DSP functions, provides
a system-level verification tool to the system engineer who is not necessarily familiar
with HDL design flow, and allows the system engineer to implement DSP functions in
FPGAs without learning HDL. DSP Builder provides an interface from Simulink
directly to the FPGA hardware (Figure 12). Additionally, you can incorporate the
designs created by DSP Builder into a Qsys system for a complete DSP system
Figure 12. DSP Builder General Design Flow for Altera FPGAs
MATLAB or Simulink to
Design Algorithm
Add Functions
in DSP Builder
Perform Synthesis,
(Quartus IISoftware)
Evaluate Hardware
in a DSP
Development Kit
Software Flow
Develop DSP
Model System
Develop DSP
Model System
Design DSP
Configure FPGA
Configure FPGA
Hardware Flow
Develop DSP
Model System
to HDL
Configure FPGA
November 2013
Altera Corporation
DSP Builder shortens DSP design cycles by helping you create the hardware
representation of a DSP design in an algorithm-friendly development environment.
DSP Builder integrates the algorithm development, simulation, and verification
capabilities of MathWorks MATLAB and Simulink system-level design tools with the
Altera Quartus II software and third-party synthesis and simulation tools. You can
combine Simulink blocks with DSP Builder blocks to verify system level specifications
and perform simulation. Figure 21 shows the DSP Builder system-level design flow.
Figure 21. DSP Builder System-Level Design Flow
Create System in
MATLAB or Simulink
Simulate System
with Testbench
The DSP Builder standard blockset is a legacy product and Altera recommends you
do not use it for new designs, except as a wrapper for advanced blockset designs.
The DSP Builder advanced blockset does not interface directly with the DSP IP cores
but instead includes its own timing-driven IP blocks that can generate high
performance FIR, CIC, and NCO models.
The advanced blockset has the following features:
November 2013
Automatic pipelining to enable timing closure at clock rates of 300 to 400 MHz
Automatic folding
Altera Corporation
Advanced Blockset
The DSP Builder advanced blockset consists of several Simulink libraries that allow
you to implement DSP designs quickly and easily. The blockset is based on a
high-level synthesis technology that optimizes the untimed netlist into low-level,
pipelined hardware for the target FPGA device and clock rate. DSP Builder
implements the hardware as VHDL with scripts that integrate with the Quartus II
software and the ModelSim simulator.
The combination of these features allows you to create a design without intimate
device knowledge, which can run on a variety of FPGA families with different
hardware architectures.
After specifying the desired clock frequency, number of channels, and other top-level
design constraints, the generated RTL is automatically pipelined to achieve timing
closure. By analyzing the system-level constraints, DSP Builder also optimizes folding
to balance latency versus resources, with no need for manual RTL editing.
The advanced blockset includes the following two component librariesModelIP and
The ModelPrim library allows you to create fast efficient designs captured in the
behavioral domain rather than the implementation domain by combining zero
latency primitive blocks.
Standard Blockset
You can use blocks from the standard blockset to create a hardware implementation of
a system modeled in Simulink. DSP Builder contains bit- and cycle-accurate Simulink
blockswhich cover basic operations such as arithmetic or storage functionsand
takes advantage of key device features such as built-in PLLs, DSP blocks, and
embedded memory.
You can integrate complex functions by including IP cores in your DSP Builder model.
You can also use the faster performance and richer instrumentation of hardware
cosimulation by implementing parts of your design in an FPGA.
The standard blockset supports imported HDL subsystems including HDL defined in
a Quartus II project file.
f For more information about the standard blockset, refer to Volume 2: DSP Builder
Standard Blockset in the DSP Builder Handbook.
Tool Integration
DSP Builder works with Simulink, the ModelSim software, and the Quartus II
software (including Qsys).
DSP Builder is interoperable with other Simulink blocksets. In particular, you can use
the basic Simulink blockset to create interactive testbenches. The testbench block
allows you to generate a VHDL model, so that you can compare Simulink simulation
results with the ModelSim simulator.
f For information about Simulink fixed point types, the signal processing blockset and
the communications blockset, refer to the MATLAB Help.
You can run the ModelSim simulator from within DSP Builder, if the ModelSim
executable is in your path. You can use a script to integrate between the DSP Builder
advanced blockset and the ModelSim simulator. The script runs the automatic
testbench flow for a block. It reads some stimulus files at run time to verify a
hardware block. The automatic testbench flow runs a rigorous test and returns a result
whether or not the outputs match.
Quartus II Software
The advanced blockset allows you to build high-speed, high-performance DSP
datapaths. In most production designs there is an RTL layer surrounding this
datapath to perform interfacing to processors, high speed I/O, memories, and so on.
To complete the design, use Qsys or RTL to assign board level components. The
Quartus II software can then complete the synthesis and place-and-route process.
You can automatically load a design into the Quartus II software by clicking on the
Run Quartus II block in the top-level model.
DSP Builder creates a memory-mapped interface and hw.tcl file for each advanced
blockset design. This file can expose the processor bus for connection in Qsys. A DSP
Builder advanced blockset subsystem is available from the System Contents tab in
Qsys after you add the path to the hw.tcl file to the Qsys IP search path.
November 2013
Altera Corporation
System Requirements
DSP Builder integrates with the The MathWorks MATLAB and Simulink tools and
with the Altera Quartus II software.
f For Quartus II system requirements and installation instructions, refer to Altera
Software Installation and Licensing.
Ensure at least one version of The MathWorks MATLAB and Simulink tool is
available on your workstation before you install DSP Builder. Table 31 lists the tool
dependencies for DSP Builder.
You should use the same version of the Quartus II software and DSP Builder.
Table 31. DSP Builder Tool Dependencies
Software Version
DSP Builder
November 2013
Altera Corporation
Figure 32 shows the DSP Builder directory structure, where <path> is the installation
directory that contains the Quartus II software. The default installation directory is
c:\altera\<version>\quartus on Windows or /opt/altera<version>/quartus on Linux.
Figure 32. DSP Builder Directory Structure
Installation directory containing the Quartus II software.
Contains the DSP Builder standard blockset (legacy).
Contains the DSP Builder advanced blockset.
Contains binary files and MATLAB scripts.
Contains the device specifications.
Contains the Simulink integrated help files.
Contains GUI support files.
Contains the design examples.
Contains extra HDL libraries.
Contains error messages.
Contains floating-point support files.
Contains the API fles.
After installing DSP Builder, the Altera DSP Builder standard blockset and the Altera
DSP Builder advanced blockset libraries are available in the Simulink library browser
in the MATLAB software.
To start DSP Builder, follow one of these steps:
On Windows OS, click on Start, point to All Programs, click Altera <version>,
click DSP Builder, and click Start in MATLAB version XX.
If you have multiple versions of MATLAB installed, you can start DSP
Builder in your desired version from this menu.
On Linux OS, use the following command, which automatically finds MATLAB.
<path to the Quartus II software>/dsp_builder/dsp_builder.sh
November 2013
You can use the following options after the dsp_builder.sh command:
Altera Corporation
Additional Information
This chapter provides additional information about the document and Altera.
November 2013
May 2013
November 2012
June 2012
November 2011
April 2011
Changes Made
Contact Method
(software licensing)
Note to Table:
(1) You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative.
November 2013
Altera Corporation
Additional Information
Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions
The following table shows the typographic conventions this document uses.
Visual Cue
Indicate command names, dialog box titles, dialog box options, and other GUI
labels. For example, Save As dialog box. For GUI elements, capitalization matches
the GUI.
bold type
Indicates directory names, project names, disk drive names, file names, file name
extensions, software utility names, and GUI labels. For example, \qdesigns
directory, D: drive, and chiptrip.gdf file.
italic type
Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >). For example, <file name> and
<project name>.pof file.
Indicate keyboard keys and menu names. For example, the Delete key and the
Options menu.
Subheading Title
Courier type
Indicates command line commands and anything that must be typed exactly as it
appears. For example, c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf.
Also indicates sections of an actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of
files (for example, the AHDL keyword SUBDESIGN), and logic function names (for
example, TRI).
Numbered steps indicate a list of items when the sequence of the items is important,
such as the steps listed in a procedure.
Bullets indicate a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.
The question mark directs you to a software help system with related information.
The feet direct you to another document or website with related information.
A warning calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can cause you
The envelope links to the Email Subscription Management Center page of the Altera
website, where you can sign up to receive update notifications for Altera documents.
The feedback icon allows you to submit feedback to Altera about the document.
Methods for collecting feedback vary as appropriate for each document.