The Geology of Makassar Strait
The Geology of Makassar Strait
The Geology of Makassar Strait
The Makassar Strait, located along the eastern margin of Sundaland, between
Kalimantan and Sulawesi, forms a distinct physiographic border between the western
Indonesia stable cratonic landmass and the complex collage of the eastern Indonesia
archipelago. It has been a focus of attention of scientific community since at least the
nineteenth century, when Wallace (1864) established the Wallace Line longitudinally
along the strait. The line is a biodiversity boundary between the Asiatic fauna in the west
and the Australian fauna in the east and southeast. The Makassar strait is bounded
towards the north by the long lateral Palu-Koro fault, which separates this basin from the
Sulawesi sea. The Makassar strait is divided into the North Makassar and South
Makassar basin by another lateral fault, so called Paternoster fault. The occurrence of
these two faults is clearly reflected by the steep gradients indicated by the bathymetric
contours A thick sequence of relatively undisturbed Neogene and probably Paleogene
sediments showing good lateral continuity were deposited in the basin.
The Makassar Strait occupies the continental shelf, slope and rise areas between the
islands of Kalimantan and Sulawesi (Figure 27-1). This region is situated between the
cratonised Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of the Sunda Shield in the west and the late
Tertiary volcanic arc of Sulawesi in the east. The latter can be classified as a continental
margin of the Pacific type due to its tectonic mobility (Beck and Lehner, 1974). The
strongly positive isostatic gravity anomaly over the Makassar trough which was
recognised by Vening Meinesz (1954) and confirmed by Mobil’s marine reconnaissance
survey (1970-1971) and Schwartz et al. (1973), has led to the conclusion that oceanic
crust may underlie the trough. According to these authors, it is uncertain whether
oceanisation of the trough resulted from tensional rifting or was due to compressional
Much of the evidence supports the first interpretation. The deep offshore seismic survey
performed by Total-CFP over the Makassar Strait in 1974 showed that no features
characteristic of a subduction zone occur at the northeaster edge of the abyssal plain of
the Strait. A hypothetical triple-junction rift-system is proposed, to explain the
oceanisation of the crust in the Makassar trough (Figure 27-4). The sequence of
formation of a divergent triple-junction was discussed by Thompson (1976, fig. 15), and
was applied to explain the origin of the Mahakam Delta complex in East Kalimantan
(Weimer, 1975) in terms of aulacogen. Crustal upwarping is though to have occurred
along the East Kalimantan continental margin followed by fracturing and the formation of
three rift arms. The less active east-west rift arm was further developed as a graben
(Melawi and Ketungau basins), while the more active north-south rift arm caused South
Sulawesi to drift eastward, resulting in early sea-floor spreading. New oceanic crust was
then formed in the area which now underlies the present Makassar trough (Weimer,
The similarities between Cretaceous basement rocks and the overlying Eocene-
Oligocene section between south-eastern Kalimantan and southwestern Sulawesi
(Hamilton, 1974), suggest that the rift-system probably opened during mid-Tertiary time.
Murphy (1976), suggested that the South Arm of Sulawesi was a continental splinter
rafted from the pre-Tertiary Sunda core; the similarities between the shapes of the
coastlines from Palu to the south in Sulawesi, and from Sangkulirang to the south in
Kalimantan support this hypothesis. The North Makassar and the South Makassar
basins can be classified as marginal seas (Murphy, 1975) based on the fact that the
Makassar trough is underlain by oceanic crust, and is flanked to the west by the Asian
continental margin and to the east by the volcanic arc of Sulawesi.
Straigraphy of the basin is interpreted base on seismic reflection profiles and Taka Talu
1 & 2, drilled by Union Carbide in 1970. The stratigraphic sequences have been
described by Guntoro (1999).
Post-rift unit
Seismic Sequence 3
This sequence is bounded by horizon H2 and H3, and exhibits parallel to subparallel
bedding, with poor to fair continuity and high to medium reflection amplitude; in some
parts amplitude; in some parts amplitudes are low. The variation in amplitude, and
frequency may indicate a lithological facies change, which could relate to a decreasing
rate of subsidence. The lower boundary shows downlap to the top of Seismic Sequence
2 (Boundary H2). These reflector characteristics can be taken as indicating a shelf
margin depositional environment which is equivalent to the Lower Oligocene
conglomeratic limestone.
Seismic Sequence 4
This sequence is bounded by horizons H3 and H4, and is dominated by parallel and
locally sub-parallels reflections, with fair to good continuity and medium to high reflection
amplitude. The unit is characterised by the presence of local mound-like reflector patters
which are interpreted as carbonate mounds. A correlation to TT-2 and TT-1 well indicate
Early Miocene age at the top of this sequence. The upper boundary is marked by toplap
to horizon H5. The reflector characteristics are classified as indicating a shelf to shelf
margin depositional environment.
Seismic Sequence 5
Seismic Sequence 6
This sub unit is bounded by horizons H5 and H6 and shows parallel configurations with
good continuity and medium to high reflection amplitudes. The reflection charactirstics
are classified as indicating a shelf depositional environment. In the eastern segment, the
sequence can be subdivided into two sub-sequences confined to local basins in which
horizontal reflectors on lap to the top of Horizon H5, and this sub unit was deposited as
onlapping fill. Seismic sequence 6 is equivalent to the Pliocene shallow marine
limestone of TT-1 and TT-2 well.