Influence of Basement Heterogeneity On T
Influence of Basement Heterogeneity On T
Influence of Basement Heterogeneity On T
© Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Abstract. The Paleozoic intracratonic North African Plat- Silurian period. These structures may have been inverted
form is characterized by an association of arches (ridges, or reactivated during the Devonian (i.e., Caledonian, Mid–
domes, swells, or paleo-highs) and low subsidence rate syn- Late Devonian) compression and the Carboniferous (i.e., pre-
cline basins of different wavelengths (75–620 km). The Reg- Hercynian to Hercynian). Additionally, basement character-
gane, Ahnet, Mouydir and Illizi basins are successively de- ization from geological and geophysics data (aeromagnetic
limited from east to west by the Amguid El Biod, Arak- and gravity maps), shows an interesting age-dependent zona-
Foum Belrem, and Azzel Matti arches. Through the anal- tion of the terranes which are bounded by mega-shear zones
ysis of new unpublished geological data (i.e., satellite im- within the arches–basins framework. The “old” terranes are
ages, well logs, seismic lines), the deposits associated with situated under arches while the “young” terranes are located
these arches and syncline basins exhibit thickness varia- under the basins depocenter. This structural framework re-
tions and facies changes ranging from continental to ma- sults from the accretion of Archean and Proterozoic terranes
rine environments. The arches are characterized by thin inherited from former orogeny (e.g., Pan-African orogeny
amalgamated deposits with condensed and erosional sur- 900–520 Ma). Therefore, the sedimentary infilling pattern
faces, whereas the syncline basins exhibit thicker and well- and the nature of deformation result from the repeated slow
preserved successions. In addition, the vertical facies suc- Paleozoic reactivation of Precambrian terranes bounded by
cession evolves from thin Silurian to Givetian deposits into subvertical lithospheric fault systems. Alternating periods of
thick Upper Devonian sediments. Synsedimentary struc- tectonic quiescence and low-rate subsidence acceleration as-
tures and major unconformities are related to several tec- sociated with extension and local inversion tectonics corre-
tonic events such as the Cambrian–Ordovician extension, the spond to a succession of Paleozoic geodynamic events (i.e.,
Ordovician–Silurian glacial rebound, the Silurian–Devonian far-field orogenic belt, glaciation).
“Caledonian” extension/compression, the late Devonian ex-
tension/compression, and the “Hercynian” compression. Lo-
cally, deformation is characterized by near-vertical planar
normal faults responsible for horst and graben structuring
associated with folding during the Cambrian–Ordovician–
Figure 1. Geological map of the Paleozoic North Saharan Platform (North Gondwana) georeferenced, compiled and modified from (1) a
Paleozoic subcrop distribution below the Hercynian unconformity geology of the Saharan Platform (Boote et al., 1998; Galeazzi et al., 2010),
(2) a geological map (1/500 000) of the Djado Basin (Jacquemont et al., 1959), (3) a geological map (1/200 000) of Algeria (Bennacef et al.,
1974; Bensalah et al., 1971), (4) a geological map (1/50 000) of Aïr (Joulia, 1963), (5) a geological map (1/2 000 000) of Niger (Greigertt
and Pougnet, 1965), (6) a geological map (1/5 000 000) of the Lower Paleozoic of the central Sahara (Beuf et al., 1971), (7) a geological map
(1/1 000 000) of Morocco (Hollard et al., 1985), (8) a geological map of the Djebel Fezzan (Massa, 1988), and (9) a basement characterization
of the different terranes from geochronological data compilation (see Supplement) and geological maps (Berger et al., 2014; Bertrand and
Caby, 1978; Black et al., 1994; Caby, 2003; Fezaa et al., 2010; Liégeois et al., 1994, 2003, 2005, 2013). Terrane names and abbreviations:
Tassendjanet (Tas), Tassendjanet nappe (Tas n.), Ahnet (Ah), In Ouzzal Granulitic Unit (IOGU), Iforas Granulitic Unit (UGI), Kidal (Ki),
Timétrine (Tim), Tilemsi (Til), Tirek (Tir), In Zaouatene (Za), In Teidini (It), Iskel (Isk), Tefedest (Te), Laouni (La), Azrou-n-Fad (Az),
Egéré-Aleskod (Eg-Al), Serouenout (Se), Tazat (Ta), Issalane (Is), Assodé (As), Barghot (Ba), Tchilit (Tch), Aouzegueur (Ao), Edembo
(Ed), and Djanet (Dj). Shear zone and lineament names and abbreviations: suture zone East Saharan Craton (SZ ESC), west Ouzzal shear
zone (WOSZ), east Ouzzal shear zone (EOSZ), Raghane shear zone (RSZ), Tin Amali shear zone (TASZ), 4◦ 10′ shear zone, 4◦ 50′ shear
zone, and 8◦ 30′ shear zone.
Figure 2. (a) Geological map of the Paleozoic of the Reggane, Ahnet, and Mouydir basins. For the legend and references see Fig. 1. (b) An
E–W cross section of the Reggane, Ahnet, and Mouydir basins associated with the different terranes and highlighting the classification of the
different structural units. Localization of the interpreted sections (seismic profiles and satellite images). W represents well and O represents
outcrop. See Fig. 1 for location of the geological map A and cross section B.
et al., 2008; Guiraud et al., 2005; Logan and Duddy, 1998; to north, the facies progressively evolve from continental flu-
Lüning, 2005). The Paleozoic successions of the North Sa- viatile to shallow marine (i.e., upper to lower shoreface) and
haran Platform are predominantly composed of siliciclastic then to offshore facies (Beuf et al., 1971; Carr, 2002; Es-
detrital sediments (Beuf et al., 1971; Eschard et al., 2005). chard et al., 2005; Fabre, 1988; Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998;
They form the largest area of detrital sediments ever found on Legrand, 1967a).
continental crust (Burke et al., 2003), dipping gently NNW
(Beuf et al., 1971, 1969; Fabre, 1988, 2005; Fröhlich et al.,
2010; Gariel et al., 1968; Le Heron et al., 2009). Carbonate 3 Data and methods
deposits are observed from the Middle–Late Devonian to the
Carboniferous (Wendt, 1985, 1988, 1995; Wendt et al., 1993, A multidisciplinary approach was used in this study integrat-
1997, 2006, 2009a; Wendt and Kaufmann, 1998). From south ing new data (i.e., satellite images, seismic lines and well-
Figure 3. Paleozoic litho-stratigraphic, sequence stratigraphy, and tectonic framework of the north peri-Hoggar basins (North African Sa-
haran Platform) compiled from (1) a chronostratigraphic chart (Ogg et al., 2016), (2) the Cambrian–Silurian (Askri et al., 1995) and the
Devonian–Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Reggane Basin (Cózar et al., 2016; Lubeseder, 2005; Lubeseder et al., 2010; Magloire, 1967;
Wendt et al., 2006), (3) the Cambrian–Silurian (Paris, 1990; Wendt et al., 2006) and the Devonian–Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Ahnet
Basin (Beuf et al., 1971; Conrad, 1973, 1984; Legrand-Blain, 1985; Wendt et al., 2006, 2009a), (4) the Cambrian–Silurian (Askri et al.,
1995; Paris, 1990; Videt et al., 2010) and the Devonian–Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Mouydir Basin (Askri et al., 1995; Beuf et al.,
1971; Conrad, 1973, 1984; Wendt et al., 2006, 2009a), (5) the Cambrian–Silurian (Eschard et al., 2005; Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998; Jardiné
and Yapaudjian, 1968; Videt et al., 2010) and the Devonian–Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Illizi Basin (Eschard et al., 2005; Fekirine
and Abdallah, 1998; Jardiné and Yapaudjian, 1968), (6) the Cambrian–Silurian (Dubois, 1961; Dubois and Mazelet, 1964; Eschard et al.,
2005; Henniche, 2002; Videt et al., 2010) and the Devonian–Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Tassili-N-Ajjers (Dubois et al., 1967; Eschard
et al., 2005; Henniche, 2002; Wendt et al., 2009a), (7) the sequence stratigraphy of the Saharan Platform (Carr, 2002; Eschard et al., 2005;
Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998), (8) a eustatic and climatic chart (Haq and Schutter, 2008; Scotese et al., 1999), and (9) tectonic events (Boud-
jema, 1987; Coward and Ries, 2003; Craig et al., 2008; Guiraud et al., 2005; Lüning, 2005). (A) Infra-Tassilian (Pan-African) unconformity,
(B) intra-Arenig unconformity, (C) Taconic and glacial unconformity, (D) isostatic rebound unconformity, (E) Caledonian unconformity, and
(F) Hercynian unconformity.
Figure 4. Schematic synthesis of the integrated method of basin analysis in this study.
logs data) in particular from the Reggane, Ahnet, Mouydir, of well logs is based on palynomorphs (essentially Chiti-
and Illizi basins and the Hoggar Massif (Fig. 4). nozoans and spores) and outcrops on conodonts, goniatites,
The Paleozoic series of the Ahnet and Mouydir basins and brachiopods (Wendt et al., 2006). Palynological data
are well-exposed over an area of approximately 170 000 km2 of wells (W1, W7, W12, W19 and W20) from internal un-
and are well observed in satellite images (Google Earth and published data (Abdesselam-Rouighi, 1991; Azzoune, 1999;
Landsat from USGS). Furthermore, a significant geologi- Hassan, 1984; Khiar, 1974) are based on biozonations from
cal database (i.e., wells, seismic records, geological reports) Magloire (1967) and Boumendjel et al. (1988). Well W18 is
has been compiled in the course of petroleum exploration supported by palynological data and biozonations from Ker-
since the 1950s. The sedimentological dataset is based on mandji et al. (2008).
the integration and analysis of cores, outcrops, well logs, Synsedimentary extensional and compressional markers
and of lithological and biostratigraphic data. They were syn- are characterized in this structural framework based on the
thesized from internal SONATRACH (Dokka, 1999), IFP- analyses of satellite images (Figs. 5 and 6), seismic pro-
SONATRACH consortium reports (Eschard et al., 1999), and files (Fig. 7), 21 wells (W1 to W21), and 12 outcrop cross
published articles (Beuf et al., 1971; Biju-Duval et al., 1968; sections (O1 to O12). Wells and outcrop sections are ar-
Wendt et al., 2006). Facies described from cores and outcrops ranged into three E–W sections (Figs. 10, 11 and 12) and
of these studies were grouped into facies associations cor- one N–S section (Fig. 13). Satellite images (Figs. 5 and 6)
responding to the main depositional environments observed and seismic profiles (Fig. 7) are located at key areas (i.e.,
on the Saharan Platform (Table 1). Characteristic gamma- near arches) illustrating the relevant structures (Fig. 2). The
ray (GR) patterns (electrofacies) are proposed to illustrate calibration of the key stratigraphic horizon on seismic pro-
the different facies associations. The gamma-ray peaks are files (Fig. 7) was settled by sonic well-log data using Pe-
commonly interpreted as the maximum flooding surfaces trel and OpendTect software. Nine key horizons easily ex-
(MFS) (e.g., Catuneanu et al., 2009; Galloway, 1989; Mil- tendable at the regional scale are identified and essentially
ton et al., 1990; Serra and Serra, 2003). Time calibration correspond to major depositional unconformities: near top
centimetric bedding, shale pebbles
P. Perron et al.: Influence of basement heterogeneity on the architecture
Table 1. Continued.
infra-Cambrian, near top Ordovician, near top Silurian, near 4 Structural framework and tectono-sedimentary
top Pragian, near top Givetian, near top mid-Frasnian, near structure analyses
top Famennian, near base Quaternary and near Hercynian
unconformities (Fig. 7). The stratigraphic layers are identi- The structural architecture of the North Saharan Platform
fied by the integration of satellite images (Google Earth and is characterized by mostly circular to oval shaped basins
Landsat USGS:, last access: structured by major faults frequently associated with broad
29 November 2016), digital elevation models (DEM), and asymmetrical folds displayed by three main trends (Fig. 1):
the 1 : 200 000 geological maps of Algeria (Bennacef et al., (1) near-N–S, varying from 0 to 10 or 160◦ N , (2) from 40 to
1974; Bensalah et al., 1971). 60◦ N , and from (3) 100 to 140◦ N (Figs. 1, 3a, and 4). These
Subsidence analysis characterizes the vertical displace- fault zones are about 100 km (e.g., faults F1 and F2, Fig. 5)
ments of a given sedimentary depositional surface by track- to tens of kilometers long (e.g., faults F3 to F8, Fig. 5). They
ing its subsidence and uplift history (Van Hinte, 1978). correspond to the mainly N–S Azzel-Matti, Arak-Foum Bel-
The resulting curve details the total subsidence history for rem, Amguid El Biod, and Tihemboka arches, the NE–SW
a given stratigraphic column (Allen and Allen, 2005; Van Bou Bernous, Ahara, and Gargaf arches, and the NW–SE
Hinte, 1978). Backstripping is also used to restore the ini- Saoura and Azzene arches (Fig. 1).
tial thicknesses of a sedimentary column (Allen and Allen,
2005; Angevine et al., 1990). Lithologies and paleobathyme- 4.1 Synsedimentary extensional markers
tries have been defined using facies analysis or literature
data. Porosity and the compaction proxy are based on ex- Extensional markers are characterized by the settlement
perimental data from (Sclater and Christie, 1980). In this of steeply westward or eastward-dipping basement normal
study, subsidence analyses were performed on sections using faults associated with colinear syndepositional folds of sev-
OSXBackstrip software performing 1D Airy backstripping eral kilometers in length (e.g., Figs. 6a to e and 7a), rep-
(following Allen and Allen, 2005; Watts, 2001); available resented by footwall anticline and hanging wall syncline-
at:, last ac- shaped forced folds. They are located in the vicinity of differ-
cess: 5 January 2017). ent arches (Fig. 2) such as the Tihemboka Arch (Figs. 5b and
The 800 km2 outcrop of basement rocks of the Hog- 6a, b), Arak-Foum Belrem Arch (Figs. 5a, 6c to f and 7a, c),
gar Massif provides an exceptional case study of an ex- Azzel Matti Arch (Fig. 7b), and Bahar El Hamar area intra-
humed mobile belt composed of accreted terranes of dif- basin arch (Fig. 7d). These tectonic structures can be featured
ferent ages. To reconstruct the nature of the basement, a by basement blind faults (e.g., fault F1 in Fig. 7a). The defor-
terrane map (Figs. 15 and 16) was put together by inte- mation pattern is mainly characterized by brittle faulting in
grating geophysical data (aeromagnetic anomaly map: https: Cambrian–Ordovician series down to the basement and fault-
//, last access: 1 December 2016, Bouguer damping in Silurian series (e.g., faults F1 to F6 in Fig. 7b).
gravity anomaly map:, last ac- The other terms of the series (i.e., Silurian to Carbonifer-
cess: 1 December 2016), satellite images (7ETM+ from ous) are usually affected by folding except (see F1 faults in
Landsat USGS:, last access: Figs. 6d, 7b, d, and c) where the brittle deformation can be
29 November 2016) data, geological maps (Berger et al., propagated to the Upper Devonian (due to reactivation and/or
2014; Bertrand and Caby, 1978; Black et al., 1994; Caby, inversion as suggested in the next paragraph).
2003; Fezaa et al., 2010; Liégeois et al., 1994, 2003, 2005, In association with the extensional markers, thickness
2013), and geochronological data (e.g., U/Pb radiochronol- variations and tilted divergent onlaps of the sedimentary se-
ogy, see Supplement data 1). Geochronological data from ries (i.e., wedge-shaped units, progressive unconformities) in
published studies were compiled and georeferenced (Fig. 1). the hanging wall syncline of the fault escarpments are ob-
Thermo-tectonic ages were grouped into eight main thermo- served (Figs. 6 and 7). These are attested using photogeolog-
orogenic events (Fig. 1): The Liberian-Ouzzalian event ical analysis of satellite images (Fig. 6) and are marked by
(Arcehan, > 2500 Ma), the Archean, Eburnean (i.e., Paleo- a gentler dip angle of the stratification planes away from the
proterozoic, 2500–1600 Ma), the Kibarian (i.e., Mesospro- fault plane (i.e., fault core zone). The markers of syndeposi-
terozoic, 1600–1100 Ma), the Neoproterozoic oceanization- tional deformation structures are visible in the hanging-wall
rifting (1100–750 Ma), the syn-Pan-African orogeny (i.e., synclines of Precambrian to Upper Devonian series (Figs. 6
Neoproterozoic, 750–541 Ma), the post-Pan-African (i.e., and 7).
Neoproterozoic, 541–443 Ma), the Caledonian orogeny (i.e., The footwall anticline and hanging-wall syncline-shaped
Siluro-Devonian, 443–358 Ma), and the Hercynian orogeny forced folds recognized in this study are very similar to those
(i.e., Carbo-Permian, 358–252 Ma). described in the literature by Grasemann et al. (2005), Khalil
and McClay (2002), Schlische (1995), Stearns (1978), With-
jack et al. (1990, 2002), and Withjack and Callaway (2000).
The wedge-shaped units (DO0 to DO3; Figs. 5, 6, and 7) as-
sociated with the hanging-wall synclines are interpreted as
Figure 5. (a) Typology of different types of faults (inherited straight faults vs. sinuous short synlithification propagation faults) in the
Cambrian–Ordovician series of the Djebel Settaf (Arak-Foum Belrem Arch; interbasin boundary secondary arch between the Ahnet and
Mouydir basins). (b) Structural control of channelized sandstone bodies in Late Ordovician series of South Adrar Assaouatene, Tassili-N-
Ajjers (Tihemboka interbasin boundary secondary arch between the Illizi and Murzuq basins). The dotted red line represents Tamadjert Fm.
channelized sandstone bodies. The abbreviations used in the figure are as follows: OTh – In Tahouite Fm. (Early to Late Ordovician, Floian
to Katian); OTj – Tamadjert Fm. (Late Ordovician, Hirnantian); sIm – Imirhou Fm. (Early Silurian); sdAs1 – Asedjrad Fm. 1 (Late Silurian
to Early Devonian); dAs2 – Asedjrad Fm. 2 (Early Devonian, Lochkovian); dSa – Oued Samene Fm. (Lower Devonian, Pragian). See Fig. 2
for map and cross-section location.
synsedimentary normal fault-related folding. The whole tec- The sinuous faults are arranged “en echelon” into several
tonic framework forms broad extensional horsts and grabens segments with relay ramps. These faults are ten to several
related to synsedimentary forced folds controlling basin tens of kilometers long with vertical throws of hundreds of
shape and sedimentation. meters that fade rapidly toward the fault tips. The sinuous
Following Khalil and McClay (2002), Lewis et al. (2015), geometry of normal undulated faults as well as the rapid lat-
Shaw et al. (2005), and Withjack et al. (1990), we use the eral variation in fault throw are controlled by the propagation
ages of the growth strata (i.e., wedge-shaped units) to deter- and the linkage of growing parent and tip synsedimentary
mine the timing of the deformation. The main four wedge- normal faults (Marchal et al., 2003, 1998). We use the strati-
shaped units identified (DO0 to DO3) are indicative of the ac- graphic age of impacted layers (here Tamadjert Fm.) to date
tivation and/or reactivation of the normal faults (extensional (re)activation of the faults.
settings) during the Neoproterozoic (DO0), the Cambrian– According to Holbrook and Schumm (1999), river patterns
Ordovician (DO1), the Early to Mid-Silurian (DO2), and the are extremely sensitive to tectonic structure activity. Here we
Middle to Late Devonian (DO3) times. find that the synsedimentary activity of the extensional struc-
In planar view, straight (F1 in Fig. 5a) and sinuous faults tures is also evidenced by the influence of the fault scarp on
(F2, F3, F3’, F4, F4’, and F5 in Fig. 5a) can be identified. the distribution and orientation of sinuous channelized sand-
Figure 6. (a) Normal fault (F2) associated with a footwall anticline and a hanging wall syncline with divergent onlaps (i.e., wedge-shaped
unit DO1) in the Early to Late Ordovician In Tahouite series (Tassili-N-Ajjers, Tihemboka interbasin boundary secondary arch between the
Illizi and Murzuq basins). (b) Ancient normal fault (F2) escarpment reactivated and sealed during Silurian deposition (poly-historic paleo-
reliefs) linked to thickness variation, divergent onlaps (DO2) in the hanging wall synclines, and onlaps on the fold hinge anticline (Tassili-
N-Ajjers, Tihemboka interbasin boundary secondary arch between the Illizi and Murzuq basins). 1: Early to Late Ordovician extension,
2: Late Ordovician to Early Silurian extension, and 3: Middle to Late Silurian sealing (horizontal drape). (c) Normal fault (F5) associated
with forced fold with divergent strata (syncline-shaped hanging wall syncline and associated wedge-shaped unit DO2) and truncation in the
Silurian–Devonian series of Dejbel Settaf (Arak-Foum Belrem Arch; interbasin boundary secondary arch between the Mouydir and Ahnet
basins). 1: Cambrian–Ordovician extension and 2: Silurian–Devonian extensional reactivation (Caledonian extension). (d) Blind basement
normal fault (F1) associated with forced fold with in the hanging wall syncline divergent onlaps of the Lower to Upper Devonian series
(wedge-shaped unit DO3) and intra-Emsian truncation (Arak-Foum Belrem Arch; interbasin boundary secondary arch between the Mouydir
and Ahnet basins). (e) N170◦ normal blind faults F1 and F2 forming a horst and graben system associated with a forced fold with Lower to
Upper Devonian series divergent onlaps (wedge-shaped unit DO3) and intra-Emsian truncation in the hanging-wall syncline (in the Mouydir
Basin near Arak-Foum Belrem Arch, eastward interbasin boundary secondary arch). (f) Inherited normal fault (F1) transported from footwall
to hanging wall associated with an inverse fault (F1’) and accommodated by a detachment layer in the Silurian shales series (thickness
variation of Imirhou Fm. between the footwall and hanging wall) and spilled dip strata markers of overturned folding (Djebel Idjerane, Arak-
Foum Belrem Arch, eastwards interbasin boundary secondary arch). 1: Cambrian–Ordovician extension and 2: Middle to Late Devonian
compression. The abbreviations used in the figure are as follows: OTh – In Tahouite Fm. (Early to Late Ordovician, Floian to Katian); OTj
– Tamadjert Fm (Late Ordovician, Hirnantian); sIm – Imirhou Fm. (Early to Mid-Silurian); sdAt – Atafaïtafa Fm. (Middle Silurian); dTi
– Tifernine Fm. (Middle Silurian); sdAs1 – Asedjrad Fm. 1 (Late Silurian to Early Devonian); dAs2 – Asedjrad Fm. 2 (Early Devonian,
Lochkovian); dSa: Oued Samene Fm. (Early Devonian, Pragian); diag: Oued Samene shaly-sandstones Fm. (Early Devonian, Emsian?);
d2b – Givetian; d3a – Mehden Yahia Fm. (Late Devonian, Frasnian); d3b – Mehden Yahia Fm. (Late Devonian, Famennian); dh – Khenig
sandstones (late Famennian to early Tournaisian); hTn2 – late Tournaisian; hV1 – early Visean. The red line represents unconformity. See
Figs. 1, 2, and 5 for map and cross-section location. Solid Earth, 9, 1239–1275, 2018
1250 P. Perron et al.: Influence of basement heterogeneity on the architecture
Figure 7. (a) N–S interpreted seismic profile in the Ahnet Basin near Erg Tegunentour (near Arak-Foum Belrem Arch, westward interbasin
boundary secondary arch) showing steeply dipping northward basement normal blind faults associated with forced folding. (b) NW–SE
interpreted seismic profile of near Azzel Matti Arch (interbasin principal arch) showing steeply dipping southeastward basement normal
blind faults associated with forced folds. The westernmost structures are featured by reverse fault related propagation fold. (c) W–E in-
terpreted profile of the Ahnet Basin (Arak-Foum Belrem Arch, westward interbasin boundary secondary arch) showing horst and graben
structures influencing Paleozoic tectonics associated with forced folds. (d) W–E interpreted seismic profile of Bahar el Hammar in the
Ahnet Basin (Ahnet intra-basin secondary arch) showing steeply dipping normal faults F1 and F2 forming a positively inverted horst as-
sociated with folding. Multiple activation and inversion of normal faults are correlated with divergent onlaps (wedge-shaped units): DO0
infra-Cambrian extension, DO1 Cambrian–Ordovician extension, DO2 Silurian extension with local Silurian–Devonian positive inversion,
and DO3 Frasnian–Famennian extension–local compression. See Fig. 2 for map and cross-section location.
Figure 8. (a) Core description, palynological calibration, and gamma-ray signatures of well W7 modified from an internal core description
report (Dokka, 1999) and an internal palynological report (Azzoune, 1999). (b) Devonian sequential stratigraphy of well-log W7. For the
location of well W7 see Fig. 2a.
stone body systems (dotted red lines in Fig. 5b). It highlights et al., 1968a, b, 1971; Eschard et al., 2005, 2010), argilla-
the (re)activation of the faults during the deposition of these ceous deep marine Silurian deposits (Djouder et al., 2018;
channels, i.e., Late Hirnantian dated by (Girard et al., 2012). Eschard et al., 2005, 2010; Legrand, 1986, 2003b; Lüning
et al., 2000), and offshore to embayment Carboniferous de-
4.2 Synsedimentary compressional markers (inversion posits (Wendt et al., 2009a). In this complete sedimentary
tectonics) succession, we have focused on the Devonian deposits as
they are very sensitive to and representative of basin dynam-
After the development of the extensional tectonism described ics. The architecture of the Devonian deposits allows us to
previously, evidence of synsedimentary compressional mark- approximate the main forcing factors controlling the sedi-
ers can be identified. These markers are located and preferen- mentary infilling of the basin and its synsedimentary defor-
tially observable near the Arak-Foum Belrem Arch (Fig. 6f; mation. Eleven facies associations organized into four depo-
F2 in Fig. 7c), the Azzel Matti Arch (2 in Fig. 7v), and the sitional environments (Table 1) are defined to reconstruct the
Bahar El Hamar area intra-basin arch (2 in Fig. 7d). The tec- architecture and the lateral and vertical sedimentary evolu-
tonic structures take the form of inverse faulting reactivating tion of the basins (Figs. 10, 11, 12 and 13).
former basement faults (F1’ in Fig. 6f, F1 in Fig. 7c, F1’ in
Fig. 7d, F1 in Fig. 7b). The synsedimentary inverse faulting 5.1 Facies association, depositional environments, and
is demonstrated by the characterization of asymmetric an- erosional unconformities
ticlines and is especially observable in satellite images and
restricted to the fault footwalls (Fig. 5a along F1–F2). Based on the compilation and synthesis of internal studies
Landsat image analysis combined with the line drawing (Eschard et al., 1999), and published papers on the Saharan
of certain seismic lines reveals several thickness variations Platform (Beuf et al., 1971; Eschard et al., 2005, 2010; Hen-
reflecting divergent onlaps (i.e., wedge-shaped units) which niche, 2002) and on the Ahnet and Mouydir basins (Biju-
are restricted to the hanging-wall asymmetric anticlines (2 Duval et al., 1968; Wendt et al., 2006), eleven main facies
in Figs. 6f, 7b, c and d). The compressional synsedimen- associations (AF1 to AF5) and four depositional environ-
tary markers clearly post-date extensional divergent onlaps ments are proposed for the Devonian succession (Table 1).
at hanging-wall syncline-shaped forced folds (1 in Figs. 7c, They are associated with their gamma-ray responses (Figs. 8
c and d). This architecture is very similar to classical positive and 9). They are organized into two continental fluvial (AF1
inversion structures of former inherited normal faults (Bel- to AF2), four transitional coastal plain (AF3a to AF3d), three
lahsen and Daniel, 2005; Bonini et al., 2012; Buchanan and shoreface (AF4a to AF4c), and two offshore (AF5a to AF5b)
McClay, 1991; Ustaszewski et al., 2005). Tectonic transport sedimentary environments.
from the paleo-graben hanging wall toward the paleo-horst
footwall (F1, F2–F2’, F4–F4’ in Fig. 7b; F1–F1’ in Fig. 7d) 5.1.1 Continental fluvial environments
is evidenced. Further positive tectonic inversion architecture
is identified by tectonic transport from the paleo-horst foot- This depositional environment features the AF1 (fluvial) and
wall to the paleo-graben hanging wall (F1-F1’ in Fig. 6f; F1, the AF2 (flood plain) facies association (Table 1). Facies
F5, and F6 in Fig. 7c). This second type of tectonic inversion association AF1 is mainly characterized by a thinning-up
is very similar to the transported fault models defined by But- sequence with a basal erosional surface and trough cross-
ler (1989) and Madritsch et al. (2008). The local positive in- bedded intraformational conglomerates with mud clast lag
versions of inherited normal faults occurred during Silurian– deposits, quartz pebbles, and imbricated grains (Table 1).
Devonian (F4’ Fig. 7b) and Middle to Late Devonian times It passes into medium to coarse trough cross-bedded sand-
(Figs. 7b, c and d). A late significant compression event be- stones, planar cross-bedded siltstones, and laminated shales.
tween the end of the Carboniferous and the Early Mesozoic These deposits are associated with rare bioturbation (except
was responsible for the exhumation and erosion of the tilted at the surface of the sets), ironstones, phosphorites, corroded
Paleozoic series. This series is related to the Hercynian an- quartz grains, and phosphatized pebbles. Laterally, facies as-
gular unconformity surface (Fig. 7b). sociation AF2 is characterized by horizontally laminated and
very poorly sorted silt to argillaceous fine sandstones. They
contain frequent root traces, plant debris, well-developed
5 Stratigraphy and sedimentology paleosols, bioturbation, nodules, and ferruginous horizons.
Current ripples and climbing ripples are associated in pro-
The whole sedimentary series described in the literature is grading thin sandy layers.
composed of fluviatile to braid-deltaic plain Cambrian, not In AF1, the basal erosional reworking and high energy pro-
only fluviatile (e.g., Brahmaputra River analogue), with a cesses are characteristic of channel-filling of fluvial systems
transitional facies from continental to shallow marine (Beuf (Allen, 1983; Owen, 1995). Eschard et al. (1999) identify
et al., 1968a, b, 1971; Eschard et al., 2005, 2010; Sabaou three fluvial systems (see A, B, and C in Fig. 9) in the Tassili-
et al., 2009), Upper Ordovician glaciogenic deposits (Beuf N-Ajjers outcrops: braided dominant (AF1a), meandering
dominant (AF1b), and straight dominant (AF1c). They dif- and fine-grained sandstones. They exhibit mud cracks, oc-
ferentiate them by their different sinuosity, direction of ac- casional wave ripples, and rare multidirectional current rip-
cretion (lateral or frontal), the presence of mud drapes, bio- ples. These sedimentary structures are poorly preserved be-
turbation, and giant epsilon cross-bedding. Gamma-ray sig- cause of intense bioturbation composed of Skolithos (Sk),
natures of these facies associations (A, B, and C in Fig. 9) are Thalassinoides (Th), and Planolites (Pl). The fauna includes
cylindrical with an average value of 20 gAPI. The gamma- ammonoids (rare), goniatites, calymenids, pelecypod molds,
ray shapes are largely representative of fluvial environments and brachiopod coquinas.
(Rider, 1996; Serra and Serra, 2003; Wagoner et al., 1990). In AF3a, both tidal and fluvial systems in the same facies
The bottom is sharp with high value peaks and the tops are association can be interpreted as an estuarine system (Dal-
frequently fining-up, which may be associated with high val- rymple et al., 1992; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). The gamma-
ues caused by argillaceous flood plain deposits and roots ray signature is characterized by a convex bell shape with
(Eschard et al., 1999). AF2 is interpreted as humid flood- rapidly alternating low to mid values (30 to 60 gAPI) due
plain deposits (Allen, 1983; Owen, 1995) with crevasse to the mud draping of the sets (see E Fig. 9). These forms
splays or preserved levees of fluvial channels (Eschard et al., of gamma ray are typical of fluvial–tidal influenced environ-
1999). Gamma-ray curves of AF2 (D, Fig. 9) show a rapid ments with upward-fining parasequences (Rider, 1996; Serra
succession of low to very high peak values, ranging from and Serra, 2003; Wagoner et al., 1990). AF3a is identified
50 to 120 gAPI. AF1 and AF2 are typical of the Pragian at the top of the Pragian “Oued Samene” Formation and in
“Oued Samene” Formation (Wendt et al., 2006). In the Il- Famennian “Khenig” Formation (Wendt et al., 2006) in the
lizi Basin, these facies are mainly recorded in the Ajjers For- Ahnet and Mouydir basins. In the Illizi Basin, AF3a is mostly
mation (dated Upper Cambrian? to Ordovician, see Fabre, recorded at the top Cambrian of the Ajjers Formation, in the
2005; Vecoli, 2000; Vecoli et al., 1995, 1999, 2008; Vecoli Lochkovian “Barre Moyenne”, and at the top Pragian of the
and Playford, 1997) and the Lochkovian to Pragian “Barre “Barre Supérieure” Formation (Beuf et al., 1971; Eschard et
Moyenne” and “Barre Supérieure” formations (Beuf et al., al., 2005). The AF3b association can be characterized by a
1971; Eschard et al., 2005). mixed fluvial and tidal dynamic based on criteria such as ero-
sional basal contacts, fining-upward trends, or heterolythic
5.1.2 Transitional coastal plain environments facies (Dalrymple et al., 1992; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007).
They are associated with abundant mud clasts, mud drapes,
This depositional environment comprises facies associations and bioturbation indicating tidal influences (Dalrymple et al.,
AF3a (delta/estuarine), AF3b (fluvial/tidal distributary chan- 1992, 2012; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007). The major differ-
nels), AF3c (tidal sand flat), and AF3d (lagoon/mudflat) (Ta- ence with the estuarine facies association (AF3a) is the slight
ble 1). AF3a is mainly dominated by sigmoidal cross-bedded lateral extent of the channels which are only visible in out-
heterolithic rocks with mud drapes. It is also characterized crops (Eschard et al., 1999). The gamma-ray pattern is very
by fine to coarse, poorly sorted sandstones and siltstones similar to the estuarine electrofacies (see F Fig. 9). AF3c is
often structured by combined flow ripples, flaser bedding, interpreted as a tidal sand flat laterally present near a delta
wavy bedding, and some rare planar bedding. Mud clasts, (Lessa and Masselink, 1995) and associated with an estuar-
root traces, desiccation cracks, water escape features, and ine environment (Leuven et al., 2016). The gamma-ray sig-
shale pebbles are common. The presence of epsilon bedding nature (see G Fig. 9) is distinguishable by its concave funnel
is attested, which is formed by lateral accretion of a river shape with alternating low and mid peaks (25 to 60 gAPI) due
point bar (Allen, 1983). The bed surface sets are intensively to the heterogeneity of the deposits and rapid variations in
bioturbated (Skolithos and Planolites) indicating a shallow the sand/shale ratio. These facies are observed in the “Talus
marine subtidal setting (Pemberton and Frey, 1982). Faunas à Tigillites” Formation of the Illizi Basin (Eschard et al.,
such as brachiopods, trilobites, tentaculites, and graptolites 2005). In AF4d, both ichnofacies and facies are indicative of
are present. AF3b exhibits a fining-up sequence featured by tidal mudflat/lagoonal depositional environments (Dalrym-
a sharp erosional surface, trough cross-bedded, very coarse- ple et al., 1992; Dalrymple and Choi, 2007; Frey et al., 1990).
grained, poorly sorted sandstone at the base and sigmoidal The gamma-ray signature has a distinctively high value (80
cross-bedding at the top (Figs. 8 and 9). AF3c is formed by to 130 gAPI) and an erratic shape (see H Fig. 9). AF4d is ob-
fine-grained to very coarse-grained sigmoidal cross-bedded served in the “Atafaitafa” Formation and in the Emsian pro-
heterolithic sandstones with multidirectional tidal bundles. grading shoreface sequence of the Illizi Basin (Eschard et al.,
They are also structured by lenticular, flaser bedding and 2005). It is also recorded in the Lochkovian “Oued Samene”
occasional current and oscillation ripples with mud cracks. Formation and the Famennian “Khenig” sandstones (Wendt
They reveal intense bioturbation composed of Skolithos (Sk), et al., 2006).
Thalassinoides (Th), and Planolites (Pl) ichnofacies indicat-
ing a shallow marine subtidal setting (Frey et al., 1990; Pem-
berton and Frey, 1982). AF4d is characterized by horizon-
tally laminated mudstones associated with varicolored shales
Figure 9. The main depositional environments (a–l) and their associated electrofacies (i.e., gamma-ray patterns) modified and compiled from
Eschard et al. (1999).
Figure 10. SE–W cross-section between the Reggane Basin, the Azzel Matti Arch, the Ahnet Basin, the Arak-Foum Belrem Arch, the Mouy-
dir Basin, and the Amguid El Biod Arch (well locations in Fig. 3). The well W1 biozone calibration is from Hassan (1984) and the internal
report is based on the Magloire (1967) classification: biozone G3-H (Wenlock–Ludlow, Upper Silurian), biozone I-K (Lochkovian–Emsian,
Lower Devonian), biozone L1-3 (Eifelian–Givetian, Middle Devonian), biozone L4 (Frasnian, Upper Devonian), biozone L5-7 (Famennian,
Upper Devonian), and biozone M2 (Tournaisian–Lower Carboniferous). The well W7 biozone calibration is from Azzoune (1999) and the
internal report is based on the Boumendjel (1987) classification: biozone 7–12 (Lochkovian, Lower Devonian) and biozone 15 (Emsian,
Lower Devonian). Interpretation of the basement is based on Figs. 1, 2, and 15. Well location is in Fig. 2.
vian to Givetian. D1 to D5 medium-scale sequences indicate 6 Subsidence and tectonic history: an association of
a general proximal clastic depositional environment (dom- low rate extensional subsidence and positive
inated by fluvial to transitional and shoreface facies) with inversion pulses
intensive lateral facies evolution. This first pattern is thin
(from 500 m in the basin depocenter to 200 m around the The backstripping approach (Fig. 14) was applied to five
basin rim) and with successive amalgamated surfaces on wells (W1, W5, W7, W17, and W21). The morphology of the
the edge of the arches between the “Zone de passage” and backstripped curve and subsidence rates can provide clues
“Oued Samene” formations (e.g., Figs. 10 and 13). It is de- as to the nature of the sedimentary basin (Xie and Heller,
limited at the bottom by the HD0 surface corresponding to 2009). In intracratonic basins, reconstructed tectonic subsi-
the Silurian–Devonian boundary. D1 to D3 are composed of dence curves are almost linear to gently exponential in shape,
T/R sequences with a first deepening transgressive trend in- similar to those of passive margins and rifts (Xie and Heller,
dicative of a transition from continental to marine deposits 2009). The compilation of tectonic backstripped curves from
bounded by a major MFS and evolving into a second shal- several wells in peri-Hoggar basins (Fig. 14a, see Fig. 1 for
lowing trend from deep marine to shallow marine deposi- location) and from wells in the study area (Fig. 14b) display
tional environments. D1 to D3 thin progressively toward the low rates of subsidence (from 5 to 50 m Myr−1 ) organized in
edge and the continental deposits, in the central part of the subsidence patterns of: inversion of the low rate subsidence
basin, pass laterally into a major unconformity. The amalga- (ILRS type c, red line, Fig. 14c), deceleration of the low rate
mation of the surfaces and lateral variations of facies between subsidence (DLRS type b, black line), and acceleration of the
the Ahnet Basin and Azzel Matti and Arak-Foum Belrem low rate subsidence (ALRS type a, blue line).
arches demonstrate a tectonic control related to the presence Each period of ILRS, DLRS, and ALRS may be syn-
of subsiding basins and paleo-highs (i.e., arches). chronous among the different wells studied (see B1 to J,
D4 and D5 display the same T/R pattern with a reduced Fig. 14b) and some wells from published data (see D to J
continental influence and upward decrease in lateral facies Fig. 14a).
variations and thicknesses where the MFS4 marks the be- The Saharan Platform is marked by a rejuvenation of base-
ginning of a marine-dominated regime in the entire area. It ment structures, around arches (Figs. 1, 2, and 3), linked to
is identified as the Early Eifelian transgression defined by regional geodynamic pulses during Neoproterozoic to Pale-
Wendt et al. (2006). The D5 sequence is mainly composed ozoic times (Fig. 14). A compilation of the literature shows
of shoreface carbonates. Evidence of mud mounds preferen- that the main geodynamic events are associated with discrim-
tially located along faults are well-documented in the area for inant association of subsidence patterns:
that time (Wendt et al., 1993, 1997, 2006; Wendt and Kauf-
a. Late Pan-African compression and collapse (patterns a,
mann, 1998). This change in the general pattern indicates re-
b, and c, A Fig. 14a). The infra-Cambrian (i.e., top Neo-
duced tectonic influence.
proterozoic) is characterized by horst and graben ar-
MFS5, at the transition between the two main patterns,
chitecture associated with wedge-shaped unit DO0 in
represents a major flooding surface on the platform and is
the basement (Fig. 7). This structuring, probably re-
featured worldwide by deposition of “hot shales” during the
lated to Pan-African post-orogenic collapse, is illus-
early Frasnian (Lüning et al., 2003, 2004; Wendt et al., 2006).
trated by intracratonic basins infilled with volcano-
The second pattern extends from the “Mehden Yahia”,
sedimentary molasses series (Ahmed and Moussine-
“Temertasset” to the “Khenig” formations dated Frasnian
Pouchkine, 1987; Coward and Ries, 2003; Fabre et al.,
to Lower Tournaisian. This pattern is composed of part of
1988; Oudra et al., 2005).
D5–D9 medium-scale sequences. It corresponds to homoge-
nous offshore depositional environments with no lateral fa- b. Cambrian–Ordovician geodynamic pulse (Fig. 14).
cies variations. However, local deltaic (fluvio–marine) con- Highlighted by the wedge-shaped units DO1 (Figs. 6a
ditions are observed during the Frasnian at the Arak Foum and 7), the horst and graben system is correlated with
Belrem Arch (“Grès de Mehden Yahia” in Fig. 12). A suc- deceleration (DLRS pattern a, B1) and with local ac-
cessive alternation of shoreface and offshore deposits is or- celeration of the subsidence (ALRS pattern b, B2).
ganized into five medium-scale sequences (part of D5, and The Cambrian–Ordovician extension is documented on
D6 to D9; Figs. 10, 11 and 12). They, in particular, show arches (Arak-Foum Belrem, Azzel Matti, Amguid El
some regressive phases with the deposition of both “Grès de Biod, Tihemboka, Gargaf, Murizidié, Dor El Gussa,
Mehden Yahia” and “Grès du Khnig” sandstones (bounded etc.) of the Saharan Platform by synsedimentary nor-
by HD6 and HD9). This pattern (i.e., part of D5 to D9) cor- mal faults, reduced sedimentary successions (Bennacef
responds to the general maximum flooding (Lüning et al., et al., 1971; Beuf et al., 1968a, b, 1971; Beuf and Mon-
2003, 2004; Wendt et al., 2006) under eustatic control with tadert, 1962; Borocco and Nyssen, 1959; Claracq et
no tectonic influences. al., 1958; Echikh, 1998; Eschard et al., 2010; Fabre,
1988; Ghienne et al., 2003, 2013; Zazoun and Mahd-
joub, 2011), and by stratigraphic hiatuses (Mélou et al.,
Figure 11. SE–W cross section between the Arak-Foum Belrem Arch, the Mouydir Basin, and the Amguid El Biod Arch. Outcrop cross-
section correlations and biostratigraphic calibrations are based on the compilation of published papers (Wendt et al., 2006, 2009b). Interpre-
tation of the basement is based on Figs. 1, 2, and 15. Outcrop location is in Fig. 2.
1999; Oulebsir and Paris, 1995; Paris et al., 2000; Vecoli this occurs due to truncations located at fold hinges
et al., 1995, 1999). (Figs. 6c and 7) and due to a major shift from marine to
fluvial/transitional environments (e.g., Fig. 10). Back-
c. Late Ordovician geodynamic pulse (i.e., Hirnantian stripped curves register an inversion of the subsidence
glacial and isostatic rebound; Fig. 14). Late Ordovi- (ILRS of pattern c, in Fig. 14). The Caledonian event is
cian incisions mainly situated at the hanging walls of mentioned as related to large-scale folding or uplifted
normal faults (Fig. 7c and d) are interpreted as Hirnan- arches (e.g., the Gargaff, Tihemboka, Ahara, Murizidé-
tian glacial-paleovalleys (Le Heron, 2010; Smart, 2000) Dor el Gussa and Amguid El Biod arches) and it is as-
and followed by local inversion of low rate subsidence sociated with breaks in the series and with angular un-
(ILRS of type c, C in Fig. 14). conformities (Beuf et al., 1971; Biju-Duval et al., 1968;
Boote et al., 1998; Boudjema, 1987; Boumendjel et al.,
d. Silurian extensional geodynamic pulse (D, Fig. 14). The 1988; Carruba et al., 2014; Chavand and Claracq, 1960;
Silurian post-glaciation period is featured by the reac- Coward and Ries, 2003; Dubois and Mazelet, 1964;
tivation and sealing of the inherited horst and graben Echikh, 1998; Eschard et al., 2010; Fekirine and Ab-
fault system (i.e., wedge-shaped unit DO2; Figs. 6b, c, dallah, 1998; Follot, 1950; Frizon de Lamotte et al.,
7a and b). It is linked to an acceleration of the subsi- 2013; Ghienne et al., 2013; Gindre et al., 2012; Legrand,
dence (ALRS of pattern b in Fig. 14). This tectonic ex- 1967a, b; Magloire, 1967).
tension is documented in seismic records (Najem et al.,
2015) and is associated with the Silurian major trans- f. Early Devonian tectonic quiescence (F Fig. 14). This
gression on the Saharan Platform (e.g., Eschard et al., is characterized by a deceleration of the low rate sub-
2005; Lüning et al., 2000). sidence (DLRS of pattern a, F in Fig. 14). During this
period, we have detected Emsian truncation from satel-
e. Late Silurian to Early Devonian geodynamic pulse lite images (Fig. 6d and e) and erosion and pinch out of
(Caledonian compression; E Fig. 14). Late Silurian Upper Emsian to Eifelian series from well cross sec-
times are marked by reactivation and local positive tions (Figs. 10, 12 and 13). In previous works, these
inversion of the former structures (Figs. 6c and 7b); hiatuses/gaps (i.e., Upper Lochkovian, Lower Pragian,
Figure 12. NE–W cross section between the Reggane Basin, the Azzel Matti Arch, the Ahnet Basin, the Arak-Foum Belrem Arch, the
Mouydir Basin, and the Amguid El Biod Arch. The well W18 biozone calibration is based on Kermandji et al. (2009): biozone (Tm)
tidikeltense microbaculatus (Lochkovian, Lower Devonian), biozone (Es) emsiensis spinaeformis (Lochkovian–Pragian, Lower Devonian),
biozone (Ac) arenorugosa caperatus (Pragian, Lower Devonian), biozone (Ps) poligonalis subgranifer (Pragian–Emsian, Lower Devonian),
biozone (As) annulatus svalbardiae (Emsian, Lower Devonian), biozone (Mp) microancyreus protea (Emsian–Eifelian, Lower to Middle
Devonian), and biozone (Vl) velatus langii (Eifelian, Middle Devonian). The well W19 and W20 biozones calibration from internal reports
(Abdesselam-Rouighi, 1991; Khiar, 1974) is based on the Magloire (1967) classification: biozone H (Pridoli, Upper Silurian), biozone I
(Lochkovian, Lower Devonian), biozone J (Pragian, Lower Devonian), biozone K (Emsian, Lower Devonian), and biozone L1-5 (Middle
Devonian to Upper Devonian). Interpretation of the basement is based on Figs. 1, 2, and 15. Outcrop and well location is in Fig. 2.
Figure 13. N–S cross section in the Ahnet Basin between Azzel Matti Arch and Arak-Foum Belrem Arch; well W7 biozone calibration from
Azzoune, (1999) internal report based on the Boumendjel (1987) classification: biozones 7–12 (Lochkovian, Lower Devonian), biozone 15
(Emsian, Lower Devonian). Well W18 biozone calibration is based on Kermandji et al. (2009): biozone (Tm) tidikeltense microbaculatus
(Lochkovian, Lower Devonian), biozone (Es) emsiensis spinaeformis (Lochkovian–Pragian, Lower Devonian), biozone (Ac) arenorugosa
caperatus (Pragian, Lower Devonian), biozone (Ps) poligonalis subgranifer (Pragian–Emsian, Lower Devonian), biozone (As) annulatus
svalbardiae (Emsian, Lower Devonian), biozone (Mp) microancyreus protea (Emsian–Eifelian, Lower to Middle Devonian), and biozone
(Vl) velatus langii (Eifelian, Middle Devonian). The well W12 biozone calibration from Abdesselam-Rouighi (1977) internal report is based
on the Boumendjel (1987) classification: biozone J (Pragian, Lower Devonian), biozone K (Emsian, Lower Devonian), biozone L1 (Eifelian,
Middle Devonian), and biozone L7-3, L7-9 (Frasnian–Famennian, Upper Devonian). Interpretation of the basement is based on Figs. 1, 2,
and 15. Outcrop and well location is in Fig. 2.
Figure 14. (a) Tectonic backstripped curves of the Paleozoic North Saharan Platform (peri-Hoggar basins) compiled from literature. 1: HAD-
1 well in Ghadamès Basin (Makhous and Galushkin, 2003b); 2: well RPL-101 in Reggane Basin (Makhous and Galushkin, 2003b); 3: L1-
1 well in Murzuq Basin (Galushkin and Eloghbi, 2014); 4: TGE-1 in Illizi Basin (Makhous and Galushkin, 2003a); 5: REG-1 in Timi-
moun Basin (Makhous and Galushkin, 2003b); 6: Ghadamès-Berkine Basin (Allen and Armitage, 2011; Yahi, 1999); 7: well in Sbâa Basin
(Tournier, 2010); and 8: well B1NC43 in Al Kufrah Basin (Holt et al., 2010). (b) Tectonic backstripped curves of wells in the study area
1: well W17 in Ahnet Basin; 2: well W5 in Ahnet Basin; 3: well W7 in Ahnet Basin; 4: well W21 in Mouydir Basin; and 5: well W1 in Reg-
gane Basin. (c) Typologies of subsidence curves morphologies. A: Late Pan-African compression and collapse (type a, b, and c subsidence),
B: undifferentiated Cambrian–Ordovician (type a, b, and c subsidence), B1: Cambrian–Ordovician tectonic quiescence (type a subsidence),
B2: Cambrian–Ordovician extension (type b subsidence), C: Late Ordovician glacial and isostatic rebound (type c subsidence), D: Silurian
extension (type b subsidence), E: Late Silurian Caledonian compression (type c subsidence), F: Early Devonian tectonic quiescence (type a
subsidence), G–H: Middle to late Devonian extension with local compression (i.e., inversion structures, type b and c subsidence), I: Early
Carboniferous extension with local tectonic pre-Hercynian compression (type c and b subsidence), and J: Middle Carboniferous tectonic
extension (type b subsidence).
Upper Pragian, Upper Emsian, Lower Eifelian) are ob- two main events deduced from geochronological data are
served in the Ahnet Basin (Kermandji, 2007; Kermandji the Neoproterozoic (i.e., Pan-African) and Paleoproterozoic
et al., 2003, 2008, 2009; Wendt et al., 2006), in the Il- (i.e., Eburnean) episodes (Bertrand and Caby, 1978). Aero-
lizi (Boudjema, 1987) and in the Reggane (Jäger et al., magnetic anomaly surveys are commonly used to analyze
2009). geological features such as rock types and fault zones (e.g.,
Turner et al., 2007). A similar study was led in the mean-
g., h. Middle to late Devonian geodynamic pulse (extension
time showing similar interpretations (Bournas et al., 2003;
and local inversions, G and H Fig. 14). The Middle to
Brahimi et al., 2018). In this study, these data highlight the
Late Devonian period is characterized by large wedge
geometries and the extension of the different terranes un-
hiatuses and truncations associated with the reactivation
der the sedimentary cover. Four main domains can be identi-
of horst and graben structures and local positive inver-
fied from the aeromagnetic anomaly map, delimited by con-
sion (OD3 in Figs. 6d, e, f, 7 and 10 to 13). This pe-
trasted magnetic signatures and interpreted as suture zones
riod is characterized by inversion and acceleration of
(thick black lines, Fig. 15a). The study area is bounded to the
low rate subsidence (patterns c and b: ILRS – ALRS,
south by the Tuareg Shield (TS), to the north by the south At-
Fig. 14). Some of the Middle to Late Devonian syntec-
lassic Range, to the west by the West African Craton (WAC),
tonic structures and hiatuses (e.g., Givetian/Frasnian)
and to the east by the East Saharan Craton (ESC) or Saharan
are noticed in the Ahnet Basin (Wendt et al., 2006),
Metacraton (Abdelsalam et al., 2002).
on the Amguid Ridge (Wendt et al., 2009b), in the Il-
The magnetic disturbance features (Fig. 15a) show three
lizi Basin (Boudjema, 1987; Chaumeau et al., 1961;
main magnetic trends. A major N–S sinuous fabric and
Eschard et al., 2010; Fabre, 2005; Legrand, 1967a),
two minor sinuous 130–140◦ E and N45◦ E trends. The ma-
on the Gargaf (Carruba et al., 2014; Collomb, 1962;
jor N–S lineaments coincide with terrane boundaries and
Fabre, 2005; Massa, 1988) and elsewhere on the plat-
mega-shear zones (e.g., 4◦ 50′ , 4◦ 10′ , WOSZ, EOSZ, 8◦ 30′ ,
form (Frizon de Lamotte et al., 2013).
RSZ shear zones; Fig. 1). Sigmoidal-shaped terranes 200 to
i., j. Pre-Hercynian to Hercynian geodynamic pulses (I and 500 km long and 100 km wide are characterized (red lines in
J Fig. 14). This period is organized in Early Carbonifer- Fig. 15a). The whole assemblage forms a typical SC-shaped
ous pre-Hercynian (I, Fig. 14) to Late Carboniferous– shear fabric (Choukroune et al., 1987) associated with verti-
Early Permian Hercynian compressions limited by cal mega-shear zones and suture zones (e.g., WOSZ, EOSZ,
Mid Carboniferous tectonic quiescence/extension (J, 4◦ 10′ , 4◦ 50′ or 8◦ 30′ Hoggar shear zones in Fig. 1). The SC
Fig. 14). The Carboniferous period is characterized by fabrics combined with subvertical lithospheric shear zones
a normal reactivation and local positive inversion of (Fig. 16b and c) are typical features of the Paleoproterozoic
the previous structural patterns involving reverse faults, accretionary orogens (Cagnard et al., 2011; Chardon et al.,
overturned folds, transpressional flower structures along 2009). This architecture is concordant with the Neoprotero-
strike-slip fault zones (Figs. 6f, 7b, c and d). The ma- zoic collage of the Tuareg Shield (i.e., mobile belt) between
jor Carboniferous tectonic event on the Saharan Plat- the West African Craton and the East Saharan Craton (i.e.,
form impacted all arches and it is mainly controlled by cratonic blocks) described by (Coward and Ries, 2003; Craig
near-vertical basement faults with a strike-slip compo- et al., 2008).
nent (Boote et al., 1998; Caby, 2003; Carruba et al., The gravimetric anomaly map (Fig. 15b) shows a cor-
2014; Haddoum et al., 2001, 2013; Liégeois et al., 2003; relation between gravimetric anomalies and tectonic archi-
Wendt et al., 2009a; Zazoun, 2001, 2008). According to tecture (intracratonic syncline-shaped basin and neighboring
these authors basement fabric features exerted a very arches). Positive anomalies (> 66 mGal) are mainly asso-
strong control on the structural evolution during the ciated with arches, whereas negative anomalies are related
Hercynian deformation. Two major hiatuses (i.e., Mid to intracratonic basins (< 66 mGal). Nevertheless, negative
Tournaisian to Mid Visean–Serpukhovian) are recog- anomaly disturbance is found in the Hoggar Massif proba-
nized (Wendt et al., 2009a). bly due to Cenozoic volcanism and the Hoggar swell (Lié-
geois et al., 2005) or to Eocene Alpine intraplate lithospheric
The geodynamic pulses attest to the reactivation of the ter-
buckling (Rougier et al., 2013).
ranes and associated lithospheric fault zones. This observa-
The Precambrian structural heritage is characterized by
tion questions the nature of the Precambrian basement and
accreted lithospheric terranes limited by vertical strike-slip
associated structural heritage.
mega-shear zones (Fig. 16b and c). A zonation is ob-
served between the Paleozoic basins and arches configura-
7 Basement characterization: Precambrian structural tions and the different terranes (thermo-tectonic age). Arches
heritage are linked to Archean to Paleoproterozoic continental ter-
ranes in contrast to syncline-shaped basins which are associ-
Geochronological data show that the different terranes were ated with Meso-Neoproterozoic terranes (Figs. 1, 2 and 16a).
reworked during several main thermo-orogenic events. The
Figure 15. (a) Interpreted aeromagnetic anomaly map (, last access: 1 December 2016) of the Paleozoic North
Saharan Platform (peri-Hoggar basins) showing the different terranes delimited by N–S, NW–SE, and NE–SW lineaments and megasigmoid
structures (SC – shear fabrics). (b) Bouguer anomaly map (from the International Gravimetric Bureau:, last access:
1 December 2016) of the North Saharan Platform (peri-Hoggar basins) presenting evidence of positive anomalies under arches and negative
anomalies under basins.
Figure 16. (a) Interpreted map of basement terranes according to their age (compilation of datasets in Fig. 1 and Supplement data 1);
(b) Satellite images (7ETM+ from USGS:, last access: 29 October 2016) of Paleoproterozoic Issalane-Tarat
terrane, central Hoggar (see C for location). (c) Interpreted satellite images of Paleoproterozoic Issalane-Tarat terrane showing sinistral
sigmoid mega-structures associated with transcurrent lithospheric shear fabrics (SC).
Figure 17. (a) Different structural model styles identified from the analysis of seismic profiles and from interpretation of the satellite images.
(b) A conceptual model of the architecture of an intracratonic low rate subsidence basin and synthesis of the tectonic kinematics during the
Paleozoic. Note that the differential subsidence between arches and basins is controlled by terrane heterogeneity (i.e., thermo-chronologic
age, rheology, etc.).
8 Low subsidence rate intracratonic Paleozoic basins 2007; Le Heron et al., 2006). These periods of com-
of the central Sahara provide a basis for an pression are possibly related to intraplate compression
integrated modeling study linked to distal orogenies (i.e., Late Silurian Caledonian
event, Late Carboniferous Hercynian, (Frizon de Lam-
Paleozoic intracratonic basins with similar characteristics otte et al., 2013) or to intraplate arch uplift related to
(architecture, subsidence rate, stratigraphic partitioning, al- magmatism (Derder et al., 2016; Fabre, 2005; Frizon de
ternating episodes of intraplate extension, and short dura- Lamotte et al., 2013; Moreau et al., 1994).
tion compressions with periods of tectonic quiescence, etc.)
have been documented in North America (e.g., Allen and e. Synsedimentary divergent onlaps and local unconformi-
Armitage, 2011; Beaumont et al., 1988; Burgess, 2008; ties are identified from integrated seismic data, satellite
Burgess et al., 1997; Eaton and Darbyshire, 2010; Pinet images, and borehole data (Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 10 to 13).
et al., 2013; Potter, 2006; Sloss, 1963; Xie and Heller, The periods of tectonic activity are characterized by
2006), South America (Allen and Armitage, 2011; de Brito normal to reverse reactivation of border faults, emplace-
Neves et al., 1984; Milani and Zalan, 1999; de Oliveira and ment of wedge-shaped units, and erosional unconformi-
Mohriak, 2003; Soares et al., 1978; Zalan et al., 1990), Rus- ties neighboring the arches.
sia (Allen and Armitage, 2011; Nikishin et al., 1996) and f. The stratigraphic architecture displays a lateral facies
Australia (Harris, 1994; Lindsay and Leven, 1996; Mory variation and partitioning between distal marine facies
et al., 2017). However, the nature of the potential driving infilling the intracratonic basins (i.e., offshore deposits)
processes (lithospheric folding, far-field stresses, local in- and proximal amalgamated facies (i.e., fluvio–marine,
crease in the geotherm, mechanical anisotropy from litho- shoreface) associated with prominent stratigraphic hia-
spheric rheological heterogeneity, etc.) associated with the tus and erosional unconformities in the vicinity of the
formation of intracratonic Paleozoic basins remains highly arches.
speculative (Allen and Armitage, 2011; Armitage and Allen,
2010; Braun et al., 2014; Burgess and Gurnis, 1995; Burov g. A close connection is evidenced between the period of
and Cloetingh, 2009; Cacace and Scheck-Wenderoth, 2016; tectonic deformation and the presence of erosional un-
Célérier et al., 2005; Gac et al., 2013; Heine et al., 2008; conformities (i.e., 2, 3, 6, 8, 10 geodynamic events in
Leeder, 1991; Vauchez et al., 1998). Fig. 17b). By contrast, the periods of tectonic quies-
The multiscale and multidisciplinary analysis performed cence and extension are characterized by low lateral fa-
in this study enable us to document a model of Paleozoic cies variations, thin deposits, and the absence of ero-
intracratonic central Saharan basins that couples basin archi- sional surfaces.
tecture and basement structures (Fig. 17). While we do not
provide any quantitative explanations for the dynamics of h. The Precambrian heritage corresponds to Archean to
these basins, our synthesis highlights that their subsidence Paleoproterozoic terranes identified in the Hoggar Mas-
is not the result of a single process and we attempt to make sif and reactivated during the Meso-Neoproterozoic
a check-list here of the properties that a generic model of Pan-African cycle (Fig. 1). The Precambrian litho-
formation of such basins must capture: spheric heterogeneity illustrated by the different charac-
teristics of Precambrian terranes (wavelength, age, na-
a. The association of syncline-shaped wide basins and ture, fault zones) spatially control the emplacement of
neighboring arches (i.e., paleo-highs). The structural the syncline-shaped intracratonic basins underlain by
framework shows a close association of syncline- Meso–Neoproterozoic oceanic terranes and the arches
shaped basins, interbasin principal to secondary arches, underlain by Archean to Paleoproterozoic continental
and intra-basin secondary arches (see Fig. 2). terranes (Figs. 1, 2 and 16). Many authors suggest con-
trol of the basement fabrics is inherited from the Pan-
b. By local horst and graben architecture linked to steep- African orogeny in the Saharan basins (Beuf et al.,
dipping planar normal faults and associated with nor- 1968b, 1971; Boote et al., 1998; Carruba et al., 2014;
mal fault-related fold structures (i.e., forced folds; a, Coward and Ries, 2003; Eschard et al., 2010; Guiraud
Fig. 17a). Locally, the extensional structures are dis- et al., 2005; Sharata et al., 2015).
rupted by positive inversion structures (b, Fig. 17a) or
transported normal faults (c, Fig. 17a).
9 Conclusions
c. A low rate of subsidence ranging between 5 to
50 m Myr−1 (Fig. 14). Our integrated approach using both geophysical (seismic,
gravity, aeromagnetic, etc.) and geological (well, seismic,
d. Long periods of extension and tectonic quiescence are satellite images, etc.) data has enabled us to decrypt the char-
interrupted by brief periods of compression or glacia- acteristics of the intracratonic Paleozoic Saharan basins and
tion/deglaciation events (Beuf et al., 1971; Denis et al., the control of the heterogeneous lithospheric heritage of the
horst and graben architecture, low rate subsidence, and the Fabio Lottaroli for detailed reviews/comments , along with a short
association of long-lived broad synclines and anticlines (i.e., comment from Alexander Peace, which considerably enriched and
arches swells, domes, highs or ridges) with very different improved this paper.
wavelengths (λ) (tens to hundreds of kilometers). A coupled
basin architecture and basement structures model is proposed Edited by: Mark Allen
Reviewed by: Reda Samy Zazoun, Fabio Lottaroli, and Jobst Wendt
(Fig. 17).
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