Detailed Lesson Plan in Cookery
Detailed Lesson Plan in Cookery
Detailed Lesson Plan in Cookery
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1. Define sandwiches;
2. Classify the types of sandwiches;
3. Give the basic components of sandwiches;
4. State the importance of sandwiches;
5. Prepare sandwiches.
A. Classroom Routine
Opening Prayer
Checking of Attendance
B. Review/Recall
Let us have a recall about the
previous topic:
What are the Classification of - Classification of Salads are:
Salads? 1. Appetizer Salads
2. Accompaniment salad
3. Side dish salads
4. Main course salads
5. Separate course salads
6. Dessert salads
Ok very good I’m glad that
you’ve still remember our
previous lesson. So now let’s
C. Motivation
(The teacher will show pictures to the
students. After showing the picture, the
teacher would ask).
How did you find the picture class? - “Ma’am the pictures are examples of
How did you feel upon seeing those - Upon seeing those pictures ma’am, all of
foods? them are delicious!
Okay upon seeing the pictures, what - Ma’am, snacks!
comes in your mind? What probably our - Ma’am, foods!
topic for todays’ discussion. - Ma’am, sandwiches!
D. Activity
On your ¼ sheet of paper, classify
the following sandwiches either
Hot or Cold sandwiches.
1. Chicken Wraps sandwich - Cold sandwich
2. Club sandwich - Cold sandwich
3. Tea sandwiches - Cold sandwich
4. Hamburgers - Hot sandwich
5. Toasted sandwiches - Hot sandwich
6. Burritos - Hot sandwich
7. Quesadillas - Hot sandwich
8. Pinwheel sandwiches - Cold sandwich
9. Hotdog sandwich - Hot sandwich
10. Chicken and veggie tortilla Sandwich - Hot sandwich
E. Analysis
How do you define SANDWICH? - Answers may vary
What are the basic components of - (through powerpoint presentation)
a sandwich?
What are the different types of - Different Types of Sandwiches
sandwiches? Can you read me COLD SANDWICHES
some examples of Hot and Cold 1. Open-faced Sandwiches
Sanwiches? 2. Regular Cold Sandwiches
3. Pinwheel Sandwiches
4. Tea Sandwiches
5. Multi-decker Sandwiches
6. Wrap/Rolled Sandwiches
1. Regular Hot Sandwiches
2. Hot Open-Faced Sandwich
3. Grilled Sandwiches
4. Deep Fried Sandwiches
5. Filled rolls, focaccia or pitta bread
F. Abstraction
What have you learned? - Answers may vary
For you as a student what is the - Answers may vary
importance of the lesson?
G. Application
Learning Task 1: Teacher
Demonstration on the ingredients
and steps in making phinwheel
Learning Task 2: The class will be
divided into three groups and
then they will choose one
representative to demonstrate
also in making phinwheel
Directions: Identify the following sandwiches:
- Grilled Sandwiches
- Multi-decker Sandwiches
- Wrap/Rolled Sandwiches
Make an album of at least 10 sandwich products with pictures, ingredients and steps.
Prepared By:
Geraldine A. Cimagala