Information Sheet 2
Information Sheet 2
Information Sheet 2
Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to install
lighting fixtures in accordance with the PEC and in line with the job
This module covers the knowledge, skills and proper attitude in installing
lighting fixtures. Its deals with installation of overhead lamp in a proper way.
Lighting Fixtures - is an electrical device used to create artificial light by use of an
electric lamp. All light fixtures have a fixture body and a light socket to hold the lamp
and allow for its replacement.
Fuse is defined as an overall current protective device with a circuit opening fusible
element which (break) when an over is current in the circuit.
Circuit breaker is an over-current protective device designed to function as a switch.
Basically, a circuit is equipped with an automatic tripping device to protect the branch
circuit from overload and ground fault. Circuit breaker can be manually tripped, so
that in many case, it also acts as circuit switch.
Electrical switch is any device used to interrupt the flow of electrons in a circuit.
Switches are essentially binary devices: they are either completely on (“closed”) or
completely off (“open”).
Step 1
Find the breaker or fuse that shuts off the circuit that you will be working on. Make
sure it's in the off position.
Step 2
Double check that the power is off by testing the light switch that goes with the light.
Flip it on and off several times. If the light stays off, you’ve turned off the right circuit.
Step 3
You can use a voltage tester or pen tester near the light to check for an electric
Step 4
Remove the nut holding the light shade. Be sure to hold it so it doesn't drop. Use an
alternative light source if you can't see what you're doing.
Step 5
Loosen the screws holding the fixture pan to the electrical box and remove the fixture
Step 6
Remove any electrical tape that covers the wire connectors. Then unscrew the wire
connectors from the wires. Use needle nose pliers if you need help separating them.
Step 7
If your new light comes with a crossbar, screw it on to the outlet box.
Step 8
Reconnect the wires accordingly. Twist the wires together to ensure a connection.
Step 9
Cover the twisted wires with a wire nut, twisting clockwise until snug.
Step 10
Step 11
Insert the fixture pan, and finish installing according to the manufacturer's
Step 12
1. Circuit Breaker
2. Electrical Switch
3. Light Fixtures
4. Circuit Breaker or Fuse
5. Voltage Tester
Supplies/Materials :
Light Fixture
Electrical Switch
Panel Board
Wiring devices
Equipment :
Wiring booth
Set of pliers
Set of screw drivers
Voltage Testers or Pen Tester
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
1. Find the breaker or fuse that shuts off the circuit that you will
be working on. Make sure it's in the off position.
2. Double check that the power is off by testing the light switch
that goes with the light. Flip it on and off several times. If the
light stays off, you’ve turned off the right circuit.
3. You can use a voltage tester or pen tester near the light to
check for an electric current.
4. Remove the nut holding the light shade. Be sure to hold it so it
doesn't drop. Use an alternative light source if you can't see
what you're doing.
5. Loosen the screws holding the fixture pan to the electrical box
and remove the fixture pan.
6. Remove any electrical tape that covers the wire connectors.
Then unscrew the wire connectors from the wires. Use needle
nose pliers if you need help separating them.
7. If your new light comes with a crossbar, screw it on to the
outlet box.
8. Reconnect the wires accordingly. Twist the wires together to
ensure a connection.
9. Cover the twisted wires with a wire nut, twisting clockwise until
10. Wrap each connection with the appropriately colored
electrical tape.
11. Insert the fixture pan, and finish installing according to the
manufacturer's instructions
12. Turn the power back on and test the connection.
Assessment Method:
Direct Observation and questioning
Performance Criteria Checklist 5-2.2
Did you….
1. Did he find the breaker or fuse that shuts off the X
circuit that you will be working onand make sure
it's in the off position?
2. IDouble check that the power is off by testing the X
light switch that goes with the light. Flip it on and
off several times. If the light stays off, you’ve
turned off the right circuit.
3. You can use a voltage tester or pen tester near the X
light to check for an electric current.
4. Remove the nut holding the light shade. Be sure to X
hold it so it doesn't drop. Use an alternative light
source if you can't see what you're doing.
5. Loosen the screws holding the fixture pan to the X
electrical box and remove the fixture pan.
6. Remove any electrical tape that covers the wire X
connectors. Then unscrew the wire connectors
from the wires. Use needle nose pliers if you need
help separating them.
7. If your new light comes with a crossbar, screw it X
on to the outlet box.
8. Reconnect the wires accordingly. Twist the wires X
together to ensure a connection.
9. Cover the twisted wires with a wire nut, twisting X
clockwise until snug.
10. Wrap each connection with the appropriately X
colored electrical tape.
11.Insert the fixture pan, and finish installing X
according to the manufacturer's instructions
12.Turn the power back on and test the connection. X