Excel Review Activity 17 Christmas or Birthday Gift Purchasing
Excel Review Activity 17 Christmas or Birthday Gift Purchasing
Excel Review Activity 17 Christmas or Birthday Gift Purchasing
3. Go on-line and select four different gifts to give as Christmas or birthday presents. Use internet
catalogs or web sites. DO NOT SPEND ALL YOUR TIME SEARCHING FOR THE GIFT! You need
a brief description of the gift and the price of ONE item. Do not worry about the Shipping Column at
this point. If you didn’t use AutoFit, widen column A as necessary. An example appears below:
4. Click and change columns B, D, E, and F to show dollar amounts. (Click on the dollar sign in the
menu bar.) Do NOT change Column C.
5. If you are buying one of each item, put a 1 in the amount column. But if you are buying the same
gift for two or more members of your family, input a 2, 3, etc. in the amount column. Make sure the
amount column DOES NOT show dollar amounts.
8. The total cost for each item in your list will be the subtotal plus the shipping costs. Input this
ADDITION formula into F3. Fill down through F6.
9. Beginning in Cell C8, Type the following label: Total Cost of Gifts. Bold the label. In Cell F8, use
the SUM function to add the
cost of all items together to
form a total cost. (Remember
your SUM function?
=SUM(xx:xx) (You fill in the
right cell addresses in place of
the XX!!!!) Your spreadsheet
will now look like this:
10. Beginning in Cell C9, type the following label: Money I Have for Gifts. In Cell F9, type in how
much money you plan to spend on gifts this year. (This is your choice, but make it somewhat
11. Beginning in Cell C11, type the following label: Amount too much or too little.
12. To compute your final formula, you must SUBTRACT the Total Cost of your Christmas gifts from
the money you have to spend. (Yes, this is slightly upside down on the spreadsheet!) You will be
subtracting F8 from F9. Input this formula into cell F11.
13. The answer for Amount too much or too little will show in one of two ways. If it is encased in (),
it means you have spent MORE money than you had available. You are IN THE RED, which is how
the federal government usually operates (NOT GOOD!) If you don’t see (), you are IN THE BLACK,
which means you have money left over after your gift shopping. Celebrate!
14. If you see (), you might want to figure out a way to earn more money this year!
15. Hit Print Preview to be sure your spreadsheet appears in the correct format and fits on one
16. Save as SS Activity 17. . Submit through Edmodo or as directed by your teacher.
Your finished spreadsheet should look something like this one. The type of gifts MUST be different!
Hit the Shortcut key to Formulas and compare with the Answer Sample in the back.