Excel Seatwork Update
Excel Seatwork Update
Excel Seatwork Update
Exercise 1:Payroll
Introduction to MS Excel files, Workbooks, Worksheets, Columns and Rows.
Formatting Worksheets.
AutoFill, Numeric formats, previewing worksheets.
1. Open a new workbook and save the file with the name “Payroll”.
2. Enter the labels and values in the exact cells locations as desired.
3. Use AutoFill to put the Employee Numbers into cells A6:A8.
4. Set the columns width and rows height appropriately.
5. Set labels alignment appropriately.
6. Use warp text and merge cells as desired.
7. Apply borders, gridlines and shading to the table as desired.
8. Format cell B2 to Short Date format.
9. Format cells E4:G8 to include dollar sign with two decimal places.
10. Calculate the Gross Pay for employee; enter a formula in cell E4 to multiply Hourly Rate by
Hours Worked.
11. Calculate the Social Security Tax (S.S Tax), which is 6% of the Gross Pay; enter a formula in
cell F4 to multiply Gross Pay by 6%.
12. Calculate the Net Pay; enter a formula in cell G4 to subtract Social Security Tax from Gross
13. Set the work sheet vertically and horizontally on the page.
14. Save file as Exercise 1
Exercise 2
1. Open a new workbook and save the file with the name “Call Statistics”.
2. Delete Sheet 2 & 3, and rename Sheet 1 to (Call Statistics).
3. Enter the labels and values in the exact cells locations as desired.
4. Set the row height of rows 1 & 3 to size 30; and rows 4 until 10 to size 20.
5. Set labels alignment appropriately.
6. Use Warp Text, Orientation and merge cells as desired.
7. Apply border, gridlines and shading to the table as desired.
8. Format column E to include Pesos sign (20b1 + alt + x) with two decimal places.
9. Format cell B12 to include % sign with 0 Decimal places.
10. Calculate the Calls per Hour, enter a formula in cell D4 to divide numbers of calls by Hours
worked. Using AutoFill, copy the formula to the remaining cells.
11. Calculate the Bonus. Enter a formula in cell E4 to multiply ‘Calls per Hours’ by the fixed
Bonus Rate in cell B12. Using AutoFill, copy the formula to the remaining cells.
12. Calculate the ‘TOTAL’.
13. Set the worksheet vertically and horizontally on the page.
14. Create a header that includes your name in the left section, and your ID number in the right
section. Create the footer that includes the current Date in the center.
15. Save file as Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Number, Commas and Decimal numeric formats.
Working with Formulas (Maximum, Minimum, Average, Count and Sum).
Percentage Numeric Formats.
1. TAX (If ITEM PRICE is less than 100, TAX is 50, otherwise it should be 100).
4. RATE (If TOTAL PRICE AFTER TAX > 3500 then the rate is “HIGH”,
otherwise it is REASONABLE.
5. Find Count of Items, Average of Taxes, Min Item PRICE and Max Item PRICE.
6. Save file as Exercise 4.
Exercise 5
Create a Spreadsheet that calculates statistics regarding the number of students enrolled at
Armstrong Twp. High School during a 5 year time period.
2. Copy the following spreadsheet exactly as show below. Make sure that you copy the exact
statistics shown on the table. Use the same rows and columns as shown.
3. The Highlighted Cells are where you will need to enter your formulas.
4. For each school year, enter a formula that will ADD the total number of males and females
for each grade level.
5. Enter a formula that calculates the Average Total Number of students by grade level for
each of the 5 years.
6. Enter formulas that calculate the Total Number of Students enrolled at ATHS for each of the
5 years.
7. Use the following equation to create formulas that calculate the percentage of students in
each grade level, for each of the 5 years.
9. Create OUTSIDE BORDERS around all of your cells where you have entered formulas
7. Test your weight calculator by typing in different weights in the cell next to the My
Weight (lbs) = . You should notice that the New Weight column adjusts automatically. If not,
check through your formulas...
Under the heading Subject, list the classes that you currently are enrolled in.
8. Use the Decrease Decimal button to round of the decimals to the nearest 100th. (Two
decimal places)
9. Under the cell that calculates MY GPA, Insert an IF Statement for the following condition:
If a student's GPA is greater than or equal to a 3.50, then have the cell display HONOR ROLL!
If the student's GPA is less than the 3.50, have the cell display, Keep Trying!
10. Try out your GPA Calculator. Type in a series of low grades (1's & 2's) and then high
grades (3's & 4's) and see if the IF statement changes to Keep Trying or Honor Roll!