Our Lady of The Pillar College-San Manuel Inc. San Manuel, Isabela
Our Lady of The Pillar College-San Manuel Inc. San Manuel, Isabela
Our Lady of The Pillar College-San Manuel Inc. San Manuel, Isabela
Learning Objectives:
Differentiate the political ideologies HUMSS_PG12-Ib-c-7
*Analyze the relationship among nations and states in the context of globalization
PART 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and understand each question carefully then write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on the space provided before each number. Write E if there is no answer among the
________ 1. Which political ideologies believes in utopian visions of a better society where individuals can
achieve genuine emancipation and fulfilment as members of a community?
A. Anarchism
B. Liberalism
C. Conservatism
D. Socialism
________ 2. Which political ideologies defends history, values, practices, and institutions that have survived the
test of history as an accumulated wisdom of the past and as a source of a sense of identity for both the society
and the individual?
A. Anarchism
B. Liberalism
C. Conservatism
D. Socialism
________ 3. Which of these are anti- rational, anti-liberal, anti-conservative, anti-capitalist, anti-bourgeois, and
A. Fascists
B. Socialists
C. Feminists
D. Anarchists
________ 4. Which of the following believes that both law and government are unnecessary?
A. Anarchist
B. Capitalist
C. Fascist
D. Communist
________ 5. Which refers to those whom the state is obliged to protect and provide service to?
A. People
B. Territory
C. Government
D. Sovereignty
________ 6. Which element of state refers to the absolute or supreme exercise of power expressed either as
unchallengeable legal authority or unquestionable political power?
A. People
B. Territory
C. Government
D. Sovereignty
________ 7. Which pertains to the increasing interdependence of markets and production in different countries
through trade in goods and service, cross-border flows of capital, and exchanges of technology?
A. State
B. Nation
C. Globalization
D. None of the above
________ 8. What do you call a formal institution through which people are ruled?
A. People
B. Territory
C. Government
D. Sovereignty
________ 9. Which concept of the nation stresses the importance of ethnic unity and a shared history?
A. Exclusive
B. Inclusive
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
________ 10. Which concept of the nation highlights the importance of civic consciousness and patriotic loyalty,
suggesting that nations may be multiracial, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious?
A. Exclusive
B. Inclusive
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
________ 11. Which of these is a legally constituted entity which provides its citizens protection both from
internal and external insecurity and aggression?
A. State
B. Nation
C. Globalization
D. None of the above
________ 13. Why have liberalism and socialism been powerful ideologies since the late eighteenth century?
A. In different ways they embodied the ideals of the Enlightenment.
B. They appealed to social groups which had been fostered by the industrial revolution.
C. Both were expounded in a series of classic writings by great thinkers.
D. All of the above.
A. It was invented in the eighteenth century to serve the interests of the British Liberal Party.
B. It developed as a hostile response to the emergence of industrial capitalism.
C. It is a compromise between socialism and conservatism.
D. It is a long-established creed which focuses on individual freedom.
________ 15. Which of the following statements assumes the socialist view of human nature?
A. Human beings are easily led.
B. Human beings are naturally competitive.
C. Human beings are driven by envy.
D. Human character is radically affected by circumstances.
________ 17. Why is it difficult to conceive of nationalism as an ideology like liberalism or socialism?
A. Its advocates are driven by emotion rather than reason.
B. It does not prescribe any specific form of government.
C. It creates tensions within and between established states.
D. It is irrelevant in an increasingly 'globalized' international context.
________ 18. Which of these elements of state refers to both jurisdiction and independent?
A. Sovereignty
B. Government
C. Territory
D. People
________ 19. What do you call a process through which societies have become so intertwined or interconnected
that events and decisions in one part of the world have significant effects on the lives of people in the part of the
A. Political Ideologies
B. State
C. Nation
D. Globalization
________ 24. Which feminism theory focuses on the subordinate position of women in politics and investigating
the causes within a positivist framework?
A. Liberal feminism
B. Critical feminism
C. Feminist constructivism
D. None of the above
________ 25. Which feminism theory focuses on the way that ideas about gender shape and are shaped by
global politics?
A. Liberal feminism
B. Critical feminism
C. Feminist constructivism
D. None of the above
________ 26. Which feminism theory focuses on the ideational and material manifestations of gendered
identities and gendered power in politics?
A. Liberal feminism
B. Critical feminism
C. Feminist constructivism
D. None of the above
________ 27. It argue that human beings are imperfect and not perfectible, thus they will need stability and
security in their lives, which government can provide. Which political ideology was being shown in the
A. Conservatism
B. Anarchism
C. Socialism
D. Capitalism
For items 31 – 45. Identify what ideology is being presented in each situation.
A. Anarchism
B. Conservatism
C. Fascism
D. Liberalism
E. Socialism
F. Capitalism
G. Nationalism
H. Feminism
________ 31. The Grade 11 HUMSS do not want to vote for classroom officers because they believe that they
can still work together and cooperate as a group without recourse to force or compulsion.
________ 32. Jay and John both own a water refilling station in District 3. Jay and John are best friends and
business competitors at the same time.
________ 33. Maria is a broad-minded person. She believes that the government should be active in supporting
social and political change.
________ 34. Fillip is a catholic, he believes in traditional marriage consisting of two individuals with different
________ 35. Pres. Manuel Roxas believes that while the people may not always be right, they are usually right,
and that in the end, if the people are given free reign to choose and to select, righteousness, truth and justice will
________ 36. Ferdinand is a productive citizen not only for himself but for his country as well. He believes that
to serve our people is to serve our nation.
________ 37. The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 incorporating the Marital Rape is an empowering law for women in
the Philippines.
________ 38. Everyone in society receives a share of the production based on how much each has contributed.
This system motivates them to work long hours if they want to receive more. Workers receive their share of
production after a percentage has been deducted for the common good.
________ 39. Pia respects the national flag and values of the Filipino identity.
________ 40. The students of District 3 High School patronize and support our own Filipino products.
________ 41. Every Filipino rejoices when Senator Pacquiao won his boxing fight against Keith Thurman.
________ 42. Aiza lives in a country where there is an equal access to health care and education. Its government
allocate resources through central planning.
________ 43. The Catholic Church believes that unborn children are still human lives with value deserving
dignity and they should be protected from being murdered.
________ 44. Education is one of the areas where women have excelled in the Philippines.
________ 45. According to Former Senator Jovito Salonga, the weak shall be strong, and the strong shall be just.
PART III: CONTENT WRITING. Read the following situations then provide what is being asked.
Organization of ideas 3
Content 3
Straightforwardness 2
Cleanliness 2
Prepared by:
English Teacher
Checked/Noted by:
Parent’s Name and Signature