PolGov 12 Prelim
PolGov 12 Prelim
PolGov 12 Prelim
1. Brace yourself, this questionnaire is not for the faint hearted.
2. Marks will be given as per depth of your answer, not the length (your trained to be an engineer, not a story
3. If you have missed my classes and have not prepared, don’t waste your time instead pray to God.
4. Do not unnecessarily smile at the person sitting next to you, they may also not know the answer, moreover
the classroom is not the right place for networking.
4. If you cannot answer a question leave it, attempt the next one and try not to cry.
5. Remember exams are like your exes, try to get over it as soon as possible.
6. God bless and take your time.
Directions: Read and analyze each item. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.
1. This refers to the “authoritative allocation of values of a society”.
a. Government
b. Governance
c. State
d. Politics
2. David Easton and Harold Laswell provide the widely accepted views that politics is about ___________.
a. State
b. People
c. Politicians
d. Governing
3. This refers to the first face of power.
a. Decision-making
b. Precision-making
c. Agenda-making
d. Preference making
4. This refers to the second face of power.
a. Preference-shaping
b. Agenda-making
c. Decision-setting
d. Agenda-setting
5. This refers to the third face of power.
a. Preference-setting
b. Preference-shaping
c. Agenda-setting
d. Decision-making
6. This explains how political change can and should be brought about.
a. Idiocy
b. Ideology
c. Distinction
d. Disaster
7. Beliefs in the supreme importance of the individual and their commitment to individual freedom.
a. Fascism
b. Liberalism
c. Socialism
d. Anarchism
8. This political ideology emphasizes tradition, hierarchy, and authority.
a. Anarchism
b. Socialism
c. Liberalism
d. Conservatism
9. This political ideology believes in social equality as it upholds justice and fairness.
a. Liberalism
b. Socialism
c. Conservatism
d. Fascism
10. Kenichi Ohmae describes globalization as the emergence of a _________.
a. Conflict
b. State
c. Borderless world
d. Sup aterritorial relations
Column A Column B
________________11 A political-legal concept a. Borderless world
________________12 A psycho-cultural concept b. Ethnic unity and shared history
________________13 Exclusive concept of the nation c. Civic consciousness and patriotic loyalty
________________14 Inclusive concept of the nation d. Loyalty
________________15 Sovereignty e. State
________________16 Globalization f. Nation-state
________________17 Economic globalization g. Nations
________________18 Cultural entities h. National self-determine
________________19 State i. Internationalization of markets, trade,
finance, investment
_______________ 20. Political nationalism j. People, territory, government, and
k. Absolute or supreme exercise of power
Directions: Read and analyze each item. Write your answer on the space provided.
(Criteria: Content- 3 points; Writing conventions – 2 points)
26-30. How did Ferdinand Marcos become a powerful figure in the Philippines politics?
36-40. Who is the best President of the Philippines for you? Why?
"When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go."
— Carol Burnett