Social Studies Majorships
Social Studies Majorships
Social Studies Majorships
8. Among the fields of anthropology which studies the evolution of man and
biological diversity within the species?
A. Linguistics
B. Archeology
C. Cultural anthropology
D. Biological anthropology
10. Who coined the word “sociological imagination” to underscore the relationship
between what is happening in people’s personal lives and the social forces that
surround them?
A. Mark Dukheim
B. Wright Mills
C. Auguste Comte
D. Isabel Panopio
11. Clusters of stable rules known as social ____________ govern social activities
and practices based on similar principles displaying regularity?
A. Mores
B. Norms
C. Values
D. Institutions
12. The desire of government for all citizens to obey all laws is a/an ________culture.
A. Ideal
B. Real
C. Conventional
D. Virtual
13. Showing respect by kissing the hand that has changed to kissing the chick or
hugging shows __________ culture in society.
A. Ideal
B. Real
C. Conventional
D. Virtual
14. What particular event awakened national awareness of human indignity during the
1980s prior to the EDSA revolution?
A. Slay of Ninoy Aquino
B. Human rights violation
C. Call of Cardinal Sin
D. Parliament of the streets
15. What was founded by six nations in 1967 for partnership in regional
D. Great Six Nations
16. Who was the asian senior statesman who removed drugs, unemployment and dirt
waste from his city-state?
A. Lee Kuan Yew
B. Rodrigo Duterte
C. Arsenio Lacson
D. Jawaharla Nehru
21. Senator Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential elections because of losing
__________ votes.
A. Popular
B. Electoral college
C. Senatorial
D. Congressional
22. Private sector groups for national advocacies are commonly referred to as
A. Public sector
B. Civil society
C. Cooperatives
D. Party-list representatives
24. Royalty rights acquired through the authorship of a book are examples of
A. Inalienable rights
B. Acquired rights
C. Alienable rights
D. Imperfect rights
25. Rights which cannot be renounced or transferred because they are necessary for
the fulfillment of man’s primordial obligations are called __________.
A. Alienable rights
B. Inalienable rights
C. Perfect rights
D. Acquired rights
26. Under which type of right does the right to life fall?
A. Inalienable rights
B. Alienable rights
C. Perfect rights
D. Imperfect rights
27. Rights cannot be unduly trampled upon or suppressed without moral guilt because
they are _________.
A. Adventitious
B. Inalienable
C. Perfect
D. Inviolable
31. Inclusive teaching approaches enable _________ learners in the class to take part
in learning opportunities.
A. All
B. Disabled
C. Special
D. Selected
a. United Nations
b. Bill of Rights
c. League of Nation
37. Paris, Sydney, Moscow, London are the best examples of this type of location.
a. Nominal
b. Logical
c. Sequence
d. Ordinal
38. The Katipunan was the movement founded by Bonifacio. Its major objective was:
a. Assimilation of Philippines by Spain
b. Demand for equal rights and privileges for Filipinos
c. Separation of Philippines from Spain
d. Seek reforms from Spain
39. All species must undergo certain change in order to fit to the condition of the
environment he lived in. What principle is referred to?
a. Stairway to heaven
b. Natural selection
c. Survival of the fittest
d. An eye for an eye
40. A kind of tax based on the rate of which decreases as the tax base or bracket
a. Progressive
b. Regressive
c. Proportional
d. Graduated
41. What right and duty do Filipinos exercise when they participate in ratifying a
proposed constitution?
a. Bill of Rights
b. suffrage
c. habeas corpus
d. Citizenship
42. It refers to the full and fair equivalent of the property taken from its owner by the
expropriator. and the gauge for computation is not the taker's gain but the owner's
loss. In order for the payment to be "just," it must be real, substantial. full, and ample;
made within a reasonable time from the taking of the property
a. Property
b. Public use
c. Eminent domain
d. Just compensation
46. The pre-colonial Philippines has no established government. Its villages and
settlements were called barangays.
Select one:
a. Only the second statement is true and correct.
b. Only the first statement is true and correct.
c. Both statements are true and correct.
d. Both statements are untrue and incorrect.
47. Who among the following presidents was known for his nationalistic moves
particularly in the field of economics?
Select one:
a. Ferdinand Marcos
b. Fidel Ramos
c. Joseph Estrada
d. Carlos Garcia
48. The most important contribution of the Phoenicians to civilization is ______
Select one:
a. trading
b. Tyrean dye and wood
c. ship building
d. alphabet
49. A mode of Acquiring citizenship the basis of which is blood:
Select one:
a. Jus soli
b. Jus sanguinis
c. Marriage
d. Naturalized
50. What theory asserts that the early states must have been formed by deliberate and
voluntary compact among the people to form a society and organize government for
their common good?
Select one:
a. Necessity Theory
b. Paternalistic Theory
c. Divine Right Theory
d. Social Contract Theory
51. Though the continent of Asia is bigger than Africa, why it is that Africa is
considered as the “Center of Evolution?
Select one:
a. It is where the first civilization started
b. It is where Adam and Eve met
c. It is where the fossils and artifacts of the first species of man are found
d. Rich agricultural products are found here
52. Which of the following is the greatest contribution of the United states to the
Philippine civilization?
Select one:
a. Human Rights
b. Fast Food chain
c. The System of Public Education
d. Taxation
53. The Philippines is a democratic and __________ state. Sovereignty resides in the
people and all the government authority emanates from them.
Select one:
a. Presidential
b. Constitutional
c. Republican
d. Free
54. The La Liga Filipina" was a concrete evidence of Rizal's desire to __________ I.
Unite the entire Philippine archipelago II. Fight violence and injustice III. Revolt
against the Spaniards
Select one:
a. Il and Ill
b. l and IV
c. l and Il
d. land Ill
58. An Economic principle which considers the no. of gold and silver that the country
possesses as the basis of its wealth and power.
Select one:
a. Mercantilism
b. Socialism
c. Capitalism
d. Communism
60. The religion Islam is based on the Five Pillars. These are Shahada, Salat, Sawm,
Hajj and _______.
Select one:
a. Nirvana
b. Seljur
c. Suttee
d. Zakat
61. It refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed
and carried out.
Select one:
a. Constitution
b. Government
c. Sovereignty
d. Laws
62. The fact that official development aid from the international aid organizations
worldwide and from 18% in 1979 to only 3.5% by 2001 (FAO report) shows that this
industry lost its glitter.
Select one:
a. Science
b. Education
c. Technology
d. Agriculture
63. The date when American dropped the 1st atomic bomb in Hiroshima
Select one:
a. August 9, 1945
b. August 6, 1945
c. August 14, 1945
d. August 20, 1945
64. This is the period/age where man started to hunt and domesticate animals and
reside in small communities.
Select one:
a. Mesolithic Age
b. Neolithic Age
c. Metal Age
d. Paleolithic Age
65. Gross Domestic Product is the sum of the market value of the:
a. Manufactured goods
b. Final goods and services
c. Intermediate goods
d. Inferior goods and services
66. Rice granary, vegetable basket, sugar capital and tobacco capital are some ways
by which the regions of the Philippines are known. To which of the following factors
can this be attributed?
a. The topographic features that characterized the region
67. He was the founder and first editor of La Solidaridad in Barcelona, Spain and was
considered the greatest orator of the Filipino colony in Spain?
a. Mariano Ponce
b. Graciano Lopez Jaena
c. Gregorio H. Del Pilar
d. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
68. There were four social classes of people in the pre-colonial barangays. They were
the nobles, freemen, serfs, and the slaves.
a. Only the second statement is true and correct.
b. Only the first statement is true and correct.
c. Both statements are untrue and incorrect.
d. Both statements are true and correct.
69. Those provinces that were pacified and were already recognizing Spanish rule
were called
a. Alcadias
b. Corregimientos
c. Alcalde mayor
d. Indulto de comercio
70. In the "Death March" prisoners were forced to March from Bataan to this place.
a. San fernando, pampanga
b. Sta. Maria Bulacan
c. Imus, cavite
d. Lipa, Batangas
76. It states that as the price of the commodities increase the amount of goods the
consumer is willing to purchase decrease and as the price of the commodities decrease
the willingness of the consumer to buy increases and other factor remain constant.
Select one:
. Law of Gravity
b. Law of Supply
c. Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
d. Law of Demand
77. Cooperatives can eventually put up banks of their own. What are the evidences of
their successes?
a. Most of the rural banks started out as cooperatives.
b. Cooperatives are not heavily taxed.
c. Opening of rural bank is allowed on a cooperative concept.
d. Many banks in Metro Manila and Central Luzon started out as cooperatives.
78. The exchange of cultural features that results when groups of individuals from
different cultures come into continuous first-hand contact. The original cultural
patterns of either or both groups may be altered, but the groups remain distinct
a. enculturation
b. cultural relativism.
c. assimilation
d. Acculturation
79. If more and more labor is employed while keeping all other inputs constant, the
marginal physical productivity of labor _____.
a. will eventually increase.
b. will eventually remain constant.
c. will eventually decrease.
d. cannot tell from the information provided.
80. What makes the Rubrics different from common checklist for assessment of
a. Quantitative elements
b. Qualitative judgments
c. Competency evidences
d. Scale judgment
83. Which among these statements is NOT TRUE about Spanish Colonization?
a. It was done through religious conquest
b. It was done through divide et impera
c. It was done through benevolent assimilation
d. It was done through force
85. Why is the de Legazpi expedition considered the most successful one?
a. Because it was able to discover a lot of treasure that they brought to the Spanish
b. Because it was able to come up with new areas to conquer
c. Because it was able to conquer successfully the Philippine islands
d. Because it was able to travel the fastest among all preceding expeditions
86. What kind of government was established in the Philippines during the Spanish
a. Centralized Government
b. Decentralized Government
c. Federal Government
d. Democratic Government
87. What made the EDSA People Power an important part of our history?
a. All of the above
b. It is when we had the first woman President of the country
c. It is when democracy was restored in the country
d. It is when Filipinos united against a dictator
92. How was the Philippines ruled during the Spanish regime?
a. The Philippines was ruled directly by Portugal
b. The Philippines was ruled directly by Spain
c. The Philippines was ruled indirectly by Spain
d. The Philippines was ruled indirectly by Mexico
94. What is the writ of habeas corpus (a privilege that Marcos suspended)?
a. It is an order from the court that prevents illegal arrests
b. It is an order from the court that prevents illegal detention
c. It is an order from the court that prevents illegal recruitment
d. It is an order from the court that prevents illegal discharge
95. Which is NOT TRUE about the end of the Second World War?
a. The Americans emerged as victorious
b. The Japanese continued their dominance in Asia
c. An atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima
d. An atomic bomb was dropped in Tokyo
99. Which is TRUE about the defeat of Gregorio del Pilar’s forces?
a. They were betrayed by a Spaniard
b. They were betrayed by an indigenous person
c. They were betrayed by a Chinese
d. They were betrayed by an American
101. How did the opening of World trade contribute to the development
of Filipino nationalism?
a. It allowed the Chinese in become rich
b. It allowed the influx of liberal ideas in the Philippines
c. It allowed the rise of the principalia
d. It allowed the migration of liberal scholars
103. Why did Magellan call the “Philippines” “Isles of St. Lazarus?
a. Because they arrived there at the day of the Feast of St. Lazarus
b. Because St. Lazarus is the favorite of Magellan
c. Because they felt that they were resurrected just like Lazarus
d. Because St. Lazarus is the patron saint of travel
105. How do you call the dominant religion of Pre-colonial Philippines (At least in
Luzon and Visayas)?
a. Islam
b. Hinduism
c. Buddhism
d. Paganism
108. Which among these statements would BEST describe the power of cumplase?
a. It is the power to create any institution of government
b. It is the power of the governor general to engage in business
c. It is the power to make any law that is applicable to the colony
d. It is the power to make judicial decisions
110. Which among these statements is NOT part of the Pact of Biak-na-Bato?
a. The Spanish government will pay P400,000 to Aguinaldo when he goes into exile
b. Filipino revolutionaries must be imprisoned not shorter than 6 years
c. The Spanish government will pay P900, 000 to the non-combatants and their
d. Aguinaldo must go into exile
112. During the discussion of the Noli Me Tangere, the students debated on the
identity of the Filipino. During much of the Spanish occupation, how were the natives
of the Philippines called?
a. Principalia
b. Insulares
c. Peninsulares
d. Indios
113. Social studies which answer the questions what, where, when and how are
a. correlation
b. exploration
c. description
d. Explanation
116. The Last Super , a famous renaissance painting was a master piece of
a. Michael Angelo
b. Titian
c. Leonardo da Vinci
d. Raphael
117. It is considered as the international version of the “Battle of the Tirad Pass.”
a. Battle of Salamis
b. Battle of Normandy
c. Battle of Leipzig
d. Battle of Thermopylae
118. It is considered as the international version of the “Battle of the Tirad Pass.”
a. Battle of Salamis
b. Battle of Normandy
c. Battle of Leipzig
d. Battle of Thermopylae
119. What constitutional right is violated when without lawful order of the court or
cause prescribed by law, NBI agents wiretapped, heard and made public your
confidential telephone conversations with your religious adviser?
a. Religious freedom
b. Right to privacy of communication and correspondence