Intro To Law (Notes)
Intro To Law (Notes)
Intro To Law (Notes)
(1) Broadest sense
Any rule of action or norm of conduct applicable to all kinds of action and to all objects of creation
Includes all laws: physical law, state law, divine law, and others
(2) Strictly Legal sense
Rule of conduct, just and obligatory, laid down by legitimate authority for common observance and benefit.
(Sanchez Roman)
Elements of Law:
1. It is a rule of conduct- guides of an individual in relation to his fellowmen and community
2. Law must be just- laws as guides of social conduct should lead towards the dominance of justice
3. It must be obligatory- laws should be enforced and observed
4. Laws must be prescribed by legitimate authority
- if not prescribed by legitimate authority, it is impossible to enforce them
- Authority to make laws conferred and chosen by the sovereign will of the people (Section 1, article 2)
5. Laws must be ordained for the common benefit
- Salus populi est suprema lex- the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law
Classification of Law
1. Natural Law - Force and authority is derived from God and is superior to other laws.
a. Physical Law- governs the conduct and movement of things
b. Moral law- establishes what is right and wrong and dictated by human conscience and inspired by eternal law
2. Positive Law
a. Divine Law
(1) Divine Positive Law- 10 commandments, etc.
(2) Divine Human Positive Commandments- Commandments of the Church
b. Public Law
(1) Constitutional law- fundamental law of the land and defines the powers of the government
(2) Administrative law- organizational and determines the competence, functions of authorities and regulates the
methods the functions are being performed by the government
(3) International Law- regulates community of nations
(4) Private Law- creates duties, rights and obligations and the means and methods of setting courts in motion for
the enforcement of what is right and redress what is wrong
Substantive Private Law-declare legal relations of litigants when the courts have been properly moved
to action
Procedural or Adjective Private Law- means and methods of setting the court into motion, making the
facts known and effectuating their judgement
(2) Precedent
New civil code states that “ Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitutions shall form a part of
the legal system of the Philippines.”
(3) Custom
Customs are applied only when they are acknowledged and approved by the court through a long and
uninterrupted period
Requisites to be considered a custom:
a. Custom must be approved as a fact according to the rules of evidence.
b. Custom must not be contrary to the law.
c. There must be a number of repeated facts and these repeated facts must have been uniformly performed.
d. There must ab judicial intention to make a rule of social conduct, and
e. Custom must be acknowledged and approved by society through a long and uninterrupted period.
(4) Court Decision
Judicial decisions which apply or interpret the constitution and the laws are part of the legal system however not
considered as law but they are evidence on the interpretation of the law.
(1) Dura lex sed lex- the law may be hards but it is still the law
(5) Fallo
The legal document setting the reasons for judicial decisions.
Reasons for a court’s judgment as opposed to the decision itself.