Representatives from employee unions met with the Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner to discuss the issue of implementing higher pension options for Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) members as directed by the Supreme Court. The Commissioner acknowledged delays in issuing guidelines but explained there were complex factors to consider regarding fund contributions and claims over time. He stated a high-level meeting was being held that day to finalize guidelines for post-2014 retirees and serving employees, and hoped to issue them within a week. He also said EPFO would seek an extension of the deadline for submitting joint pension options or allow withdrawing submitted options. The meeting concluded with the unions thanking the Commissioner and hoping for timely clarification.
Representatives from employee unions met with the Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner to discuss the issue of implementing higher pension options for Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) members as directed by the Supreme Court. The Commissioner acknowledged delays in issuing guidelines but explained there were complex factors to consider regarding fund contributions and claims over time. He stated a high-level meeting was being held that day to finalize guidelines for post-2014 retirees and serving employees, and hoped to issue them within a week. He also said EPFO would seek an extension of the deadline for submitting joint pension options or allow withdrawing submitted options. The meeting concluded with the unions thanking the Commissioner and hoping for timely clarification.
Representatives from employee unions met with the Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner to discuss the issue of implementing higher pension options for Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) members as directed by the Supreme Court. The Commissioner acknowledged delays in issuing guidelines but explained there were complex factors to consider regarding fund contributions and claims over time. He stated a high-level meeting was being held that day to finalize guidelines for post-2014 retirees and serving employees, and hoped to issue them within a week. He also said EPFO would seek an extension of the deadline for submitting joint pension options or allow withdrawing submitted options. The meeting concluded with the unions thanking the Commissioner and hoping for timely clarification.
Representatives from employee unions met with the Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner to discuss the issue of implementing higher pension options for Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) members as directed by the Supreme Court. The Commissioner acknowledged delays in issuing guidelines but explained there were complex factors to consider regarding fund contributions and claims over time. He stated a high-level meeting was being held that day to finalize guidelines for post-2014 retirees and serving employees, and hoped to issue them within a week. He also said EPFO would seek an extension of the deadline for submitting joint pension options or allow withdrawing submitted options. The meeting concluded with the unions thanking the Commissioner and hoping for timely clarification.
Shri. V. K. Tomar, SG NCOA & GS MTNL EA, Shri. M. S. Adasul, GS SNEA BSNL CHQ and Shri. Deepak Sharma, OS SNEA BSNL NTR Delhi had a meeting with Shri Animesh Mishra Add, Central P.F. Commissioner EPFO Head Quarters Delhi on 10/02/2023, at 1500 Hrs and discussed the most burning issue of Members of EPF mainly with respect to the Higher Pension Option and its compliance by EPFO. We conveyed thanks for action by EPFO about issuing clarification and guidelines for retired members of EPF and updated that all PSUs are complying with these orders and hopefully all issues will be sorted out. We further apprised him about the unrest among the EPF Members due to uncertainty and delay in issuing the instructions from EPFO about Higher Pension Option for Post 2014 Retirees/ Serving Executives and Non-executives of PSUs. We updated that daily different news is being spread on social media about it but the required circular is issued by EPFO for Post 2014 Retirees/Serving Executives/Non Executives and this is the matter of concern for all. We elaborated that since the decision given by Hon. Supreme Court on 04/11/2022 to submit the Higher Pension joint options by Employer and Employees, everybody is waiting for formal orders from EPFO but the same is not issued. As the last date for submission of higher option i. e. 03/03/2023 is approaching near, the unrest among EPF members is increasing. We added that PSUs have taken advance action about getting options from the willing employees and are getting ready to respond immediately to the instructions by EPFO. We earnestly requested for early action on part of EPFO in issuing guidelines for Post 2014 Retirees/ Serving employees also. Shri. Animesh Mishra ji Add, Central P.F. Commissioner Delhi appreciated the concern expressed by us and agreed that there is delay in issuing guidelines by EPFO for Post 2014 Retirees/ serving EPF members. He narrated that his office is seriously working for compliance on the Hon. Supreme Court directions and in the first phase the guidelines for retired employees are issued. He added that there were certain issues in issuing guidelines related to Post 2014 Retirees/Serving employees and after a thought process over the months period, EPFO has come to certain conclusions. Accordingly, the proposal is moved by EPFO and a high level meeting is scheduled today itself at the Ministry of Labour. He expressed that his office is aware about high expectations by all EPF Members, but chances of meeting such high expectations is a difficult task. He expressed that one has to understand the entire work of EPF is managed through a fund and it has no separate income other than the contribution by the members and income from investment of this contribution. He added that EPFO has a different working approach and all the expenses are maintained in different accounts. The administrative expenditure of EPFO is not booked in the EPF account. The contribution made by members is utilised only in settlement of claims by the EPF members. But there are issues in settlement of claims due to fact the that over the period the contribution was less but the amount claimed under settlement was more and hence EPFO is facing hardship in issuing directions in compliance of Hon. Supreme Court. But he added that after taking into consideration all aspects, his office is trying to comply with directions by Hon. Supreme Court and today’s high level meeting is scheduled for the final decision only. On our specific query, when the guidelines will be issued, he responded that he is optimistic that by the coming week EPFO will issue guidelines for Post 2014 Retirees/Serving employees also. He requested us to make a special appeal to the EPF Post 2014 Retirees/Serving members to have patience and be assured that guidelines will be surely issued. By understanding concern expressed by us on nearing last date for submission of joint options as per court directions, he responded that his office is aware about it and EPFO is working out on getting approval of administrative Ministry or from Honourable Supreme Court and hopeful for extension of last date suitably so that every EPF Member submits the option in time. We also narrated that some members who will be opting for Higher Pension may have rethinking at later stage on issuance of guidelines and need the option for withdrawal of options given, he assured to look into this and make it possible as EPFO will not have any issue in it. Our meeting lasted for more than half hour and concluded with thanks to each other and hopes for early guidelines by EPFO HQ so as to clear ongoing uncertainty and giving relief to all EPF members.