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Office of the President of the Philippines COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY @roerwncangoen Q craerantaar geen ( rtcone coors roe @ econrie Central Office £27 Aurora Bl, Service Road, Brgy. Immaculate Conception, 111| Cubao, Quezon Cy, Priippines MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2017 - 04 Series of 2017 SUBJECT = TOOL FOR ASSESSING PROGRESS OF GENDER EQUALITY IN PRIMARY COOPERATIVES AS SUPPLEMENTAL TO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR 2013-22 Section 1. Title This Circular shall be known as the Tool for Assessing Progress of Gender Equality (GE) in Cooperatives as Supplemental to Memorandum Circular 2013-22. Section 2. Purpose This Circular aims to disseminate to the cooperative sector the tool for assessing gender equality in cooperatives. This TOOL shall assess the cooperative's progress in mainstreaming gender and development (GAD) toward achieving GE. Section 3. Scope This Circular shall be applicable to all primary cooperatives duly registered with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). Section 4. About the Tool ‘The Tool for Assessing Progress of GE in Cooperatives, attached as Annex A, will assess the cooperative's progress in implementing gender equality (GE). The Tool determine the extent to which the cooperative lives the universal Cooperative Principles of equality, equity, social responsibility, and caring for others as outlined in the “Statement on the Cooperative Identity (SCI)” of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). The results of this Tool can be used as basis for crafting the cooperative’s gender and development (GAD) plan. ‘The Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) developed this Tool during its GAD mainstreaming project for Philippine cooperatives in 2010-2012, funded by the Swedish Cooperative Centre (later known as We Effect). AWCF enhanced the Tool in its GAD project for Philippine cooperatives in 2013, also supported by We Effect. In March 2016, the Tool was improved by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), the Gender Equality Resource Genter (GERC), and the partner cooperatives. | earn ges Sinan Gone ane ‘Office of the Chairman : (02) 721-6325 a (02) 721-5324 Office of the Executive Director : (02) 725-6450, Officer of the Day : (02) 725-3764 a ‘TOVRhein The Tool for Assessing GE in Cooperatives was developed in response to the implementation of CDA Memorandum Circular 2013-22 or the Guidelines in Mainstreaming Gender and Development (GAD) in Cooperatives, and Baguio GAD Summit 2016 Declaration and Call for Action. 4.1, Purpose of the Too! * Rates the extent to which the cooperative lives the universal cooperative principles of equality, equity, social responsibility, and caring for others 2s outlined in the “Statement on the Co-operative Identity (SCI)" of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA); and ‘= Basis for crafting gender-responsive cooperative development plan. 4.2. Components of the Tool I. Cooperative Information — basic and general information about the cooperative including the number of members, officers, staff and ‘members’ contribution to share capital; Il. Level of Gender Equality in the Cooperative - the main ‘component of the tool where the status and levels of implementation of cooperative vis-a-vis gender equality will be rated accordingly. These include determining the level of gender awareness by the key players of cooperative, presence of the different aspects of GAD mainstreaming, presence of GAD mainstreaming mechanisms and instruments and status of implementation thereof, and other areas of concerns indicated in CDA MC 2013-22; III. Scoring Instruction — summary of scores and the corresponding qualitative values for the overall scores including the scores for each - area of improvement and for improvement (people, policy, programs and enabling mechanisms) and the qualitative interpretation of each; and IV. Interpretation of Scores — identification of strengths, weaknesses, ‘opportunities and threats (SWOT) and the needed actions. Section 5. Adoption of the Too! All cooperatives must adopt the Tools for Assessing GE in Cooperatives herein attached and shall come up with their respective gender-responsive cooperative development plan in accordance with the result of the assessment. The cooperative shall be Quided by CDA Memorandum Circular 2013-22. ' TP TAW CE | orice o he WaTONAL ADK Section 6. _Effectivity This Memorandum Circular shall take effect upon the approval of the Board of ‘Administrators of the Cooperative Development Authority and fifteen (15) days after its Publication in the Office of the National Administrative Registry (ONAR). Approved by the CDA Board of Administrators under Resolution No. 34, S-2017 dated March 21, 2017. FOR THE CDA BOARD OF ADMINISTRATORS Dates June 7, 2017 A Framework and Tool for Assessing the Progress of Gender Equality (GE) in Primary Cooperatives User's GuIDE PURPOSE: This framework and tool for assessing the progress of gender equality (GE) in Primary cooperatives aims at determining the extent to which a cooperative has embraced the GE principles and has reflected these GE principles jin its organizational functioning, The Purpose is to assist the cooperative to identify the specific gender equality needs and concerns to be addressed in its Gender and Development (GAD) strategic and operational plans. FRAMEWORK: The assessment framework is based on 20 performance indicators that are Classified into four gender mainstreaming entry points:' (i) people, (ii) policies, {ill) programs/projects/activities (PPA), and (iv) enabling mechanisms. ‘These entry points refer to the following: People: those assigned in leading or facilitating the integration of GE in an organization as well as those whose involvement is necessary to achieve GE. To ensure that they are effectively mobilized, this entry point entails the raising of their gender awareness and the development of their competencies in gender mainstreaming. Policies: leadership resolutions, pronouncements, guidelines, plans, and manuals ‘Supporting the initiatives to achieve GE. Programs /Projects/ Activities (PPA): concrete actions to promote and ensure GE. Enabling mechanisms: organizational procedures and systems that support and facilitate the gender and development (GAD) mainstreaming work, such as, among others, the allocation of resources, the assigning of gender focal persons or teams, the integration of gender principles in the project development system and procedures (that is, situational analysis, planning and budgeting, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation), and ‘sex-disaggregation of database (SDD). Although gender mainstreaming can begin with any of these four entry points, it should aim to eventually cover all points. ASSESSMENT TOOL. The assessment employs a mixed quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods with the following seven steps: ‘Step 1: Provide the following basic information about your primary cooperative (See part I. Cooperative Information of Appendix A. p. 3): 1. Name of Cooperative 2. Year of Registration 3. Address of Cooperative 4. Area(s) of Operation ‘5. Type of Cooperative 6. Major Services of Cooperative ‘Number of male and female: 7. Board of Directors 8. Management Staff 9. Committee Members 10. Volunteers 11, Members 12. Members and Contributions, ‘Philippine Commission on Women. 2016. A Handbook on the Application ofthe Enhanced Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation ‘Framework. Maria. hitp/ww.pow.gov.pistes/defeut/fles/ document /resources/PCWHS20GMEF*+20Handbook%G20F inal pa Step 2: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: ‘Step 7: For a quick assessment of the gender proportion of the composition of the cooperative, the Tool asks for the conversion of the number of males and females in ercent form. Take note of this information in answering some items on the second art of the Tool—the “Level of GE in the Primary Cooperative.” Identify the level of GE in the co-op for each of the 20 indicators by identifying the indicator that best describes your primary cooperative—fill out part II. Level of GE in the Primary Cooperative of Appendix A, p. 5). A description of each indicator is provided. When the levels of the co-op for all 20 indicators have been identified, write the score for each indicator in the fourth column of Table 1 (p. 13). Then add the scores for the 32 items. Determine the equivalent qualitative value of the co-op's overall score by locating it in Table 2 (p. 14), To identify which of the four entry points (people, policy, programs/projects/ activities, and enabling mechanisms) are your co-op’s areas of strengths and areas for improvement, fill out Tables 3 to 6 (pp. 14-16). In Table 7 (p. 16), write in the second column the total raw score of each point entry in the numerator— the denominator is the highest possible score of each entry point. Then, write in the third column the percent form (by dividing the total raw score or numerator by the highest possible score or denominator, then multiply by 100). Use the qualitative values in Table 8 (p. 16) in interpreting the scores/percentages. Define the areas of strengths and areas for improvement of the GE initiatives of your co-op based on the scores in Table 7 and their equivalent qualitative values. Use this list of strengths and areas for improvement in defining the gender concerns ‘or needs to be addressed in the co-op’s GAD plan. APPENDIX A Tool for Assessing the Progress of Gender Equality(GE) in Primary Cooperatives As of the Year: Purpose: The “Tool for Assessing the Progress of Gender Equality (GE) in Primary Cooperatives” aims to determine your cooperative’s progress in integrating gender equality (GE) in its operations. The Tool rates the manifestation of GE in your cooperative. The results are meant to be used by your cooperative for crafting your co-op's gender and development (GAD) plan. ‘The Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) developed this Tool during its GAD mainstreaming project for Philippine cooperatives in 2010-2012, funded by the Swedish Cooperative Centre (later known as We Effect). Also supported by We Effect, AWCF enhanced the Tool in its next GAD project for Philippine cooperatives in 2013, based on the four gender mainstreaming entry points conceptualized by the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) (later known as the Philippine Commission on Women [PCW]), namely, People, policies, program/projects/activities, and enabling mechanisms. In March 2016, the Tool was improved by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), the Gender Equality Resource Center (GERC), and partner-cooperatives. This Tool was enhanced for the implementation of CDA Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2013-22, also known as the “Guidelines on Mainstreaming Gender and Development (GAD) in Cooperatives” and the “Baguio GAD Summit 2016 Declaration and Call for Action.”” Cooperative Information Name of Cooperative Year of Registration Address of Cooperative Area(s) of Operation 7 ‘Type of Cooperative Major Services of Cooperative : NOY eee Number of Board of Directors (please compute for the percentage of total): BOARD OF DIRECTORS Men ‘Women. Total Number % 8. Number of Management Staff (please compute for the percentage of total): | MANAGEMENT INITIAL CURRENT _ STAFF Number | % Number % Men —| Women Total Note; For items requiring ‘sex-disaggregated data (SDD), “initial” Pertains to baseline date or base year data. 9. Number of Committee Members (please compute for the percentage of total): | MANDATORY OTHER cuaee COMMITTEES COMMITTEES Number % Number % Men Women Total L 10. Number of Volunteers* (please compute for the percentage of total): INITIAL I CURRENT VOLUNTEERS |—Homber % Number % Men Ez | Women |__Total “Volunteers are members/individuals working and participating in cooperative activities and Programs not receiving any compensation/salary. 11. Number of Members (please compute for the percentage of total): INITIAL [ CURRENT MENTE) [eahumbar % Number % Men. Women _| Total 12. Members’ Contribution to Share Capital and Savings Deposit (please compute for the percentage of total): |_MEMBERS AND | Men Women | CONTRIBUTIONS [Number | % | Amount | % | Number | % | Amount | % | Members contributing to share capital savings deposit Total | contributing to | I II. Level of GE in the Primary Cooperative Instructions: Please write the score that corresponds to the status of GE in your cooperative in the different areas of assessment. Please note that 0 is the lowest score and 4 is the highest. 7 INDICATORS COMPUTATION/RATING SCALE | SCORE! | REMARKS i, Level of gender awareness of: | (please give separate | 4 ~ All Board of Directors, scores for each of these management, committees, ‘sub-items) volunteers, and members have undergone GST (gender- sensitivity training) 80% to 99% have undergone GST 50% to 79% have undergone GST 1 — 20% to 49% have undergone GST 1.4. Volunteers Si de a 0 i 20% have undergone 2. Level of gender 4— All Board of Directors, | awareness of: management, committees, (please give separate scores for each of these items) Board of Directors, volunteers, and members have undergone gender and development (GAD)-based activities (such as orientation on | |} Magna Carta of Women, GAD 2.2. Management Staff ‘Seminar/Summit, etc.) 2.3. Committee Members 2.4. Volunteers 3— 80% to 99% have undergone other GAD-based activities 50% to 79% have undergone 2.5. Members other GAD-based activities 20% to 49% have undergone ‘other GAD-based activities Less than 20% have undergone other GAD-based activities Level of operations of the GAD Committee 4— Submitted accomplishment reports | ‘on GAD and implemented GAD plans, programs, and activities with recommendations 3~ Implemented GAD pians, programs, and activities 2- With gender-responsive plans and budget, based on gender analysis meetings conducted 0 — No GAD Committee or No GAD Committee activity INDICATORS COMPUTATION/RATING SCALE ‘SCORE/ RATE REMARKS, 4. Level of operations of the GAD Focal Person (GFP) | 4= Prepared and submitted reports | with recommendations | 3- Provided information to support | gender analysis, planning, and training 2- Attended GAD training events 1— GFP is designated but not trained 0 — No GFP designated 5. Presence of sex- disaggregated data (SDD) on the following factors: 5.1. Board of Directors 5.2, Management Staff 5.3. Committee Members 5.4. Volunteers 5.5. Members 5.6. Participants in co-op activities (Such as general assembly [GA], ownership meetings, training, etc.) 5.7. Members availing Of specific products and services 4— Co-op has SDD on all 7 factors 3- Co-op has SDD on 5 or 6 of 7 factors 2- Co-op has SDD on 3 or 4 of 7 factors 1- Co-op has SDD on 1 or 2 of 7 factors | 0- Co-op has no SDD 6. Nature of gender goals, ‘objectives, and specific targets in strategic plan ‘4 = Gender goalls, objectives, and targets are based on gender assessment done by managers, officers, and staff in consultation with members Gender goals, objectives and targets are based on a gender assessment done by managers, officers, and staff Gender goals, objectives, and targets are based on a gender assessment done only by managers and officers 1- Gender goals, objectives, and targets are not based on an assessment of gender issues, needs, and concerns No gender goals, objectives, and targets in strategic plan INDICATORS COMPUTATION/RATING SCALE SCORE/ RATE REMARKS, 7. Nature of annual GAD plan and allocated budget 4— Annual GAD pian is based ona gender assessment that was done by managers and officers in consultation with members and has adequate budget Annual GAD plan is based on a gender assessment that was done ‘only by managers and officers and has adequate budget Annual GAD plan is based on a gender assessment but has no adequate budget 1— Annual GAD plan is not based on a gender assessment, and no budget is allocated | 0- No annual GAD plan 8. Level of integration of GE in the manual of operations and/or policies 4— GE is integrated/reflected in all manual of operations and/or policies 3- GE is integrated/reflected in the manual of operations and/or policies on human resource management and development (that is, officers, members and staff), AND programs and services 2- GE is integrated/reflected in the ‘manual of operations and/or policies EXTHER on human resource management and development (that is, officers, members and staff), OR programs and services 1~ Integration of GE in manual of operations and/or policies is in progress 0- No GE is being integrated in the manual of operations and/or policies ‘SCORE/ INDICATORS (COMPUTATION/RATING SCALE RATE. | REMARKS 9. Level of integration of | 4— GE is integrated in all education GE in education modules | modules for officers and members, for officers and and trainers are trained by GAD members of the experts and exposed to network/s cooperative ‘of GAD experts and practitioners in.co-ops 3 ~ GE is integrated in all education modules for officers and members, but trainers are not trained by GAD experts in co-ops or not ‘exposed to GAD co-op networks | 2- GE's integrated in all education modules for officers and members, but not being used 1 GE is integrated in some education modules for officers and members 0 - GE is not integrated in any education modules for officers and members | 10. Extent of linkage or “= Has linkage or partnership with partnership with 4 or more organizations with cooperatives, non- GE advocacy government Has linkage or partnership with organizations (NGOs), 3 organizations with GE advocacy government 2— Has linkage or partnership with organizations (GOs), 2 organizations with GE advocacy and other organizations 1 — Has linkage or partnership with women who have availed of cooperative major services (based on number of members who availed) members who have availed of ‘cooperative major services 3- Either sex is 40% to 60% of total number of members who have availed of cooperative major services 2- Either sex is 30% to 39% or 61% to 70% of total Either sex is lower than 30% or more than 70% of total Members who have availed are either all men or all women with GE advocacy 1 organization with GE advocacy No linkage or partnership with any organization with GE advocacy | Proportion of men and Equal ratio of men- and women- - INDICATORS COMPUTATION/RATING SCALE SCORE/ RATE REMARKS 12. Presence of new products or services responding to the gender-related needs of women and men ‘4 = There are new products or services for both women- and men-members based on an analysis of their respective gender needs 3~ There are new products or services for women- or men- members based on an analysis of gender needs 2- There are new products or services for both women- or men- members but these are not based ‘on an analysis of their respective gender needs 1 There are new products or services for women- or men- ‘members (not both), but these are not based on an analysis of needs 0- No new products or services for both women- or men-members 13. Proportion of men and women who participate in the GA (based on number of members ‘who participated) = Equal ratio of men- and women- members who have participated in the GA 3- Either sex is 40% to 60% of total number of members who have Participated in the GA 2~ Either sex is 30% to 70% of total 1 ~ Either sex is lower than 20% or more than 80% of total 0 Members who have participated are either all men or all women: 14. Proportion of men and women who participate in ownership meetings members who have participated in ‘ownership meetings 3 - Either sex is 40% to 60% of total number of members who have participated in ownership meetings 2 Either sex is 30% to 70% of total 1 - Either sex is lower than 20% or ‘more than 80% of total Members who have participated are either all men or all women Equal ratio of men- and women- INDICATORS COMPUTATION/RATING SCALE SCORE/ RATE REMARKS 15. Proportion of men- and women-members who participate in social programs or projects of the cooperative [such as medical mission; youth development program; scholarship program; tree-planting project or other environmental projects; etc. (based on number of members who participated)] 4— Equal ratio of men- and women- members 3 Either sex is 40% to 60% of total 2- Either sex is 30% to 39% or 61% to 70% of total 1 — Either sex is lower than 30% or more than 70% of total 0— Members who have participated are either all men or all women 16. Proportion of men and women in: (please give separate scores for each of these sub-items) 16.1. Board of Directors | 4- Gender-balanced,* at most 60% 16.3. Committee Members. 16.2. Management Staff of either sex | 3- Either sex is 61% to 63% of total 2— Either sex is 64% to 70% Volunteers 1— Either sex is 71% to 80% Members ___ *for BOD, gender balanced means 50+1 0 — Members are either all men or all women 17. Number of woman BOD chairperson and woman CEO in last 10 years = At least one woman CEO and one woman BOD chairperson in the last 10 years 3~ Atleast one woman BOD | chairperson in the last 10 years (no woman CEO) 2~ Atleast one woman CEO in last 10 years (no woman BOD chairperson) in co-op history but a policy/ mechanism has been developed to select a woman CEO or BOD chairperson in the future 0 - No woman CEO or BOD chairperson in co-op history No woman CEO or BOD chairperson | 10 SCORE/ INDICATORS COMPUTATION/RATING SCALE | SPATE/ | REMARKS 18. Extent of gender- ‘4— Compliant to MC No. 2013-22 responsiveness of 3— Passed and implemented 2 actions of the Board of resolutions in previous or present Directors year 2 Passed and implemented 1 | resolution in previous or present year | 1— Resolutions passed but not implemented 0- None 19. Extent of use of gender- | 4— Gender-neutral language is used neutral language in documents (such as vision, mission, goals, policies, plans, reports, etc.) and correspondences consistently in all documents and | correspondences 3— Sexist language in all active documents are in the process of being changed; and mechanism is in place to review language of correspondences 2— Gender-neutral language is not used consistently in documents and correspondences but policy has been approved or decision/ directive has been made to ensure the use of gender neutral language in active and future documents — Gender-neutral language is not used consistently in documents and correspondences; no current initiatives to address this = All documents and correspondences use sexist language—use of words and images associated with either male or female when actually referring to both sexes u INDICATORS COMPUTATION/RATING SCALE RATE. | REMARKS 20. Extent of gender | 4— All monitoring and evaluation, or responsiveness of operational/achievement reports monitoring and have sex-disaggregated data evaluation (M&E) (SDD) and gender sensitive and operational/ indicators (GSI); and gender achievement reports | analysis (for planning) is done and actions are focused on Issues/needs of members, staff, and leaders All monitoring and evaluation, or ‘operational/achievement reports have SDD and GSI; and gender analysis (for planning) is done bbut actions are focused on issues/needs of members or staff or leaders only Some monitoring and evaluation, or operational/achievement reports include SDD and GSI, | and gender analysis is done but no actions are undertaken to Fespond to the results 1~ Some monitoring and evaluation, or operational/achievement reports include SDD and GSI, but no gender analysis (for planning) is done 0— All monitoring and evaluation, or operational/achievement reports do not include SDD and GSI 2 IIL. Scoring Instruction 1. Review the score given to each item. Table 1, Score for Each Area of Assessment and the Overall Score # | Indicators | Maximum Scores Actual Scores 1 11. 4 — 2 iz. 4 3 13. 4 4 1.4. 4 5 15. 4 6 Dail 4 7 2.2. 4 8 23. 4 9 2Anr oe |e ze 10 4 41 4 12 4 13 4 14 4 15 4 16 4 7 4 18 4 19 4 20 4 21 4 22 4 23 a 24 4 25 4 - 26 4 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 4 31 4 32 4 Total of Maximum of 32 items 128 score | 2. Add your actual scores to get your overall score. 13 3. Locate your score in the following scale. Table 2, Qualitative Values of the Overall Scores Qualitative Values ___ Full manifestation of gender equality | 7e-103 ‘Almost full manifestation of gender equality S277 Moderate manifestation of gender equality 27-51 Low manifestation of gender equality 0-26 Very low manifestation of gender equality Four Entry Points: Cooperative’s Areas of Strengths and Areas for Improvement Table 3. Scores of Entry Point, People Indicators tere |iencuel 1. Level of gender awareness on GST of: em 1.1. Board of Directors 4 I | _1.2. Management Staff 4 [ 1.3, Committee Members * | 1.4. Volunteers | 4 1.5. Members 4 Level of gender awareness on other GAD-based activities of: 2.1. Board of Directors 2.2. Management Staff 2.3. Committee Members 2.4, Volunteers 2.5. Members B. 14. Proportion of men and women who participate in the GA Proportion of men and women who participate in ‘ownership meetings a) alalalalala [as Proportion of men- and women-members who participate in social programs or projects i 4 4 (cont’n) Table 3. Scores of Entry Point, People ] Survey Items/Indicators Wamest || ‘Acoust 16. Proportion of men and women in: 16.1 Board of Directors 4 16.2 Management Staff a | 16.3. Committee Members _ Sa | | | 16.4. Volunteers 4 | 7 16.5. Members - 4 | 17. Number of woman BOD chairperson and woman CEO 4 — in last 10 years i Total am | Table 4. Scores of Entry Point, Policy Indicators Presence of SDD on the following factors: Board of Directors, management staff, committee members, volunteers, members, participants in cooperative activities, and members availing of specific products and services 6. Nature of gender goals, objectives, and specific targets 4 in strategic plan _ 7. Nature of annual GAD plan and allocated budget 4 8. Level of integration of GE in the manual of operations 4 | and/or policies | 18. Extent of gender responsiveness of actions of the 4 Board of Directors 20 | Total (100%) 15 Table 5. Scores of Entry Point, Programs/Projects/Activities Highest Survey Items/Indicators eet eees | Level of integration of GE in education modules for 4 | officers and members of the cooperative 10. Extent of linkage or partnership with cooperatives, NGOs, 4 GOs, and other organizations with GE advocacy | 11. Proportion of men and women who have availed of 4 ] cooperative major services | | 12. Presence of new products or services responding to the 4 gender-related needs of women and men 16 inet (100%) Table 6. Scores of Entry Point, Enabling Mechanisms Survey Items/Indicators ieee | eee 3. Level of operations of the GAD Committee 4 | 4. Level of operations of the GAD Focal Person (GFP) 7] 19. Extent of use of gender-neutral language in documents 4 20. Extent of gender responsiveness of monitoring and 4 |___ evaluation (M&E), and operational/achievement reports Total (100%) Table 7. Overall Score of Four Entry Points and their Percent Form Lae Raw Scores Percent of Total People - 176 Policy (20 Programs/Projects/Activities 716 7 | Enabling Mechanisms ‘16 [ Total 7128 - Table 8. Qualitative Interpretation of Scores of Each Entry Point Range of Percents Qualitative Interpretation 90-100 Outstanding (a clear excellent area of strength) 80-89 ‘Needs some improvement (moderate area of strength) Below 80 Needs a lot of improvement IV. Interpretation of Scores On the basis of the scores (and equivalent percents) of the four entry points, write in Table 9 the areas of strengths and areas for improvement of the GE initiatives of your cooperative; and actions to sustain and expand the strengths, and address the areas for improvement. Table 9. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) Analysis and Needed Actions Lists Needed Actions Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats | 7 peeled 180 8001-2008 Office of the Executive Director : (02) 725-6450 Ofticer of he Day :(02) 725-3764 fromm Office of the President of the Philippines COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY @ breiymencongouen © cromenacoagoven Q) reine Coopecon os ©) ecovmie Central Office 827 Awora Bhd, Senice Road, Egy. Immaculate Conception, 111] Cubao, Quezon Cty Philippines EXCERPTS FROM MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CDA BOARD OF ADMINISTRATORS HELD ON MARCH 21, 2017 PRESENT Hon, Orlando R. Ravanera - Chairman/Presiding Officer Hon. Eulogio T. Castillo, Ph. D. ~ Administrator from Luzon Hon. Abad L. Santos ~ Administrator from Luzon Hon. Mercedes D. Castillo ~ Administrator from Visayas Hon. Paisal 1. Cali ~ Administrator fiom Mindanao Hon. Abdulsalam A. Guinomla - Administrator from Mindanao ALSO PRESENT Dir. Ray R. Elevazo - Executive Director ABSENT Hon. Benjie S. Oliva - Administrator from Visayas RESOLUTION NO. 34, S-2017 Upon motion by Adm. Mercedes D. Castillo, duly seconded by Adm. Eulogio T. Castillo, be it RESOLVED as it is hereby RESOLVED, to approve the Memorandum Circular on Tool for Assessing, Gender Equality in Primary Cooperatives as Supplemental to Memorandum Circular 2013-22, APPROVED. xX xX xX This is to certify that the foregoing is true and correct from Administrators’ Regular Meeting. MARY oRLAND R.RAVANERA haifa Office of the Chaltman : (02) 721-8925 Sitar

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