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University of Mumbai

CLASS: T.E. (Electronics Engineering) Semester - VI

SUBJECT: Discrete time signals and systems

Periods per week Lecture 4

Practical 2
(each of 60 min.) Tutorial -
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory Examination 3 100
Practical examination
Oral Examination - 25
Term Work - 25
Total 150

Objective This second course in signals and systems aims to introduce the
student to the idea of discrete time signal processing as a foundation
course for subjects like image processing, speech processing, filter
design, adaptive signal processing. It also covers introduction to DSP

Pre- Basic Continuous signals and systems

Module contents Hours

1 Discrete Time (DT) signals & Systems 8

Signal classification manipulations
Signal Periodicity in DT domain
Concept of system and System classification
System representation as a difference equation
Impulse Response
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) & Infinite Impulse
Response (IIR) systems
Convolution and its properties , auto correlation and cross
correlation with its properties
BIBO stability condition
2 Z Transform 6
Two-sided Z Transform and Region of Convergence
Properties of Z Transform and derivations
Relationship with Laplace Transform & mapping
One-sided Z Transform
Inverse Z Transform

3 D.T.System analysis using Z Transform 10

System Transfer function & Impulse response, pole zero

BIBO stability and ROC
Solution of a difference equation
zero input & zero state responses
Frequency response using Analytical & graphical
Pole zero plot and filter type for first and second order
System classification based on phase response as
Minimum phase, maximum phase, mixed phase or linear
phase systems

4 DT Signal Analysis & Computation of Spectra 6

DTFS definitions from orthogonal complex exponentials
CTFS & DTFS and Properties of DTFS
Power Density spectrum
DTFT and Properties of DTFT
Energy Density spectrum
Relationship between DTFT & Z transform

5 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 10

DFT and comparison with other transforms
DFT Properties
Circular convolution
Block convolution using DFT by Overlap-add & Overlap-
save methods
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) by radix 2 and radix 3 and
radix 4 techniques.
Decimation in Time
Decimation in frequency with
development of flow graphs
DFT analysis of Sinusoidal signals
Goertzel algorithm
Comparison of complex and real, multiplication and
additions of DFT and FFT.
DFT computation by Divide and conquer approach
Limitations of DFT
Applications of FFT

6 DSP Processors and application of DSP 08

Need for Special architecture of DSP processor
Difference between DSP processor & microprocessor
Fixed point and floating point processors
A general DSP processor (TMS320C54XX series),
TMS6713, and Da-vinci.
Application of DSP to speech, image, biomedical and
radar processing.
Text- Books:

 Ashok Ambardar, Digital Signal Processing, Cengeg Learning Publication,.

 J.G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
applications, Prentice Hall of India, 1995
 A.V. Oppenheim, Ronald W Schafer, Prentice Hall, 1983.
 E.C.Ifeachor and B.W Jervis,Digital Signal Processing A Practical approach, Pearson
 B. Venkata Ramani and M. Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture,
Programming and TMH, 2004.

Additional Reading:

 S.K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, 2001

 B.P.Lathi, linear systems and signals Oxford University Press second Indian
Impression, 20007.
 B. Venkata Ramani and M. Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture,
Programming and TMH, 2004.

 R.H .Bishop Learning with Lab View 7 Express Pearson education

 Gupta,Virtual Instrumentation using Labview Tata McGraw-Hill Publication,
 Chi-tsong Chen Digital signal processing, Oxford University Press

Suggested list of simulations

Matlab or C/C++ or Labview:

1. Generation and transformations of basic D.T. signals(2 simulations)

2. Discrete periodicity

3. Convolution ,correlation, autocorrelation

4. Z transform of standard signals

5. System impulse response for various inputs

6. Magnitude and phase response using DTF

7. Circular convolution using FFT

8. System realization

9. Application of signal processing operation to practical one dimensional signal e.g.

speech signal ,ECG signal, music signal etc.( different signal can be used by different
students group as a practical assignment)

10. Real time experiments using DSP processor

T.W. / Oral Examination:

Term Work:

The term work shall consist of at least two numerical assignments and eight MATLAB/ C or
Labview simulations covering the whole of syllabus, duly recorded and graded. This will
carry a weightage of fifteen marks. A test shall be conducted and will carry a weightage of
ten marks.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) : 10 marks.

Test (at least one) : 10 marks.

Attendance (Practical and Theory) : 05 marks.

The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing in the term-work.

Theory Examination:

1. Question paper will be comprise of total 7 questions, each of 20 marks.

2. Only 5 questions need to be solved.

3. Question number 1 will be compulsory and will cover all modules.

4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature. (e.g.- suppose Q.2 has part (a)
from, module 3 then part (b) will be from any module other than module 3.)

5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of

respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.

6. No question should be asked from pre-requisite module.

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