The document outlines the course structure for 'Signals and Systems' in the B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering program, detailing the course objectives, modules, and outcomes. It covers topics such as signal classification, linear time invariant systems, Fourier transforms, and Z-transforms. Additionally, it provides information on the examination pattern and recommended textbooks and references.
The document outlines the course structure for 'Signals and Systems' in the B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering program, detailing the course objectives, modules, and outcomes. It covers topics such as signal classification, linear time invariant systems, Fourier transforms, and Z-transforms. Additionally, it provides information on the examination pattern and recommended textbooks and references.
The document outlines the course structure for 'Signals and Systems' in the B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering program, detailing the course objectives, modules, and outcomes. It covers topics such as signal classification, linear time invariant systems, Fourier transforms, and Z-transforms. Additionally, it provides information on the examination pattern and recommended textbooks and references.
The document outlines the course structure for 'Signals and Systems' in the B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering program, detailing the course objectives, modules, and outcomes. It covers topics such as signal classification, linear time invariant systems, Fourier transforms, and Z-transforms. Additionally, it provides information on the examination pattern and recommended textbooks and references.
Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE) SEMESTER - V SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Course Code 18EE54 CIE Marks 40 Number of Lecture Hours/Week (L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 60 Credits 03 Exam Hours 03 Course Learning Objectives: • To discuss arising of signals in different systems. • To classify the signals and define certain elementary signals. • To explain basic operations on signals and properties of systems. • To explain the use of convolution integral and convolution summation in analyzing the response of linear time invariant systems in continuous and discrete time domains. • To explain the properties of linear time invariant systems in terms of impulse response description. • To explain determination of response of a given linear time invariant system and to provide a block diagram representation to it. • To explain Fourier transform representation of continuous time and discrete time non –periodic signals and the properties of Fourier Transforms. • To explain the applications of Fourier transform representation to study signals and linear time invariant systems. To explain the use of Z-transform in the complex exponential representation of discrete time signals and the analysis of systems. Module-1 Introduction: Definitions of signals and a system, classification of signals, basic operations on signals. Elementary signals viewed as interconnections of operations, properties of systems. Module-2 Time – Domain Representations for LTI Systems: Convolution, impulse response, properties, solution of differential and difference equations, block diagram representation. Module-3 The Continuous-Time Fourier Transform: Representation of a non -periodic signals: continuous-time Fourier transform (FT), Properties of continuous-time Fourier transform, Applications. Frequency response of LTI systems, Solutions of differential equations. Module-4 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform: Representations of non-periodic signals: The discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT), Properties of DTFT and applications. Frequency response of LTI system, Solutions of difference equations. Module-5 Z- Transforms: Introduction, Z-transform, properties of ROC, properties of Z-transforms, inversion of Z-transform methods - power series and partial expansion, Transforms analysis of LTI systems, transfer function, stability and causality, unilateral Z-transform and its application to solve difference equations. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to: • Explain the generation of signals, behavior of system and the basic operations that can be performed on signals and properties of systems. • Apply convolution in both continuous and discrete domain for the analysis of systems given impulse response of a system. • Solve the continuous time and discrete time systems by various methods and their representation by block diagram. • Perform Fourier analysis for continuous and discrete time, linear time invariant systems. • Apply Z-transform and properties of Z transform for the analysis of discrete time systems. Question paper pattern: • The question paper will have ten questions. • Each full question is for 20 marks. • There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions in one full question) from each module. • Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module. Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module. Text Book 1 Signals and Systems Simon Haykin, Wiley 2nd Edition,2002 Berry Van Veen Reference Books 1 Fundamentals of Signals and Michael J. McGraw Hill 2nd Edition 2010 Systems Roberts, Govind K Sharma 2 Signals and Systems NagoorKani McGraw Hill 1st Edition 2010 3 Signals and Systems Matthew N.O. Sadiku CRC Press 1st Edition, 2016 A Primer with MATLAB Warsame H. Ali 4 Signals and Systems Anand Kumar PHI 3rd Edition, 2015