EC202 Signals and Systems
EC202 Signals and Systems
EC202 Signals and Systems
EC202 SIGNALS & SYSTEMS 3-1-0 -4 2016
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives
1. To train students for an intermediate level of fluency with signals and systems in both
continuous time and discrete time, in preparation for more advanced subjects in digital signal
processing, image processing, communication theory and control systems.
2. To study continuous and discrete-time signals and systems, their properties and
representations and methods those are necessary for the analysis of continuous and discrete-
time signals and systems.
3. To familiarize with techniques suitable for analyzing and synthesizing both continuous-time
and discrete time systems.
4. To gain knowledge of time-domain representation and analysis concepts as they relate to
differential equations, difference equations, impulse response and convolution, etc.
5. To study frequency-domain representation and analysis concepts using Fourier analysis tools,
Laplace Transform and Z-transform.
To study concepts of the sampling process, reconstruction of signals and interpolation.
Elementary signals, Continuous time and Discrete time signals and systems, Signal operations,
Differential equation representation, Difference equation representation, Continuous time LTI
Systems, Discrete time LTI Systems, Correlation between signals, Orthogonality of signals,
Frequency domain representation, Continuous time Fourier series, Continuous time Fourier
transform, Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform, Unilateral Laplace transform, Transfer
function, Frequency response, Sampling, Aliasing, Z transform, Inverse Z transform, Unilateral Z
transform, Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals, Discrete time Fourier series
and discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT), Analysis of discrete time LTI systems using the
above transforms
Expected outcome .
The student will be able to:
i. Define, represent, classify and characterize basic properties of continuous and discrete
time signals and systems.
ii. Represent the CT signals in Fourier series and interpret the properties of Fourier
transform and Laplace transform
iii. Outline the relation between convolutions, correlation and to describe the orthoganality
of signals.
iv. Illustrate the concept of transfer function and determine the magnitude and phase response
of LTI systems.
v. Explain sampling theorem and techniques for sampling and reconstruction.
vi. Determine z transforms, inverse z transforms and analyze LTI systems using z transform.
Text Book:
1. Alan V. Oppenheim and Alan Willsky, Signals and Systems, PHI, 2/e, 2009
2. Simon Haykin, Signals & Systems, John Wiley, 2/e, 2003
1. Anand Kumar, Signals and Systems, PHI, 3/e, 2013.
2. B P. Lathi, Priciples of Signal Processing & Linear systems, Oxford University Press.
3. Gurung, Signals and System, PHI.
4. Mahmood Nahvi, Signals and System, Mc Graw Hill (India), 2015.
5. P Ramakrishna Rao, Shankar Prakriya, Signals and System, MC Graw Hill Edn 2013.
6. Rodger E. Ziemer, Signals & Systems - Continuous and Discrete, Pearson, 4/e, 2013
Course Plan
Sem. Exam
Module Contents Hours
Elementary Signals, Classification and representation of
continuous time and discrete time signals, Signal operations
Continuous time and discrete time systems - Classification,
I Properties. 15%
Representation of systems: Differential equation representation
of continuous time systems. Difference equation representation 2
of discrete systems.
Continuous time LTI systems and convolution integral. 3
Discrete time LTI systems and linear convolution. 2
II 15%
Stability and causality of LTI systems. 2
Correlation between signals, Orthoganality of signals. 2
Frequency domain representation of continuous time signals- 15%
continuous time Fourier series and its properties.
Convergence, Continuous time fourier transform and its
III properties.
Laplace Transform, ROC, Inverse transform, properties,
unilateral Laplace transform.
Relation between Fourier and Laplace transforms. 1
Analysis of LTI systems using Laplace and Fourier transforms. 15%
Concept of transfer function, Frequency response, Magnitude 4
IV and phase response.
Sampling of continuous time signals, Sampling theorem for
lowpass signals, aliasing.
Z transform, ROC , Inverse transform, properties, Unilateral Z 20%
V Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals,
Discrete time fourier series and its properties.
Discrete time fourier transform (DTFT) and its properties 4
Relation between DTFT and Z-Transform, Analysis of discrete 20%
VI time LTI systems using Z transforms and DTFT, Transfer 6
function, Magnitude and phase response.
Assignment: Convolution by graphical methods, Solution of differential equations.
Project: Use of Matlab in finding various transforms: magnitude and phase responses.
The question paper shall consist of three parts. Part A covers modules I and II, Part B covers
modules III and IV, and Part C covers modules V and VI. Each part has three questions uniformly
covering the two modules and each question can have maximum four subdivisions. In each part, any
two questions are to be answered. Mark pattern is according to the syllabus with maximum 30 % for
theory and 70% for logical/numerical problems, derivation and proof.