CSS 2019, Current Affairs Notes
CSS 2019, Current Affairs Notes
CSS 2019, Current Affairs Notes
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Assignment, Course
Course Contents/Topics Quiz, Lab, Learning
Lec No
Reading etc. Outcomes
02/ Introduction Quiz 1, CLO-01
01-02 Why digital signal processing, advantages and Midterm Exam
disadvantages of digital signal processing, Course
organization & outline
Generating a discrete-time signal (sequence)
Selection of an input signal frequency components and its
relation with sampling rate
06/ Discrete-time signals elementary operations Assignment 1, CLO-01
03-08 Strength, Ensemble average, Upsampling and Midterm Exam
Operations on finite-length sequences
Circular time-shifting, circular time-reversal, circular-
Classification of sequences based on power, energy,
symmetry, periodicity
Correlation of signals and its significance in measuring the
quality and periodicity of a discrete-time signal
Types, and classifications of discrete-time systems
07/ Motivation to use frequency domain representation for discrete- Assignment 2, CLO-02
09-15 time signals and systems Midterm Exam
Orthonormal Basis for discrete-time signals &
Orthogonal basis to characterize discrete-time signals
and systems in the z-domain & frequency domain
Fourier-domain representation of discrete-time signals
Convergence issues of discrete-time Fourier transform
DTFT symmetry properties and theorems
Discrete-time systems representation and design
using DTFT
03/ Transform-domain representation of discrete-time systems Quiz 2, CLO-02
22-24 LTI discrete-time systems in the transform domain Midterm Exam
Relation between transfer function and frequency
Geometric interpretation of frequency response
Stability conditions of transfer function
06/ Using Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to represent signals in Assignment 3, CLO-03
16-21 the frequency domain Quiz 3,
DTFT from DFT using interpolation, Sampling the Midterm Exam
DTFT and related issues
Classification of DFT based on symmetry
Correspondence between linear and circular
Performing convolution between a finite-length and
an infinite-length sequence using Overlap-add
Performing convolution between a finite-length and
an infinite-length sequence using Overlap-save
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Performing two N-point DFTs using a single N-point
Performing a 2N-points DFT using a single N-point
Fast Fourier transform (FFT): Decimation-in-time
(DIT) method
FFT using Decimation-in-frequency (DIF) method
02/ Midterm Exam. CLO-01 to
25-26 CLO-03
05/ Transform-domain representation of discrete-time IIR Assignment 4, CLO-04
27-31 systems Final Exam
Classification of transfer functions based on the
magnitude characteristics - Ideal filters, all pass filters
Phase and group delays
Classification of transfer functions based on the phase
characteristics – zero-phase, minimum phase and
maximum phase transfer functions and their
application in communication/signal processing
Transform-domain representation of FIR systems
Linear-phase transfer functions and their types
Zero-locations of linear-phase transfer functions and
its significance in the geometric interpretation of
related frequency response
03/ Simple FIR and IIR digital filters Quiz 4, CLO-04
32-34 Simple FIR/IIR digital filters - lowpass/highpass and Final Exam
their applications
Simple IIR digital filters - bandpass/bandstop,
higher-order IIR digital filters
02/ Discrete-time system implementation Quiz 4, CLO-05
35-36 Implementation of FIR digital filters using direct Final Exam
form, transposed-direct form, cascade form and
polyphase-form structures
Implementation of IIR digital filters using direct form,
cascade form and parallel-form structures
06/ Designing customized IIR digital filters Assignment 5, CLO-05
37-42 Digital IIR filter design using impulse invariance method Final Exam
Digital IIR filter design using Bilinear transformation –
Lowpass filters
Digital IIR filter design using Bilinear transformation –
Highpass, bandpass, and bandstop filters
Designing customized FIR digital filters
Design of FIR filters using fixed window functions
Design of FIR filters using adjustable window
Computer-aided design (Equiripple design) of FIR
05/ An introduction to multirate signal processing and filter Quiz 5, CLO-05
43-47 banks Final Exam
Downsampling and Upsampling and their effects in
the frequency domain
Advantages of using polyphase decomposition in
conjunction with multirate signal processing
Quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks and related
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No Course Learning Bloom’s Taxonomy
Outcomes (CLOs) Cognitive Psychomotor Affective
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5
1 CLO-01 X
2 CLO-02 X
3 CLO-03 X
4 CLO-04 X
5 CLO-05 X X
Course Learning Outcome X X X X
Course Learning Outcome (CLO) mapping with Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 CLO-01 X X
2 CLO-02 X
3 CLO-03 X X
4 CLO-04 X
5 CLO-05 X
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