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National Action Plan On Climate Change: by Ms.P.Vanitha

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National Action Plan on Climate Change


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• Released on 30th June 2008 by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
• Road map on how India plans to move forward in combating climate
• India is faced with the challenge of sustaining its rapid economic
growth while dealing with the global threat of climate change.”
• “Without a careful long-term strategy, climate change may undermine
our development efforts, with adverse consequences, across the board,
on our people’s livelihood, the environment in which they live and
work and their personal health and welfare.” - Prime Minister’s
• NAPCC’s most significant and controversial claim:
• Even as India pursues its development objectives, at no time will its per-capita
emissions surpass those of the developed countries.

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NAPCC is guided by the following principles

• Protecting the poor and vulnerable sections of society through an inclusive and
sustainable development strategy, sensitive to climate change

• Achieving national growth objectives through a qualitative change in direction that

enhances ecological sustainability, leading to further mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions

• Devising efficient and cost effective strategies for end use Demand Side Management

• Deploying appropriate technologies for both adaptation and mitigation of greenhouse gases
• emissions extensively as well as at an accelerated pace

• Engineering new and innovative forms of market , regulatory and voluntary mechanisms to
promote sustainable development

• Effecting implementation of programmes through unique linkages, including with civil

society and local government institutions and through public private partnership

• Welcoming international cooperation for research, development, sharing and transfer of

technologies enabled by additional funding and a global regime that enables technology
transfer to developing countries under the UNFCCC
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Objective & Approach

• Objective of NAPCC :
“Our objective is to establish an effective, cooperative and equitable
global approach based on the principle of common but
differentiated responsibilities and relative capabilities…we must not
only promote sustainable production processes, but equally,
sustainable lifestyles across the globe.”

• Approach proposed by NAPCC for India :

“A directional shift in the development pathway” that promotes

development objectives while also yielding co-benefits (emphasis
added) for addressing climate change effectively.” Once again it should
be pointed out that climate change benefits are seen only as a
byproduct or co-benefit of a sustainable plan to meet development
targets and not as a goal in itself.

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NAPCC’s Eight “National Missions”

Focus :

Promote understanding of climate change, adaptation and mitigation, energy

efficiency and natural resource conservation.”

The missions are:

• National Solar Mission
• National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency
• National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
• National Water Mission
• National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
• National Mission for a Green India
• National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
• National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change

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National Solar Mission

• Vision :
 To make India’s economic development energy efficient
 To pioneer a graduated shift from economic activity based on fossil fuels to
one based on non-fossil fuels & from reliance on non-renewable and
depleting sources of energy
• Strategy :
 Sun occupies the centre stage , it being the original source of all energy
• Favourable Points :
 India ideally situated in the equatorial sun belt receiving abundant solar
radiation all the year around
 Average solar insolation incident over India is about 5.5 Kwh/m2 per day
(Equivalent of 1% of India’s land which can meet the country’s entire
electricity requirement till 2030).
• Objective :
 To increase the share of solar energy and other renewable and non-fossil
based energy sources in the total energy mix of the country. This includes
nuclear energy as a non-fossil option.
• Launch of a research & development programme that with the help of
international cooperation , would look into creating more cost effective ,
sustainable and convenient solar power systems
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National Solar Mission

Renewable energy currently comprises a very small

proportion of our energy sources and solar is
responsible for even less.

Target :

• 80 % coverage for all low temperature (< 150 C) applications of solar energy in urban areas
industries and commercial establishments – by 2017 (11th & 12th Five Year Plan)
• 60 % coverage for medium temperature (150 C to 250 C)
• Rural applications to be pursued through public-private partnerships
• Generation of 1000 MW/annum of photovoltaic production from integrated facilities by 2017
• Generation of 1000 MW/annum of Concentrating Solar Power generation capacity
 Concentrating solar power (CSP) systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large
area of sunlight into a small beam. The concentrated light is then used as a heat source for a conventional
power plant or is concentrated onto photovoltaic surfaces.

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National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency

• Mission :
• Targeted at industry which accounts for 42 % of the country’s total commercial energy use
(2004-05) and 31 % of total CO2 emissions (1994)
• Other initiatives to promote EE :
• Star Labeling System and Energy Conservation Building Code , Energy Conservation Act ,2001
• Mandating specific energy consumption decreases energy consumption in
large energy consuming industries
• By creating a framework to certify excess energy savings along with market
based mechanisms and to trade these savings
• Enhances cost effectiveness of improvements in energy efficiency in energy –
intensive sectors
• Innovative measures to make energy efficient appliances /products in certain
sectors more affordable
• Creation of mechanisms to help finance demand side management programmes
by capturing future energy savings and public-private –partnerships for this .
• Developing fiscal measures to promote energy efficiency such as tax incentives
for including differential taxation on energy efficient certified appliances.
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National Mission on Sustainable Habitat

Aim :
 To make habitat more sustainable through a threefold approach
Threefold Approach :
• Improvements in energy efficiency of buildings in residential and commercial
• Management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
• Promote urban public transport
Energy Efficiency (NAPCC):
• Use of Energy Efficient options could help achieve 30% electricity savings in
new residential buildings and 40 % in new commercial buildings. For existing
buildings the corresponding savings are 20% and 30 % respectively
• Wide and diverse range of policy instruments to overcome the barriers to
adoption of energy efficient options in residential and commercial sectors,
• Highlight the need for a more competitive market for energy efficient products
and advocate involving all stakeholders.
• Stress on the need for technology transfer from developed countries
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National Mission on Sustainable Habitat

Municipal Solid Waste :
 Plan suggests some policy reforms such as common regional disposal facilities for
smaller towns and villages in a particular region, and integrated system for collection,
transport, transfer, treatment and disposal facilities

Public Transport :
 NAPCC endorses mass transit such as buses, railways and mass rapid transit systems

 Use of CNG, ethanol blending in gasoline and bio-diesel

 Hydrogen is something that is mentioned for the future.

 Plan proposes the promotion of coastal shipping and inland waterways, increasing
attractiveness of railways, introducing appropriate transport pricing measures to
influence purchase and use of vehicles in respect of fuel efficiency and fuel choice,
tightening regulatory standards in fuel-economy of automobiles

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National Water Mission

• Out of the 4000 billion m3 of precipitation that India receives annually,
only 1000 billion m3 is available for use, which comes to approx. 1000
m3 per capita per annum. (by NAPCC)

• Further, by 2050 it states that India is likely to be water scarce.

• National Water Mission

• Aims at conserving water, minimizing wastage and ensuring more equitable
distribution through integrated water resource management.

• Aims to optimize water use efficiency by 20% by developing a framework of

regulatory mechanisms having differential entitlements and pricing.

• In addition, the Water Mission calls for strategies to tackle variability

in rainfall and river flows such as enhancing surface and underground
water storage, rainwater harvesting and more efficient irrigation
systems like sprinklers or drip irrigation.
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National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem

• The NAPCC recognizes the Himalayan ecosystem as vital to preserving the

ecological security of the country.

• Consists of forests; perennial rivers which are a source of drinking water,

irrigation, and hydropower; rich biodiversity; and is a major tourist

• All these are in danger from climate change through increases in

temperature, changes in precipitation patterns, drought and glacier

• Plan calls for empowering local communities especially Panchayats to play a

greater role in managing ecological resources.

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National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem

• It reaffirms the following measures mentioned in the National Environment Policy, 2006.

 Adopting appropriate land-use planning and water-shed management practices

for sustainable development of mountain ecosystems

 Adopting best practices for infrastructure construction in mountain regions to

avoid or minimize damage to sensitive ecosystems and despoiling of landscapes

 Encouraging cultivation of traditional varieties of crops and horticulture by

promoting organic farming, enabling farmers to realize a price premium

 Promoting sustainable tourism based on best practices and multi-stakeholder

partnerships to enable local communities to gain better livelihoods

 Taking measures to regulate tourist inflows into mountain regions to ensure that the
carrying capacity of the mountain ecosystem is not breached

 Developing protection strategies for certain mountain scopes with unique

“incomparable values”

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National Mission for a Green India

• Aims at enhancing ecosystem services such as carbon sinks.

• Builds on the Prime Minister’s Green India campaign for afforestation of 6

million hectares and the national target of increasing land area under forest cover
from 23% to 33%.

• It is to be implemented on degraded forest land through Joint Forest Management

Committees set up under State Departments of Forests. These Committees will
promote direct action by communities.

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National Mission for a Green India

• The Green India programme suggests:
 Training on silvicultural practices for fast-growing and climate-hardy tree
 Reducing fragmentation of forests by provision of corridors for species
migration, both fauna and flora
 Enhancing public and private investments for raising plantations for
enhancing the cover and the density of forests
 Revitalizing and upscaling community-based initiatives such as Joint Forest
Management and Van Panchayat committees for forest management
 Formulation of forest fire management strategies
 In-situ and ex-situ conservation of genetic resources, especially of threatened
flora and fauna
 Creation of biodiversity registers (at national, district, and local levels) for
documenting genetic diversity and the associated traditional knowledge
 Effective implementation of the Protected Area System under the Wildlife
Conservation Act and National Biodiversity Conservation Act 2001

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National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture

• Aim :

 To make Indian agriculture more resilient to climate change by identifying new

varieties of crops, especially thermal resistant ones and alternative cropping

 To be supported by integration of traditional knowledge and practical systems,

information technology and biotechnology, as well as new credit and insurance

• In particular the Mission focuses on rain-fed agricultural zones and suggests:

 Development of drought and pest resistant crop varieties

 Improving methods to conserve soil and water

 Stakeholder consultations, training workshops and demonstration exercises for

farming communities, for agro-climatic information sharing and dissemination

 Financial support to enable farmers to invest in and adopt relevant technologies to

overcome climatic related stresses
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National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture

• In addition, the Mission makes suggestions for safeguarding farmers against

increased risk due to climate change. These suggestions include,
strengthening agricultural and weather insurance;
creation of web-enabled, regional language based services for facilitation
of weather-based insurance;
development of GIS and remote sensing methodologies;
mapping vulnerable regions and disease hotspots; and
developing and implementing region-specific, vulnerability based
contingency plans.

• Finally, it suggests greater access to information and use of biotechnology.

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National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change

• This Mission will strive to work with the global community in research
and technology development and collaboration through a variety of
mechanisms and, in addition, will also have its own research agenda
supported by a network of dedicated climate change related
institutions and universities and a Climate Research Fund.
• The Mission will also encourage private sector initiatives for developing
innovative technologies for adaptation and mitigation.

• The Mission includes:

 Research in key substantive domains of climate science to improve
understanding of key phenomena and processes
 Global and regional climate modeling to improve the quality and accuracy
of climate change projections for India
 Strengthening of observational networks and data gathering and assimilation
to increase access and availability to relevant data
 Creation of essential research infrastructure, such as high performance
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Other Programmes
• The NAPCC also describes other ongoing initiatives, including:

• Power Generation: The government is mandating the retirement of

inefficient coal-fired power plants and supporting the research and
development of IGCC and supercritical technologies.

• Renewable Energy: Under the Electricity Act 2003 and the National
Tariff Policy 2006, the central and the state electricity regulatory
commissions must purchase a certain percentage of grid-based power
from renewable sources.

• Energy Efficiency: Under the Energy Conservation Act 2001, large

energy-consuming industries are required to undertake energy audits
and an energy labeling program for appliances has been introduced.

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Structure of Institutional Arrangement of NAPCC

• 8 National Missions are to be institutionalized by “respective ministries”

• Inter sectoral groups : Related Ministry + Ministry of Finance and the Planning Commission
+Experts from industry, academia and civil society
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Thank You

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