Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna: Simill, Ly
Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna: Simill, Ly
Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna: Simill, Ly
889. God is in all men, but all men are not in God :
that is wh� they suffer.
• 890. Every object is Narayana (i.e., God). Man is
Narayana, the animal is Narayana, the sage is N�rayana.
the knave• also is Narayana. All that exists is Narayana.
The Deity (Narayana) sports in vario�s aspects. All things
are His cij_verse forms and the manifestations of His glory.
. 891. Says pod, "I am the snake that bites and the
charmer that heals ; I am the judge that condemns a�d the •
servant that inflicts the punish�ent."
• 89i. .,The manifestation of Sakt�the Divine power)
va?ies in varying centrer. of activity·; for vlf.•iety is .the