1) The document discusses various topics related to Hindu philosophy and spirituality such as egotism, ignorance, incarnations, the individual soul, knowledge, and Maya.
2) It explains concepts like how ignorance obscures God's vision and how knowledge consists of eradicating egotism to awaken spiritual understanding.
3) The document also touches on topics like the purpose of incarnations, different types of souls and men, and how Maya operates to both bind and liberate the individual soul.
1) The document discusses various topics related to Hindu philosophy and spirituality such as egotism, ignorance, incarnations, the individual soul, knowledge, and Maya.
2) It explains concepts like how ignorance obscures God's vision and how knowledge consists of eradicating egotism to awaken spiritual understanding.
3) The document also touches on topics like the purpose of incarnations, different types of souls and men, and how Maya operates to both bind and liberate the individual soul.
1) The document discusses various topics related to Hindu philosophy and spirituality such as egotism, ignorance, incarnations, the individual soul, knowledge, and Maya.
2) It explains concepts like how ignorance obscures God's vision and how knowledge consists of eradicating egotism to awaken spiritual understanding.
3) The document also touches on topics like the purpose of incarnations, different types of souls and men, and how Maya operates to both bind and liberate the individual soul.
1) The document discusses various topics related to Hindu philosophy and spirituality such as egotism, ignorance, incarnations, the individual soul, knowledge, and Maya.
2) It explains concepts like how ignorance obscures God's vision and how knowledge consists of eradicating egotism to awaken spiritual understanding.
3) The document also touches on topics like the purpose of incarnations, different types of souls and men, and how Maya operates to both bind and liberate the individual soul.
� Egotism ') ignorance as ' woman INEQUALITIES. how in�U.:l!!ics
·md !(old · ( see under ' Sex ' and of the worldeare to be explained ' Riches ') ; effects of ignorance 869. on man 1108 ; • how it makes the (SLAM, how the Master pract1<cd unreal seem real 1110, 11 rI : • it 981. 982. how it 'fstructs God o,ision I, 4. 18. 640, 641 ; how it is removed ISVARA. (sec under 'The 488,561.627, 1109. 1111. Divine'). JNANA. (sec urnlcr 'Knowledge·). IMA�r U\•eJiSHIP, justification KALPATARU. how God is like,. ., 1!I rn',agc-worship 322-327, 330, Kalpataru 3, I 059. f 33', ; im�es worshippc arc divine 328--33�; how long image-wor KNOWLEDGE or Jnan,,. wh!t ,t ship is necessary 322, 323 ; how 19-25, 28-32, 107, consists in a man of rcali-;ation vicv...·s an 109. 138. 494. 657. 736-738. image 332. 793, 794. 913-919. 984-988. 996. 1004. 1007, 1008. 1111- 1NCARNATIONS. lnc,,rnations 1119; eradication of egotism, the and the Ahsolutc 7�. 718, 872; most essential condition for the purpose of Incarnations 703, 715 awakening of it 99- !09, 494, -717, 719--730 , Incarnations a 736. 809. 917. 922, 923. 949, revelati<>n of God 715-717 ; its effects on man 243-245, 277, they are historical 704 ; in what 950, 951. 1111, 1112. 1114. 5cnsc the Incarnation i:, only one 1115 : its effect on reincarnation 705 ; how the spiritual state of 46,47 ; how it destroys the nature Pncarnations differs from that of of the mind 490; how it dawns in th� ordinai·y perfect man 707, man 62--64. 115-128. 230. 708. 714, 719-726. 729, 735. 347, 429. 557. 560-562. 624. 770. 773; Incarnation a combi. 627, 742-745; the p.trt of mind n,1tion of humanity and Di�inity in producing it 922-925; experi 1011-1017 ; the Master declares ence of Samadhi essential tor it"' himself an Incarnation 1015, 1018, rise 844. 8116, 84'7. 849, 851, 1019; Incarnations difficult to be 880, 917; the dawn 1of it in recognised by persons living close Samadhi 913-919: utgrees ,A' to them 709-714, 718; souls Knowblgc 734, 735 ,I Knowledge that• come with Incarnations as of the lncarnatiori 708, 728. 729, helpers 731. 735, ·773; Knowledge (Jna�a) and Vijnana compared and co11- .INDIVIDUAL SOUL or Jiva, trastd 740, 862, 864-869,' 926 types of souls 34·--37; soul's re ·-930; book-knowledge �s infenor lation to the Divine 16, 17, 19- to it (Jnana) t37-146.160- 27; how M,,ya obstructs its vision 165; hov-• far hook-knowledge cau 55-61 ; its real nature 16-28, help in its production 159 r162. 30-32, 118: its unreality 843; 734, 742: the path of Knowledge after Samadhi it is rea\'" ) as a 'and<its ,lifferent aspects 732-746; manif.,_iation of the ,t-ivine 862, 'path of Knowledge contr..�tcd with 864-867: Puri,ic • view of it path of devotion •391 J ,46. 75 I, 809. 757, 812, 813; Knowrl,dge-\rnd • 400 Sayings of Sri Ramal.:1·isliua dtv,1.ionreconciled 746, 791, sacred thread 317; his experience 793, 795. 797- 1803. 81 I. 880; nf Viraha (separation from God) Knowledge contrasted with faith 789; his experience of the awake'!i 495 ; Knowledge and morality ing of Kundali,ti 904-906. 742, 895-898, 915--967; is MAY A, its binding influence 54- there danger for one having Know 6 I ; its" twofold asp�U of hindin!( ledge in living in the world'/ 89. and liherating the individual soul 237, 277; Knowledge and extern 18- 21, 54-- 65, 128, l 004, al ohservanees like caste 310- 1108; Maya as,,' 1•;,;,1_1pl),'. (sec 3 I 7; influence of food on Know under • Sex.) ; l,vlaya. a;, ·r,ii;bi:,,. ledge 388, 391. (sec ,: der • Riches'� : M,aya as K'�ISHNA, why His complexion is cgotisn{ (see under • Egotism ') ; blue 885 ; why His body is bent how tl.e bondage of �1aya operatcs- in three parts 886; why He is 28-41 ; Maya at the root of the coupled with Radha 887 ; what duality of Paramatman and Jivat one has to learn from his life 785. man 21 ; it hides the Lord from KUNDALINI, its rousing essential the view of man 640, 61! J ; i.s for spiritual awakening 902, 903; naturc ins�rutable 1110 ; it ,loes the Master's experience of its not affect Brahman 842 ; how In awakening 904. 905, 980; its in he free from it 627, 1 111 ; it terpretation in terms of V cdanta disappears when its existence is 906. recognised 6 I, 488, 1 I 09 ; the effect of Jnana and Hhakti on it LIFE, its ultimate purpose 1--15. 796 ; when it disappears there is LOVE, insincerity of worldly love no universe any more 845 ;1. hc,w a 1106, 1107; love of God (sec man free from it feels 1097 ; is under ' Devot ion ' ) . there Maya in a man of realisa• MEN, types of men 35�-37; tion? 948, 949; Maya as creative men who come along with lncar f0rce of the Lord 48-53, 887 , Maya means also Personal God m,•,ions 731 ; worldly-minded men (see under • 'Worldly-minded 853 ; the Master's vision of Maya Men � ; c4uality and inequality of 52, 1005 ; Maya contrasted with ' men )7-41 ; why men are of Daya 1035. different ' natures 33, 34 ; why MEDITATION, how to mcdita,c some men •\'.e respected 893 ; 593. 596-- 605. 973 ; why we �ause of men's spiritual insensitive fail in meditation 216-219, ness 12, 563; what determines 595 ; me<fitation and suspension of m'an' s spiritual progress 4 ; Puranic breath 605 ; what constitutes per view wof the nature of man 809 ; fection in meditation 607-614; how man's riaturc as Atman is how it reveals truth 606. hidden 1111; gene!•al reflections MIND, different aspects of it 899- oil\ the nature of men 1020, 1022, 901 ; how it determines man's 1024--1028. �piritual growth 491-493, 1071, MASTER'S EXPERIEWCF�. lG;-,1 � when its innate nature is glim�j;es of t;he Master's experien destroy� 490.; how (<,'recoup its• feS /rf2- t'lJl 9 : his vision of , strength 29'5 ; how to keep it '1vfay� 52 ; why he discarded the peaceful (j, 574 : can God b" lu.de;r 401
realised with it? 923-925 , how OCCULT POWERS. theii i_,ria
the Master kept his mind at the lity 375.381.1103; true clevotees • physical level 985-986. do not, and should not, seek them • MORALITY. it1 cardinal princjple 372-�374. 376. 381. 382; why 1021 ; an immoral man cannot • they should not he sought 374- 381. 1104; the Master dissuacles• practise 'tcdanta 742. • disciples from seeking them J.79, MORAL RESPONSIBILITY. 381. 382. moral responsibility of man and the natu,rc of,,.(iod 125, 128, 889. ONE. (The). how It has become ll9J'-tl'98. ·:,60. 961. 963. 967; the many 869. the, Abs1lutc is above the idea of moral responsibility !38- 842. PARABLES. the chameleon m�the 999 -- 101'4 ; a perfect man, though palm tree 471 ; the Divine dyer above mor.il rc�pon-;ihility. never 8 73 , the traveller and the wish- • docs evil 742, 965, 966 , fallacy yielding tree 1059 ; the fisher of � o-centrcd men '.--hitking moral women in florist's house 1060 ; responsibility 1074. the sage in trance 1061 ; fisher NAME OF GOD.• power of the men's trance and rice from the Divine 'name' 351 ; usefulness of' houses of priests 1062 ; the vain its repetition 349. 350. 352- stcwdnl 1063 ; the Larher and 355, 357, 360 ; the rationale of seven jars of gold 1064 ; the kid repetition or Japa of it 35D ; how aml feast of Ras-flowers 1065 ; it destroys sins 357, 360; it is the 'uncontaminated' familv man sure to have effect 353-355 , 1066; the priests of J;ypore ,,w,c mcchanicaJ repetition 'of it temple 1067; Bara Babu and the wi♦l not do 352, 356; how to feel unemployed Brahmin 1068; the joy in it 350 ; how the truly <lcvot poor Brahmin mi<l his rich merchant c,l chant it 358. disciple 1069 , God Kartikeya OBSTACLES IN SPIRIHJAL and his Divine Mother 1070; two LIFE, book-learning 147---149, friends, the Bhagavata recit.d anJ 159-164 ; egotism 99--109, the house ,fP pleas�rc 1071 ; the 494; ignorance (Maya or Avidya) Sannyasin and the har,!,t 1072; 1, 4. 18, 55, 57-61 , lack of the Raja .md the dodrfi1c of AJ. pcr\.cvercncc 13 ; occult powers Vdita 1 !J73 : the Br dun in and the 372--- 382 ; past impressions 72, sin uf.cow-1,illin.� 1074; the sn1ake 368- 370; riches J:1-74, 90- that would not hiss 1075 ; the 92 ; sex (see unctcr •Sex•) , Advaitin disciple and the elephant worldliness 12. 362 (sec under 1076 ; Gh.rntakarna the 'bigot · Worldly-minded Men') some 1077 ; the hlin1 men a,�d the �le obstacles in general: (timidity, phant 107 8 ; tlte frog of the well hatred and fear 361 ; criticising 1079 ; thl Lord and the persecutd others 363; restlessness 364 ; devotee 1080 : Yasoda. .i3adha proximity lo worl<lly ohjects"70, and Gopal., 1081 , Sri Kama• 71, 365; narrowness c,' ,,utlooi d13'1dra and the frog 1082 ; the 366. el 077-1079 ; & unintelligen rich master and his lovi1� servant imitation 367 ; 'atlachfnent to rel'\ 1083 ; the man; ti" • .v'ind-god tives 371, 1035). and the cottage 1084 ; the ma.. and · 26