Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2
Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2
Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2
I. Objectives
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1) Routinary Activities
a) Prayer
May I request everyone to please stand Everyone will stand
Mr. Suazo would you like to lead the prayer? Yes Ma’am
(students respond) Amen
b) Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning Ma’am
c) Classroom Management
Class, before you take your seat kindly arrange your
chair and pick up the pieces of paper that are visible on
the floor. The students will follow the teacher’s
2) Preparatoty Activities
a) Checking of assignments
Very Good!
Who can give me the definition of Nouns? Students will raise their hands
Student will stand up and answer the
Excellent answer! question.
c) Motivation
Ok class before we start our new lesson I
have prepared here a game. This game is
called “Charades” do you know this game?
The students will response wether yes or no
The instruction is very simple. I have here a box inside
this box contains a vocabulary words and you just need
to act out the word that you get inside the box you
cannot speak or write the word or definition. The first
group who has many points to guess the word will be
the winner did you understand the instruction? Yes ma’am
Before we start the game you count form one to two.
Ok, Goup 1 will be the first and then the group 2
Congratulations! group 2 you are the winner.
Can we give ourselves a pak ganern clap The students will start counting
1,2,3 (clap) 1,2,3(kick) Pak! Pak! Ganern! Ganern!
The group 1 started to act out and then the
group 2
3) Lesson Proper
a) Introducing the lesson
Did you enjoy the game?
1,2,3 (clap) 1,2,3(kick) Pak! Pak! Ganern!
Do you have any idea what word do we use to describe
an action or being?
So class do you have any question with regards to our Verb is a word that shows action or being
Did I make myself clear?
I think you are now familiar with verbs. Let us now Jumping Running
proceed to our activity. Playing Dancing
Singing Fighting
4) Generalization
I have here five sentences, I want you to identify which None ma’am.
is the verb
Sentences: Yes ma’am.
The teacher read a book to her students
Nathan rode his new bike
John visited his friend
The dog ran across the yard
The cat sat by the window
(read the sentence and ask student to identify the verb)
Very Good!
Now, that we know the verb let us have another Students will answer the sentences one by
activity. one
5) Application
I will group you into three (3) and each Student’s response
group will be doing different activity
IV. Evaluation
Get your pencil and answer this. Before you answer read the direction first.
Direction: Identify the action verbs and connect it to the letters which the picture
1. A. Throws
B. Sing
D. Run
E. Play
V. Assignment
Construct five (5) sentences of common verbs.
Prepared by:
Katherine R. Dahang
BEED - 2