Social media is also use as a tool to connect and communicate well easily
with each other, And by the help of social media, social media became more
important especially to the students who are miles away from their love ones that
help them more to communicate easily with their family and friends. And through
this social media their time, love and care for each other will always be present
and make social media feel like students of lyceum who are miles away from
their loves ones will always feel like near from each other.
Every student nowadays is being addicted with social media. They always
want to use it in every aspect of their lives. This study helped the researchers to
know how social media affects students and their studies. It also be a great help
for us to know what social media can bring to every student’s life advantages,
disadvantages and especially how this affects every student’s life was clearly
discussed on this study. This is for the researchers to be knowledgeable and
alert on what’s happening and what can happen to every student’s life and also
how it can affect the whole society.
The goal of the study is to find out the profile of the respondents in terms
of sex, type of social media used, and to know the effects of usage of social
media in terms of studies and family relation. Moreover, to test the significant
difference in the responses of the effects of the use of social media when
grouped according to profile variables
Facebook has a major role to students. Some of the students are using
Facebook in academic objectives. Students would like to access to social
networking sites for them to be connected with their classmates. It was issued
that working with Facebook raise student self-confidence. They would feel
essential or being important in the society in comparison to those who do not
have an account. Facebook also broadcast story on what are happening in the
real world even in their school community. On the other hand, negative effects
flourish. It was found out that too much use of social networking sites could lead
into obsession that we called “social media addiction” and it is actually correct in
terms of using Facebook. Can you say that you are addicted in using Facebook?
A few would say “yes” and most of the students would say “no”. Well it relies
upon on the stages of your desire. In the previous study, it was found out that
many students in the different side of the world whether rich or poor are now
obsessed with it, to the degree where the student’s university activities like paper
works and their achievements are also damaged. Students who are always
consuming a lot of their time in just using social networking sites find it difficult to
focus in their class; they feel sleepy so their attention is being divided (Paculan,
Students also use Facebook during the time when doing their
performance tasks and homework and they spend more time scrolling and
updating their newsfeed than finishing their tasks. It also affects the academic
performance of the students. It has also mental or emotional effects in students’
health. Students feel connected to everyone around them but it shows that it
could also lead into depression through seeing an article about problematic
issues (Paculan, 2014).
In other words, the Internet that we are thinking to has lots of benefits in
interaction is damaging our status as well. Most of people prefers to post
statuses, share and like articles and chat to their friends using social networking
sites rather than talking to their family and friends personally.
Research Design
Since the researchers want to find out the effects of the use of social
media to the students of LPU-Batangas (STEM-Engineering), they gathered
information from books and internet. Moreover, the questionnaire being its main
instrument used in gathering data.
There are two sides of questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire
dealt with the profile of the respondents in terms of social media used, and terms
of sex. The last part included questions about effects of social media in studies
and in family relations of senior high STEM Engineering students of LPU-
Formulating the research topic is the first thing that the researchers
did. This was done by browsing on the internet, books and looking for trending or
the common problems encountered by students.
After selecting the topic, the researchers went to their adviser to ask for
approval of the selected topic. The researchers also came up with objectives to
be achieve in the end of the study. After that, the self-made questionnaire has
formulated and submitted to the adviser for the necessary corrections.
Data Analysis
The required data were tallied, encoded and deciphered using statistical
tools. These tools include frequency distribution, weighted mean, and ANOVA
which utilized based on the goals of the study. In expansion, all information
treated were computed using statistical software, PASW version 18 to further
analyze the results of the study.
Table 1
Percentage Distribution of the Respondents' Profile
Profile Variables Frequency Percentage
Male 89 45.18
Female 108 54.82
Types of Social Media use
Facebook 190 96.45
Snapchat 44 22.34
Whatsapp 12 6.09
Twitter 141 71.57
Skype 57 28.93
Instagram 112 56.85
Line 5 2.54
Youtube 168 85.28
Tumblr 72 36.55
From the table above that majority of respondents are female with
frequency number of 108 and percentage of 54.82 while on the other hand, the
male respondents has a frequency number of 89 and a percentage of 45.18.
There are more than 40% of female than male users of social media. It is
because males usually want to interact with others in real world, while females
consume a greater amount of news from social media (Britton, 2018).
Based on the findings the respondents agrees that online social networks
distract them from their studies with the weighted mean of 2.72. Students find
online social networks as a very useful tool in their studies. Because this helps
them to do homeworks and other tasks easily. But this social media also has its
bad side that truly distracts students in their studies that instead of using their
time checking their accounts they can use this in doing their papers or listening to
their professors. They’ve been addicted in this that they forget to do well in their
studies. They don’t notice that this helpful tool is also destroying their studies.
This type of compulsive behaviour can almost be deemed as an addiction.
Classes in higher education are usually three hours long, subtract twenty to thirty
minutes per hour for social media checking, and if one does the math you have a
student who is only paying attention 90 minutes out of the 180 minutes there are
in one lecture; multiply that by six or seven courses and by now you should get
where this blog is going. University and college students go through demanding
courses and do many assignments, which require the complete focus of the
student. However, students are not realizing the harm they are doing when they
are taking thirty minutes to check their social media network accounts when they
are suppose to be working on a paper (Smith, 2011).
Table 2
Weighted Verbal
Indicators Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. Addiction to online social network is
a problematic issue that affects my 2.71 Agree 2
academic life.
2. Online social networks distract me
2.72 Agree 1
from my studies.
3. Hours spent online can never be
compared to the number of hours I 2.70 Agree 3
spend reading.
4. There is no improvement in my
grades since I became engaged into 1.85 Disagree 5
this social networking site.
5. I usually have unlimited access to
facebook and this has affected my 2.02 Disagree 4
academic performance negatively.
Composite Mean 2.40 Disagree
Legend: 3.50 - 4.00 = Strongly Agree; 2.50 - 3.49 = Agree; 1.50 - 2.49 = Disagree;
1.00 - 1.49 = Strongly Disagree
and share substances and data, and associated with other known and obscure
contacts. Amplified nearness on Facebook can have destructive impacts on
efficiency and errand execution. Long hours spending on facebook appear to
diminish under studies scholastic execution and in this way their grades ( Boyd &
Ellis, 2015).
Table 3
Weighted Verbal
Indicators Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I see the use of social media affects 2.48 Disagree 1
my family.
2. I prefer to interact with people on
social media sites rather than my 1.92 Disagree 3
3. I can see that my parents are
2.16 Disagree 2
addicted too.
4. I experienced saying "No" to an
activity with my family because of 1.81 Disagree 5
social media.
5. I feel distance between me and my
family due to excessive usage of social 1.90 Disagree 4
Composite Mean 2.05 Disagree
Legend: 3.50 - 4.00 = Strongly Agree; 2.50 - 3.49 = Agree; 1.50 - 2.49 = Disagree;
1.00 - 1.49 = Strongly Disagree
The respondents disagree in seeing social media affecting their family with
the weighted mean of 2.48. The use of social media nowadays are very popular
in the whole world. Even our parents use it to keep themselves busy. By the use
of social, our lifestyle change. We can do easily talk to someone who’s living in
the other side of the world. We can reach someone with just one click. Some of
the students are more satisfied in using social media than interacting in person. It
also affects the different members of the family. Sometimes children are desiring
to have an interaction to their parents but there are busy on using social
networking sites. Social media can develop a harmonious relationship with
others. One of the effective way is connecting with your love ones/ other even
you are miles apart. Hence, it can hinder some positive relationship with your
family ( Spark, 2018).
“I can see that my parents are addicted too” had the second highest rank
with a weighted mean of 2.16 and had a “Disagree” as its verbal interpretation.
Student sees their parents when using social media and had a thought of their
parents are the addicted one. Parents tend to check their child if they are posting
ungrateful articles towards others. They are monitoring their child’s behavior
online that made them also to use social networking sites but they are setting
their own limitations on using it. Parents take a number of different steps to
monitor their child’s behavior and interactions in digital spaces, with personal
monitoring being the most prominent of these steps. Fully 61% of parents say
they have checked which websites their teen has visited, while 60% report
checking their teen’s social media profile. Teens are increasingly using mobile
technologies to communicate, share and go online (Pew Research Center,
Social media sites are a great help for every individual in interacting,
connecting and sharing information. This serves as a bridge for everyone around
the globe to connect with each other . On the other hand this is used for people
to reconnect and get along with their relatives and family that are away from
them. Using this they get to see each other and communicate even if they are far
from each other. This explains the result of the statement “I prefer to interact with
people on social media sites rather than my family.” with a weighted mean 1.92
and has been disagreed by the respondents. Technology can be used to keep
families connected. It can help members keep track of schedules, location, and a
sense of security between members that parents and/or children can be reached
immediately if needed. Technology is also helpful for families of divorce or
separation through more immediate voice or face contact. In a 2008 study
published by Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, reported
that cell phones, email, and texting helped families compensate for the increased
stress of modern life by allowing them to communicate with family members
when apart (Liby Lyons, 2016).
Based on the findings of the study the respondents disagrees I feel
distance between me and my family due to excessive usage of social media with
the weighted mean of 1.90. The percentage of the family who has distant
relationship is growing explosively due to use of social media. Different types of
social media such as Messenger that has a feature that keeping us from being
entertained and from that we could hardly let go our gadgets. Having a
conversation to every part of the family by texting and leaving them a message
via Smartphone. By the use of social media we feel welcome, happiness, and
freedom to express our feelings and from that we mostly consume our time in
using these social media than interacting to our family.
Table 4
Difference of Responses on the Effects of the use of Social Media when
Grouped to According to Profile Variables
Profile Effects of the Use of Social Media
Variables In Studies In Family Relations
F p Interpretation F p Interpretation
valu valu valu valu
e e e e
Sex 0.79 0.37 Not Significant 10.28 0.00 Significant
Last year there is an equal increase for both female and male usage of
social media, but the negative effect on mental health seems to afflict females
more than males (Courtney, 2017).
Through the results and findings that obtained, the researchers have
formulated the following conclusions.
1. Majority of the respondents were female. Facebook is the most used social
2. Generally the respondents were not affected by the use of social media in
terms of studies and family relations.
3. There is a significant difference observed in the response on effects of the use
of social media in terms of family relations when group according to sex.
In the list of the conclusions drawn from the findings of the study, the
following recommendations are submitted:
1. Students can utilize all the accessible online stages viably but they must
be cognizant of social media positive and negative impacts.
2. They ought to attempts as much as conceivable, to create a balance so a
not to induce carried away while learning
3. To the future researchers, conduct a widen study related to social media.
Study other impacts of social media in different aspects aside from studies
and family relations.
Effects-of -Facebook-on-Students