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Parliamentary Communications

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 Empowering Parliaments with Strategic Communications  2009 


Empowering Parliaments With Strategic 

Gurprit S. Kindra, Ph.D.


Fredrick Stapenhurst, Ph.D.


The authors would like to thank Mme. Diane Boucher, Communications Director, The Senate of
Canada, for her invaluable advice in the preparation of this manuscript.
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Executive summary .............................................................................................................................. 4 
1­ Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 6 
2 – The Pillars of Democracy ............................................................................................................. 7 
Freedom ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7 
Protection ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 
Justice ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 
Participation .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 
3­ Using Open Communications to Promote Democracy ........................................................ 9 
Open Communication and the Role of Parliaments ............................................................................. 9 
Legitimacy and Consent ........................................................................................................................................... 11 
Communication as a Public Good ......................................................................................................................... 12 
Chapter 4 ­ ICTs and Parliaments: Determinants of Change ................................................ 14 
Institutional Factors in Communications Reform ......................................................................................... 16 
5 – Advancing Communications  in Contemporary Parliaments ........................................ 18 
Communications and Public Education ............................................................................................................. 18 
Media Engagment ....................................................................................................................................................... 18 
Interparliamentary Communication ................................................................................................................... 19 
Enabling Dialogue Through Innovation ............................................................................................................. 19 
6 – Toward a New Model of Parliamentary Communications ............................................. 22 
Levels of Institutional Communication .................................................................................................. 22 
Passive Communication ........................................................................................................................................... 22 
Reactive Communication ......................................................................................................................................... 23 
Participatory Communication ............................................................................................................................... 23 
Harnessing Interactive Technologies for Participatory Communications ............................... 24 
Responding to Contemporary Expectations ........................................................................................ 25 
The Power of Social Media ...................................................................................................................................... 27 
Embracing Innovation .................................................................................................................................. 27 
Developing a Strategic Communications Plan ..................................................................................... 29 
components of a communications plan ............................................................................................................. 29 
7 – Building Institutional Capacity for Communications Reform ...................................... 31 
Developing Communications Capacity ............................................................................................................... 31 
The Need for Communications Training ............................................................................................... 33 
8 – Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 34 
Appendix A: Commonly Used ICT Terms .................................................................................... 35 

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Appendix B: Types of Information in a Virtual Parliament Web Site – an Initial 
Checklist ................................................................................................................................................. 39 
Appendix C: Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 40 

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The parliaments of democratic countries have a responsibility to encourage and protect citizen en-
gagement—as a guarantor of democracy itself. Open communications is a prerequisite of this en-
gagement. By promoting open dialogue, citizen engagement, and government responsiveness, effec-
tive communications serve to strengthen democratic institutions and constitute a basic requirement
of good governance.
However the three core roles of a parliament (legislation, representation and oversight) are
weighted, their effective performance requires open communication between parliamentary bodies
and citizens. This communication serves a range of purposes, including education, consultation, con-
sensus-building, legitimization, conflict resolution, representation, and scrutiny. All of these aspects
promote societal learning, which also relies on the capacity of the media to communicate, interpret,
and critique the actions of parliament. Indeed, it has been argued that powerful synergies exist be-
tween developing communications capacity as a dimension of good governance and of strengthening
parliamentary institutions and the maturation of independent media.
Spurred by the global dissemination of new communications technologies, and as a result of pres-
sures of political reform, the need for better communications between parliaments and their electo-
rates is increasingly being recognized by jurisdictions around the world. Communications approaches
are not only expected to reflect the times in which we live by leveraging new technologies, but also
embrace the values of openness and accessibility that these technologies have come to represent. In
today’s world of instantaneous and candid communication through social networking forums such as
FaceBook, YouTube and Twitter, there is a growing expectation that the information provided by
freely elected governments will have the attributes of transparency and immediacy of access.
Although the adoption of basic communication technologies by parliaments has generally been fast
and furious, the depth of resourcing for parliamentary communications in many parts of the world is
variable and problematic. How well a parliament is able to deal with change and adapt to new com-
munications technologies is certainly influenced by factors such as institutional history, democratic
context and political structure, but it is clear that the strengthening of democratic institutions does
requires investment in building capacity for parliaments to offer accessible, modern, and multi-
dimensional and appropriate channels of communication with their electorates.
It is worth noting that, in Western democracies like Canada, access to information and to the ability
to voice opinions through fast-paced channels such as the Internet has not parlayed into higher tur-
nout at the polls. Thus, there appears to be a paradoxical disconnect between being politically in-
formed and being politically active. A fundamental challenge for parliaments operating in this new social
context is to respond to non-traditional modes of political awareness. Young citizens are indeed
“plugged in” but parliaments need to turn them “on” by adapting communications strategies to their
lifestyles and coded in the language of the new-age electorate—and marked by genuine openness and
non-adversarial pluralism.
This paper proposes a systematic approach to planning for parliamentary communications. The pur-
pose of a strategic communications plan is to address the communication needs of all of a political
body’s programs, public education and advocacy efforts into one comprehensive document. By de-
signing a long-term strategy, parliaments are better positioned to be proactive, rather than merely
reacting to the existing environment.

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In building institutional capacity to improve communications, expertise and dedicated resources are
needed to support development at the level of the parliamentarian, of committees, and of the institu-
tion as a whole.
Specifically, parliamentarians and their staff will benefit from a better understanding of the societal
contexts of communication modalities and expanding their repertoire of skills in effective spoken,
written, visual and interactive communication. They require these skills not only with respect to their
own activities as elected representatives, but also with respect to institutional practices. That is, par-
liamentarians need to be familiar with the fundamentals of drafting a strategic communications plan
that will help them to fulfill their responsibility to engage the public in the democratic process.

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Parliament is currently failing in its democratic  duty. Its organisation, procedures and general ethos are now seriously out of 
date. It has failed, in particular, to respond adequately to the opportunities provided by modern communications and in doing 
so has contributed to the growing alienation of the British public. Parliament may be serving its members more effectively, but 
there is yet to be a matching improvement in the service it provides to the public. Parliament needs to reassert itself, to recon‐
nect with the public and become what it has always striven to be – the fountain of our democratic freedoms. 

Putnam Commission, 20061 

To thrive, democracies must be participatory. A democracy whose citizens are disillusioned with po-
litical processes or distrustful of their elected representatives is weak. When citizens—whether
through skepticism, apathy, or a lack of access to information—withdraw from forms of civic en-
gagement such as voting, even long-established democracies are vulnerable to being co-opted by the
interests of the few, to the detriment of the many. Without citizen engagement, the sustainability of
a democracy cannot be guaranteed.
The parliaments of democratic nations therefore have a responsibility to encourage and protect citi-
zen engagement as a guarantor of democracy itself. Open communication is a prerequisite of this
engagement. The work of parliamentarians must be the outcome of an open dialogue with the citi-
zens they represent. Communication activities of institutions should be conducted as a fundamental
component of good governance rather than as an instrument to some other end. Parliamentary insti-
tutions enrich themselves and strengthen their bonds with the public when they go beyond simple
messaging and engage in two-way communication with citizens. The premise of this working paper is
that, by promoting open dialogue, citizen engagement, and government responsiveness, effective
communications serve to strengthen democratic institutions and constitute a basic requirement of
good governance.
Both long-established parliaments (e.g., in the United Kingdom and Canada) and those in emerging
democracies (e.g., Moldova and Bangladesh) have recognized the need to develop strategic and mul-
tifaceted communications plans and to provide adequate resources to implement them. To be effec-
tive, such plans must reflect the times in which we live not only by leveraging new technologies but
by embracing the values of openness and accessibility that these technologies have come to
represent. This paper describes the importance of communications activities for parliamentarians
and their staff, discusses attributes of contemporary modes of communication that must be taken
into account in developing strategic communications plans, and stresses the importance of training
parliamentary staff and members in the skills they need to optimize their dialogue with the public.

1 Hansard Society Commission (2006). Parliament in the Public Eye 2006: Coming into Focus? [Puttnam Report]. Lon-
don: Hansard Society.

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Democracy—government “by the people”—implies not only that citizens have the right to be heard
in all political matters that affect their lives, but also that they have the responsibility to actively par-
ticipate in the democratic process. The earliest democracies, as in ancient Athens, were “direct,” each
male citizen representing himself without an elected intermediary. In modern democracies the will of
individuals is expressed through elected representatives in two-party or multi-party systems. Howev-
er, in recent years, communications technologies have enabled the emergence of a new form of “di-
rect democracy” by which individuals have an opportunity to communicate directly and in “real
time” with governments and their officials. These technologies have also facilitated the consultative
processes that are integral to building the social consensus necessary to stable governance.
To understand the importance of communications for democratic processes, it is important first to
understand the four “pillars” on which democratic systems of government rest: freedom, protection,
justice, and participation.


Democracy is based in political systems through which governments are chosen and replaced by the
consent of the majority. The popular will is expressed in free and fair elections at intervals that are
non-arbitrary, that is, determined by law or custom. Democracy is a means for the people to freely
choose their leaders in all levels of government and to hold them accountable for their policies, in-
itiatives, and actions. In a democracy, the populace is sovereign: the people have ultimate political
authority. Power flows from the people to the leaders of government, who hold power only tempo-
rarily, at the behest of the electorate: “A democracy is a system where incumbents lose elections.”2
Elected representatives at the national and local levels have an obligation to represent and protect the
interests of the public. Citizens of a democracy are free to criticize their elected leaders and repre-
sentatives, to observe how they conduct the business of government, and to ensure that their deci-
sions and actions express the popular will.


Generally speaking, every citizen in a democratic society has certain basic rights guaranteed by inter-
national laws and conventions (e.g., the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights). These en-
titlements include the right to one’s own beliefs (freedom of conscience and of religion) and to their
expression (freedom of speech). Another is freedom of association: with certain limitations—for ex-
ample, on criminal and terrorist organizations—each person in a democratic society has the right to
associate with other people, and to form or join organizations (e.g., trade unions and political groups)
and to peacefully protest government actions. The “freedom of the press,” which facilitates open
debate on political issues and processes, is in itself a guarantor of the freedoms of belief and of
speech: through news media, citizens are exposed to a range of information and opinion, which is

2 Adam Przeworki, cited in Sandra Pralong (2006). Communications Strategy for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.
UNDP Moldova.

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communicated openly on a daily basis and informs for political decisions made at the voting booth
and through other modes of social and political engagement.


Although individuals play a crucial role in the development of democracy, they do so within a system
of law that protects the rights of citizens, maintains order, and ensures justice. All citizens, including
elected officials, are equal under the law. Of paramount importance to the sustainability of democra-
cies is that the rule of law places limits on the power of government. No government official may
violate these limits. In ideal democracies no one may be discriminated against on the basis of race,
religion, ethnic group, or gender. The law is fairly, impartially, and consistently enforced by courts
that are independent of the other branches of government.


Democracy requires the active participation of the people. To enjoy the benefits of democracy—
freedom, protection, and justice—citizens have a responsibility to be informed about public issues
and to judiciously exercise their right to political participation. The most fundamental way to do so is
to exercise the right—or duty, as many see it—to vote. Another way is to actively engage in debate
on political issues, whether through direct dialogue with elected officials on their actions and initia-
tives or through the expression of opinion in popular media. Another vital form of participation is
active membership in “civil society” through independent, nongovernmental organizations and asso-
ciations. These represent a wide range of interests, beliefs and constituencies, such as workers, pa-
tients, teachers, business owners, religious believers, women, and human rights activists.
It is with respect to participation that the importance of open dialogue, accessibility of information,
and the cultivation of knowledge is immediately clear. Communications strategies of parliaments and
other democratic governments need to be designed to facilitate, encourage, and sustain citizen partic-
ipation. By fostering open communication and dialogue with the public, parliaments enhance citi-
zens’ confidence in the integrity of the political system and the relevance of democratic governance
and political engagement to their own lives.

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Within the past decade, the revolution in communications and information technologies that has
transformed people’s lives in developed and emerging economies has come to be viewed as essential
for informed and equitable participation in political processes, and hence as a prerequisite for democ-
racy itself. For example, the Internet censorship practised in closed societies such as China has been
condemned by commentators in the West (even though the technologies that enable the control and
surveillance of Internet use are provided by Western corporations).3 However, no one disputes that
social and economic development must include the dissemination of new communications technolo-
gies. In some cases, the uptake of new technologies such as cellphone use has enabled the expansion
of communications to leapfrog over traditional media such as print and television, which require
more costly infrastructure.4
Even in affluent countries with longstanding democratic traditions, governments have turned to in-
formation technologies to increase political participation and to counter political apathy and the un-
der-representation of the popular will. To alleviate political alienation, particularly among young
people, governments from local to national levels have implemented web-based communications
that allow citizens to access information and services and to voice their views on political platforms
and public policy. To what extent this “cyber-democracy” has actually helped to sustain and enhance
democracy is difficult to say; there is as yet no concrete evidence that these new communication
modes have increased voting rates or other forms of political participation. And yet it seems intuitive
that open communication has changed the quality of democratic participation. At the very least, in
this era of instantaneous and candid communication through social networking forums such as Fa-
ceBook, YouTube and Twitter, there is a growing expectation that the information provided by free-
ly elected governments will accord transparency and immediacy of access.
With the introduction of new communication tools to disseminate and create information, people
can now more readily access information remotely, and includes documents that are at the source of
political and legislative actions. Thus scrutiny and accountability are increased, resulting in a more
open democracy.
As new models for a more open styles of democracy evolve, they will provide opportunities for the
development of a framework for a new type of politics, moving away from adversarial, zero-sum pol-
itics to a more pluralistic and inclusive form that involves building alliances on key political objec-


The role of open communication in parliamentary government should be considered with reference
to parliament’s fundamental roles. The value of open communication is its ability to support the ful-
fillment of these roles. Parliamentary bodies, whether appointed or elected, are intended as the citi-
zens’ representatives on matters of public policy. As agents operating in the interest of citizens, par-
liamentarians are expected to maintain an understanding of those interests, deliberate on policy issues

3 Robert McMahon (2008). U.S. Internet providers and “The Great Firewall of China.” Council on Foreign Rela-
tions. Backgrounder. 18 Feb. Retrieved 5 Aug. 2009 from: http://www.cfr.org/publication/9856/.
4 Sharon LaFraniere (2005). Cellphones Catapult Rural Africa to 21st Century. New York Times. Aug. 25, 2005. Re-
trieved 5 Aug. 2009 from: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/25/international/africa/25africa.html.

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from the perspective of the public good, and to engage citizens in societal learning. The term societal
learning as used here refers to how citizens learn about their collective interests, the factors affecting
those interests, and competing perspectives on those interests. The range of roles that parliamenta-
rians play will vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but generally include three core items: (1) legisla-
tion; (2) represention; and (3) oversight.
Enacting laws and empowering and resourcing the executive branch of government is often seen as
the principal role of parliaments, since it is the most tangible outcome of their activities. However,
many observers regard the societal engagement and learning that occurs as part of the open delibera-
tion of policy as the most valuable aspect of a parliament’s function, particularly in cases where gen-
eral understanding and experience of democratic governance is limited. Others, often those from
more mature democracies, consider the oversight of government and associated accountability roles
as the most important role of parliaments.
Regardless, the three core roles of a parliament are weighted, their effective performance requires
open communication between parliamentary bodies and citizens. This communication serves a range
of purposes, including education, consultation, consensus-building, legitimization (see below), con-
flict resolution, representation, and scrutiny. All of these aspects promote societal learning, which
also relies on the capacity of the media to communicate, interpret, and critique the actions of parlia-
ment. Indeed, it has also been argued that power-
ful synergies exist between developing communi-
Exhibit 1. Parliamentary communications  cations capacity as a dimension of good gover-
and the media   
nance and of strengthening parliamentary institu-
“There  are  also  certain  synergies  between  communi‐ tions and the maturation of independent media
cation  for  good  governance  programs  and  indepen‐ (see Exhibit 1).
dent  media  development  programs,  although  these 
must  be  carefully  handled  in  order  to  avoid  compro‐ In conducting their business, parliaments need to
mising  professional  norms  in  the  media  sector.  For  be able to convey information, and to discuss and
instance,  if  the  goal  is  to  encourage  awareness  of  an  consult, with respect to the following three func-
upcoming constitutional referendum, programs might 
include  strategic  communication  to  inform  citizens  of  tions.
their  role  in  the  process  and  to  encourage  public  di‐
alogue. In addition to simply communicating messages 
Legislation. Parliaments have a responsibility to
educate the public about the substance of legisla-
about  the  referendum,  though,  journalists  could  be 
trained (by a non‐government affiliated institution) to tion, the benefits and harms of legislative reme-
cover these types of referenda, as well as the  consti‐ dies to social issues, and the processes by which
tution drafting process. This would then build capacity legislation is tabled, debated, and brought into
in  the  sector  as  a  whole.  Radio  and  other  interactive 
media could encourage call‐ins to discuss the constitu‐ law. Although fundamental to a parliament’s ac-
tivities, law-making frequently involves arcane
tional  process;  this  would  also  develop  professional 
skills among local staff while at the same time accom‐ matters that are difficult for average citizens to
plishing a strategic communication objective.”   understand. The translation of legislative activi-
The World Bank   ties and events to the general public remains a
Towards a New Policy Model for Media and   core challenge for parliaments. To take one ex-
Communication in Post‐Conflict and Fragile States, p. 3 ample, non-partisan analysts with Canada’s Par-
liamentary Information and Research Service
prepare legislative summaries that are posted in a public area of the Library of Parliament’s website.
However, there summaries are prepared mainly for use by parliamentarians, and most members of
the public are unaware that this resource is freely available to them on the Internet.
Representation. Parliament’s representation of the aspirations of citizens must occur through the
open deliberation of public policy. This might be described as a form of societal learning that is

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aimed at forging a consensus; for the individual, such consensus does not necessarily imply agree-
ment with a collective conclusion, but rather concurrence that, for society as a whole, such a conclu-
sion has been reached through a reasonable and legitimate process. For a democratic system to be
open to public engagement, and for that engagement to be informed, the substance, process, and
stakeholders in policy deliberations need to be communicated.
Oversight. Parliaments oversee the financial and operational administration of the executive; this is
sometimes seen as holding the executive to account on behalf of citizens between elections. Parlia-
mentary bodies, particularly those fairly elected to represent citizens, are the essential link between
the people and the executive government. Presidential governance systems, in which the head of the
executive branch is elected directly, have an additional link to the electorate. The open communica-
tion of a parliament’s oversight activities is an important aspect of its claim to legitimacy, which is
considered below.
The fruits of the successful use of the communication in the discharge of the three roles discussed
above are legitimacy and consent. These concepts are discussed in the next section.


Managing those matters of the people’s interests that a country’s constitution assigns to its parlia-
ment is extraordinarily difficult, if one seeks to do so with broad public consent. Public consent re-
quires, among other things, confidence that the process of decision-making is legitimate.
A number of factors affecting legitimacy are directly associated with successful communication. In
addition to the fair and free selection of parliamentarians, legitimacy demands transparency in delibe-
rations and decision-making and requires decision-making practices to demonstrate engagement with
and responsiveness to the public. Legitimacy also gains strength from accountability to the public,
not only with respect to the results achieved with the money spent, but also with respect to process
and propriety in the allocation of public resources.
How parliamentary communications processes are designed, and how parliamentarians conduct
themselves in communicating, have a profound influence on the public’s perception of and confi-
dence in the democratic process. Communication is at the heart of the democratic effort. Building
strategies and skills around communication must be central to the movement toward increased de-
mocratization of the political process.
Spurred by the global dissemination of new communications technologies, and as a result of pres-
sures of political reform, the need for better communications between parliaments and their electo-
rates is increasingly being recognized by jurisdictions around the world. Arising from this is a move-
ment to create “e-Parliaments,” which the United Nations and Inter-Parliamentary Union have defined
as legislatures that are “empowered to be more transparent, accessible and accountable through Informa-
tion and Communication Technology” (ICT).5 A 2006 report of the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) reflects this growing awareness of the urgent need for parliaments to use e-
technologies to become more responsive to contemporary society:

5 Cited in Kanthawongs, Penjira (2008). Critical success factors of e-Parliament systems to enhance user engage-
ment: a case study of the Thai parliament. Submission for World e-Parliament Conference 2008 25–26 Novem-
ber, 2008.

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If the actual aim is to enhance democracy and democratic values, Parliaments can take the lead by develop‐
ing e‐Parliament strategies that carefully consider concrete ways to interact and network with constituents, 
particularly young people.6  
Similarly, the Hansard Society, a respected, independent, non-partisan, political research charity
based in the United Kingdom, has examined how parliaments can renew themselves by modernizing
and reforming their communications strategies. In a far-reaching briefing paper the Society states:
Better communication will help renew representative democracy in an era when representative politics is 
hemorrhaging support … . Familiarity breeds support, which in turn contributes to greater levels of public 
and personal satisfaction—this is essential to improving the relationship between politicians and the public. 
Communication is crucial to developing such familiarity, thereby enhancing engagement in the future.7  


The practice of democracy in developing and under-developed countries has historically been diffi-
cult. Those countries that are the world’s poorest and most disadvantaged are, for the most part,
those that have suffered through centuries of dictatorship. In the past, economic development was
viewed as the surest road to the democratic reform of political systems: with economic prosperity
comes the opportunity, education and empowerment that enables people to challenge the status quo
of one-party systems or one-person tyrannies. Today, the dissemination of information and commu-
nications technologies (ICTs) is also viewed as essential not only for economic growth but also for
the development and maintenance of democracy. Moreover, there is increasing recognition of the
inherent value of communications as “fundamental components of peace building and governance,”
especially within the context of “post-conflict and fragile state assistance”: “Specialists in communi-
cation for development are beginning to make the case for treating communication as a public good
in itself, not merely as a means to an end.”8 This public good requires, of course, the expertise, fiscal
resources, and basic infrastructure to support it. Table 1 and Figures 1 and 2 provide recent statis-
tics on the global penetration of Internet usage.
Table 1. Internet usage: selected countries 
Region   Population (2008 estimate)  Internet users  Population penetration, % 
Argentina   40481998  20000000  49.4 
Turkey   75,793,836  26,500,000  35.0 
Bahrain   718306  250000  34.8 
Brazil   196342587  67510400  34.4 
Mexico   109955400  27400000  24.9 
Ukraine  45,994,287  6,700,000  14.6 
Egypt  81,713,517  10,532,400  12.9 
Indonesia   237,512,355  81,000,000  10.5 
India   1,147,995,898  81,000,000  7.1 

6 United Nations Development Program. (2006). Empowering Parliaments Through the Use of ICTs. p. 21.
7 Hansard Society Commission ( 2006), p. 3.
8 World Bank (n.d.). Brief for Policy Makers: Towards a New Policy Model for Media and Communication in Post-Conflict and
Fragile States. Washington (DC): World Bank. p. 4. Retrieved Aug. 5, 2009 from:

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Nigeriaa  146,255,306 10
0,000,000  6.8 
Ethiopiia  82,544,838 291,000  0.4 
Bangladesh  154,037,902 500,000  0.3 

Data source: Internet World Stats (2009).  

Fiigure 1. Number of Internet use
ers, by geograph
hic region


Middle East


Latin Am

North America



0 100 200 300 400 500 60

00 700
Daata source: Interne
et World Stats (20
009). Millions

Figgure 2. Internett penetration rates, by geographic region

e East
Lattin America/Caribbean
North America

0 20 40 60 80

% p
Daata source: Internet World Stats (20

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The adoption of basic ICTs by parliaments has been fast and furious. More than 80% of parliamentts
world wide have a website (Fig. 3), and the Inter-Parliamentary Union reports that, in 2007, 91% of
national parliaments of the European Union had a website (Fig. 4).9 However, the depth of resourc-
ing of ICTs for parliamentarians elsewhere in the world is highly variable.
Clearly, Internet connectivity de-
Figure 3: Percentage of parliaments with websites pends largely on the availability of
funds, while access depends on
100 the availability of funds as well as
the depth of institutional expertise
and the technical skills of mem-
bers of parliament.

As Table 2 indicates, parliamen-
tarians in Lebanon, India, and
20 Mexico have high levels of Inter-
net connectivity and access. In
Lebanon, for example, all mem-
Developed countries Developing countries
bers of parliament (MPs) have
Source: IPU and NationMaster.com (1995)
access to a PC and the Internet.
In addition, through an agreement
with the University of Albany, the
country incurs no cost for Internet connections. Further to having enough connected PCs for all
MPs, the Indian parliament also provides 370 MPs in Lok Sabha with palmtops that have inbuilt
mobile phones.
The strengthening of democratic institutions around the world requires investment in the capacity
for parliaments to offer accessible channels of communication with their electorates. In Benin,
Egypt, and Mozambique, however, the situation is less favourable in terms of access, connectivity,
and computer literacy. Only 5% to 15% of MPs in Mozambique and 5% to 12% of MPs in Egypt are
computer literate. In addition, none of the 718 Egyptian parliamentarians receive a computer, while
the country incurs the highest costs of the selected countries for Internet connectivity.10 Clearly, con-
straints on access for ICTs can be problematic not only for the general population but also for those
their elected representatives.

9 Christina Leston-Bandeira (2007). The Impact of the Internet on Parliaments: a Legislative Studies Framework.
Parliamentary Affairs, 60(4):655–674.
10 H. Olesen, R. Zambrano, and V Azzarello (2006). Empowering Parliaments through the Use of ICTs. United Nations
Development Programme. p. 16.

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Figure 4. Use of ICTs by parliaments of member countries of the European Union





Public website Intranet Email for all  Webcasting Network linking

Data source: Coleman (2006), p. 276.

Table 2. Access to PCs with Internet connection by members of parliament: selected countries, 2005   
PCs with 
No. of MPs /  PCs available   PCs connected by  Monthly cost of Internet 
Country  Internet 
name of national  legislatures  in parliament  LAN  connection (US$) 
Bahrain   80 (Consultative Council: 40    170  170  1,185 
House of Representatives: 40) 
Benin  83 National Assembly  50  20  20  2,000 
Chile   160 (Senate: 40 Congress: 120)  60 desktops  120  120  1, 000 
and 60 laptops 
Egypt  718 (Majlis al‐Shaab: 454  350  350  350  10, 000 
Majlis al‐Shura: 264) 
India  750 (Lok Sabha: 545  1,100  1, 100  1, 100  No cost (borne by the 
Rajya Sabha: 245)  Government of India) 
Lebanon  128 (one house: Lebanese  200  200  194  No cost (paid by the 
Parliament)  University of Albany) 
Mexico   628 (Senate:128  5500 (500  5500  5500  No cost (due to special 
House of Representatives: 500)  Senate, 5000  package deal with ser‐
House of Rep‐ vice provider) 
Mozambique  250 (Frelimo deputies: 129  130  0  6  400 
Renamo deputies: 112) 
Uganda  303 (86 elected by nterest groups)  180  150  150  2,600 

MP = member of parliament; PC  = personal computer; LAN = local area network 
Source: Olesen et al. (2006), p.16

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Given the collective nature of parliaments, the different voices of numerous stakeholders, and the
expensive resources needed for their adoption, the implementation of ICTs for dialogue, scrutiny
and knowledge-sharing is often fraught with difficulty.
The nature and effectiveness of communications between a parliamentary body and the citizens it
represents is, as Figure 5 illustrates, the product of the interrelationships of parliament’s roles and
functions, the technologies available, the stakeholders involved, and various institutional factors,
which can serve to limit, or enable, communications processes.

Institutional factors
• Institutional history 
• Democratic context 
• Institutional structure 
• Political relationships 
• ICT administration 
• Resources

Parliamentary functions 
ICT processes 
• Conflict resolution 
• Education  • Communication 
• Legislation  • Dissemination of information 
• Legitimation  • Management of information
• Representation 
• Scrutiny

• Members of parliament 
• Citizens 
• Parties 
• Parliamentary groups 
• Government 
• Civil servants 
• Parliamentary staff 
• Pressure groups 
• Other bodies

Figure 5. Relationships in parliamentary communications. 
Adapted from Leston‐Bandeira (2007), p. 663. 

How well a parliament is able to deal with change and adapt to new ICTs is likely to be influenced by
its institutional history. For example, the Flemish and Scottish parliaments, both the recent prod-
ucts of a devolution of political authority, are well positioned to reform the “old democracy” model
in favour of a contemporary model that uses ITCs as a basis for day-to-day processes, as opposed to
applying new technologies, as an afterthought, to established rules and procedures. Further, the
democratic context of parliament—that is, its position within the political system of a country and
the type of representation and accountability it provides, also shapes the relationship of parliamenta-

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rians toward their constituents, along with public expectations about the accessibility and respon-
siveness of their parliament.
A parliament’s institutional structure—the organization of work processes and of internal lines of
accountability and authority—determines sources of information and the flow of information within
and beyond the institution. The number of actors is also very important; the greater the number of
committees, organizational substructures, and staff members, the more convoluted the channels of
communication. Parliamentary members also have political relationships with structures and
groups within their respective parties, which can influence sources and objectives of communication.
The distribution of responsibilities for ICT administration and the relationship between the various
units such as departments, committees, staff, and parliamentarians in their use and access to ICTs
also place institutional constraints on communication.
Perhaps most definitively, the development of improved parliamentary communications is deter-
mined by the availability of resources with respect to both technical capacity and training. Infra-
structural constraints and a scarcity of trained staff frequently impede the modernization of commu-
nications processes. To keep pace with rapidly evolving ICTs, parliamentary staff need ongoing edu-
cation and training. Although developmental funds are relatively easy to access for information and
public behaviour modification programs, resources to establish fundamental communications pro-
grams to strengthen parliaments are scarce. Because the results of this public good are not imme-
diately felt and its benefits are not obvious, the development of communications capacity tends to be
chronically under-resourced.
Given the potential obstacles faced by parliaments in becoming more open institutions that engage in
interactive dialogue with the public, it is worth emphasizing the value of the effort to do so. The next
section explores how recent trends toward greater openness and engagement in parliamentary com-
munication are serving the objectives of understanding and engagement.

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Parliaments in various countries have recognized the need to develop communications strategies that
will enable them to educate and inform citizens about parliamentary affairs and the work of parlia-
mentary committees, and to encourage greater public engagement in representative democracy. A
communications plan for parliaments thus serves a dual purpose: to increase public understanding and
to increase public engagement. Open communication is not merely a way to “message” the activities of
parliaments, but represents a new way of conceptualizing and conducting core parliamentary roles.


Although parliaments exist to represent the public, their processes, actions and decision-making are
often obscure. This results from a range of factors, including the arcane nature of some parliamenta-
ry terminology and traditions, an imperfect public understanding of the structure of parliamentary
systems generally and of their procedural principles, and the lack of profile of various parliamentary
committees, many of which conduct their business largely out of the public eye.
To take an example from recent political events in Canada, in October 2008 the prime minister’s re-
quest to the governor general to prorogue Parliament gave rise to heated and bitter public debate;
although this event did not have an exact precedent in Canadian political history, much of the con-
troversy that surrounded it revealed a lack of public understanding of such fundamentals as the par-
liamentary authority of the Governor General and the mechanisms of the confidence of the House.
At the same time, the media attention given to these events resulted in an extraordinary engagement
of the public with technical matters of governance that belies the notion that average citizens are in-
different to such matters.11 This is also a clear illustration of parliamentary communications working
with the media to inform, educate, and engage the public.


In various jurisdictions, media access to parliamentary activities has been quite circumscribed, and
recommendations have been formulated to enable freer access of the media to parliamentarians and
their committees and even to parliamentary precincts. This call for enhanced access extends also to
the use of a wider range of media formats in reporting. A notable example of this attempt at reform
arose from the Commission on the Communication of Parliamentary Democracy, established in the
United Kingdom 2005 by the Hansard Society and chaired by Lord Puttnam. The Puttnam Report
put forward 39 recommendations to improve the British parliament’s communications. These in-
cluded a recommendation to establish a communications service for parliament, the formation of a
joint committee of the two houses of parliament to establish a communications strategy, relaxation
of the rules for television coverage in the chambers to allow more engaging techniques, such as reac-
tion shots, close-ups, and panning shots of the backbenches, and extensive improvements to the par-
liamentary website, educational outreach, the use of more accessible language in communications,
and more proactive cross-programming between BBC Parliament and the main BBC channels. These

11 For example, the CBC News story, “GG agrees to suspend Parliament until January,” posted online 4 Dec.
2008, received 6128 comments. See http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/12/04/harper-jean.html.

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recommendations extended even to proposed reforms of the administration of parliament itself as

paving the way to more effective communication.12


Communications strategies are integral to reform movements in modern parliaments, and these
movements are supported and sustained by international collaborative efforts to promote democracy.
Parliamentarians are frequently involved in regional and global public policy developments—or “par-
liamentary diplomacy,” as it is sometimes called. Inter-parliamentary communication began with the
formation of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) a century ago. The objectives of the IPU and the
myriad other inter-parliamentary groups created since then have evolved from the intial goal of de-
veloping improved understanding to the goal of working together to achieve practical policy results.
For example, the IPU now plays an informal oversight and advisory role to the work of the World
Trade Organization (WTO) among, of course, many other things. Another example is the Global
Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC), which pursues a single purpose of
strengthening the effectiveness of parliaments and parliamentarians in fighting corruption by improv-
ing the effectiveness of the parliamentarians’ roles in governance. A specific GOPAC initiative is to
work with the United Nations, Transparency International, and other organizations to ratify and ef-
fectively implement the provisions of the UN Convention Against Corruption. For a description of a
range of results, see the World Bank Institute’s brief, Using Networks for Capacity Enhancement: Lessons
from Anticorruption Parliamentary Networks.13 Thus parliamentarians can assume leadership roles, work-
ing with international executive organizations and international NGOs, and collaborating with their
colleagues in other countries to achieve goals of mutual benefit. Such networking is an additional di-
mension of parliamentary communications. A regional description of inter-parliamentary intiatives is
presented in Table 3.


There is no disputing that enhanced communications makes parliamentary institutions more accessi-
ble, transparent, and interactive. However, even though numerous innovative initiatives are under
way to promote dialogue and participation by citizens, most parliaments that make use of ICTs are
still providing one-way delivery of information through the use of websites. Typically, there is a li-
mited use of features that promote interaction and involve the citizens to participate in policy delibe-
rations.14 Institutional support of the World Bank, EU, UNDP, USAID, and technology-based re-
sources (e.g., websites such as www.e-parl.net/eparliament/welcome.do .www.parliaments.info and
http://zunia.org/tag/e-government/) are making it easier to bring together parliamentary staff from
different countries to exchange notes on ways and means to move forward in using technology for
effective communications.

Hansard Society Commission (2006). Members Only? Parliament in the Public Eye 2006: Coming into Focus? [Puttnam
Report]. London: Hansard Society.
13 Meaghan Campbell and F. Stapenhurst (2005). Using Networks for Capacity Enhancement: Lessons from Anticorruption
Parliamentary Networks. [Capacity Enhancement Brief] Washington: World Bank Institute.
S. Coleman (2006). Parliamentary communication in an age of digital interactivity. Aslib Proceedings, 58(5). p. 372.

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Table 3. e-Parliament initiatives in a regional context

Region Description of initiative

Africa   There exist several initiatives in the African region, notably the African Parliamentarians’ Forum for New 
Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the Pan‐African Parliament, the South African Develop‐
ment Community (SADC) Parliamentary Forum, and the Parliamentary Assembly of EU/ACP Countries. 
The Pan‐African Parliament, created in 2004 and representing 44 states, began as an advisory body; 
however, there are plans to increase its function. On the other hand, the Parliamentary Assembly of 
EU/ACP Countries has a more pronounced presence, making decisions and implementing them as well.  

Asia   In Asia, the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum and the Asia‐Pacific Development Information Pro‐
gramme’s (APDIP) Asian Parliamentarians’ Forum are both in place to facilitate communication be‐
tween parliamentarians, among other goals. The Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum was also created to 
help increase knowledge on policy issues by providing a forum for parliamentarians to share ideas. Simi‐
larly, the Asian Parliamentarians’ Forum allows parliamentarians access to a database of policy docu‐
ments from Asian countries.  

Eastern Europe  In Eastern Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Parliamentary As‐
and the Com‐ sembly was created to help solidify democracy in the OSCE region, particularly by facilitating communi‐
monwealth of  cation among parliaments. The OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly has helped with elections in the area 
Independent  and has also collaborated with other parliamentary forums on projects created to advance parliamenta‐
States  ry activities. In contrast, the Inter‐Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS is still trying to find its direction, 
although it was created to foster cooperation within the independent states formerly part of the USSR.  

Latin America  The Latin America and the Caribbean region has numerous examples of parliamentary collaborations, 
and the Carib‐ such as the Latin America Parliament (Parlatino), the Central American Parliament, and the Andean 
bean   Parliament. The Central American Parliament was created to aid in uniting Central American countries. 
The Parlatino provides information through its website about events and shares documents and infor‐

Soruce: Based on discussion in Olesen el. al., 2006, pp. 9–12.  

In a similar vein, the Canadian Senate has recently undertaken a review to address what it perceives
as a lack of public awareness and understanding of the activities of the Senate, and indeed an erosion
of the acceptance of the Senate’s legitimacy as an unelected body within parliament. In 2005 a com-
prehensive action plan was drawn up to put in place the resources necessary to communicate and
promote the work of Senate committees, to optimize the use of the Internet and of television to pro-
vide accessible and, to some degree, interactive information resources, and to relax restrictions on the
television coverage of committee proceedings.
In 2006 the parliament of the Republic of Moldova commissioned the drafting of a strategy for the
development of a communications strategy within the UNDP objective of “strengthening the institu-
tional capacity” of the Moldovan parliament. This strategy,15 which appears to reflect lower expecta-
tions than in some long-established parliaments and was geared largely toward targeted messaging

15 Pralong (2006).

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related to prospective membership in the European Union, included a number of recommendations

on the external and internal applications of websites, a re-packaging of television coverage, language
training, and open-house days to allow member of the public to tour parliament.
An interesting case is that of the Scottish parliament, which since the Union of the Crowns in 1707
had been merged with the parliament at Westminster. The Scottish parliament is now housed in
spectacular yet controversial new premises whose design reflects the ideals of openness and consen-
sus-building that is part of this “new” parliament’s aspirations. The arrangement of seats in the de-
bating chamber is conducive to dialogue, rather than confrontation; the chamber provides ample ac-
commodation for members of the public and journalists. The Scottish parliament’s use of new
communications technologies has been described as “visionary” and “a model for 21st century par-
liaments.” The Scottish Parliament was the first statutory body in the world to: formally accept e-
petitions, provide short biographical films of elected representatives on its website and provide com-
prehensive webcast access to its proceedings, and has also pioneered the use of interactive forums to
support discussions of forthcoming Members’ business.16
The range of the Scottish parliament’s utilization of web-based ICTs is, however, the exception than
the rule. Although overall usage is high, communications remain predominantly uni-directional, and
the full potential for interconnectivity and dialogue offered by web-based technologies has not yet
been fully realized The following section considers the value of strategic planning for parliaments
striving to achieve this goal.

16 Scottish Parliament (2005). Praise for Parliament’s information and communication technologies [news release].
June 13, 2005. Retrieved Aug. 4, 2009 at: http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/nmCentre/news/news-05/pa05-

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The following sections will describe how parliaments can become more responsive to the public, and
more productively fulfill their roles of open deliberation, legislation, and ensuring accountability, by
embracing new technologies and communication approaches. These sections will consider different
modes of communication, explore the expectations and potential inherent in the contemporary
communications environment, and explore ways in which modern parliaments are beginning to re-
tool their communications efforts with the strategic adoption of dynamic ICTs. The basics of devel-
oping a communication plan are presented. Finally, the need to develop organizational capacity is
discussed, with particular attention to the need for education and training for parliamentarians to en-
able them to meet the opportunities presented by new communications technologies in enhancing
participatory democracy.


Organization communication is conducted on different levels and for different purposes, which may
be broadly classified in terms of the nature of the relationship that is being forged with the public.
Thus, communication may be described as passive, reactive or participatory.


As stated earlier, building knowledge among citizens about political structures, processes, events and
issues is a fundamental component of a parliament’s responsibility to engage in dialogue with the
public. Passive communication is uni-directional. It suggests a relationship in which power rests with
the organization “transmitting” a “message” for the purpose of providing information or prompting
behavioural or attitudinal change. The source of the communication provides a “gatekeeper” func-
tion, and there is no mechanism for feedback.
This mode of communication has legitimate purposes in a democracy. It can be used to provide in-
formation that helps interested members of the public better understand what parliament does.
However, in societies where there is a healthy degree of skepticism surrounding official information,
the value of such packaged information can be seriously limited, and its impact can be counterpro-
ductive. Thus, in most cases, concurrent forms of communication are required to help build credibili-
However, in concert with other communication modalities, the provision of passive information can
play an important foundational role: many forums in society seek relevant information; schools, for
example, are a particularly important target. Also, given modern information and communications
technology, there are many ways to “package” information to make it accessible, interesting, and
memorable for both general and targeted audiences.
Accountability. Some components of passive communication address the fundamental obligation
on the part of parliament to report to the public on its activities in order to satisfy the requirements
of accountability, legitimation, and consent outlined earlier. Given that governments use from one
quarter to one half of the average person’s income, there is enormous sensitivity on the part of tax-
payers to the clarity of explanations of how resources are allocated to programs, regions, and social

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groups, the need for each area of expenditure and the results it is expected to deliver, and to how
funds are administered to ensure none are wasted or stolen. Budgets, related documentation, and
their analyses in committees and elsewhere provide such information and differing perspectives on
the wisdom of the many decisions implicit in it. There also needs to be equivalent information and
public analyses on the sources of all revenues received, whether from taxes, particular service
charges, or the sale of assets such as oil or timber. The global “publish what you pay” initiative is an
indication of the importance of such information.
Transparency. With respect to policy decision-making, parliamentary plenary and committee meet-
ings can be held in a open forum and can be televised. All formal discussions in parliament can be
documented and made accessible (as through the daily publication of Hansard transcriptions of
House of Commons and Senate debates). Parliament can institute access to defined areas of adminis-
trative information and can require prescribed executive reporting.


Reactive communication can occur in many ways. A typical example is that of parliamentary commit-
tees deliberating on a policy issue. Conventionally, this communication occurs by invitation, as indi-
vidual and representatives of interest groups are called upon to appear as expert witnesses at hearings
of committees. Input is therefore biased by the selection of witnesses, and may favour more vocal or
well-resourced members of society. The validity of this system needs to be ensured, therefore, by
skillful questioning, supplementation of testimony by survey methods that provide more representa-
tive information, and well-researched processes for the identification of potential invitees. Of par-
ticular importance in large, regionalized or culturally diverse countries is to hold hearings in regions
outside of the seat of government. For example, one of the recommendations of the Puttnam Com-
mission in the United Kingdom, was for select committees to hold meetings and consultations out-
side of London to facilitate regional participation.
Responsiveness. Essential to reactive communication is the creation of an expectation on the part
of citizens that the role of a parliamentarian is to help citizens in any issue related to government.
This can be encouraged through outreach communication (such as “householder” newsletters to res-
idents of a riding), attendance at public events, the use of individual websites inviting the public to
raise issues and concerns, and by holding regular office “surgeries” where the representative is physi-
cally available to discuss such matters of concern to any citizen willing to come by.
Inclusion. Two other related mechanisms are popular. The first is the periodic “townhall” meeting,
which is typically held on a single policy issue. The parliamentarian arranges the space and typically
serves in the role of chair, but attempts as far as possible to simply listen to the views that are ex-
pressed by citizens who attend. The parliamentarian might provide information, but seeks to avoid
becoming a lightning rod for any particular policy position. The second mechanism, periodic accoun-
tability meetings with the electorate, are almost the inverse. In these gatherings the parliamentarian
describes the key position he or she took on recent issues and invites questions and reactions. The
idea is to explain why decisions were taken. Although such meetings might invite skepticism, the Ca-
nadian experience is that, over time, they can help to provide a basis for the mutual learning that cha-
racterizes a higher, participatory, level of communication.


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A relational communications strategy is inherently superior—especially when married to the prin-

ciples of democracy based on open communication, participation in dialogue, integration of ideas
from multiple sources, and decision-making based on representative participation. A shift in the di-
rection of increased democracy represents a shift away from a power-based set of strategies to an
appropriate balance of power, information, and values-based conversations. When an appropriate
dialogue occurs between the two parties in the process, the relationship grows and trust is estab-
Mutual learning. Participatory modes of communication lead to dialogue and engagement—the
most highly developed level of institutional communication. Engagement and dialogue imply not on-
ly two-way communication, but mutual listening and learning. Such processes require the active and
intense involvement of parliamentarians, research expertise on the subject at hand, and a representa-
tive group of citizens. However, less intensive means can also be contemplated. Electronic networks
that include parliamentarians, experts and citizens are one such mechanism. Another is the creation
of standing committees that over a period of time effectively amass a body of research expertise and
bring public attention to its deliberations and reports. Individual parliamentarians have played such
roles, building personal networks of experts and interested citizens and becoming known for their
expertise and commitment on a particular matter. Mutual learning can also genuinely take place in
formal committees in an environment where the parliamentary body is not excessively partisan. In
addition, individual parliamentarians can become influential on certain policy issues both within their
own party and also across party lines.
A particular form of such an engagement procedure is being pursued by the Global Organization of
Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC), the international anti-corruption network of parlia-
mentarians. On virtually all policy issues or practical anti-corruption initiatives, it joins its members
with expert organizations to ensure a combination of political leadership and expertise. Although the
objective is a practical policy result, the means of getting there is mutual learning through engaged


Table 4 contrasts traditional, one-way communications with new interactive media. The potential of
innovative technologies to enable parliaments to move toward participatory modes of communica-
tion through interactive ICTs is clear. Innovative technologies have the capacity to help build new
networks, create synergies, and enhance interactivity, but their adoption can be hindered by organiza-
tional culture and a habituation to the traditional technologies already in place.
New electronic media offer exciting opportunities to expand the reach and spontaneity of participa-
tory or relationship-oriented communication. Websites can be used to canvass opinion, gather feed-
back, and provide portals to information and services. By tapping into the technologies and culture
of social media, parliamentarians can add value to web-based communication by heightening public
confidence in the accessibility and responsiveness of parliament. At the same time, however, it
should be borne in mind that the users of these media are savvy about their exploitation as powerful
tools for marketing, including political marketing, as in US President Obama’s recent election cam-
paign. Therefore, the use of electronic, digital and social media must be ballasted by credibility, ho-
nesty, transparency and accountability. They must also “deliver the goods”: as a briefing of the Han-
sard Society points out,

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There is a danger that strategies for implementing further methods of public engagement (e.g. e‐Petitions) 
will offer a “thin” form of democracy—potentially building up (and then frustrating) public expectations ra‐
ther than providing a platform that delivers ongoing democratic participation. They need to be accompanied 
by a concerted form of deliberation, with clarity in the processes and outcomes.17 

Table 4: Comparison of technologies as information and communication tools. 
One‐way  Interactive 
Traditional   Non‐digital. End‐user: pas‐ Non‐digital. End‐user: active participant. One‐to‐one, difficult 
sive recipient. One‐to‐ to reach large audiences simultaneously. Fixed phone lines, 
many, large audiences. TV,  etc. 
radio, etc. 

Innovative  Digital. End‐user: “pulling”  Digital. End‐user: networks “pulling” and “pushing” informa‐

information. One‐to‐many,  tion. Many to many, local and global audiences. Dynamic web‐
large audiences. Static  sites, online forums, e‐discussions, etc. 
websites, etc. 
Source: Olesen et al. (2006), p. 7. 

Experience to date indicates that, although much can be accomplished through websites and email,
effective networking requires a degree of interpersonal understanding and trust that seems to require
periodic direct personal interaction. Face-to-face conferences for international networks of parlia-
mentarians such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union can help parliamentarians share their experiences
on specific issues and provide the differing perspectives that encourage a fuller understanding of is-


From news reporting to entertainment, social media, and advertising, modes of communication have
undergone a radical change in the past several years. As today’s newspaper readers turn to web-based
news sources and syndicated free dailies, even the most venerable mainstream newspapers are losing
readership and advertising revenues and are struggling to devise viable business models (such as on-
line user fees)18 while investing in value-added online multimedia features. Similarly, radio and televi-
sion audiences are dwindling and their tastes changing, presenting challenges for both private and
public broadcasters, who in response repeatedly adjust their programming mix, restructure their or-
ganizations and struggle to maintain cost-effective news programming.19 In the meantime, consumer
choice is growing in some respects. Traditional broadcast media—television and radio—are no long-
er constrained by conventional scheduling: audiences can watch their preferred programs at whatever
time of day or night is convenient, on any day of the week, through digital cable television systems or
by downloading programs from broadcasters’ websites. Cable television viewers can select a suite of
channels to subscribe to, according to their needs and preferences.

17 Hansard Society (2008). Enhancing Parliament’s ability to communicate with members of the public. [Briefing.]
House of Lords Debate on Thursday 18 December 2008. p. 4.
18 Richard Pérez-Peña (2009). Newspaper ad revenue could fall as much as 30%. New York Times. April 14. Re-
trieved Aug. 4, 2009 at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/15/business/media/15papers.html.
19 CBC news cutting staff in Calgary. Calgary Herald. April 4, 2008. Retrieved Aug. 4, 2009 from canada.com at

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Music has become downloadable, programmable, personalizable and portable though iPods and MP3
players. Even print media are becoming personalizable: Time Inc. has designed an experimental print
product called Mine that enables readers to customize content from a selection of Time periodicals
into a personalized magazine.20 There has been an explosion in Internet-based communications
through computers and personal devices such as cell phones, email, and websites, supported by “per-
sonal digital assistants” such as iPods, Blackberries and “smart phones” that increase the immediacy,
connectivity and candour of communications for individuals and organizations. Social media such as
YouTube, Facebook, blogs and podcasts are rapidly becoming normative, even beyond the early
adopters in Generation Y (those born between 1980 and 1994). These media create a sense of a per-
sonalized space within a world that is increasingly complex and, at the same time, increasingly trans-
parent, accessible, and interconnected. (See Exhibit 2 for a sampling of new technologies applied to
parliamentary communications). Meanwhile, in the realm of marketing, product branding has
adopted social marketing techniques to associate products with causes and with social and political
action, again heightening consumers’ sense of individuation and of choice—including ethical and po-
litical choice. In the Generation Y market, which already places unprecedented value on brand identi-
fication, the potential influence of social marketing is particularly strong.21

Exhibit 2. Ten new ways to enhance parliamentary communications. 
1. Parliamentary website to store and transmit information, gain valuable feedback and conduct ongoing dialogue. 
2. Direct‐to‐citizen releases. Online news releases are inexpensive and easy to control. 
3. Social networking sites to build relationships and benefit from word‐of‐mouth at little or no cost. Highly credible 
and viral. Examples include: Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and a wide range of narrow‐interest sites.  
4. Blogging. Committee blogs can help reduce citizen cynicism and inform, educate, and consult with the public about 
an ongoing debate Also provides a means of tapping into the ongoing discussions of influential political bloggers.  
5. Wikipedia represents one of the most powerful tools for sharing and providing information.  
6. Links inserted in blog posts can direct people to a target website. 
7. Inexpensive ads on Facebook to divert traffic. 
8. Emails to send updates, connect, inform, and dialogue. 
9. Life experiences: podcasts, webcasts, and YouTube. 

10. RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feed: a popular and inexpensive way of sending out news.

At the same time, it is important to recognize that, in affluent, well-established democracies such as
Canada, the expectation of the transparency of government and of speedy access to information and
services has increased at the same time as voter participation has declined. The very cohorts that
have become discriminating, brand-loyal consumers have been inculcated with skepticism about cor-
porate and institutional behaviour, including that of governments and their representatives. Genera-
tion Y, particularly, raised in an non authoritarian style by baby-boomers, do not accept “authority
figures” unquestioningly. The majority of young people of voting age are skeptical about politics and
politicians. Their capacity to access information and to voice opinions through fast-paced channels
such as the Internet has not parlayed into higher turnout at the polls. Thus, there appears to be a pa-

20 Conference Board of Canada (2009). Turning Green in to Gold: Green Marketing for Profit. Ottawa: Conference
Board of Canada; p. 7.
21 Conference Board of Canada (2009), p. 5.

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radoxical disconnect between being politically informed and being politically active. Without active en-
gagement, knowledge does not translate into power, but seems merely to feed cynicism about the real
outcomes of democratic systems. A fundamental challenge for parliaments operating in this social
context is to respond to non-traditional modes of political awareness. Young citizens are “plugged
in.” But are they “turned on”?


As we have noted, the increased participation of citizens enabled by contemporary ICTs can serve to
increase the accountability of parliaments by facilitating the public’s scrutiny of their deliberations.
Thus scrutiny and accountability are enhanced, resulting in a more open democracy. As new models
for open democracy evolve, they will provide opportunities to develop new frameworks for political
activity, moving away from adversarial, zero-sum politics to a more plural and inclusive form of poli-
tics that involve building alliances on key political objectives.
Parliaments, old and
Table 5. Technology used by Canadian MPs in 2003 and 2008 
new, need to move away
Technology  MPs using in 2003 (%)  MPs using in 2008 (%) 
from the unidirectional
Website  67  80  transmission of com-
Email  65  75  munication toward real-
Contact form  28  22  time interactive media to
Petition  –  1  connect with individuals.
Consultation  0.6  0.7  Indeed, various parlia-
Poll  –  12  ments have been invest-
Video/Audio  –  27 
ing in planning and re-
search to determine how
Podcast  –  1 
ICTs can help to open
Facebook  –  51 
new channels of com-
Blog  –  4  munication with the
public. For example, in the United Kingdom, both the government as well as the parliament under-
stand the need for online forums as a means of public engagement. Since 2000 both institutions have
undertaken several online forum initiatives.22 There is a growing recognition that social media offer
powerful tools to reach out to and interact with the public. Table 5 provides a snapshot of progress
in the Canadian parliament.


Among the reforms in institutional communication currently under way in contemporary parlia-
ments, one of the most notable is that generated by the Hansard Society, whose key recommenda-
tions are presented in Exhibit 3.

R. Ferguson (2008). Convergent evolution: the development of online engagement in Westminster and Whitehall
through the use of online forums. Parliamentary Affairs, 61(1), 216–225.

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Exhibit 3: Enhancing parliamentary communications with the public:  
key recommendations of the Hansard Society  

• A communications service should be established for parliament. 

• Parliament communications strategy should be subject to regular consultation, review and evaluation in rela‐
tion to principles of accessibility, transparency, and accountability. 
• There should be a comprehensive review of the language, terminology, and procedures of parliament in accor‐
dance with clear communications principles. 
• Parliamentary officials should be encouraged to do more to draw media attention to matters of public interest. 
• Subject specialist journalists should be allowed easier access to cover parliamentary business. 
• The deliberations of committees should be posted on the parliamentary website and made more accessible. 
• The parliamentary website should be improved. 

Extracted from Hansard Society Briefing Paper, 2008. 

The Wiki age. In Canada, after a comprehensive assessment of communication needs, the Senate
has developed a new communications strategy that attempts to optimize the “value-added” potential
of online communications. Exhibit 4 outlines proposals being deliberated by the Canadian Senate in
drafting a new communications plan. Of particular note is ongoing discussion concerning the appro-
priate use by parliamentary institutions of Wikipedia, which has become a major source of informa-
tion for everyone from students to policy-makers. Is it appropriate for governments and parliaments
to participate in the “wikification” of information by adding to or editing Wikipedia entries? Does
the potential to bias or manipulate information preclude such participation? Or has Wikipedia be-
come a legitimate, genuinely democratic, inclusive, and participatory forum that should be incorpo-
rated alongside traditional media into communications activities and strategies?

Exhibit 4: Communications innovations and the Canadian Senate 

• The development of topic‐specific RSS feeds for various Senate products is under consideration. 
• Archiving of committee audio/video feeds for distribution is under consideration. 
• YouTube is recognized as a potential conduit for interviews with senators and the “broadcast” of committee proceed‐
ings. (Currently there is no policy on this matter.) 
• Podcasting the news conferences of senators and committee members is under consideration. 
• The use of wikis is increasingly being recognized as an important tool for information‐sharing.  
• Training sessions for political staff on communications are under consideration. 
• The Parliamentary Press Gallery is considering the creation of a new website to disseminate news releases it receives, 
including those of parliamentarians. 
• The Senate has a state‐of‐the‐art IntraSen website that facilitates internal communications. 
• Communications officers are generally assigned to each committee. 
• The Communications Directorate takes great pains to proactively provide information to the media. 

• Committee spokespersons are encouraged to take interviews and speaking engage with universities, schools, trade 
organizations, boards of trade and so on.  

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Innovations such as those being contemplated by the Canadian Senate are expected to create a more
open and direct relationship between citizens and their representatives. The personalization of com-
munications can also entice individuals to get involved by virtue of an increased feeling of “being
heard.” For example, the creation of online forums for public consultation and feedback on various
files increases participation and achieves greater equity by removing the barrier of distance. Through
web-based technologies, citizens can more readily access information remotely, including the docu-
ments that are at the source of political and legislative actions.


To be effective, strategies to enhance and renew communications need to be based on a well-

articulated and systematic plan. The purpose of a strategic communications plan is to address the
communication needs of all of the political body’s programs, public education and advocacy efforts
into one comprehensive document. By designing a long-term strategy, parliaments are better posi-
tioned to be proactive, rather than merely reacting to the existing environment. A well-crafted com-
munications plan conveys the importance of effective communications to stakeholders, helping to
ensure “buy-in” and commitment to the implementation of relevant communications strategies.
Communication strategies need not be complex. In fact, the best are often the simplest. A strategic
communication plan fosters the cost-effective deployment of resources and highlights synergies and
shared opportunities that help groups within the organization to work together, thus supporting in-
stitutional strength and capacity. Exhibit 5 lists key components of a communications plan.


A communications plan should begin with its back-

ground and purpose, articulating the institutional
Exhibit 5: Outline of a typical communications 
context in which it is being developed as well as its plan 
main objectives. Why are communications efforts
being launched in the first place? What is the organi- 1. Background and purpose 
zation trying to communicate? Why is the formula- 2. Communications environment 
tion of a strategic plan necessary in meeting these 3. Strategic considerations  
objectives? It is important to articulate what the or-
4. Communications objectives 
ganization hopes to achieve in the short, medium
and long term through improved communications. 5. Target audiences 
Such goals could include increased awareness of a 6. Key messages  
specific topic, increased voter participation, or in-
7. Strategic options/approaches/partnerships 
creased feedback from the public.
8. New media strategies  
A strategic plan must take into account the commu-
9. Values and approach 
nications environment in which it will function,
including current public issues that directly or indi- 10. Budget 
rectly affect the message. This understanding should 11. Benchmarking and evaluation  
be informed by key findings of relevant studies, re-
12. Sustainability 
ports, public opinion research and focus-group test-
ing available internally and externally. Connected

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with this are strategic considerations arising from the environment in which the communications
plan will be launched. These considerations may include the history of the file, political relation-
ships, relevant legislation or issues before government, and recent or planned announcements
Crucial to the development of an effective communication plan is a clear vision of the objectives of
the communication and a sensitivity to the needs, expectations, and sensitivities of the target au-
diences. Key messages must be clear, concise, direct and should be formulated with an awareness
of synergies and potential partnerships. The communications plan should consider the range of
new media now available to enable open dialogue and should consider these in a dynamic, synergis-
tic way. It is also important to develop a well-articulated approach to the communication that is
consistent with organizational values. For example, the language and vocabulary should have a citizen
focus and demonstrate a commitment to transparency and collaboration 23

Exhibit 6: A sample communications plan for the Canadian Senate 

• Background and purpose: negative perception in the public eye; need to build public understanding, demon‐
strate value, and provide senators with communications tools 
• Communications environment: traditional, historically closed, vs. interactive, open media to which the public is 
now accustomed 
• Strategic considerations: current debates on governance, including the possibility of an elected senate in the 
• Communications objectives: to promote the work of the Senate and encourage public engagement with its ac‐
• Target audience: media, senators and staff, academics, youth, NGOs, international stakeholders 
• Key messages: the virtues of a bicameral system, the value of committee work, the broad range of experience 
of senators, including regional perspective 


• Awareness‐building projects (publicity work; television coverage of committee work; success stories) 
• Short‐term committee promotion activities (maximize use of Internet, web pages for media; webcasting) 
• Other communications directorate activities (communications toolkit for senators; mechanisms to respond 
to public queries)  
• web projects (electronic distribution of work; interactive chamber seating plan; webcasting) 
• Internal communications (“Intra‐Sen” intranet) 
• Benchmarking (research other jurisdictions; establish measures of success) 
• Plan for sustainability 

Naturally, a communications plan should be supported by a realistic budget and, to ensure accoun-
tability, should specify benchmarks to measure progress and quality and a method for evaluation.
Finally, the plan should give thought to its own sustainability: How can the organization keep up
momentum in implementing the plan? How can public engagement be ensured in the long term?
Both the development and the implementation of a comprehensive communications plan requires
adequate institutional capacity, and relevant expertise. A sample outline for a communications plan
that would respond to strategic needs of the Canadian Senate is given in Exhibit 6.

23 See Building a Citizen Focus into Government of Canada Communications at http//commnet.gc.ca/citizen.html.

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owering Parliaments with Strategic C
Communicattions  2009


The threee primary fun nctions of paarliaments——legislation, reepresentationn and oversigght—are inteercon-
nected annd can all be supported with
w the use of ICTs (Fig g. 6). This im
mplies a poteential for syn
in the appplication of ICTs
I to suppport a parliam
ment’s overllapping roles. A well-desiigned communica-
tions plann should seeek to maximize these po oints of connnection and to t find the best
b “fit” beetween
specific ICTs, instituttional needs, and the targget audience. Planning, maintaining,
m and continuallly im-
proving communicati
c ions plans foor parliaments therefore merits dediccated resourcces to identiffy op-
portunitiees to coordin
nate and optiimize the app plication of ICTs.
I Incorpporating new
w technologiees into
such a plan is an imp portant challeenge; Appenddix B gives ana example of o how websiite features can
c be
made to serve
s a wide range of commmunication ns purposes.
In buildin
ng institution
nal capacity to
t improve communicati
c ions, expertisse and dediccated resourcces are
needed too support devvelopment ata the level off the parliamentarian, of committees,
c and of the innstitu-
tion as a whole. The Puttnam
P Commmission recommendedd, as an essen ntial first step
p, the creation of a
formal coommunicatio ons committeee to help orrient and suppport commuunications at these three levels,
and to ennsure the devvelopment off up-to-date and
a dialoguee-oriented communication ns expertise within
the organnization.


Individu ual memberrs. In

establishiing an interractive
hip with ciitizens,
individuaal memberss can
consider a number of o op-
tions, beeginning witth the
provisionn of basic infforma-
tion abouut themselvess, their
ideas andd philosophyy. De-
pending on o the penettration
of the Innternet, this might
be don ne predomiinantly
through a member’ss web-
site or th
hrough otherr inex-
pensive outreach mechan-
isms (seee Exhibit 7 and
Figure 6),6 with the assis-
tance off communiccations
experts from
f the orgganiza-
These co ommunicatioons ac-
tivities can
c be co omple- Fiigure 6. The ro
ole of ICTs in
n enhancing op pen parliamen
ntary commun
mented byb periodic appear-
a tio
on. Freely adap
pted from Oleseen et al. (2006)

Gurprit S. Kindra  Paage 31 
Empowering Parliaments with Strategic Communications  2009 

ances at community events other events, in media scrums, at educational institutions and through any
number of electronic encounters. Accountability sessions are similar, but focus on the members ren-
dering an accounting of their actions and initiatives, and of whether their positions have been consis-
tent with their constituents’ wishes. It is particularly important for a parliamentary body to receive
complaints and treat them seriously. Debating the policy issues of the day is important, but dealing
with the practicalities and frustrations with the government in daily life is equally important. While
dealing with chronic complainers can be a problem for parliamentarians (as hypochondriacs are for

Exhibit 7. How Canadian MPs use ICTs to connect with their voters 

In Canada, Members of Parliament are provided with a strong support system to help with ICT initiatives and 
online awareness. The House of Commons administration and the House’s MPs recognize the trend toward 
Canadian  public  political  disengagement  and  are  exploring  new  social  media  to  connect  with  citizens  in  the 
online world.    

The Library of Parliament provides numerous services for Members of Parliament in the House of Commons, 
including support, infrastructure, and education (in the form of guidelines as well as technology‐related train‐
ing classes) (personal communication, S. Aube, Aug. 4, 2009). The Library of Parliament also maintains a non‐
partisan informational website where citizens can access information on different political parties, standard 
information on MPs, and links to MPs’ personal websites.  

Members  of  Parliament  use  their  personal  websites  to  communicate  information  about  the  work  of  Parlia‐
ment, their personal views, and to seek comments and opinions from the public (personal communication, S. 
Aube, Aug. 4, 2009). Similarly, Canadian MPs use email to respond to inquiries from the public and their con‐

More recently, MPs have turned to new online communication media such as blogs, online discussion groups, 
and  social  networking  sites  such  as  Facebook,  YouTube,  and  Twitter.  In  many  cases,  MPs  have  used  online 
strategies geared toward youth to engage younger constituents in political issues (personal communication, S. 
Aube, 2009).  

In  January  2008,  there  were  11  blogging  MPs;  two  used  interactive  blogs,  while  others  updated  their  blogs 
less frequently and received  fewer comments from readers (Francoli, 2009). Conservative MP Garth Turner, 
who  has  maintained  a  blog  since  2005,  is  a  very  active  blogger,  engaging  readers  who  often  comment  and 
share views on his posts (Francoli, 2009). As another example, MP Monty Solberg, perhaps the first blogging 
MP, maintained a humorous blog about issues pertinent to his riding as well as his adventures in Parliament. 
The blog was less focused on political issues, but succeeded in engaging his constituents and creating a sense 
of an online community. The blog was closed when Solberg was appointed to Cabinet and had less time to 
dedicate to the blog (Fancoli, 2009). Both examples have garnered both local and national media attention, 
increasing awareness of the blogs.  

Canadian MPs have dashed to social network sites, are exploring blogging, and are just beginning to realize 
the potential of ICTs that will allow them to engage in a two‐way conversation with their constituents. Cur‐
rently  only  a  few  MPs  are  using  petitions,  consultations,  and  polls.  However,  given  the  established  support 
provided by the Library of Parliament, Canadian citizens should expect their representatives to begin experi‐
menting  with  online  two‐way  communication,  seeking  their  opinions  on  political  issues  to  better  represent 

medical doctors), this provides an excellent window to the effectiveness of government services and
occasions of wrong-doing and corruption. Perhaps more importantly, it demonstrates that the gov-
ernment is genuinely there to serve the people—not the reverse. Moreover, if parliamentarians work
together to pool their results, they can become a powerful force for change. Harnessing the power of

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social media will help parliamentarians to share knowledge and expertise and to collaborate toward
common goals.
Committees. Unlike the plenary, committees tend to hear witnesses, deliberate in detail on specific
and often highly technical topics, and issue reports. Committee work tends to be the nexus of two
great needs of democracy—learning and consensus building—actually occur. As the Puttman Com-
mission has pointed out, committee work has traditionally been conduced out of the public eye, in
part in an effort to avoid inappropriate influence by special interests. However, in a culture of open-
ness and transparency, greater visibility will lend legitimacy and to the work of parliamentary commit-
tees. If they are open to the public, covered by the media, broadcast on radio and television, and
connected to the public by means of new interactive media, committees can more readily engage with
citizens in ways that enhance societal learning.
The institution. In addition to communicating the actions and initiatives of individual members and
committees, parliaments need to convey the attributes, role, and historic and political importance of
the organization. Targeting such information toward schools or students’ research projects can be
particularly helpful in educating engaged citizens for the future. This type of communication needs to
occur, however, on an ongoing basis for society as a whole, in order to ensure that, particularly in
times of constitutional crisis, citizens understand the structures, limitations, and responsibilities of
their parliament and government.


Clearly, the role of parliamentarians in communicating with the public and with their peers requires
specialized skills, all of which, for better or worse, tend to be learned on the job rather than through
of any kind of formalized training. Moreover, the contexts, purposes and modalities of parliamentary
communication takes many forms, ranging from in-person, one-on-one communication to appear-
ances before committees, speeches delivered in the upper or lower house, television broadcasts, pub-
lic appearances, written reports, newsletters to constituents, and community forums such as open
houses. Parliamentarians and their staff require not only an understanding of the societal contexts of
communication modalities, but also a repertoire of skills in effective spoken, written, visual and inter-
active communication. They require these skills not only with respect to their own activities as
elected representatives, but also with respect to institutional practices. That is, parliamentarians and
their staff need to be familiar with the fundamentals of drafting a strategic communications plan that
will help them to fulfill their responsibility to engage the public in the democratic process.
One obstacle to delivering communications education to parliamentary staff is, of course, the ex-
treme demands that are already made on their time. Communications training courses should be ac-
cessible to the parliamentary staff 24/7, at his or her own convenience. Progress through the course
should not time-based: the user may work through the material at his or her own pace, with access to
individualized, ongoing feedback. Communications training for parliamentarians delivered in an ac-
cessible and convenient form and that is relevant to their particular needs is essential to building the
awareness and expertise they need to embrace the challenges of new technologies and evolving forms
of citizen engagement.

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Developments in the information technology sector have had a profound impact how we live, work,
socialize, and communicate. In fact, some have argued that since the advent of the World Wide Web
and the commercial availability of the browser (around 1995), changes to our lives have been more
rapid, pervasive and dramatic than those brought about by technological revolutions such as the in-
vention of electricity, railroads, and the steam engine. As a result, the discipline of strategic commu-
nications has undergone watershed changes in the last 10 years. Information technology has “flat-
tened” our world and made popular lofty notions of e-democracy, real-time dialogue with the
masses, and unsurpassed openness and transparency. Terms such as “twittering,” “blogging,” “chat-
ting,” “wikis,” and “podcasting” have extended well beyond the lexicon of the Generation Y to be-
come part of the global lingua franca—spoken widely among youth and adults of the world. These
trends are expected to continue at a breathtaking pace.
Democracies and parliaments must speak the language of the masses. Indeed, they are starting not
only to do so, but also to vastly enhance their ability to legislate, represent, and oversee, through the
use of tools such as intranets, wikis, and webcasts and the extensive use of e-repositories, networks,
and databases. The benefits of creating and sharing knowledge among parliamentarians and citizens
are felt at all three levels (individual, committee, and institutional) of parliamentary activity. Scrutiny
and accountability are increased, and people feel truly empowered, through open dialogue. As a re-
sult, the democratic institution is strengthened and the cause of good governance is advanced.
The ability of parliamentarians and their staff to understand and fully benefit from communications
tools and strategies is hampered by a lack of specialized skills and formalized training. They require
not only an understanding of the changed and changing social context of communication modalities,
but also an appreciation of the full repertoire of communication tools, approaches and strategies.
Parliamentary staff should be familiar with drafting and executing various components of a strategic
communications plan that will help them fulfill their parliament’s obligation to engage the public in
the democratic process.

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Archie — A network service that searches File Transfer Protocol (FTP) sites for files on the basis
of relatively simple search criteria.

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) — A digital phone-line technology that supports
high-speed connections to the Internet using ordinary copper telephone wires. ADSL is “asymmet-
ric” because uplink speeds (64 Kbps) differ markedly from downlink speeds (up to 6 Mbps). ADSL
is currently available in selected markets only.

Blogs and Blogging — A blog (a contraction of the term “weblog”) is a type of website, usually
maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other
material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.
Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. (Source:

Browser — Software that provides an interface to the World Wide Web, Netscape and Microsoft
Explorer being the two most popular systems.

Central Services Organization (CSO) — A service that facilitates searching for users and ad-
dresses in databases.

Domain Name Service (DNS) — The online database that correlates Internet IP addresses (for
example, to human-readable domain names such as parl.gc.ca. The database is not
stored on any one computer; rather, it is distributed among thousands of name servers spread
throughout the Internet.

Extranet — An extranet is similar to a corporate intranet but extends out over the Internet. It al-
lows the organization to access their system across the Internet, while keeping others out.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) —A document with answers to questions commonly asked
by users. FAQs are widely available online and cover a broad spectrum of topics.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) —A common method of transferring files across networks.

Finger —A service that responds to queries and retrieves user information remotely.

Gopher —A text-based, menu-driven information service that allows users to retrieve information
without having to know the locations of the resources. The use of gophers has greatly diminished
with the rapid increase in the use of the World Wide Web.

24 Except where noted, these definitions are adapted from: Brassard, Daniel (1997) The Use Of Modern Communi-
cations Technology By Parliaments And Parliamentarians, Science and Technology Division, Depository Services Pro-
gram, Government of Canada. (http://dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/BP/bp455-e.htm).

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Hit —A single request from a web browser for a single item from a web server; thus, in order for a
web browser to display a page that contains three graphics, four “hits” would occur at the server:
one for the HTML page, and one for each of the three graphics. “Hits” are often used as a very
rough measure of load on a server.

Home Page (or Homepage) — This terms has several meanings. Originally, it meant the web
page that a browser is set to use when it starts up. Today, the more common meaning is the main
web page for a business, organization, or person, or simply the main page in a collection of web

Host —Any computer on a network that is a repository for services available to other computers on
the network. It is quite common to have one host machine provide several services, such as WWW

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) —A text-based page description language that uses tags to
describe formatting idioms and allows richly formatted documents to be created using everyday text
editors. HTML is the language used to create Web pages.

Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC) —The administrative organization that is re-
sponsible for, among other things, allocating domain names and distributing Requests for Com-
ments (RFCs). The InterNIC is currently run by Network Solutions and AT&T.

Internet Protocol (IP) —The protocol responsible for transmitting packets of data over the Inter-
net and routing them to their destinations. Tagging a packet with an IP address that identifies an
Internet host and transmitting it using IP is analogous to addressing an envelope and dropping it in
the mail. IP plays the role of post office, allowing the networks and routers involved in the delivery
process to talk to each other as the packet finds its way to the addressee.

Internet Service Provider (ISP) —A business or organization that is connected to the Internet and
allows access for their clients (users) to the Internet. Typically, service providers provide their users
with an email site/address, access to Usenet, Internet web sites, file transfer facilities, free storage
space on the service provider’s computer (typically up to 5M bytes free of charge), and frequently
free creation and use of each client’s own website.

Intranet —The term intranet was used to describe the first wave of Internet software deployment
within companies and organizations such as the Canadian Parliament. Many intranets are built
around web servers that delivering HTML. Companies and organizations are seeing that the same
benefits apply over the extranet, allowing them to share information with external partners over the
Internet itself.

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) —A common method of transferring articles over

Online Forum: An online discussion site. It is the modern equivalent of a traditional bulletin board,
and a technological evolution of the dial-up bulletin board system. From a technological standpoint,
forums or boards are web applications that manage user-generated content. (Source:

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Podcast: A series of digital computer files, usually either digital audio or video released periodically
and made available for download by means of web syndication. (Source:

Request for Comments (RFC) —An online document containing proposals, standards, and other
information regarding Internet technologies. RFCs are available by anonymous FTPs from a variety
of locations, including InterNIC’s own ds.internic.net.

RSS (Real Simple Syndication) Feeds: A family of formats used to publish frequently updated
works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format. An RSS
document (which is called a “feed,” “web feed,” or “channel”) includes full or summarized text, plus
metadata such as publishing dates and authorship. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS.)

Social Networking Sites — Web-based services that focus on building online communities of
people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and ac-
tivities of others. Most social network services provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as
email and instant messaging services. (Source:

Teleconferencing —Two main variations of teleconferencing exist:

Audio teleconferencing: A telephone conference with several users provided internally by

an organization’s private branch exchange and externally by telephone companies.

Video teleconferencing: A video conference with several users provided by video cameras
and monitors set up in-house or in a public conferencing centre. It requires a high-
bandwidth (TV capacity) network that uses coaxial cable, optical fibres, and microwave or
satellite transmission. Conventional computer networks cannot handle video. Video confe-
rencing is slowly being integrated into data networks, all of will eventually provide this capa-

Telnet —A program that allows users following very standard procedures to use computers located
on other networks connected to Internet.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) —A standardized way of representing different documents,

media, and network services on the World Wide Web. This unique addressing system is critical to
locating information sources on the Internet.

Usenet —The global news-reading network with a very wide range of interests. The range of inter-
est groups increases daily and includes groups in many languages.

Videoconferencing —Video and audio communication between two or more people via a video-
codec (coder/decoder) at either end and linked by digital circuits.

Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) —The 3-D counterpart to HTML, VRML is a
scriptlike language that permits rich 3-D scenes to be described in simple text files and displayed in
VRML-capable Web browsers.

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Webcast — A media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology. A webcast
may either be distributed live or on demand. Essentially, webcasting is “broadcasting” over the In-
ternet. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webcast.)

Webmaster —The administrator responsible for the management (and often design) of a World
Wide Web site.

Whois —A service for tracing the name of a particular user on Internet.

Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS) —A service that allows users to search intelligently for
information among the Internet’s databases.

World Wide Web —The initiative that created a universal, hypermedia-based method of access to
information on Internet. This has quickly become the dominant form of accessing information on
the Internet. A www site at its simplest is a small document with links to other documents that can
be directly addressed from anywhere on the Internet. This means that almost any small computer
located in someone’s home or office can be connected (via telephone, cable or satellite) through
their service provider, who connects the site to the entire Internet. Similarly, one service provider
can offer its users their own web site free of charge, with very few means of actually knowing what
is on the service provider’s computer.

YouTube: A video-sharing website on which users can upload and share videos. It uses Adobe
Flash Video technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content, including movie
clips, TV clips, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogging and short origi-
nal videos. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youtube.)

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Descriptive (vs. analytical or processed) information – Internet 

9 List of members of parliament and various working groups and committees 
9 Information about parliament 
9 Annual events schedule 
9 Public intersect – email us, feedback/comments feature 
9 Links to other organizations, contacts plus addresses, etc. 
9 Use of search engines 
9 Reports on plenary meetings 
9 Agreements or Memoranda of Understanding 
9 Conventions 
9 Library as a database structure 

Collective, analytical and lessons‐learned, with syntheses and introductions – Internet 

9 Portals through subject themes or types of organizations (e.g., anti‐terrorism) 
9 Recommendations, agreements and decisions made 
9 Case studies for lessons learned 
9 Guidelines, performance measures, service standards 
9 News bulletins, newsletters 
9 Evaluations and progress reports 
9 Virtual committee and working group reports (finalized and approved) 

Interactive information – Intranet restricted to members 

9 Workspaces: Executive Committee, working groups 
9 Online discussions with syntheses and updates 
9 Notices of meetings and administration 
9 E‐voting – e.g., elections of chairs and other officials 
9 Working group draft agenda, minutes, reports, action plans 
9 Planning for events 
9 Personal views of members on various committees 
9 Documentation from parliamentarians for working purposes only 
9 Survey responses related to activities of member states 
Source: Adapted from Juraitis and Ulrich, p. 11 

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