ch3 Test Bank
ch3 Test Bank
ch3 Test Bank
for Business
Lecturer Testbank
Chapter 3
Answers are indicated with a *
1. A problem is any situation where a gap exists between the actual and the desired ideal states.
b. F
3. The selection of an academic perspective on the problem allows us to draw upon a rich body of
literature to help us to solve the problem.
b. F
4. Secondary data refers to information that the researcher gathers first hand through instruments
such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, or observation.
b. F
8. Symptoms are concrete examples of the way in which a certain business problem reveals itself.
12. A good problem statement includes both a statement of the research objective(s) and the
research question(s).
b. F
13. Research questions are the translation of the problem of the organization into a specific need for
b. F
15. A first review of the literature helps you to make an informed decision about your research
b. F