Scientific Investigation - Test Bank: Sekaran Research Methods For Business: A Skill-Building Approach, 7/e Test Bank
Scientific Investigation - Test Bank: Sekaran Research Methods For Business: A Skill-Building Approach, 7/e Test Bank
Scientific Investigation - Test Bank: Sekaran Research Methods For Business: A Skill-Building Approach, 7/e Test Bank
3. A researcher who observed separate phenomena and on this basis attempts to arrive at
general conclusions, works inductively.
b. F
5. A manager observes that higher prices lead to more sales. The results of a focus group point
out that consumers use price as an indicator for quality. This is an example of deductive
a. T
13. Deduction is the process of drawing conclusions based on (an interpretation of) the
results of data-analysis.
b. F
14. Epistemology is concerned with the nature of knowledge or how we come to know.
b. F
15. For a constructionist, science and scientific research is seen as the way to get at the
a. T
*b. F
16. Positivists believe that the world (as we know it!) is mentally constructed.
a. T
*b. F
17. The research methods of constructionist researchers are often qualitative in nature.
b. F
Sekaran Research Methods for Business: A Skill-Building Approach, 7/e Test Bank 3
18. Constructionists are often more concerned with understanding a specific case than with
the generalization of their findings.
b. F
19. The critical realist is critical of our ability to understand the world with certainty.
b. F
20.Critical realistm does not take on a particular position on what makes good research.
a. T
*b. F
22. Pragmatism is a combination of the belief in an external reality with the rejection of the claim
that this external reality can be objectively measured.
a. T
*b. F
23. Knowledge of epistemology may help you to relate to and understand the research of
others and the choices that were made in this research.
b. F
24. Different researchers have different ideas about the nature of knowledge or on how we
come to know.
b. F