Anti-Money Laundering Act As Amended
Anti-Money Laundering Act As Amended
Anti-Money Laundering Act As Amended
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9160 as amended by Republic Acts 9164, 10167, 10365, 10927
Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Money Laundering Act of
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby declared the policy of the State to protect
and preserve the integrity and confidentiality of bank accounts and to ensure that the
Philippines shall not be used as a money laundering site for the proceeds of any
unlawful activity. Consistent with its foreign policy, the State shall extend cooperation in
transnational investigations and prosecutions of persons involved in money laundering
activities whenever committed.
Sec. 3. Definitions.
For purposes of this Act, the following terms are hereby defined as follows:
(2) insurance companies, pre-need companies and all other persons supervised
or regulated by the Insurance Commission (IC);
(3) (i) securities dealers, brokers, salesmen, investment houses and other similar
persons managing securities or rendering services as investment agent, advisor,
or consultant, (ii) mutual funds, close-end investment companies, common trust
funds, and other similar persons, and (iii) other entities administering or
otherwise dealing in currency, commodities or financial derivatives based
thereon, valuable objects, cash substitutes and other similar monetary
instruments or property supervised or regulated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC);
(6) company service providers which, as a business, provide any of the following
services to third parties: (i) acting as a formation agent of juridical persons; (ii)
acting as (or arranging for another person to act as) a director or corporate
secretary of a company, a partner of a partnership, or a similar position in relation
to other juridical persons; (iii) providing a registered office, business address or
accommodation, correspondence or administrative address for a company, a
partnership or any other legal person or arrangement; and (iv) acting as (or
arranging for another person to act as) a nominee shareholder for another
person; and
(8) casinos, including internet and ship-based casinos, with respect to their
casino cash transactions related to their gaming operations.
4. taking into account all known circumstances, it may be perceived that the
client's transaction is structured in order to avoid being the subject of reporting
requirements under the Act;
(1) coins or currency of legal tender of the Philippines, or of any other country;
(d) "Offender" refers to any person who commits a money laundering offense.
(i) ‘Unlawful activity’ refers to any act or omission or series or combination thereof
involving or having direct relation to the following:
(1) Kidnapping for ransom under Article 267 of Act No. 3815, otherwise known as
the Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(2) Sections 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Republic Act No. 9165,
otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002;
(5) Robbery and extortion under Articles 294, 295, 296, 299, 300, 301 and 302 of
the Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(6) Jueteng and Masiao punished as illegal gambling under Presidential Decree
No. 1602;
(7) Piracy on the high seas under the Revised Penal Code, as amended and
Presidential Decree No. 532;
(8) Qualified theft under Article 310 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(9) Swindling under Article 315 and Other Forms of Swindling under Article 316
of the Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(11) Violations of Republic Act No. 8792, otherwise known as the Electronic
Commerce Act of 2000;
(12) Hijacking and other violations under Republic Act No. 6235; destructive
arson and murder, as defined under the Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(16) Frauds and Illegal Exactions and Transactions under Articles 213, 214, 215
and 216 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(17) Malversation of Public Funds and Property under Articles 217 and 222 of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(18) Forgeries and Counterfeiting under Articles 163, 166, 167, 168, 169 and 176
of the Revised Penal Code, as amended;
(21) Violations of Sections 86 to 106 of Chapter VI, of Republic Act No. 8550,
otherwise known as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998;
(22) Violations of Sections 101 to 107, and 110 of Republic Act No. 7942,
otherwise known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995;
(23) Violations of Section 27(c), (e), (f), (g) and (i), of Republic Act No. 9147,
otherwise known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act;
(24) Violation of Section 7(b) of Republic Act No. 9072, otherwise known as the
National Caves and Cave Resources Management Protection Act;
(25) Violation of Republic Act No. 6539, otherwise known as the Anti-Carnapping
Act of 2002, as amended;
(27) Violation of Presidential Decree No. 1612, otherwise known as the Anti-
Fencing Law;
(28) Violation of Section 6 of Republic Act No. 8042, otherwise known as the
Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995, as amended by Republic
Act No. 10022;
(29) Violation of Republic Act No. 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual
Property Code of the Philippines;
(30) Violation of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9995, otherwise known as the
Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009;
(31) Violation of Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9775, otherwise known as the
Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009;
(32) Violations of Sections 5, 7, 8, 9, 10(c), (d) and (e), 11, 12 and 14 of Republic
Act No. 7610, otherwise known as the Special Protection of Children Against
Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination;
(33) Fraudulent practices and other violations under Republic Act No. 8799,
otherwise known as the Securities Regulation Code of 2000; and
(34) Felonies or offenses of a similar nature that are punishable under the penal
laws of other countries.
(j) ‘Precious metals’ shall mean gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium,
iridium and osmium. These include alloys of precious metals, solders and plating
chemicals such as rhodium and palladium plating solutions and potassium gold cyanide
and potassium silver cyanide and silver cyanide in salt solution.
(k) ‘Precious stones’ shall mean diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire, opal, amethyst,
beryl, topaz, and garnet that are used in jewelry making, including those formerly
classified as semi-precious stones.
(l) For purposes of covered persons under Section 3(a)(8), the following terms are
hereby defined as follows:
(2) ‘Casino cash transaction’ refers to transactions involving the receipt of cash
by a casino paid by or on behalf of a customer, or transactions involving the
payout of cash by a casino to a customer or to any person in his/her behalf; and
(3) ‘Gaming operations’ refer to the activities of the casino offering games of
chance and any variations thereof approved by the appropriate government
(b) converts, transfers, disposes of, moves, acquires, possesses or uses said
monetary instrument or property;
(c) conceals or disguises the true nature, source, location, disposition, movement
or ownership of or rights with respect to said monetary instrument or property;
(e) aids, abets, assists in or counsels the commission of the money laundering
offenses referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) above; and
(f) performs or fails to perform any act as a result of which he facilitates the
offense of money laundering referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) above.
Money laundering is also committed by any covered person who, knowing that a
covered or suspicious transaction is required under this Act to be reported to the Anti-
Money Laundering Council (AMLC), fails to do so.
Sec. 5. Jurisdiction of Money Laundering Cases. – The regional trial courts shall have
jurisdiction to try all cases on money laundering. Those committed by public officers and
private persons who are in conspiracy with such public officers shall be under the
jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
(a) Any person may be charged with and convicted of both the offense of money
laundering and the unlawful activity as herein defined.
(b) The prosecution of any offense or violation under this Act shall proceed
independently of any proceeding relating to the unlawful activity.
(1) to require and receive covered or suspicious transaction reports from covered
(3) to institute civil forfeiture proceedings and all other remedial proceedings
through the Office of the Solicitor General;
(4) to cause the filing of complaints with the Department of Justice or the
Ombudsman for the prosecution of money laundering offenses;
(6) to apply before the Court of Appeals, ex parte, for the freezing of any
monetary instrument or property alleged to be laundered, proceeds from, or
instrumentalities used in or intended for use in any unlawful activity as defined in
Section 3(i) hereof;
(7) to implement such measures as may be necessary and justified under this
Act to counteract money laundering;
(8) to receive and take action in respect of, any request from foreign states for
assistance in their own anti-money laundering operations provided in this Act;
(10) to enlist the assistance of any branch, department, bureau, office, agency, or
instrumentality of the government, including government-owned and -controlled
corporations, in undertaking any and all anti-money laundering operations, which
may include the use of its personnel, facilities and resources for the more
resolute prevention, detection, and investigation of money laundering offenses
and prosecution of offenders; and
(11) to impose administrative sanctions for the violation of laws, rules,
regulations, and orders and resolutions issued pursuant thereto.
(12) to require the Land Registration Authority and all its Registries of Deeds to
submit to the AMLC, reports on all real estate transactions involving an amount in
excess of Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) within fifteen (15) days
from the date of registration of the transaction, in a form to be prescribed by the
AMLC. The AMLC may also require the Land Registration Authority and all its
Registries of Deeds to submit copies of relevant documents of all real estate
The freeze order or asset preservation order issued under this Act shall be limited only
to the amount of cash or monetary instrument or value of property that the court finds
there is probable cause to be considered as proceeds of a predicate offense, and the
freeze order or asset preservation order shall not apply to amounts in the same account
in excess of the amount or value of the proceeds of the predicate offense.
A person whose account has been frozen may file a motion to lift the freeze order and
the court must resolve this motion before the expiration of the freeze order.
No court shall issue a temporary restraining order or a writ of injunction against any
freeze order, except the Supreme Court.
The Court of Appeals shall act on the application to inquire into or examine any deposit
or investment with any banking institution or non-bank financial institution within twenty-
four (24) hours from filing of the application.
To ensure compliance with this Act, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas may, in the course
of a periodic or special examination, check the compliance of a Covered institution with
the requirements of the AMLA and its implementing rules and regulations.
For purposes of this section, ‘related accounts’ shall refer to accounts, the funds and
sources of which originated from and/or are materially linked to the monetary
instrument(s) or property(ies) subject of the freeze order(s).
A court order ex parte must first be obtained before the AMLC can inquire into these
related Accounts: Provided, That the procedure for the ex parte application of the ex
parte court order for the principal account shall be the same with that of the related
The authority to inquire into or examine the main account and the related accounts shall
comply with the requirements of Article III, Sections 2 and 3 of the 1987 Constitution,
which are hereby incorporated by reference.
The forfeiture shall include those other monetary instrument or property having
an equivalent value to that of the monetary instrument or property found to be
related in any way to an unlawful activity or a money laundering offense, when
with due diligence, the former cannot be located, or it has been substantially
altered, destroyed, diminished in value or otherwise rendered worthless by any
act or omission, or it has been concealed, removed, converted, or otherwise
transferred, or it is located outside the Philippines or has been placed or brought
outside the jurisdiction of the court, or it has been commingled with other
monetary instrument or property belonging to either the offender himself or a
third person or entity, thereby rendering the same difficult to identify or be
segregated for purposes of forfeiture.
(b) Claim on Forfeited Assets. – Where the court has issued an order of forfeiture
of the monetary instrument or property in a criminal prosecution for any money
laundering offense defined under Section 4 of this Act, the offender or any other
person claiming an interest therein may apply, by verified petition, for a
declaration that the same legitimately belongs to him and for segregation or
exclusion of the monetary instrument or property corresponding thereto. The
verified petition shall be filed with the court which rendered the judgment of
forfeiture, within fifteen (15) days from the date of the finality of the order of
forfeiture, in default of which the said order shall become final and executor. This
provision shall apply in both civil and criminal forfeiture.
(a) Penalties for the Crime of Money Laundering. The penalty of imprisonment
ranging from seven (7) to fourteen (14) years and a fine of not less than Three
million Philippine pesos (Php3,000,000.00) but not more than twice the value of
the monetary instrument or property involved in the offense, shall be imposed
upon a person convicted under Section 4(a), (b), (c) and (d) of this Act.
The penalty of imprisonment from four (4) to seven (7) years and a fine of not
less than One million five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php1,500,000.00)
but not more than Three million Philippine pesos (Php3,000,000.00), shall be
imposed upon a person convicted under Section 4(e) and (f) of this Act.
The penalty of imprisonment from six (6) months to four (4) years or a fine of not
less than One hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more
than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (Php500,000.00), or both, shall be
imposed on a person convicted under the last paragraph of Section 4 of this Act.
(b) Penalties for Failure to Keep Records. The penalty of imprisonment from six
(6) months to one (1) year or a fine of not less than One hundred thousand
Philippine pesos (Php 100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand
Philippine pesos (Php 500,000.00), or both, shall be imposed on a person
convicted under Section 9(b) of this Act.
(c) Malicious Reporting. Any person who, with malice, or in bad faith, reports or
files a completely unwarranted or false information relative to money laundering
transaction against any person shall be subject to a penalty to six (6) months to
four (4) years imprisonment and a fine of not less than One hundred thousand
Philippine pesos (Php100,000.00) but not more than Five hundred thousand
Philippine pesos (Php500,000.00), at the discretion of the court: Provided, That
the offender is not entitled to avail the benefits of the Probation Law.
(e) The penalty of imprisonment ranging from four (4) to seven (7) years and a
fine corresponding to not more than two hundred percent (200%) of the value of
the monetary instrument or property laundered shall be imposed upon the
covered person, its directors, officers or pesonnel who knowingly participated in
the commission of the crime of money laundering.
After due notice and hearing, the AMLC shall, at its discretion, impose sanctions,
including monetary penalties, warning or reprimand, upon any covered person,
its directors, officers, employees or any other person for the violation of this Act,
its implementing rules and regulations, or for failure or refusal to comply with
AMLC orders, resolutions and other issuances. Such monetary penalties shall be
in amounts as may be determined by the AMLC to be appropriate, which shall
not be more than Five hundred thousand Philippine pesos (P500,000.00) per
The AMLC may promulgate rules on fines and penalties taking into consideration
the attendant circumstances, such as the nature and gravity of the violation or
(g) The provision of this law shall not be construed or implemented in a manner
that will discriminate against certain customer types, such as politically-exposed
persons, as well as their relatives, or against a certain religion, race or ethnic
origin, or such other attributes or profiles when used as the only basis to deny
these persons access to the services provided by the covered persons.
Whenever a bank, or quasi-bank, financial institution or whenever any person or
entity commits said discriminatory act, the person or persons responsible for
such violation shall be subject to sanctions as may be deemed appropriate by
their respective regulators.
No case for money laundering may be filed against and no assets shall be frozen,
attached or forfeited to the prejudice of a candidate for an electoral office during an
election period.
Section 17. Restitution. – Restitution for any aggrieved party shall be governed by the
provisions of the New Civil Code.
Section 18. Implementing Rules and Regulations. – Within thirty (30) days from the
effectivity of this Act, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the Insurance Commission and
the Securities and Exchange Commission shall promulgate the rules and regulations to
implement effectivity the provisions of this Act. Said rules and regulations shall be
submitted to the Congressional Oversight Committee for approval.
Within ninety (90) days from the effectivity of this Act, the AMLC, the Philippine
Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) and other government regulatory
agencies shall jointly promulgate the rules and regulations to implement the provisions
of this Act as applicable to casinos as covered institutions. The implementing rules
applicable to other covered institiations shall not apply to casinos unless it is expressly
so provided under the rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Act.
The Oversight Committee shall have the power to promulgate its own rules, to oversee
the implementation of this Act, and to review or revise the implementing rules issued by
the Anti-Money Laundering Council within thirty (30) days from the promulgation of the
said rules.
SEC. 21. The authority to inquire into or examine the main account and the related
accounts shall comply with the requirements of Article III, Sections 2 and 3 of the 1987
Constitution, which are hereby incorporated by reference. Likewise, the constitutional
injunction against ex post facto laws and bills of attainder shall be respected in the
implementation of this Act.
Section 24. Repealing Clause. – All laws, decrees, executive orders, rules and
regulations or parts thereof, including the relevant provisions of Republic Act No. 1405,
as amended; Republic Act No. 6426, as amended; Republic Act No. 8791, as amended
and other similar laws, as are inconsistent with this Act, are hereby repealed, amended
or modified accordingly.
SEC. 25. Effectivity. -- This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its complete
publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) national newspapers of general