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Marketing Management - I PDF

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Program: PGDM Trimester: I
Course: Marketing Management-I Code:
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Classroom Practical/ Continuous Term End Examination
Tutorials Credit
Session Group work Evaluation (TEE)
20 3 50% 50%
Course Rationale:
From a customer value creation and delivery perspective the Marketing Management-1course is a foundation
since understanding the market and identifying and creating what is of value for the identified market is the
logical starting point of business. This course focuses on formulating marketing Plans and policies based on
deep insights about market; both customers and competition. The marketing management process is important
at all levels of the organization, regardless of the title applied to the activity. Typically, it is called corporate
marketing, strategic marketing, or marketing management. The course provides participants with a systematic
framework for understanding marketing management and strategy. The goal of this course is to get learners
understand the dynamic nature of the market place and the paradigms in creating a value for the customer
which in turn leads to improvement in the organization’s top line and return on investment.

Course Objectives:
The goal of this course is to get learners understand the dynamic nature of the market place and the paradigms
in creating a value for the customer which in turn leads to improvement in the organization’s top line and
return on investment.
1. Develop appreciation among participants for market focus and profitability focus
2. Provide a systematic framework for understanding customer, company, competition, collaborators and
context for marketing management.
3. Develop understanding on Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.
4. Develop understanding on branding.

Learning Outcomes :
After completion of the course, students would be able to:
1. Formulate a market oriented definition of business
2. Analyze market opportunities
3. Appreciate the differences between consumer and business marketing
4. Apply concepts and tools relevant to Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
5. Analyze complex market data on customers as well as competition and understand how strong brands are


Case discussion and Simulations/field work

 Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective (13e), Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Pearson
Education, 2009

Reference Books:
 Marketing Management, 5e, Rajan Saxena, McGraw Hill, 2016
 Principles of Marketing, 4e, Philip Kotler and Gary M. Amstrong, Prentice Hall, 2012
 Fundamentals of Marketing 8e, William J. Stanton, Charles M. Futrell, McGraw-Hill, 2009

 Journal of Marketing
 Journal of Consumer Research
 Journal of Marketing Research

Links to websites:

Evaluation Scheme:
 Quizzes/ Case Analysis 15%
 Group Assignment 15%
 Mid-Term Exam 20%
 Term-End Exam 50%
Total 100%

Session Plan:
Session Topic (including Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool1 Textbook Chapters &
subtopics) Readings
1-2 Introduction to  Explain the scope Case: Textbook:
Marketing of marketing Microfridge: The Chapter-1
Management  Summarize Concept Article:
 Customer need fundamental (9-599-049) OR Marketing Myopia by
focus marketing 2. MTR food Theodore Levitt,
 Profitability concepts (Book: Indian case #R0407L-PDF-ENG
Focus  Describe how studies in Marketing Published 2004
marketing has management) HBS
evolved as an
 Summarize the
necessary tasks for
3-4 Assessing Market  Assess/Determine Hurricane Island Textbook:
Opportunities and demand for a (HBS) Chapter 4
Customer Value product or service OR
 Scanning Market within a given Hubspot
Environment market #509049-PDF-ENG
 Creating  Explain the PSET Published 2009
Customer Value environment Revised 2011
and Customer affecting business HBS
Relationship and marketing.
5-6 Analyzing  Explain the RITZ car buying Textbook:
Consumer consumer decision (ICMR) Chapter 6
Behaviour making process.
 Factors  Explain how
influencing consumer

Provide the details of Pedagogical tool viz., Title & source of Case/ Nature of Simulation

Exercise/ Role Play/ Lecture/Class Discussion etc.

consumer behavior
behavior Cultural influences a firm’s
and Social factors marketing
influencing decisions.
 Psychological
 Influencing
7 Analyzing Business  Explain the Case: Textbook:
Market Industrial buying Dominion Motors & Chapter 7
 Elements of the process. Controls Ltd. Article:
Marketing  Explain macro and #589115-PDF-ENG Major Sales: Who
Information micro segments Published 1989 Really Does The
Systems Revised 1992 Buying?
 Marketing HBS by Thomas V. Bonoma,
Research # R0607P-PDF-ENG
methods Published 2006
8-9 Understanding  Summarize how Case: Textbook:
Competition In marketers identify Vibhava Chemicals: Chapter 12
Market primary Pursuit of a Cleaner
 Strategies of competitors Space
Leader,  Explain how we # W12904-PDF-ENG
 Challenger and could analyze Published 23.04.2012
Followers competitors’ Revised 04.12.2012
 in Market Place strategies, HBS
 Balancing objectives,
Customer strengths, and
 and Competiton weaknesses
 Orientation  Explain how
relative position in
the market
decisions in the
market place.
10-11 Marketing Research  Understanding Case: Textbook:
 Elements of the Market Research TruEarth Healthy Chapters 4&5
Marketing Process and Foods: Market
Information Market Research Research for A New
Systems Techniques Product Introduction
 Marketing  Understanding #4065-PDF-ENG
Research Marketing Published 2009
Methods Information HBS
12-13 Market  Explain the Case: Textbook:
Segmentation different levels of The Fashion Channel Chapter 9
 Bases for market #2075-PDF-ENG
Segmenting segmentation Published 2007,
Consumer  Explain how a HBS
Markets company can
 Bases for divide a market
Segmenting into segments
Business Markets  Identify the
requirements for
14-15 Target Market  Describe how a Case: Textbook:
Selection company should Hubspot Chapter 9
choose the most #509049-PDF-ENG
attractive target Published 2009
markets Revised 2011
 Apply target HBS
market selection
16-17 Differentiated  Describe how Case: Textbook:
Positioning brands are  Sony AIBO Chapter 10
differentiated #502010-PDF-
 Develop ENG
positioning map Published 2001
and positioning Revised 2005
 Tivo
 Explain how a #501038-PDF-
firm can choose ENG
and communicate Published 2000
an effective Revised 2005
positioning in the HBS
18-19 Building Brands  Explain what a Case: Textbook:
brand is and Snapple Chapter 11
Summarize what #599126-PDF-ENG
is brand equity Published 1999
 Narrate how brand Revised 2003
equity is built, HBS
measured, and
 Explain the
decisions in
developing a
branding strategy
20 Wrap-Up Of  Summarize the Lectures and Class
Concepts and marketing strategy Discussion
Frameworks formulation

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