Post Graduate Diploma in Management: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Post Graduate Diploma in Management: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Post Graduate Diploma in Management: Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Course Objectives:
The course aims to:
1. Introduce various segments of the debt markets,
2. Cover the Corporate Debt Markets
3. Value various types of Debt instruments,
4. Demonstrate Risk management techniques using derivatives in debt markets,
5. Introduce Asset backed securities market.
6. Perform Bond Portfolio Management
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, participants would be able to:
1. Understand the relevance of various Fixed Income Securities, Price volatility characteristics of Bonds
and the factors influencing Yield Curve.
2. Apply the concept of Theoretical Spot rate to create Zero Coupon Yield Curve.
3. Evaluate Option free and Option bonds in terms of risk, return and value.
4. Apply the process of Credit Analysis for Bond rating
5. Understand various types of Mortgages, MBS, CMO, CDO, the cash flow and yield and the risks
associated with them.
6. Evaluate passive and active Bond Portfolio Management strategies.
Corporate Finance;
The course requires a thorough understanding of Time Value of Money (TVM), Valuation of Bonds and
Convertibles, and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC);
Application of spreadsheets is an integral part of the subject.
Lectures, Case Analysis, Simulation (Modeling)
Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies, Frank J. Fabozzi, 7/E, Pearson Education, 2013.
Reference Books:
The Bond & Money Markets, Moorad Choudary, Butterworth-Heinemann Finance, Elsevier, 2003.
Fixed Income Markets and their Derivatives, 4e, Suresh Sundaresan, Academic Press, 2016.
Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets, 3e, Bruce Tuckman, Angel Serrat, Wiley, 2011.
Journal of Finance
Journal of Fixed Income
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Journal of Financial Economics
RBI Bulletin, Indian Securities Markets – A review – National Stock Exchange of India, 2014
Links to websites:
Evaluation Scheme:
Assignments (Group) 20%
Test/ Quiz 10%
Project (Group) 20%
Term-End Exam 50%
TOTAL 100%
Session Plan:
Session Topic (including subtopics) Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Textbook
Tool1 Chapters &
1 Overview of Fixed Income Analyse the relevance Class Chapter 1
Securities and features of various Discussion
Overview of Fixed Income Fixed Income
Securities Securities as an
Provide the details of Pedagogical tool viz., Title & source of Case/ Nature of Simulation Exercise/ Role
Play/ Lecture/Class Discussion etc.
Organization of Fixed Investment Avenue.
Income Markets
Types and Features of FI
Investing in Fixed Income
Markets –Risks
Primary and Secondary
2-3 Bond Price & Yield Analyse the Price Class Chapters
Price-Yield Conventions volatility Discussion – 2, 3, 4
characteristics of Lecture and
Bond Price and Yield Bonds Problems
Pricing a Zero Coupon Bond
Yield Measures
Prices in Practice
Prices and Yields of T-Bills
Advantages and
Disadvantages for Issuing
Firms & Investor
Types of Convertible
Analysis of Convertible
16 Market Segments: Cash CDOs Understand and Class
& Synthetic CDOs: analyze CDOs as an Discussion –
Collateralized Debt instrument with an Lecture and
Obligations (CDOs) objective of hedging. problems
Mortgages: A
Cash CDOs
Case Providing
Cash Flow Transaction the perspectives
of a Home
Market Value Transaction Buyer and a
Synthetic CDOs Michael Tucker,
Single Tranche Transactions Fairfield
University –
Journal of the
Academy for
Case Studies,
Volume 15,
Number 7, 2009
Second Part of
the Case