(An ISO 9001-2008 Organization)
Creative mech Automation Pvt. Ltd.
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1) Roller Conveyors ( Idler, Powerised , split , Power & Free , gravity Type ) , Belt
Conveyors, Chain conveyors , Slat Conveyors , Wire-mesh conveyors .
2) Automation with Contactor, PLC and ALSC based Logic in Material Handling
Systems Consisting of Conveyors, Auto Lift tables, Auto Turn Tables, Turn Over
Devices, Pick And Place Mechanisms, 90º Turning module, Indexing Mechanisms,
Walking Beam Including Electrical Controls, Pneumatics, Hydraulics and Servo
3) Logistics e.g. Component trolleys , pallets , bins , assembly fixtures etc.
4) Auto Transporter systems for multi station Pre-treatment, powder coating plants.
1) Leak Testing Machines using ATEQ and INNOMATEC leak detecting sensors
for Aluminum and Cast Iron components with Automation in Contactor and PLC
Logic Controls.
2) Foundry Equipments like Core Shooter for producing sand cores required for
Aluminium and Cast Iron component manufacturing.
3) Pouring and Transfer Geared Ladle with Gearbox manually or motorized rotation
for Cast Iron and S.G. Iron foundries.
Continuation sheet Creative mech Automation Pvt. Ltd.
1) Power Press Automation including Decoiler, Straigtner, Servo Strip Feeder using
PLC controls.
Decoiler is used for decoiling the Laminated MS. Sheet strip for feeding for
Straightner is used for straightening the MS strip after decoiling.
Servo Strip Feeder is great use is press industry. Required length strip is feeded
to Power Press for next Shearing and punching operation. Due to servo motor
drive accuracy of strip length is maintained. Various strip length, feed speed
programs can be made using HMI on control panel. Near about 1000 programs
can be stored and can be called as per requirement of production plans. It
increases accuracy, productivity and reduce production time.
Continuation sheet Creative mech Automation Pvt. Ltd.
3. Larsen & Toubro Ltd , Automatic Welding system for 20 T capacity – 2 Sets.
Chennai . 1. Column & Boom Manipulator for welding 3M x 3M
(ECC Construction Group) 2. Welding Rotator 20 T with Idler & Drive unit .
3. Auto sub-Arc welding head with electric controls .
4. Kalyani Seamless Tubes 1. Bandsaw Automation – Tube Feeding system.
Ltd. , Baramati. 2. Draw Bench – 30 T capacity.
3. Paint coating system with pipe coater,drying unit,
( Now Indian Seamless input & output conveyors , pneumatic kick-in / kick-
Metal Tubes Ltd.) out assly.
4. Threader conveyor .
5. Handling system for ultrasonic testing of tubes .
6. Platform trolley for 500 Kgs. , 3’ x 5’ size .
7. Cross-transfer trolley for seamless tubes – 40 T
capacity ( From Hot Mill section to API section )
5. Thermax Ltd. 1. Column & Boom Manipulator 4M x 5M - 2 Nos.
2. Sludge dryer with rotator arrangement .
6. Electronic & Engineering 1. Automation of tube feeding system for M/s Mahara-
Co., Mumbai . shtra Seamless Ltd., Nagothane .
2. Automation of tube feeding system for M/s REMI ,
Bharuch .
3. Piston Testing SPM for M/s ESCORTS Ltd.
7. IFB Industries Ltd., Goa . 1. Indexing system for spot welding of cabinet of
washing machine .
2. CO2 MIG Welding SPM .
8. Alfa Laval ( India ) Ltd., 1. Special welding manipulators – 3 Nos.
Pune . 2. Hardfacing SPM for SS screw of screw conveyor .
3. Base frames & sub-frames for Decanter .
4. Lifting Mechanism for Raking arm.
5. Drive Assly with bearing block for feedback and
feed-screw . ( Import-substitute )
9. Krupp Industries Ltd., 1. SAW welding Column & Boom , 3M x 4.1M.
Pune. 2. Welding Rotator 60 T capacity – 2 Nos.
10. Hero Honda Ltd., Rewari . MIG welding SPM for Muffler body .
11. Kilburn Engg. Ltd., Mumbai. Welding Positioner for 5 T capacity .
12. Automotive Research 1. Helmet Testing Machine .
Association Of India , Pune. 2. Manipulator for seat belt testing .
( ARAI )
Creative Mech Automation Pvt. Ltd.
Sr. Customer Description of the system
13. Tractor Engineers Ltd., 1. Submerged Arc Welding SPM for rollers .
14. TATA MOTORS LTD. 1. Material Handling system consisting of slat
INDICA plant. conveyors and trolleys for camshaft .
(TELCO , Pimpri , PCBU ) 2. Power & Free roller conveyors for tyre & rim
handling .
3. Vacuum based fixtures for glass assembly - 3 Nos.
4. PU coated Free Roller Conveyors, Power & Free
roller conveyor, Manual Turn-tables , swinging-flap conveyors
for 475 IDI Turbo/NA Cylinder crankcase .
5. Round-about handling system for baskets for
washing machine for Transaxle kits comprising top
roller chain conveyors, 90 turning conveyors and
automatic turn-table.
6. Indexing chain conveyors – 6 nos. and Pick & Place
mechanisms – 3 nos. for 475 IDI Crankshaft
transportation with PLC based controls.
7. Indexing chain conveyors – 9 nos. , Pick & Place
mechanisms – 7 nos. and 1 no. walking beam
conveyor for 475 IDI Crankshaft ( old line replace-
ment ) with PLC based controls.
15. TATA MOTORS LTD. 1. Motorised auto-swivel fixture for Cylinder Blocks of
(TELCO , Pimpri , CVBU) 4 SP,497 & 697 with air-jet cleaning .
2. Material Handling system for 275 IDI Cylinder Head
machining line .
3. Gravity roller conveyors – 2 nos. for transfer of
wheel assly with pneumatic Wheel Lifter.
4. M.H. system for 4SP/497 Cylinder Block with idler
roller conveyors , power & Free roller conveyors,
Turn-Tables , Auto-swivel fixtures , Pallet Feeding
system with PLC based controls.
5. M.H. system for 2.2 DICR Cylinder Block with idler
roller conveyors , power & Free roller conveyors,
Turn-Tables , Auto-swivel fixtures , 2 tier Powerised
Roller conveyor with lifter with PLC based controls.
6. M.H. system for 2.2 DICR Cylinder Head with idler
roller conveyors , power & Free roller conveyors,
Turn-Tables , Auto-swivel fixtures with PLC based
16. Clean Energy Systems , 1. Power & Free roller conveyors .
Pune . 2. Idler roller conveyors .
( K & Ray Associates ) 3. Powerised roller conveyors .
4. Lift & Transfer mechanism .
5. Pick & place mechanism for crankshaft .
6. Rotary Turn-over Mechanisms .
7. Turntables .
8. Closed loop chain conveyor system for handling
baskets thro’ 4 Tank washing system .
17. Spaco Carburettors (India) 1. Wiremesh conveyors .
Ltd., Chinchwad . 2. Cleaning fixtures for carburettor bodies .
Creative Mech Automation Pvt. Ltd.
27. Coca Cola India Pvt. Ltd., 1. Wooden Pallets Handling system consisting of
Concentrate Plant , Indexing type chain conveyor , Pallet Lifter and
Pirangut , Pune. PLC controls.
2. Fully automatic Corrugated Box Handling system
consisting of Power & Free roller conveyors ,
Palletiser (Vacuum Stacker), Chain Elevator, pallet
elevator, exit side chain conveyor with SCADA
based controls .
28. CleanTech Products 1. SS wiremesh conveyor for industrial washing M/c .
2. Rotary Indexing mechanism for industrial washing
machine .
Creative Mech Automation Pvt. Ltd.