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CATIA SheetMetal

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Cover Page
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1st Edition
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Learning Guide
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CATIA V5-6R2018
Sheet Metal Design

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ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®
CATIA V5-6R2018
Sheet Metal Design
1st Edition
Prepared and produced by:

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ASCENT Center for Technical Knowledge
630 Peter Jefferson Parkway, Suite 175
Charlottesville, VA 22911

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Lead Contributor: Scott Hendren

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ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge is a division of Rand Worldwide, Inc., providing custom
developed knowledge products and services for leading engineering software applications. ASCENT is
focused on specializing in the creation of education programs that incorporate the best of classroom
learning and technology-based training offerings.

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We welcome any comments you may have regarding this guide, or any of our products. To contact us
please email: feedback@ASCENTed.com.

st T
© ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge, 2019
e EN
All rights reserved. No part of this guide may be reproduced in any form by any photographic, electronic,
mechanical or other means or used in any information storage and retrieval system without the written
permission of ASCENT, a division of Rand Worldwide, Inc.
us C
CATIA and ENOVIA are registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes.
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All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.
d yA

General Disclaimer:
Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, nothing contained herein constitutes nor is intended to constitute an offer,
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inducement, promise, or contract of any kind. The data contained herein is for informational purposes only and is not
represented to be error free. ASCENT, its agents and employees, expressly disclaim any liability for any damages, losses

or other expenses arising in connection with the use of its materials or in connection with any failure of performance, error,
omission even if ASCENT, or its representatives, are advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or other
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expenses. No consequential damages can be sought against ASCENT or Rand Worldwide, Inc. for the use of these
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materials by any third parties or for any direct or indirect result of that use.
The information contained herein is intended to be of general interest to you and is provided "as is", and it does not
address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Nothing herein constitutes professional advice, nor does
it constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the issues discussed thereto. ASCENT does not warrant that the
op ro

document or information will be error free or will meet any particular criteria of performance or quality. In particular (but
without limitation) information may be rendered inaccurate by changes made to the subject of the materials (i.e. applicable
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software). Rand Worldwide, Inc. specifically disclaims any warranty, either expressed or implied, including the warranty
of fitness for a particular purpose.
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AS-56CAT18-SMD1-SG // RS-56CAT18-SMD1-SG
C o n t e n ts

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Preface ........................................................................................................... vii

In this Guide ................................................................................................... ix

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Practice Files .................................................................................................. xi

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Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................ 1-1
e EN1.1 Generative Sheetmetal Design Workbench.................................. 1-2
User Interface.................................................................................... 1-3
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1.2 Sheet Metal Terminology................................................................ 1-4
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Sheet Metal Parameters ................................................................... 1-4

d yA

Walls ................................................................................................. 1-4

Cutouts.............................................................................................. 1-4
Bends ................................................................................................ 1-4
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Relief ................................................................................................. 1-4


Sheet Metal Features........................................................................ 1-4

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Flat View ........................................................................................... 1-5

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1.3 Sheet Metal Process ....................................................................... 1-7

General Steps ................................................................................... 1-7
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1.4 Workbench Compatibility............................................................. 1-11

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Sheet Metal Design......................................................................... 1-11

Generative Sheet Metal Design ...................................................... 1-11
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Part Design ..................................................................................... 1-11


Chapter 2: Primary Walls ............................................................................. 2-1

2.1 Sheet Metal Parameters.................................................................. 2-2

General Steps ................................................................................... 2-3

Parameters Tab ................................................................................ 2-4
Bend Extremities Tab........................................................................ 2-4
Bend Allowance Tab ......................................................................... 2-7
2.2 First Wall ........................................................................................ 2-10
Profile Wall ...................................................................................... 2-10
Extruded Wall.................................................................................. 2-11
Rolled Wall ...................................................................................... 2-12

© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® i

CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

2.3 Defining Walls ............................................................................... 2-13

Profile .............................................................................................. 2-13
Extrude............................................................................................ 2-14
Rolled .............................................................................................. 2-15
2.4 Creating a Hopper ......................................................................... 2-18

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Surfacic Hopper .............................................................................. 2-20
Canonic Hopper .............................................................................. 2-22

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Practice 2a Creating a First Wall......................................................... 2-24

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Practice 2b Bracket .............................................................................. 2-29

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Practice 2c Creating a Hopper ............................................................ 2-33

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Practice 2d Creating a Rolled Wall I ................................................... 2-41
Practice 2e Creating a Rolled Wall II .................................................. 2-46

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Chapter 3: Secondary Walls ........................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Wall on Edge.................................................................................... 3-2

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Automatic .......................................................................................... 3-2
e EN Sketch Based .................................................................................... 3-3
3.2 Automatic Wall on Edge ................................................................. 3-4
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Height................................................................................................ 3-7
re S

Up To Plane/Surface......................................................................... 3-8
d yA

Clearance Mode.............................................................................. 3-10

Reverse Position ............................................................................. 3-11
Invert Material Side ......................................................................... 3-12
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3.3 Sketch Based Wall on Edge ......................................................... 3-14


Rotation Angle................................................................................. 3-15

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Clearance Mode.............................................................................. 3-16

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Reverse Position ............................................................................. 3-16

Invert Material Side ......................................................................... 3-16
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3.4 Tangent Walls................................................................................ 3-17

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3.5 Swept Walls ................................................................................... 3-20

Direction of Creation ....................................................................... 3-21
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User Flanges................................................................................... 3-23

Practice 3a Secondary Walls............................................................... 3-24

Practice 3b Secondary Walls II ........................................................... 3-30


Practice 3c Secondary Walls III........................................................... 3-40

Chapter 4: Bends and Unfolded View Features......................................... 4-1

4.1 Cylindrical Bends............................................................................ 4-2
4.2 Conical Bends ................................................................................. 4-6
4.3 Bend From Flat................................................................................ 4-7

ii © 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®


4.4 Unfolded View ............................................................................... 4-13

4.5 Unfolding ....................................................................................... 4-16
4.6 Folding ........................................................................................... 4-18
Natural............................................................................................. 4-20
Defined............................................................................................ 4-20

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Spring back ..................................................................................... 4-21

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4.7 Creating Corner Relief .................................................................. 4-23
Circular and Square Reliefs ............................................................ 4-25

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User-Defined Corner Relief............................................................. 4-27

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4.8 Point and Curve Mapping............................................................. 4-28

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Practice 4a Bend From Flat ................................................................. 4-32
Practice 4b Bends and Corner Relief ................................................. 4-38

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Practice 4c Curve Mapping ................................................................. 4-44

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Practice 4d Unfolding/Folding ............................................................ 4-48

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Chapter 5: Sheet Metal Stamps ................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Standard Stamps............................................................................. 5-2
Locating Points.................................................................................. 5-3
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5.2 Surface Stamp ................................................................................. 5-7

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5.3 Bead ............................................................................................... 5-11

5.4 Curve Stamp .................................................................................. 5-13
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5.5 Flanged Cutout.............................................................................. 5-15


5.6 Louver ............................................................................................ 5-17

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5.7 Bridge............................................................................................. 5-19

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5.8 Flanged Hole.................................................................................. 5-21

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5.9 Circular Stamp............................................................................... 5-24

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5.10 Stiffening Rib................................................................................. 5-27

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5.11 Dowel.............................................................................................. 5-29

5.12 Punch with Opening Faces .......................................................... 5-31

5.13 Punch and Die ............................................................................... 5-35


Practice 5a Standard Stamps.............................................................. 5-41

Practice 5b Standard and User-Defined Stamps............................... 5-52
Practice 5c Two Profiles Surface Stamp............................................ 5-64

Chapter 6: Sheet Metal Features ................................................................. 6-1

6.1 Corners ............................................................................................ 6-2
6.2 Chamfers.......................................................................................... 6-5

© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® iii

CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

6.3 Sheet Metal Cutouts........................................................................ 6-9

6.4 Circular Cutouts ............................................................................ 6-14
6.5 Holes .............................................................................................. 6-17
Practice 6a Sheet Metal Features I ..................................................... 6-20

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Practice 6b Sheet Metal Features II .................................................... 6-32

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Chapter 7: Feature Duplication ................................................................... 7-1

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7.1 Mirroring .......................................................................................... 7-2
Element to Mirror............................................................................... 7-3

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Tear Faces ........................................................................................ 7-4

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7.2 Isometries ........................................................................................ 7-5
Translate ........................................................................................... 7-5
Rotate................................................................................................ 7-6

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Symmetry .......................................................................................... 7-6
Axis to Axis........................................................................................ 7-6

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7.3 Patterning ........................................................................................ 7-7
e EN Rectangular Patterns ........................................................................ 7-8
Circular Patterns ............................................................................. 7-10
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7.4 User Patterns................................................................................. 7-13
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7.5 Create a PowerCopy ..................................................................... 7-15

d yA

Preview ........................................................................................... 7-20

Modifying the PowerCopy ............................................................... 7-20
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7.6 Instantiate a PowerCopy .............................................................. 7-21


Practice 7a Patterns I ........................................................................... 7-24

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Practice 7b Patterns II.......................................................................... 7-31

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Practice 7c PowerCopy........................................................................ 7-38

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Practice 7d Patterns and PowerCopies.............................................. 7-45

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Chapter 8: Part Conversion ......................................................................... 8-1

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8.1 Part Conversion .............................................................................. 8-2

8.2 Checking for Overlap...................................................................... 8-8

Practice 8a Part Conversion................................................................ 8-10


Practice 8b Part Conversion II ............................................................ 8-15

Chapter 9: Output ......................................................................................... 9-1

9.1 Output to DXF.................................................................................. 9-2
9.2 Output to a Drawing....................................................................... 9-4
Practice 9a Output a Model to DXF....................................................... 9-8
Practice 9b Create Unfolded View ...................................................... 9-12

iv © 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®


Appendix A: Standard Tables......................................................................A-1

A.1 Creating Standard Tables...............................................................A-2
Main Sheet Metal Standards File ...................................................... A-2
Bend Table........................................................................................ A-3
A.2 Using Standard Tables ...................................................................A-4

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© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® v


n. nly
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The CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design learning guide enables you to create
features that are specific to the sheet metal modeling process. You are provided
with a process-based approach to creating sheet metal models. Each step in the

tly r
process is discussed in depth using lectures and several hands-on practices. This

ric fo
learning guide focuses on the Generative Sheet Metal Design workbench.

st T
Topics Covered

e EN
Generative Sheet Metal Design workbench
us C
• Sheet Metal terminology
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• Sheet Metal process

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• Sheet Metal parameters

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• Primary wall creation – Profile, Extruded, Rolled, and Hopper


• Defining walls
ng e

• Secondary walls – Wall on edge (automatic and sketch based), Tangent,

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• Cylindrical bends
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• Bends from flat

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• Unfolded view
• Corner relief

• Point and curve mapping


• Creating standard stamps – surface stamp, bead, curve stamp, flanged cutout,
louver, bridge, flanged hole, circular stamp, stiffening rib, dowel
• Punch and die
• Punch with Opening Faces

© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® vii

CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

• Sheet Metal features – Corners, chamfers, cuts and holes

• Feature duplication
• Patterning – rectangular patterns, circular patterns

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• User patterns
• Converting a solid part to sheet metal

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• Output to DXF and drawing

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• Access to the V5-6R2018 version of the software, to ensure compatibility with
this guide. Future software updates that are released by Dassault Systèmes
may include changes that are not reflected in this guide. The practices and

tly r
files included with this guide might not be compatible with prior versions (i.e.,

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• Completion of the CATIA V5-6R2018: Introduction to Modeling course is
e EN

Note on Software Setup

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This guide assumes a standard installation of the software using the default
d yA

preferences during installation. Lectures and practices use the standard software
templates and default options for the Content Libraries.
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Lead Contributor: Scott Hendren

ng e

Scott Hendren has been a trainer and curriculum developer in the PLM industry
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for over 20 years, with experience on multiple CAD systems, including

Pro/ENGINEER, Creo Parametric, and CATIA. Trained in Instructional Design,
op ro

Scott uses his skills to develop instructor-led and web-based training products.
lc p

Scott has held training and development positions with several high profile PLM
companies, and has been with the Ascent team since 2013.
Al ple

Scott holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Degree as well as a Bachelor


of Science in Mathematics from Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada.


Scott Hendren has been the Lead Contributor for CATIA: Sheet Metal Design
since 2013.

viii © 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®

In th is Gu id e

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The following images highlight some of the features that can be found in this

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Practice Files
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The Practice Files page tells

you how to download and install
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the practice files that are

provided with this guide.
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Link to the practice files

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Each chapter begins with a brief

introduction and a list of the
chapter’s Learning Objectives.
Learning Objectives for
the chapter

© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® ix

CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

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Instructional Content
Each chapter is split into a
series of sections of

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instructional content on specific

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topics. These lectures include
the descriptions, step-by-step

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Side notes procedures, figures, hints, and
Side notes are hints or information you need to achieve

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additional information for the chapter's Learning
the current topic. Objectives.

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Practice Objectives
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Practices enable you to use the

software to perform a hands-on
review of a topic.
an b

Some practices require you to


use prepared practice files,

which can be downloaded from
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the link found on the Practice

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Files page.
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x © 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®


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CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

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© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®


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The Sheet Metal Design workbench enables you to create features that are

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specific to the sheet metal modeling process. To design effective sheet metal
e EN
parts in CATIA, you must become familiar with sheet metal tools and terminology.
us C
Learning Objectives in this Chapter
re S

• Review the Generative Sheetmetal Design Workbench.

d yA

• Review Sheet Metal Terminology.

• Understand the Sheet Metal design process.
an b

• Review compatibility between Sheetmetal workbenches.

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© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 1–1

CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

1.1 Generative Sheetmetal

Design Workbench
To access this workbench, open a part model that was last saved

n. nly
in the Generative Sheetmetal Design workbench or select
Start>Mechanical Design>Generative Sheetmetal Design, as

de o
shown in Figure 1–1. The workbench symbol changes to .

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Figure 1–1

1–2 © 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®


User Interface Sheet metal parts in CATIA V5 have a *.CATPart file extension.
The Generative Sheetmetal Design workbench is similar to the
Part Design workbench, except that it includes a Sheet Metal
Parameter icon and sheet metal-specific toolbars. The user
interface is shown in Figure 1–2.

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Sheet Metal

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Sheet Metal part

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Specification Tree
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Figure 1–2

© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 1–3

CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

1.2 Sheet Metal Terminology

An example of the following terminology is shown in Figure 1–3.

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Sheet Metal Sheet metal parameters include a part’s material thickness,
default bend radius, and bend relief type.

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Walls Sheet metal parts consist of a first wall and multiple walls on

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Cutouts Cutouts and holes remove material, similar to pockets and holes
in the Part Design workbench.

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Bends Bend features in sheet metal parts join wall features with a

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circular radius.
e EN
Relief Bend relief features can be defined to enable bends to be
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Sheet Metal Various sheet metal class features can be produced such as a
hem, flanged cutouts and holes, and various stamps as shown in
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Figure 1–3.

Parameters First Wall (i.e., Extrude)

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Wall On Edge


Flanged Hole
Circular Stamp
Figure 1–3

1–4 © 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®


Flat View An example of a flat view of a sheet metal part is shown in

Figure 1–4. A flat view can be displayed in a drawing along with
formed views of the part. This enables you to display the 3D
shape of the model, while also displaying critical manufacturing
dimensions on the flat view.

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e EN Figure 1–4
Sheet metal parts can be folded and unfolded as required
throughout the design of the part. For example, a part can be
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unfolded to provide a planar face for sketching additional
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features, such as the cutout shown in Figure 1–5. When the part
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is folded, the resulting cutout takes the shape of the formed part.
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Figure 1–5
Just as feature creation order impacts solid model integrity in the
Part Design workbench, toggling between the flattened and 3D
views in the Generative Sheet Metal Design workbench affects
the resulting geometry. The model view should be actively
adjusted to ensure that your design intent is fulfilled.

© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 1–5

CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

For example, a cutout feature created in the unfolded view

results in different geometry than a cutout created in folded view,
as shown in Figure 1–6. Conversely, use of the folded view can
assist in the creation of repeated features, such as a cutout that
extends through multiple walls.

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Created in

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folded view

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Created in
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unfolded view
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Figure 1–6
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1–6 © 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®


1.3 Sheet Metal Process

The process of creating a sheet metal model is very similar to the
process of creating a solid part. Individual features are created in
sequence and reference one another resulting in parent-child

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General Steps Use the following general steps as a guideline when creating a

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sheet metal part:

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1. Assign the material parameters.

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2. Create the first wall.
3. Create the secondary walls and bends.
4. Create the sheet metal features (cutout, stamp, etc.).

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5. Create the deliverables (drawings).

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© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 1–7

CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

Step 1 - Assign the material parameters.

When the Sheet Metal Design workbench is first activated, only
the Sheet Metal Parameter and Recognize icons are available,
as shown in Figure 1–7. No features can be created until the

n. nly
sheet metal parameters are defined. Sheet metal parameters
define the default bend radius, bend thickness, bend relief, and

de o
bend allowance. Once these parameters have been defined,
feature creation can begin.

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Sheet Metal
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Parameter icon
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Figure 1–7

Step 2 - Create the first wall.

The first feature created in any sheet metal model is called the
first wall, or primary wall. It is always created from a sketched
profile and can be created using the Profile, Extrude, Hopper, or
Rolled Wall operations.

1–8 © 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®


The first wall becomes the fixed wall during an unfolding

operation and therefore determines the orientation of the
flattened part. If the first wall includes a bend, the first sketched
edge defines the wall that is fixed during flattening. First walls
can be as simple as a singular flat wall or made more complex to

n. nly
include several walls. Figure 1–8 shows a first wall that was
created using the Profile Wall operation.

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Figure 1–8

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e EN Step 3 - Create the secondary walls and
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Once the first wall has been created, additional walls and bends
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can be added. Additional walls can be created using the Profile,

Extrude, and Wall on Edge operations. As well, flanges can be
an b

constructed using the Basic Flange, Hem, Tear Drop, and User
Flange operations.
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Figure 1–9 shows the sheet metal model started in the last step,
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with two walls and a tear drop flange added.

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Tear drop flange First wall

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Both walls created using the

Wall on Edge operation
Figure 1–9

© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 1–9

CATIA V5-6R2018: Sheet Metal Design

Step 4 - Create the sheet metal features

(cutout, stamp, etc.).
Once the walls of the sheet metal part are created, additional

n. nly
features are created to complete the model. Sheet metal
features consist of Stamps, Corners, Chamfers, Cutouts, and
Holes. Figure 1–10 continues the example from the previous

de o
steps. Surface Stamps, Cutouts, Corners, and Chamfers have

id w
been added to the model.

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Surface Stamp

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Chamfers Corners
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Figure 1–10
d yA

Step 5 - Create the deliverables (drawings).

an b

Once the sheet metal model is completed, drawings and DXF


files can be created to output the file for manufacture. Unfolded

ng e

views can be created in a drawing to display the unfolded model,

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as shown in Figure 1–11.

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Figure 1–11

1–10 © 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge®


1.4 Workbench Compatibility

Sheet Metal There are currently two sheet metal design workbenches
available: Sheet Metal Design (SMD) and Generative Sheet

n. nly
Design Metal Design (GSMD). Since CATIA V5R14, sheet metal models
can no longer be created in the SMD workbench. An error box

de o
opens when a primary wall is initialized, as shown in
Figure 1–12.

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This course focuses on
the use of the

fo rev
Generative Sheet Metal
Design workbench.

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Figure 1–12
e EN The SMD workbench is included in post-R14 releases as a
legacy product; secondary features, such as walls and bends,
can be added to original SMD models using the SMD
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d yA

Generative The GSMD workbench is an upgraded version of the SMD

workbench. It contains several new features and improved
Sheet Metal
an b

algorithms to create sheet metal parts. If you are unsure whether

Design to use the GSMD or SMD workbench, please consult your

company’s CAD Administrator.

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Part Design No additional features can be created in the GSMD workbench

when a Part Design workbench feature is applied to a sheet
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metal model. For example, if a Part Design feature is created on

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a sheet metal part, the error message shown in Figure 1–13

opens when the next sheet metal feature is created.
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Figure 1–13
To resolve this, the Part Design feature should be removed. Solid
models created in the Part Design workbench can be converted
into a sheet metal part using the Recognize function. All features
applied to sheet metal models should be created in the GSMD
workbench to preserve model compatibility.

© 2019, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 1–11

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