Naphthaplast G 808
Naphthaplast G 808
Naphthaplast G 808
TYPE G-808
Color Dark brown liquid
Chloride content to
BS5075 :1982 Nil Naphtha-Plast G-808 ensures that rheoplastic
concrete remains workable in excess 3 hours at
Nitrate content Nil +20°C.
Consumption with 100kg Workability loss is dependent on temperature, and on
Cement 0.8 - 2.5 % the type of cement, the nature of aggregates, the
method of transport and initial workability. It is
Specific gravity 1.16 - 1.18 @ 25 °C
strongly recommended that concrete should be
Air contents Less than 1% properly cured particularly in hot and dry climates.
Freezing point 0°C. can be reconstituted, if
stirred after thawing
Flash point None
• Retardation of initial set
• Increase in workability
Storage: Dry; Frost free, out of direct sunlight Naphtha-Plast G-808 is introduced into the mixer
together with mixing water. The plasticizing effect or
Shelf life: 24 months, when stores as above water reduction is higher if the admixture is added to
the concrete after 50-70% of the mixing water has
Hazard class: No dangerous goods, Observe been added. The addition of Naphtha-Plast G-808L to
Material Safety datasheet dry aggregate or cement is not recommended.
The information provided in this leaflet, is supplied by our consulting service and is the end result of exhaustive research work and extensive experience. They are, however, without
liability on our part, in particular with regard to third parties proprietary rights, and do not relieve the user of the responsibility for verifying that theproducts and processes are suitable
for the intended application. The data presented was derived from tests under normal climate conditions according to DIN 50014 and mean average values and analysis. Deviations
are possible when delivery takes place. Given that recommendations may differ from those shown in this leaflet written confirmation should be sought. It is the responsibility of the
purchaser to ensure they have the latest leaflet issue and that its contents are current. Our customer service staff will be glad to provide assistance at any time. We appreciate the
interest you have shown in our products. This technical data sheet supercedes pre viously issued information.