Pds Sikatop 550seal
Pds Sikatop 550seal
Pds Sikatop 550seal
SikaTop®-550 Seal
(formerly MasterSeal® 550)
Product declaration Specially selected cements, silica sand and reactive fillers
Composition Component A: Powder
Component B: Liquid
Packaging Available in 20 kg double pack
Shelf life Minimum 9 months from date of production if stored properly in undam-
aged and original sealed packaging.
Storage conditions Store in original unopened packaging in cool and dry conditions between
+5 °C and +35 °C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
Appearance and colour Available in three standard colours:
▪ Light Grey
▪ White
▪ Dark Grey
Density ~ 1.82 kg/l (fresh mortar at +25°C)
Water permeability < 0.1 kg (m2xh0.5) (BS EN 1062-3: 2008)
Chloride ion diffusion resistance SikaTop®-550 Seal provides an effective barrier to waterborne salts such as
chlorides and sulphates.
Note: lndependent assessment has shown that even after 12 months constant im-
mersion the chloride ion diffusion co-efficient could not be measured for SikaTop®-
550 Seal.
Chloride Ion Ingress Not measurable after 24 months of testing
Chemical resistance SikaTop®-550 Seal has outstanding wear and weather resistance and good
resistance to sodium hydroxide, calcium chloride, de-icing salts.
SikaTop®-550 Seal coated surfaces exhibit good resistance to mild acids.
Carbonation resistance SikaTop®-550 Seal is an extremely effective barrier to atmospheric acidic
gases which cause carbonation in concrete structures.
SikaTop®-550 Seal at an applied rate of 1.8 kg/m² gives an equivalent air
layer thickness for carbon dioxide diffusion (R) of 92 m. The accepted min-
imum value for R is 50 m.
Consumption ~1.8 kg/m² at 1 mm thickness
Layer thickness 1 mm with constant thickness for each layer, minimum 2 layers
Ambient air temperature +5°C min. / 40°C max.
Substrate temperature +5°C min. / 40°C max.
Waiting time to overcoating Waiting time between coats:
+20°C ~6 hours
+30°C ~3 hours
User must read the most recent corresponding Safety When SikaTop®-550 Seal is applied by trowel (e.g. for
Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS a smooth surface finish), apply 2 coats in crosswise
provides information and advice on the safe handling, direction. Apply 2nd coat of SikaTop®-550 Seal as soon
storage and disposal of chemical products and con- as the first coat has hardened.
tains physical, ecological, toxicological and other As pore / blowhole filler:
safety-related data. Tightly trowel into the pores / blowholes of the sur-
SUBSTRATE QUALITY / PRE-TREATMENT Clean all tools and application equipment with clean
water immediately after use.
Substrates must be structurally sound, clean, dry and Hardened / cured material can only be removed
free of all contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, ce- mechanically.
ment laitance, coatings and other surface treatments
Clean surfaces by blast cleaning, high-pressure water-
jetting (400 bar), wire-brushing, grinding etc., in order Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
to remove all previous coatings, any traces of grease, declared data and recommended uses for this product
rust, release agents, cement laitance and any other may vary from country to country. Consult the local
material which could reduce adhesion. All dust depos- Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.
its from this preparation must also be removed that is
by vacuum.
Repair concrete substrates, if necessary, with an ap-
propriate cementitious mortar from the SikaEmaco®,
The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
SikaRep® or Sika MonoTop® range of repair materials.
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
For applications in hot climates / environments and /
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
or on absorbent substrates, thoroughly pre-dampen
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
the surface immediately prior to the product applica-
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
tion, but avoid any ponding / standing water on the
conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
surface, which must not be damp to touch and not
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
with a dark-matt / wet surface appearance i.e. it must
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
be saturated surface dry (SSD).
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
MIXING particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
SikaTop®-550 Seal can be mixed with a low speed from this information, or from any written recom-
(~500 r.p.m.) electric drill mixer. Shake carefully Comp. mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
B before using. Then pour ~½ Comp. B into a suitable user of the product must test the product’s suitability
mixing container and add Comp. A slowly while mix- for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
ing. When homogeneous, add the remaining amount serves the right to change the properties of its
of Comp. B, and mix thoroughly at least for 3 minutes, products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
until the proper lump-free consistency is reached. be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
Do not add any additional water or other ingredients; current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
each packaging unit must be entirely mixed. refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
APPLICATION METHOD / TOOLS will be supplied on request.
As a slurry:
Apply 1st coat of mixed SikaTop®-550 Seal either
mechanically, by spray, or by hand using a stiff brush.
Apply in the same direction.
Apply 2nd coat of SikaTop®-550 Seal in crosswise direc-
tion to the first coat application, as soon as first coat
has hardened.
Sika Gulf B.S.C. (c) Sika UAE LLC Sika Saudi Arabia Limited Sika LLC - Oman
Tel: +973 177 38188 Sika MB Construction Chemicals LLC Riyadh / Jeddah / Dammam / Rabigh Master Builders Solutions LLC
Email: info@bh.sika.com Sika International Chemicals LLC Tel: +966 11 217 6532 (part of Sika)
Sika Kuwait Cons. Mat. & Paints Co WLL Tel: +971 4 439 8200 Email: info@sa.sika.com Tel. +968 22 826 500
Tel: +965 22 282 296 Email: info@ae.sika.com Web: gcc.sika.com Email: info@om.sika.com
Email: sika.kuwait@kw.sika.com Web: gcc.sika.com Web: gcc.sika.com
Web: gcc.sika.com