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Sikatop 109 Sealing

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SikaTop®-109 Seal IN
High performance flexible acrylic cementitious waterproofing coating (Formerly SikaTop® Seal-
109 hi)

DESCRIPTION ▪ Interior and exterior waterproofing and damp-proof-

ing of concrete, cementitious rendering, brickwork
SikaTop®-109 Seal IN is an elastomeric, liquid applied, and blockwork
crack bridging, two part high performance acrylic poly- ▪ Protection of concrete structures against the effects
mer modified cementitious waterproofing coating sys- of de-icing salts and freeze-thaw attack
▪ Pore / blowhole filling
tem with high degree of flexibility. It comprises of a li-
▪ Sealing fine static cracks in concrete structures not
quid polymer and a cement based mix incorporating
subject to movement
special admixtures. It is applied to concrete and mor- ▪ Sealing internal basement walls against dampness
tar to prevent water infiltration, particularly in de-
manding applications and difficult environments.
USES ▪ Easy to apply by brush, spray or flat trowel
▪ No additional water is required to make the slurry
▪ Waterproofing applications for various structures
▪ Pre-batched components with consistent quality
such as:
▪ Easy and fast mixing
▪ Raw water concrete tanks, reservoirs, waste water
▪ Highly water resistant, reduces saltpetre action and
prevents carbonation
▪ Terraces, balconies, sunshades, etc. ▪ Protects concrete from chloride penetration
▪ Flat and small roofs ▪ Non-corrosive to steel and iron
▪ Basement and Retaining walls ▪ Very flexible, good elongation
▪ Swimming pools, fountains, water bodies, canals ▪ Bonds well to all damp substrates
▪ RCC gutters, drains and planter boxes ▪ Good abrasion resistance
▪ Wet areas like toilets, kitchen, utility, sunk slabs ▪ Good adhesion to reinforced concrete, mortar or
▪ Lift pits, sump, etc. masonry
▪ Fast curing

Chemical base Part A Acrylic polymer
Part B Portland cement with selected ag-
gregates and additives

Packaging Part A+B pre-batched 50 kg set

Part A 20 kg container
Part B 30 kg bag

Shelf life 12 months from date of production

Product Data Sheet

SikaTop®-109 Seal IN
November 2023, Version 02.01

Storage conditions The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed
packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +10 °C and +35
°C. Liquid component must be protected from frost.
Appearance / Colour Part A+B mixed Grey slurry
Part A White liquid
Part B Grey powder

Tensile strength ~2 N/mm2 (ASTM D412)

Elongation at break ~180 % (ASTM D412)

Tensile adhesion strength ~2 N/mm2 (dry substrate) (EN 1542)

Water penetration under pressure ~0 mm penetration at 5 bar for 72 h (BS EN 12390-8)

Behaviour after artificial weathering No chalking or cracking on the film when tested for 500 hours (IS 101)

System structure Layer Product
Base coat SikaTop®-109 Seal IN
Top coat SikaTop®-109 Seal IN
For larger application areas and high demanding applications, use a glass
fabric reinforcement Sika® Fabric-50 between the coats. For normal expos-
ures, usage of Sika® Fabric-50 is optional.

Mixing ratio Part A : Part B = 1 : 1.5 (by weight)
Fresh mortar density ~1.65 kg/L (Part A+B mixed, +27 °C) (EN ISO 2811-1)

Consumption Layer Product Consumption

Base coat SikaTop®-109 Seal IN ~1 kg/m2
Top coat SikaTop®-109 Seal IN ~1.2 kg/m2
Note: The consumption will vary depending on application area, substrate
type, substrate roughness, surface profile, absorption of the surface and
thickness required.
Layer thickness ~1 mm in 2 coats
Ambient air temperature +10 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Substrate temperature +10 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Pot life ~40 minutes (100 g mass, +27 °C)
Waiting time / Overcoating Base layer Overcoating layer Waiting time
SikaTop®-109 Seal IN SikaTop®-109 Seal IN ~4 h
SikaTop®-109 Seal IN Screed / Plaster ~3 d
Note: Above values are at +30 °C and 50 % relative humidity. Times are ap-
proximate and will be affected by changing ambient conditions particularly
temperature and relative humidity.

BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are

based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may

Product Data Sheet

SikaTop®-109 Seal IN
November 2023, Version 02.01

FURTHER DOCUMENTS Waterproofing mortar
Sika Method Statement : SikaTop®-109 Seal IN 1. Pour 90 % of SikaTop®-109 Seal IN Part A into a clean
mixing container.
2. While stirring slowly, add SikaTop®-109 Seal IN Part
3. Mix thoroughly for 3 minutes, until free from lumps
User must read the most recent corresponding Safety and smooth consistency is achieved.
Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS
provides information and advice on the safe handling, APPLICATION
storage and disposal of chemical products and con-
tains physical, ecological, toxicological and other IMPORTANT
safety-related data. SikaTop®-109 Seal IN may display signs of “blooming”
after rain or in damp weather. This does not affect the
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS performance of the coating in any way.
EQUIPMENT Do not apply in direct sun and/or strong wind.
Mixing In areas of severe water penetration, three coats
▪ Electric drill paddle mixer (> 700 W, 300 to 500 rpm) might be required.
Application Protect freshly applied material from freezing condi-
▪ Hard bristled brush tions, rains etc.
▪ Squeegee
▪ Flat trowel Detailing
1. Seal all penetrations with a suitable Sika sealant like
SUBSTRATE QUALITY / PRE-TREATMENT SikaSwell® S-2 or Sikagard® 694 F(I) epoxy putty to
prevent any leakage from the periphery of the down
▪ The concrete substrate must be sound and with a take pipes.
minimum pull off strength of 1.0 N/mm2. 2. Additionally, if so desired cut Sika® Fabric-50 to de-
▪ The substrate must be free of all traces of contamin- sired dimensions for detailing on intersections and
ants, loose and friable particles, cement laitance, oils also around pipe penetration by embedding it with
and grease, wax, curing compounds, water repellent the SikaTop®-109 Seal IN.
coatings etc. 3. Sika® SealTape F is recommended to be used as a
▪ The substrate must be prepared by suitable mechan- component of a composite sealing system in con-
ical preparation techniques such as high pressure junction with SikaCeram® tile adhesive and ceramic
water jetting, needle guns, grinding, blast cleaning tiles to achieve water tightness in wet rooms and
etc. around wet areas.
▪ High spots must be removed by grinding.
▪ Weak concrete must be removed and surface defects Waterproofing coating
such as blowholes and voids must be fully exposed. 1. Thoroughly pre-wet the prepared substrate (2 hours
▪ Repairs to the substrate, filling of blowholes/voids
recommended) before application. Keep the surface
and surface levelling must be carried out using ap-
wet and do not allow to dry. Before application re-
propriate products from the Sikafloor®, Sikadur® and
move excess water, e.g. with a clean sponge. The
Sikagard® range of materials.
▪ All dust, loose and friable material must be com- surface must appear a dark matt appearance without
pletely removed from all surfaces before application shining and surface pores and cavities must not con-
of the product, preferably by brush and/or vacuum. tain water.
▪ Any wax based curing compounds or water repellent 2. Apply the first coat of SikaTop®-109 Seal IN with a
coatings must be fully removed by scraping or grind- hard bristled brush or broom applied in the same dir-
ing. ection and leave to harden for 2 to 6 hours.
▪ All intersections of horizontal and vertical surfaces 3. (Optional) Wherever coating is to be reinforced with
should be profiled with a mortar fillet of minimum 25 glass fabric, lay Sika® Fabric-50 into the freshly ap-
mm × 25 mm. plied base coat and embed firmly into the wet coat
with brush.
MIXING 4. Apply the second coat of SikaTop®-109 Seal IN in
crosswise direction to the first application as soon as
IMPORTANT first coat has hardened.
Do not add water in any circumstances.
Waterproofing mortar
Waterproofing coating 1. Thoroughly pre-wet the prepared substrate (2 hours
1. Pour full quantity of SikaTop®-109 Seal IN Part A into recommended) before application. Keep the surface
a clean mixing container. wet and do not allow to dry. Before application re-
2. While stirring slowly, add SikaTop®-109 Seal IN Part move excess water, e.g. with a clean sponge. The
B. surface must appear a dark matt appearance without
3. Mix thoroughly for 3 minutes, until free from lumps shining and surface pores and cavities must not con-
and smooth consistency is achieved. tain water.

Product Data Sheet

SikaTop®-109 Seal IN
November 2023, Version 02.01

2. Apply the first coat of SikaTop®-109 Seal IN by a flat LEGAL NOTES
trowel applied in the same direction and leave to
harden for 2 to 6 hours. For pore / blowhole filling, The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
tightly trowel into the pores / blowholes of the sur- tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
face. products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
3. (Optional) Wherever coating is to be reinforced with rent knowledge and experience of the products when
glass fabric, lay Sika® Fabric-50 into the freshly ap- properly stored, handled and applied under normal
plied base coat and embed firmly into the wet coat conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
with trowel. tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
4. Apply the second coat of SikaTop®-109 Seal IN in
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
crosswise direction to the first application as soon as
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
first coat has hardened.
Note: particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
If the second coat is applied 12 hours or later to first legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
coat, the first coat shall be slightly pre-wetted by using from this information, or from any written recom-
a fine spray. mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
IMPORTANT for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
Slight fabric marks may be visible after application of serves the right to change the properties of its
the second coat, but it will have no adverse bearing on products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
the performance of the waterproofing system. be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
Protection refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
1. The top coat while wet, sprinkle clean quartz sand. Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
2. Once top coat has sufficiently cured, apply protec- will be supplied on request.
tion plaster, mortar, screed or any other adhesive
layer. A bonding agent may be necessary.
3. Alternatively, a separation layer like PE sheet or geo-
textile can be used before any plaster / screed / in-
terlocking paver blocks.
Cure SikaTop®-109 Seal IN for minimum 7 days to en-
sure full cement hydration and minimise cracks. Use
wet hessian cloth, spray curing or similar approved
methods during the recommended period of curing.
Clean all tools and application equipment with water
immediately after use. Hardened material can only be
removed mechanically.

Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
declared data and recommended uses for this product
may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.

Sika India Pvt. Ltd. Contact:

620, Diamond Harbour Road Phone: +91 33 2447 2448
Commercial Complex II Fax: +91 33 2397 8688
Kolkata - 700 034 info.india@in.sika.com
West Bengal, India www.sika.in


Product Data Sheet

SikaTop®-109 Seal IN
November 2023, Version 02.01


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