Rock Seal Acrylic Reinforced Cementitious, Fle-Xible Waterproof Coating
Rock Seal Acrylic Reinforced Cementitious, Fle-Xible Waterproof Coating
Rock Seal Acrylic Reinforced Cementitious, Fle-Xible Waterproof Coating
Mixed Density 1800 kg/m3 SURFACE PREPARATION:
Mixing Ratio, by weight 3:1 (powder: Liquid)
The surface to be coated must be clean and sound.
Remove all traces of formwork, release agents,
Pot life 120 Minutes at 25C previous coatings, laitance and any other
30 Minutes at 40C contaminants that may affect the bond adversely.
Suitable cleaning methods include high pressure
Recoat able 8 - 12 Hours water jetting and grit blasting. Mechanical wire
brushing may be appropriate for small areas. After the
% Elongation >5% (unbonded)
above surface preparation, surfaces must be
Abrasion resistance 45 mg/1000 cycles thoroughly washed with clean potable water to
remove all dust and loose particles. Spalled concrete
(ASTM D4060, CS17 wheel)
should be cut back to sound concrete and made
Water penetration DIN 1048 7 bars - no leakage good with a suitable cementitious repair mortar. All
(at 2mm DFT) cracks and bolt holes must be cut out and filled solid
with mortar.
Toxicity Non-toxic
Water vapor co-efficient >3.64 x 10-4 cm/s MIXING:
Initial surface absorption >95% reduction ROCKSEAL C3 is supplied in premeasured units and
against control should be mixed on site utilizing clean containers.
Slowly add the powder to the liquid and mix, using a
Co2 diffusion resistance R > 357m, slow speed drill fitted with a suitable paddle. Leave
(Tested by Taywood Sc > 89cm (1mm
the mixed material to stand for 5 minutes to allow for
full saturation to take place. Remix to restore the
Engineering, UK) DFT), Sc - equivalent
consistency. Do not mix more material than can be
Concrete thickness used in half an hour.
Chloride ion diffusivity Zero penetration at 90 days
Chloride ion diffusion coefficient 1.04 x 10-7 cm/s
Oxygen diffusion coefficient (Co2) 7.6 x 10-6 cm/s Always apply ROCKSEAL C3 to pre-dampened
surface. High-suction substrates require more
dampening then dense substrates. However, make
sure there is no free-standing water. Apply by brush
CONSUMPTION: or broom. Mixed material must be used within 30 -45
Each square meter will require minimum of 0.9 Kg of minutes, or less under hot weather conditions.
mixed material per layer. The coverage rate for each First Coat: Brush or broom the mix firmly onto the
layer will be strongly influenced by the roughness of predampened, prepared surface. Care must be taken
the substrate. not to spread the material too thinly. When the
1.8 kg / m 2 in two coats to achieve 1 mm material begins to drag or “ball”, do not add more
thickness. liquid/water but dampen the surface again.
Second Coat: Allow at least overnight to cure before
applying subsequent coats. Dampen the first coat
• BS 1881 Part 5 1983 - I.S.A.T. and remove excess moisture. Brush or broom the mix
onto the surface (as above) finishing in the opposite
• DIN 1048 Water Penetration Test direction to the first coat. ROCKSEAL C3 can be
spray applied but should afterwards be brushed well
• Water Research Council - "Suitable for use in into the substrate to ensure proper adhesion. To avoid
contact with Potable Water". BS 476: Part 6 - Fire this apply first coat by brush and second by spray
tests on building material: & structures - Method application. Finally finish with sponge to get a uniform
of test for fire propagation for products. aesthetic appearance.
The information provided in this leaflet, is supplied by our consulting service and is the end result of exhaustive research work and extensive experience. They are, however, without
liability on our part, in particular with regard to third parties proprietary rights, and do not relieve the user of the responsibility for verifying that theproducts and processes are suitable
for the intended application. The data presented was derived from tests under normal climate conditions according to DIN 50014 and mean average values and analysis. Deviations
are possible when delivery takes place. Given that recommendations may differ from those shown in this leaflet written confirmation should be sought. It is the responsibility of the
purchaser to ensure they have the latest leaflet issue and that its contents are current. Our customer service staff will be glad to provide assistance at any time. We appreciate the
interest you have shown in our products. This technical data sheet supercedes pre viously issued information.