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Weld destructive test laboratory

 Contents :

Specimen Machining:

Destructive tests
Qualitative tests
1-Tensile test 1-Bending test
2-Hardness test 2-Fracture test
3-Impact test 3-Nick break test
4-Fatigue test (if the 4-Macro-Micro test
welding joints exposed to
repetitive dynamic load)

After the destructive tests have been performed
we'll do:
1-report 2- PQR
TABLE1. Laboratories of complete institute
Laboratory Floor space(m3)
Height (3.5m) Height(4.5m)
Mechanical Testing 46 m2 300 m2

Position PIECE Specification Equipment of laboratories

no. NO including central workshop:
1 1 Universal tensile testing machine, do (bending
test –compression test) maximum load 5 tons,
with electronic loading cells, e.g. Instron
2 6 Mechanical Extensometers ,e.g.Epsilon
3 1 Electro Inductive strain recorder,e.g. Hottinger
(a) Strain gauge apparatus with oscilloscope
and graphic recording.
(b) Checking equipment

4 1 Universal hardness tester for Brinell and

Vickers testing
5 1 Hardness tester for automatic determination
of Rockwell hardness
6 1 Hardness standard instrument for checking the
hardness testers
7 1 The HH-411 Portable Hardness Tester
8 1 Impact charpy testing machine
max strength (180J-220J) & min (27-30J)
with temp (20-(-60°c))
9 1 Rotary Bending Testing Machines with bending
moment (BM=25-40N.M)
10 1 Test-piece dividing machine for round and flat
bars (saw)
11 1 Lathe for Turning required for round test

12 1 Milling machine

13 1 Grinding machine

Weld Testing
Welder Qualification and Welding Procedure
Welder qualification tests are intended to determine the ability of welders and welding
operators to make sound welds, and are used in welder certification. Organizations
qualify welders or welding operators for each welding process used in production

Weld testing involves performing tests on a weld to confirm that results meet the
requirements specified in a procedure. The results of weld testing are used to qualify a
welder to a stated procedure, often as part of pre-employment screening or for welder
certification, by ensuring that the skills of the welder meet code and/or the company’s
standards. In the United States there are a number of organizations that have certified
welding programs. Some of the largest organizations include the American Welding
Society (AWS) typically dealing with structural codes for buildings and bridges and the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) dealing with boiler and pressure
vessel codes.

Laboratory Testing Inc. offers independent, third-party weld testing and welder
qualification services for certification and welding procedure qualification. All of the
required weld testing and inspections are provided to verify that the weld procedure was
followed properly, correct filler material was used and the weld joint lines up accurately.
LTI’s full scopes of capabilities include the following:

 Welder Qualification Testing for performance qualification and welder certification to

ASME, ANSI, AWS and API code and Military standards
 Preparation of Welding Procedure Qualification as per client or project requirements
 Documentation of the Welding Procedure Qualification in a Certified Test Report as per
ASME, ANSI, AWS and API code and Military standards
 Coupon testing as per Welding Procedure Qualification which includes visual
examination, mechanical testing, metallographic examination and nondestructive testing.

Laboratory Testing is a full-service weld test and welder qualification provider with
complete in-house resources to turn your order around quickly and reliably. Our staff
includes an AWS Certified Welding Inspector and Level II Inspectors in Visual
Examination. The lab also has a full-service Machine Shop equipped with band saws and
CNC milling, turning and grinding centers to handle any size weld coupon. The Machine
Shop and testing labs run first and second shifts to process the orders under tight
Weld Test and Welder Qualification Processes
A few types of weld testing are performed in LTI’s Metallography Laboratory – macro
etch exam, hardness testing and ferrite examination. The macro etch exam is typically
performed on a finely ground cross-section taken transverse to the weld axis that has
been etched with a chemical reagent to distinguish the weld, HAZ, and base metal areas.
Examination for characteristics such as weld size, fusion, penetration, profile, and weld
discontinuities is performed at magnifications anywhere between 1X and 50X. Various
AWS, ASME, military, and customer specifications call for macro etch examination.

The weld test for hardness is done on a ground and etched sample, similar to the macro
etch specimen. The most commonly employed scale for weld testing at LTI is the 10 Kg
Vickers. This generally involves checking the hardness in all three zones, including weld,
HAZ and base according to a pattern prescribed by the referenced specification. Hardness
testing of welds is an extremely common practice and requirement in the oil and gas
industry. One of the most commonly encountered specifications being NACE MR0175 /
ISO 15156, and or a company-specific derivation.

Ferrite examination by the point count method and ferrite scope is performed to
determine the amount of ferrite present in the weld metal, HAZ and/or base metal. The
point count test is performed on a polished and etched cross-section of the sample per the
point count method described in ASTM E562 or a company-specific derivation. The
point count test is typically applied only to welds that involve the duplex stainless steels.
Ferrite examination by ferrite scope is a nondestructive test performed with a contact
probe that calculates ferrite via electro-magnetic response. This test is typically applied to
welds that involve the austenitic steels.

LTI’s Chemistry Lab analyzes weld overlays as well as raw materials using various
methods that include dilution analysis for overlays and Inductively-Coupled Plasma
Spectroscopy (ICP) and Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES) for raw materials. The
weld dilution test is used in weld qualification and involves dilution of the weld metal by
the base metal following procedures to perform the test at specific distances from the
base metal. The weld metal analysis is usually performed to AWS or ASME Part C

Both mechanical and nondestructive testing methods provide necessary information for
welder qualification and procedure qualification. LTI offers Visual, Liquid Penetrate,
Magnetic Particle and Radiographic Inspection for nondestructive evaluation. These tests
are usually done in conjunction with applicable mechanical testing such as tensile,
bending or impact testing according to the same specifications.

Weld Testing Methods
Metallurgical Testing
 Macro etch
 Vickers Hardness Testing
 Ferrite Exam –Point Count and ferrite scope

Chemical Analysis
 Dilution Analysis
 Inductively-Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP)
 Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES)

Mechanical Testing
 Tensile Testing
 Guided-Bend Tests – Plunger Type and Wrap Around Bends
 Charpy Impact Testing
 Hardness Testing
 Fatigue Testing
 Nick fracture

Nondestructive Testing
 Visual Examination
 X-ray/Radiographic Inspection
 Magnetic Particle Inspection
 Liquid Penetrant Testing

Specimen Machining for Destructive Testing:
Destructive testing is performed to evaluate physical
characteristics of materials, such as strength, ductility,
hardness and composition, and to determine susceptibility
to corrosion. The information is most often used in material
selection or failure analysis. This testing is performed on
samples of material known as test specimens or coupons
that are prepared by machining to exacting dimensions and
other precise requirements.

The Process
The four main processes performed in
the production of test specimens are
sawing, milling, turning and grinding.
Although sawing is the starting point
for all specimens, one or more of the
other three processes may be
performed during the preparation of
specific types of test specimens.

 Sawing:
Test specimens are rough cut to length by sawing from a
specific location on the sample material or part, as stated in
a required specification or dictated in a drawing provided
with the order. During this step, the material is cut into a
workable size, which is generally close in size to the final
specimen. If welds are involved, parts may be etched to
identify position of the center line or heat-affected zone.

 Turning:
Turning is performed on a lathe by
rotating a part against a stationary cutting
tool to center and turn in diameter. This is
a required step for all round specimens
including tensile, stress rupture, gleeble,
jominy, rotating beam and fatigues, since
rough-cut test specimens are usually
square in shape. In addition to further
refining specimen dimensions, the turning
process reduces the gage length and
threads the ends when required by
fixturing on test machines.

 Milling:
Milling is the process of cutting away material by feeding a
work piece past a rotating cutter with multiple teeth. The
machined surface may be flat, angular, or curved and can be
milled to any combination of shapes. Test specimens such
as flat tensile, stress rupture, and hardness samples are
precision machined by this process. Also, side, face and
root bend specimens for weld qualifications and certain
corrosion specimens are milled. Milling is also used to
further refine charpy specimens for the next step, grinding.

 Grinding:
Grinding is the finish step for many types of test specimens
including charpy, hardness, compact tension and macro
specimens used in metallurgical examinations. During
grinding, a rotating abrasive wheel smooths the surface to
give the material a refined look or to attain the desired
finish. When required, this process can be used to create a
high-quality surface finish to 32 Ra (roughness average) or

‫‪Destructive test: a-Quantitative tests:‬‬

‫‪1-Tensile test‬‬

‫ٌتكون اختبار الشد من تعرٌض عٌنة االختبار لالنهٌار بتسلٌط حمل معلوم علٌه وٌنص الجمعٌة‬
‫االمرٌكٌة الختبار المواد ) ‪(ASTM‬على ان عٌنات االختبار القٌاسٌة (‪(round or flat‬وغالبا" ما‬
‫نستخدم العٌنة ذات مقطع (‪ )flat‬تؤخذ عادة فً االتجاه المستعرض فً منتصف العٌنة وٌكون‬
‫الحصول على وحدة مقاومة الشد لمعدن اللحام ونالحظ األتى‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬حدث االنهٌار خارج منطقة اللحام والمنطقة المتاثرة بالحرارة(‪)HAZ‬نستنتج من ذاللك ان معدن‬
‫اللحام امتن من المعدن االساسى عند القوة االزمة لكسره (‪ )ultimate tensile strength‬لوصلة‬
‫اللحام ‪.‬‬
‫‪-2‬اذا كان المعدن األساسى امتن من وصلة اللحام ٌحدث اإلنهٌار فى وصلة اللحام او المنطقة المتأثرة‬
‫بالحرارة عند ‪ ultimate tensile strength‬لوصلة اللحام ‪.‬‬

‫وبالتالً نكون قد كشفنا عما ادا كانت الوصلة امتن من معدن االساس او اضعف منه ‪.‬‬
‫و ٌعتبر اختبار الشد الطولً هواحسن االختبارات النه عندما ٌصل اقصى قٌمة له(‪) U.T.S‬‬
‫وكان اللحام اقوى تحدث مطٌلٌة للحام وادا كان اللحامضعٌف ٌحدث له انهٌار ‪.‬‬
‫ٌمكن اثناء اجراء اختبار الشد قٌاس عوامل اخرى مثل نقطة الخضوع واالستطالة فً‬
‫العادةٌتطلب اختبار الشدمكنات اختبار خاصة وتشغٌل هده العٌنات الٌا ً وٌدوٌا ً تربط عٌنة االختبار‬
‫فً فكً المكنة وٌسلط الحمل علٌها ببطء عند حدوث كسر او انهٌار تؤخد القراءة على مقٌاس‬
‫ضغط او مٌزان او دٌجٌتال باستخدام اكستنسومٌتر‪ Extensometer‬ملحقة بالمٌكنة‪.‬‬

‫‪Tensile test procedure‬‬

‫لتحدٌد خواص الشد ألى مادة ال بد من إجراء اختبار الشد على عٌنة الشد التى تحوى اللحام أو عند‬
‫المعالجة و فٌما ٌلى سنوضح خطوات االختبار األساسٌة الواردة فى كل المواصفات المعنٌة باختبار شد‬
‫المواد الفلزٌةو هى مأخوذة بتصرٌف و اختصار من المواصفة ‪ ،ASTM E8M‬و ُتتبع الخطوات‬
‫اآلتٌة بعد قطع و تشغٌل العٌنة طبقا لألبعاد و الشكل المطلوبٌن فى المواصفة ‪:‬‬

‫)‪(1‬افحص العٌنة بالنظر بحثا عن أى عٌوب أو خدوش أو شروخ ظاهرة أو أى حزوز عمٌقة أو‬
‫عٌوب تشغٌل مثل عدم تماثل التشغٌل على طول أو مقطع العٌنة أو غٌر ذلك ‪ ،‬فسطح العٌنة ال بد أن‬
‫ٌكون خالٌا من العٌوب الظاهرة و متواز و ذو مقطع منتظم على طول المعٌار ‪.‬‬

‫)‪(2‬قس مساحة المقطعو سجلها وٌتم قسمة ‪ ultimate tensile strength‬على‬

‫هذهالمساحة إلٌجاد القوة االزمة لهذا اإلختبار كالتى ‪:‬‬

̤steel which have the highest ultimate


a. calculate cross section area flat specimen


c.s.a.= 48mm2(0.48cm2)





»max capacity of tensile machine =26496N»26.496KN *factor of


‫مم (طبقا للمواصفة‬50 ‫( َعلّم بحرف حاد طول المعٌار على سطح العٌنة و لٌكن مثال‬3)
. ‫ فهذا العالم سٌستخدم لحساب نسبة االستطالةبعد الكسر‬،) ASTM E8M

‫)‪(4‬صفّر (اجعله صفرا) ع َّداد قٌاس الحمل (قوة الشد) و كذلك مؤشر الرسم قبل تثبٌت‬
‫عٌنة الشدفى الماكٌنة ‪ ،‬و ٌجب أال ٌعاد التصفٌر بعد تثبٌت العٌنة ألن ذلك سٌؤدى إلى‬
‫خطأ فى النتائج ‪.‬‬

‫)‪(5‬ثبت العٌنة فى مقابض الماكٌنة ‪.‬‬

‫)‪(6‬صفّر مقٌاس االستطالة‪) )Extensometers‬ثم ركبه على العٌنة ‪ ،‬ثم صفّر ع َّداد‬
‫قٌاس االنفعالبعد ذلك ‪.‬‬

‫)‪(7‬ابدأ االختبار بتحمٌل العٌنة تدرٌجٌا ‪.‬‬

‫)‪(8‬الحظ االختبار عن قرب و كن مستعدا ألى مشكالت ٌمكن أن تحدث أثناء‬

‫االختبار ‪.‬‬

‫)‪ٌ(9‬ستمر االختبار حتى تنكسر العٌنة ‪.‬‬

‫)‪(10‬غالبا ما تظهر الماكٌناتالحدٌثة نتائج االختبار تلقائٌا ً بعد الكسر ‪ ،‬إذا كانت أبعاد‬
‫العٌنةقدأدخلت للماكٌنة قبل االختبار و بعده‪ .‬أما إذا كانت الحالة خالف ذلك فالماكٌنة‬
‫ستخرج قٌم الحمل و االستطالة مرسومٌن فى منحنى أو قٌم مجدولة‪،‬‬

‫فقم بحساب خواص الشدمن منحنى الحمل و االستطالة كاآلتى ‪:‬‬

‫االجهاد ‪ٌ :‬حسب بقسمة الحمل على مساحة المقطع األولٌة و ٌسمى الناتج‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫باالجهاد الهندسى (تختلف قٌمته عن االجهاد الحقٌقى(‪.‬‬

‫االنفعال‪ٌ :‬حسب بقسمة االستطالةعلى الطول األولى للمعٌار‪ ،‬و ٌسمى االنفعال‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫الهندسى(تختلف قٌمته عن االنفعال الحقٌقى(‬

‫ٌمكن رسم منحنى اإلجهاد و االنفعااللهندسٌٌن بناءا على القٌم السابق حسابها ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫مقاومة الشدهى أعلى قٌمة لالجهاد فى منحنى االجهاد و االنفعال ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫تعٌن مقاومة الخضوعحسب معٌار الخضوع المطلوب مقاومة خضوع حٌدٌةو‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مقاومة خضوع عند تمدد إجمالىمن المنحنى ‪.‬‬

‫تحسب قٌم المطٌلٌةوهى)نسبة االستطالةو نسبة انخفاض المساحة(على العٌنة بعد‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫الكسر ‪.‬‬

‫ٌحسب معامل المرونة)‪(modulus of elasticity‬من مٌل الجزء األولى‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫المستقٌم من المنحنى)‪.(stress strain curve‬‬

Machine Brands:
1- Instron (universal) up to 50KN capacity
2- Hegewald(Inspect universal up to 50KN capacity)
3- Quality (universal) up to 50KN capacity
4- tiniusolsen (universal) up to 50KN capacity
5- Shimadzu, Japan (universal) up to 50KN capacity

‫‪2-Hardness test‬‬

‫الصالدة أو القساوة ‪ :‬هً خاصٌة للموادتحدد مدى قابلٌة المادة لتحمل الخدش‪ .‬تعتمد‬
‫الصالدة على التركٌب الكٌمٌائً للمادة باإلضافة إلى التركٌب الداخلً‬
‫تتاثر صالدة الوصالت الملحومة بعدة عوامل مثل المعامل الحرارٌة وتشغٌل المعدن‬
‫على البارد ومعدن الحشو والتحلٌل الكٌمٌائً لمعدن االساس وٌفضل غالبا ً وضع حد‬
‫لنطاق الصالدة فً منشاة ما وخصوصا ً فً حالة انواع الصلب السبائكً المنخفض لدلك‬
‫تستخدم اختبارات الصالدة للحكم على صالدة المعدن‪.‬‬
‫توجد طرق عدٌدة لقٌاس الصالدة مثلب طرق (فٌكرز&روكوٌل&برٌنٌل)‬
‫وطرق اخرى والطرق المدكورة اعاله هً اكثر الطرق استعماالً وانتشاراً ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -1‬اختبار برنيل ‪:‬‬

‫ٌتكون من وضع عٌنة االختبار على سندان ثم تسلٌط ضغط معٌن )ٌكون عادة ‪3000‬‬
‫‪kg‬للمواد الصلدة و ‪5000kg‬للمواد اللٌنة) )على كرة من الصلب قطرها معروف‬
‫على عٌنة االختبار وٌترك الحمل مسلطا ً لفترة ال تقل عن ‪15‬ثانٌة ثم ٌزااللضغط‬
‫وٌقاس قطر الفجوة الناتجة فً العٌنة االختبار ‪،‬وهنالك لوحات تعطً بٌانات (رقم‬
‫برنٌل)المناظر للقطر الدائرة الناتج‪.‬‬

‫‪-2‬اختبار روكوبل‪:‬‬
‫ٌعمل وفق مبدا اختبار برونٌل فقٌاس عمق التغلغل(الفجوة) الذي تحدثه كرة صغٌرة‬
‫من الصلب المصلد او مخروط من الماس ٌتكون االختبار اساسا ً من ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬تسلٌط حمل ابتدائً مقداره ‪10kg‬لجعل اداة التغلغل على سطح عٌنة االختبار‬
‫وٌبقهخا فً الموضع المطلوب ‪.‬‬

‫‪-2‬حسب المادة المراد ‪150kg‬ــــــــــــ ‪60kg‬تسلٌط الحمل الرئٌسً الدي ٌتراوح من‬
‫اختبارها ونوع اداة التغلغل المستخدمة ‪.‬‬

‫‪-3‬قراءة رقم الصالدة مباشرة على قرص بٌانً مدرج وعلى دلك تنبنً ارقام ركوٌل‬
‫على الفرق بٌن عمقً التغلغل لحملٌن االبتدائً والرئٌسً ‪.‬‬

‫كلما ذاد هدا الفرق ٌقل رقم الصالدة وٌكون المعدن الٌن ‪-4 .‬‬

‫‪ -3‬اختبار فيكرز‪:‬‬

‫فً اختبار فٌكرز للصالدة تدفع اداة تغلغل(مصنوعة من الماس أو كربٌد الكالسٌوم) فً‬
‫سطح عٌنة االختبار تحت حمل سبق تحدٌده وتعطً النسبة بٌن الحمل المسلط وبٌن‬
‫مساحة الفجوة الناتجة رقم صالدة فٌكرز وٌجري التحكمالٌا ً فً تسلٌط الحمل وازالته‬
‫ثوانً ‪10‬بعد فترة سبق تحدٌدها وتكون عادة حوالً ‪.‬‬
‫وعلى وجه العموم فان كل نوع من انواع اختبارات الصالدة السابقة ٌكمل بغضها‬
‫األخر فبالنسبة لكبر مقٌاس فجوة برنٌل ٌمكن استعمالها فقط للحصول على ارقام‬
‫الصالدة فً مساحة كبٌرة نسبٌا ً ومن الناحٌة االخرى ٌمكن استعمال اختباري روكوٌل‬
‫وفٌكٌرز بسهولة كبٌرة لتحدٌد صالدة المناطق الصغٌرة ‪.‬‬
‫توجد جداول تحوٌل من( روكوٌل الى برونٌل الى فٌكرز)‬


‫‪2- ASTM E10‬‬

‫‪Machine Brands:‬‬
‫)‪1- Mitutoyo (Brinell‬‬
‫)‪2- Mitutoyo (Rockwell‬‬
‫)‪3- Mitutoyo (Vickers‬‬
‫)‪4- Mitutoyo(Impact type hardness test unit‬‬
‫)‪5- Indentec (universal)(England‬‬
‫)‪6- Zwick – Roell (universal) (german‬‬
‫‪7- Wilson Universal Hardness tester‬‬

‫‪3-Impact test‬‬

‫يؼطى اخخبار الصذم فكرة ػي هخاًت الوىاد ويخلخص اخخبار الصذم فى حسليظ حول‬
‫هفاجئ ػلى الؼيٌت و ثن قياش الطاقت االزهت لكسرها ‪ .‬ويىجذ اًىاع هخؼذدة هي اخخبار‬
‫الصذم (الشذ الصادم &الثٌى الصادم )اال اى اشهرها اسخخذاها" هى اخخبار الثٌى‬
‫الصادم وحخن هؼظن اإلخخباراث للؼيٌت ححج درجاث الحرارة الوٌخفضت ويخن ػول ػالهت‬
‫فى ػيٌت اإلخخبار ويىجذ ًىػيي هي اخخبار الثٌى هوا شاربى وايسود ‪:‬‬

‫الطاقت الوسخخذهت لكسر الؼيٌت =‬

‫طاقت الىضغ قبل الصذم – طاقت الىضغ بؼذ الصذم = و (‪Δ‬ع)‬


‫‪1-ASTM D 5942‬‬

‫‪2-ASTM D 256‬‬



‫‪»Charpy test procedure :‬‬
‫‪ .1‬توضع العٌنة على منجلة الة اإلختبار بحٌث تكون على هٌئة عاضة‬
‫‪ .2‬وماكٌنة اإلختبار عبارة عن بندول ٌتأرجح حول محوره ومثبت عند‬
‫طرفه الحر مطرقة لها وزن معلوم (و) وعند رفع المطرقة الى ارتفاع‬
‫معٌن (ع‪)1‬تكتسب المطرقة طاقة وضع (وع‪ )1‬وعند ترك البندول‬
‫لٌسقط تتحول طاقة الوضع الى طاقة حركة عند اصطدام المطرقة بعٌنة‬
‫اإلختبار ٌستغل جزئ من هذة الطاقة فى كسر العٌنة بٌنما ٌتحول الجزئ‬
‫المتبقى الى طاقة وضع (وع‪ )2‬وبذالك ٌمكن حساب الطاقة المستغلة فى‬
‫الكسر (‪Δ‬ع*و)‬
‫‪Machine Brands:‬‬
‫‪3- WPM German‬‬

Fatigue failures are widely studies because it accounts for 90% of all
service failures due to mechanical causes.
»Fatigue failures occur when metal is subjected to a repetitive or
fluctuating stress and will fail at a stress much lower than its tensile
»Fatigue failures occur without any plastic deformation (no warning).
»Fatigue surface appears as a smooth region, showing beach mark
or origin of fatigue crack.

Factors causing fatigue failure

1) A maximum tensile stress of sufficiently high value.
2) A large amount of variation or fluctuation in the applied
3) A sufficiently large number of cycles of the applied stress.
Additional factors
1. Stress concentration 2. Corrosion
3. Temperature 4. Overload
5. Metallurgical structure 6. Residual stress
7. Combined stress

1- ASTM E606
»Most steel have endurance limit (fatigue strength) about half
the ultimate tensile strength ,where steel 52 have 80000psi
as U.T.S » 550 N/mm2 » F.S =275 N/mm2
According to ASTM E606 »c.s.a =200 mm2& D =8mm

Fatigue machine have two type

1. Rotary bending machine(effective factor bending moment)
2. Dynamic Axial machine(effective factor capacity or applied
force )
»We choice the Rotary bending machine
Overcome till 1*106 cycle
Force = 275*200= 55000N =55KN
B.M = 0.5*L*F =0.5*0.008*55000 = 22 N.m
The most close machine have 25Nm
Machine brands
1. W+b (B.M =(1-60Nm)&Rotation speed =100-
2. ADMT (25Nm) model 9912
If we choice the dynamic axial machine
1. Instron ( up to 100KN)

‫‪b-Qualitative tests:‬‬

‫‪1-Bending test‬‬

‫ٌستخدم لتحدٌد مطٌلٌة الوصلة الملحومة الطرٌقة تحضٌر العٌنة وبعد عمل االنحناءات‬
‫االبتدائٌة توضع العٌنة فً منجلة او مكبس ثم نحنً العٌنة حتى ٌحدث انهٌار فً الجانب‬
‫الخارجً المنحنً بٌن عالمتٌن قٌاسٌتٌن فادا لم تظهر شروخ او منخفضات تطوى‬
‫القطعة تماما وال تعتبر الشروخ الركنٌة من عالمات انهٌار العٌنة كما ال ٌعتبر أي شرخ‬
‫اوانخفاض فً السطح انهٌاراً حتى ٌتجاوز مقٌاسا ً منصوصا ً علٌه فً أي انحناء‪.‬‬

‫اإلنحناء الموجة ‪:‬‬

‫ٌستخدم الكشف عن أي ضعف فً سالمة الوصلة الملحومة فً اتجاه محدد‬
‫)‪ (Root &face &side bending‬نأحذ مثال وهو انحناء الجذر‪:‬‬

‫اختبار انحناء الجدر ‪:‬‬

‫نحنً عٌنة االختبار فً االتجاه الخلفً حٌث ٌستطٌل جدر اللحاموهذا االختبار فعال‬
‫باالخص للكشف عن النقص فً التغلغل وعن متانة جدر اللحام ‪.‬‬
‫ٌحدد اختبار االنحناء لدونة الوصلة وٌجري االختبار حتى تظهر الشقوق فً مكان‬
‫االنحناء وعند قغٌاب الشقوق ٌنتهً االختبار بحنً النموزج حتى ٌتوازى جانباه وفً‬
‫‪.180‬هده الحالة تكون زاوٌة حنً النموزج‬
‫يستخدم اختبار االنحناء عادة لالهداف التالية ‪:‬‬

‫قٌاس المطٌلٌة كما فً اختبار االنحناء الحر ‪-1‬‬

‫قٌاس مدى االستحكام فً وصلة اللحام ‪-2‬‬

‫مالحظة خلو منطقة اللحام من العٌوب ‪-3‬‬

Design 0f Bending machine

1- ASTM E190

Machine Brands:
1- Instron (universal) up to 50KN capacity
2- Hegewald(Inspect universal up to 50KN capacity)
3- Quality (universal) up to 50KN capacity
4- tiniusolsen (universal) up to 50KN capacity
5- Shimadzu, Japan (universal) up to 50KN capacity
With accessories which need to perform this test

Nick- break test 2-

‫ٌجري هدا االختبار فً الوصالت اللحامٌة التناكبٌة ودلك لمراجعة سالمة الوصل‬
‫اللحامٌة تكون هده الوصالت وصالت تناكبٌة لالنابٌب او وصالت تناكبٌة لاللواح‬
. ‫الحدٌدٌة‬
‫ٌتم فً هدا االختبار تجهٌز القطعة المراد فحصها باالبعاد والمواصفات المحددة‬
‫ (مرة او عدة‬hammer ) ‫ٌسلط على العٌنة حمل فجائً بواسطة مطرقة االختبار‬
‫مرات حتى تكسر العٌنة ٌفحص سطح الكسر ودلك لتحدٌد العٌوب الداخلٌٌة مثل‬
)lack of fusion, slag inclusions, and porosity)

3-Macroscopic Examination
Macro-etch, Grain Flow, Surface Condition, Macrostructure
and More

Macroscopic examination, also called macro test or macro

examination, is an extension of visual examination and evaluates
quality and homogeneity of the test sample indicating the flow of
material during the forming or welding process. Information on
macrostructural features can be used to assess internal quality,
presence of hydrogen flakes, chemical segregation, hard cases,
flow lines and welds. A common macro test is weld cross section
examination to reveal internal discontinuities, weld profile, weld
passes and sequence, extent of penetration and the quality of weld.
The macrostructural properties of a weldament can then be used as
a component of weld procedure qualification or welder

The Test Process

After receipt of the sample, macroscopic examination begins with
the cutting, grinding and etching of the test sample. Etching is a
chemical reaction on the surface of the test sample that allows
viewing of the flow properties of the material. The samples can be
ingots, castings, plates, bars, sheets or finished products. The
macro examination is performed on the cross section, longitudinal
section or through the thickness (‘Z’ direction) of the test sample.
The sample is viewed with the unaided eye or at low magnification,
usually no greater than 10 times. Macro-etch to ASTM E340 is the
controlled surface etching of a metal or alloy sample to reveal a
structure such as grain flow lines and ingot patterns that are visible
at the low magnification. Grain flow lines are the resulting fiber
pattern observed in a hot or cold worked material, showing the
manner in which the metal flowed during the forming process.

During macroscopic examination, findings can be documented with

digital imaging to provide the customer with a visual image

contained in the Certified Test Report or with a digital image that
can be emailed.

Macroscopic Examination

 Macro-etch (ASTM E340)

 Grain Flow
 Weld Qualification
 Surface Condition

4-Microscopic Examination
Microstructure Analysis for Carburization, Decarburization,
Sensitization and More

Microscopic examination, used in microstructure analysis, studies

the structure of materials under magnification. The properties of a
material determine how it will perform under a given application,
and these properties are dependent on the material’s structure.
Industrial processes or treatments such as casting, welding and heat
treating are often applied to metals to prepare them for particular
applications and to improve their characteristics and properties.
There may be residual effects of these processes and treatments,
inclusion or contaminants that can be explained by microstructure
analysis and microscopic examination. In many cases, the
microscopy investigation centers on the correlation between the
resulting microstructure and the material properties.

For example, exposure of carbon and alloy steels to elevated

temperatures during heat treatment can cause a loss or gain of
carbon near the surfaces of the parts if the atmosphere in the
furnace is not properly controlled. Decarburization causes the
surface to be soft and weak with little wear resistance, while
unwanted carburization can cause the surface to become too brittle.
Also, if austenitic stainless steel does not see sufficient temperature
for enough time or does not receive a sufficiently rapid quench
during heat treating, the carbon in the alloy will form chromium
carbides on the grain boundaries which will make the material
brittle and susceptible to intergranular corrosion. A sensitization
test will reveal this problem.

A microscopic examination following industry standards may be

conducted to evaluate the effects of the processes on materials
using low-magnification optical microscopy or scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) under high magnification. Optical microscopic
examination is used to measure and/or evaluate the following:

 Grain size
 Extent of decarburization and carburization
 Intergranular attack
 Intergranular corrosion
 Depth of alpha case in titanium alloys
 Percent spheroidization
 Inclusion ratings, type and content
 Volume fraction of various phases or second phase particles
in metals
 Welds
 Typical microstructures of metals to confirm structure and
property relationships

On the other hand, scanning electron microscopy is used to

determine abnormalities such as inclusions, segregation, and
surface layers, as well as fracture features. When used in
combination with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), the
microstructure analysis can identify inclusion type and corrodents
on the fracture face.

The Test Process

A carefully prepared specimen and magnification are needed for
microscopic examination. Proper preparation of the specimen and
the material’s surface requires that a rigid step-by-step process be
followed. The first step is carefully selecting a small sample of the
material to undergo microstructure analysis with consideration
given to location and orientation. This step is followed by
sectioning, mounting, grinding, polishing and etching to reveal
accurate microstructure and content.

Detailed viewing of samples is done with a metallurgical
microscope that has a system of lenses (objectives and eyepiece) so
that different magnifications (typically 50X to 1000X) can be
achieved. Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMs) are capable of
much higher magnifications and are utilized for highly detailed
microstructural study.

The various types of microstructure analysis performed at LTI are

PRI/Nadcap and A2LA accredited. Examinations are completed
according to detailed procedures and applicable industry standards
to assure reliable results. All results are documented in Certified
Test Reports.

Microscopic Examinations

 Microstructure
 Carburization & Decarburization
 Grain Size (ASTM E112)
 Inclusion Rating (ASTM E45)
 Plating Thickness
 Carbide Precipitation
 Ferrite by Point Count (ASTM E562)
 Alpha Case/Surface Contamination
 Intergranular Attack & Oxidation
 Sensitization
 Nodularity, Nodule Count
 Eutectic Melting

Machine brands

1-Photomicrographic Examination
Digital Imaging – optical magnification from 7X to 1000X
SEM Analysis – magnification to 300,000X

2-metallurgical microscope with image analyzer LECO 500 USA


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