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Zzze) I (ZFRP: QW-163 Acceptance Criteria - Bend Tests QW-163 Acceptance Criteria - Bend Tests

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When specimens wider than 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) are to be location, and the orientation shall be as given in the Section
bent as permitted in figure QW-462.2, the test jig mandrel requiring such tests.
must be at least 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) wider than the specimen When qualifying pipe in the 5G or 6G position, the
width. notch-toughness specimens shall be removed from the
shaded portion of figure QW-463.1(f).
QW-163 Acceptance Criteria — Bend Tests
The weld and heat-affected zone of a transverse weld- QW-180 FILLET-WELD TESTS
bend specimen shall be completely within the bent portion
QW-181 Procedure and Performance
of the specimen after testing.
Qualification Specimens
The guided-bend specimens shall have no open disconti-
nuity in the weld or heat-affected zone exceeding 1⁄8 in. QW-181.1 Procedure. The dimensions and preparation
(3 mm), measured in any direction on the convex surface of the fillet-weld test coupon for procedure qualification
of the specimen after bending. Open discontinuities as required in QW-202 shall conform to the requirements
occurring on the corners of the specimen during testing in figure QW-462.4(a) or figure QW-462.4(d). The test
shall not be considered unless there is definite evidence coupon for plate-to-plate shall be cut transversely to pro-
that they result from lack of fusion, slag inclusions, or vide five test specimen sections, each approximately 2 in.
other internal discontinuities. For corrosion-resistant weld (50 mm) long. For pipe-to-plate or pipe-to-pipe, the test
overlay cladding, no open discontinuity exceeding 1⁄16 in. coupon shall be cut transversely to provide four approxi-
(1.5 mm), measured in any direction, shall be permitted mately equal test specimen sections. The test specimens
in the cladding, and no open discontinuity exceeding 1⁄8 in. shall be macro-examined to the requirements of QW-183.
(3 mm) shall be permitted along the approximate weld QW-181.1.1 Production Assembly Mockups. Pro-
interface. duction assembly mockups may be used in lieu of
QW-181.1. The mockups for plate-to-shape shall be cut
transversely to provide five approximately equal test speci-

mens not to exceed approximately 2 in. (50 mm) in length.
QW-171 Notch-Toughness Tests — Charpy For pipe-to-shape mockups, the mockup shall be cut trans-
V-Notch versely to provide four approximately equal test specimens.
QW-171.1 General. Charpy V-notch impact tests shall For small mockups, multiple mockups may be required to
be made when required by other Sections. obtain the required number of test specimens. The test
Test procedures and apparatus shall conform to the specimens shall be macro-examined to the requirements
requirements of SA-370. of QW-183.
QW-171.2 Acceptance. The acceptance criteria shall QW-181.2 Performance. The dimensions and the prep-
be in accordance with that Section specifying impact aration of the fillet-weld test coupon for performance quali-
requirements. fication shall conform to the requirements in figure
QW-171.3 Location and Orientation of Test QW-462.4(b) or figure QW-462.4(c). The test coupon for
Specimen. The impact test specimen and notch location plate-to-plate shall be cut transversely to provide a center
and orientation shall be as given in the Section requiring section approximately 4 in. (100 mm) long and two end
such tests. sections, each approximately 1 in. (25 mm) long. For pipe-
When qualifying pipe in the 5G or 6G position, the to-plate or pipe-to-pipe, the test coupon shall be cut to
notch-toughness specimens shall be removed from the provide two quarter sections test specimens opposite to
shaded portion of figure QW-463.1(f). each other. One of the test specimens shall be fracture
tested in accordance with QW-182 and the other macro-
examined to the requirements of QW-184. When qualifying
QW-172 Notch-Toughness Tests — Drop Weight
pipe-to-plate or pipe-to-pipe in the 5F position, the test
QW-172.1 General. Drop weight tests shall be made
specimens shall be removed as indicated in figure
when required by other Sections.
Test procedures and apparatus shall conform to the
requirements of ASTM Specification E 208. QW-181.2.1 Production Assembly Mockups. Pro-
duction assembly mockups may be used in lieu of the fillet-
QW-172.2 Acceptance. The acceptance criteria shall weld test coupon requirements of QW-181.2.
be in accordance with that Section requiring drop weight (a) Plate-to-Shape
tests. (1) The mockup for plate-to-shape shall be cut trans-
QW-172.3 Location and Orientation of Test versely to provide three approximately equal test specimens
Specimen. The drop weight test specimen, the crack starter not to exceed approximately 2 in. (50 mm) in length. The

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