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VBS Purvanchal University: Jaunpur

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VBS Purvanchal University


Syllabus B.Sc. Ag.

The examination shall consist of seven theory papers (each of 3 hours duration
and carrying 50 marks) and one practical examination on each of the theory paper,
carrying 50 marks.


Paper –I
Agricultural Statistics and Mathematics
M.M.: 50
1. Frequency Distribution: Classification; Tabulation; Diagrammatic Representation and
Graphic Representation of data: Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Frequency curve and
2. Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Mediom, Mode, Measures of Dispersion: Range,
Mean deviation: Variance. Coefficient of variation and Standard error of mean.
3. Correlation and Regression: Meaning of correlation, Type of correlation, Karl Pearson
Coefficient of correlation, Limits of correlation coefficient, Rank Correlation,
Regression, Lines of regression, Regression Coefficients, Properties of regression
coefficient, Angle between two lines of regression.
4. Test of Significance: Concept of random sample and Statistics; Test of Significance
based on Z, t, F and Chi Square Statistics.
5. Analysis of Variance: Analysis of Variance with equal number of observations per cell
in one and two way Classification; General and Basis Principles of Experimental Design:
C R D R B D and L S D.


1. Algebra of Matrices : Elementary concept of determinants, Minor and co-factor of

determinants, Properties of determinants, Definition of Matrices, Types of Matrices and
Properties, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and inverse of Matrix.
2. Differential Calculus: Definition of variable and constant Limits, Differentials of Simple
Functions, Product and division of two functional Function of a function.
3. Integral Calculus : Integration of Standard Forms, Integration of Substitution in Simple
Cases, Integration by parts and concept of Definite integrals (Simple cases)

VBS Purvanchal University

Paper –II
Plant Structure, Function and Crop Systematics
M.M.: 50

1. Plant Cell, Structure and function.

2. Tissues and tissue Systems.
3. Internal anatomy of roots, stems and leaves.
4. Secondary growth; Secondary growth in dicot-roots, dicot-stems and monocot stem-
5. Osmosis, diffusion, absorption and loss of water in plants.
6. Plant nutrients and their deficiency symptoms.
7. Respiration: Aerobic and anaerobic respiration; factors affecting respiration.
8. Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and factors affecting photo-synthesis.
9. Plant hormones, Dormancy, Vernalization and Photo-periodism.
10. Distinguishing features of the following families with special reference to the genera
mentioned against them-

A. Families of Monocot:
(i) Araceae; colocasia.
(ii) Graminae; Triticam, Hordcum, Oryza, Zea, Sorghum, Pennisetum.

B. Families of dicot:
(i) Leguminosac; Pisum, Cicer, Crotalaria, Cajanus, Arachis.
(ii) Cucurbitaceae; Luffa, Lagenaria.
(iii) Convolvulaceae; Ipomoea, Cuscuta.
(iv) Solanaceae; Solanum, Nicotiana.
(v) Euphorbiaceae; Ricinus.
(vi) Linaceae; Linum.
(vii) Pedaliaceae; Sesamum.
(viii) Compositae; Carthamus.
(ix) Tiliaceae; Carthamus.
(x) Tiliaceae; Carehorus.
(xi) Malvaceae; Hibiscus, Gossypium.

VBS Purvanchal University

Paper –III
Livestock Production and Management
M.M.: 50

Breading: Aims of Breeder, Mendalian rules and its importance in live stock improvement,
Heredity and variation, Elementary idea of essential and accessory organs of male & female
reproductive system in different farm animals. Mechanism of gametogenesis and oestus in
farm animals. Methods and systems of breeding in farm animals, their merits and demerits.
A.I. and its importance in improvement of farm animals. Selection methods, sire indexing,
Cattle breeding problems in India and work sofar done in this direction.

Feeding: Elementary idea of digestive system of ruminant and non-ruminant farm animals.
Animal feeds and their classification. Evolution of feeding standards, Modern feeding
standards, their merits and demerits and applicability under Indian conditions. Ration and its
kind, Principles of rationing, Characteristics of ideal ration, food requirements for growth,
reproduction, pregnancy, milk work and wool production in farm animals. Calf feeding
schedule and feeding of crossbred cows. Principles and methods of fodder preservation-Hay
and Silage making.

(a) Building: Location and grouping of different dairy farm buildings and sheds.
Requirement and arrangement of floor space in various dairy farm buildings.
(b) Fodder requirement of a dairy farm and cropping scheme for the supply of succulent
fodders through out the year. Pasture land and their management, Land & labour
requirements for a dairy farm, Maintenance of different essential dairy for registers,
purchase and culling of dairy cattle.
(c) Animal Health & Hygiene: Symptoms of ill hearth, Principles of immunization, first aid
in farm animals. Sterility in farm animals. Simple obstetrics in farm animals such as
abnormal parturition. Retention of placenta, Prolapse of uterus, milk fever, Tympanitis,
Impaction of rumen. Elementary idea about poisoning in farm animals. General measures
for prevention and control of infections and contagious diseases, care of down calvers
and newly born calf.

VBS Purvanchal University

Paper –IV
Agronomy (Principles of Crop Production)
M.M.: 50

1. Scientific Principles involved in adoption and distribution of crops and their varieties:
classification of crop rotation and cropping scheme.
2. Tillage: Definition, Objects, Types, advantages and disadvantages of tillage; time and
depth of ploughing; modern concept of tillage.
3. Soil Management and crop Production in Problematic Soils: Soil fertility and
productivity, Soil sickness, principles of good soil management of saline alkali soils;
dryland farming; crop production on eroded and waterlogged soils.
4. Manures and Fertilizers: Essential Plant nutrients, criteria of essentiality, role of essential
plant nutrients; classification of manures and fertilizers, principles of manuring (fertilizer
application) with special reference to dose; source, time and method of fertilizer
application, fertilizer use efficiency (F.U.E) and factors affecting it; evaluation of
manures and fertilizers.
5. Irrigation and Drainage: Irrigation and water requirement of crops, time and methods of
irrigation, harmful of excess of soil water and methods of drainage.
6. Harvest and Post-Harvest Technology: Harvesting processing, storage and marketing of

VBS Purvanchal University

Paper –V
Agricultural Engineering
M.M.: 50



1. Introduction: Definition, branches and objects of agricultural Engineering, Role of

Agricultural Engineering in agro-Rural Development.
2. Surveying: Objectives, Uses and types of surveying, methods of measuring distances,
Ranging, Method of chaining on level and sloppy grounds, Errors in chaining and their
correction, Laying out right angles with chain or tape, cross-staff and optical square.
Conventional symbols, chain surveying, obstacles in chaining, cross staff survey,
prismatic compass survey, Booking field notes and their plotting with different methods
of surveying, calculation of areas.


3. Levelling: Definition of different leveling terms: Kinds of Levels, Dumpy level, its parts,
principle of operation and various adjustments, Simple leveling Differential leveling,
Methods of calculating reduced levels, contouring, characteristics of contour lines, use of
contour maps by grid system.

VBS Purvanchal University


4. Irrigation: Necessity and advantages of Irrigation, Sources of Irrigation water, Units and
methods of measurements of irrigation water.

Method of water application on the field, flooding, Border, checkbasin, Furrow, Sprinkler
and Drip method of irrigation.

Infiltration, evaporation, Transpiration consumptive use, soil-water relationship. Kinds of

soil water, Movement of water in the soil, Soil moisture measurement by tensiometer and
gypsum, Frequency of irrigation and irrigation efficiency.

5. Drainage: Necessity and scope of drainage, Drainage properties of soil, Benefit of

drainage, type of land requiring, drainage planning a field drainage system, Drainage


6. Centrifugal Pump: Principle of operation, Parts, classification, selection and

installation, Advantages and disadvantages of centrifugal pumps troubles and their
remedies, Power requirement and efficiency of the pump.

Paper –VI
Agricultural Chemistry
(Soil Science, Fertilizers and Manures)
M.M.: 50

Soil Science
Pedological and Edaphological concepts of soil, Soil forming Rocks and Minerals.
Weathering of Rocks. Factors of Soil formation. Soil Profile.

Texture and structure of soil. Soil components. Soil colloids. Soil water, Soil organic
matter. Humus and Humification. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash transformations in soil.
Exchange Phenomenon.

Soil reaction. Acid and Alkali soils, their formation and reclamation, Indian soils,
U.P. soils in particular. Soil Micro-organisms and their role in soil fertility.

Fertilizers and Manures:

VBS Purvanchal University

Plant Nutrients and their role. Fertilizer, their classification and principles of their
application. Organic manures. Compost and composting Radio Active Isotopes and their use in

Chemistry and use of common weedicides, insecticides, fungicides and Rodenticides.

Paper –VI
Agricultural Economics
M.M.: 50
I. Economics Considerations: Definition of Economics. Definition and Scope of
Agricultural Economics. Significance of Agricultural in Economic Development.

II. Element of Price Theory:

1. Theory of Demand: Demand, Supply and Market Price: Price elasticity, Utility
Analysis of Demand, Indifference curve analysis.
2. Theory of Firm: The Firm and its decision. Theory of Production, Choice of
input and output. Cost Functions.
3. Pricing of output: Pricing of output under pure competition, monopoly,
Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition.
4. Theory of Distribution: Determination of Rent and Wages.

III. Money and Banking: Meaning of significance of money, Value of money, Inflation
and deflation, Money standards; Credit and Credit Instruments, Bank their functions
and classifications, Commercial Bank, Central Banking.

IV. Farm Management: Field of farm Management, Economics Principles of Farm

Management, Farm Planning and Budgeting, Farm Records and Accounts Measures for
Farm Income and Efficiency.

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