Iv Evs
Iv Evs
Iv Evs
5. Jiya saw some maple leaves in the gardern wihch were red in colour. Does that means
that they cannot prepare their own food?
19. Can the rat be able to eat food at night when the lights are off? If yes, give reason and
write the features of that type of animal. What we call these kind of animal?
20. Add drop of Iodine solution to each the following. Tick() the ones that turn blue-black.
a. b. c. d.
Bread Orange Juice Potato Fish
21. Me and my friend jolly were sitting under a tree. Suddenly a leaf fell down and than we
thought how does the leaf is attached to the tree. Write the name of that part of leaf
which is attached to the branches.
: 3 :
1. Nocturnal animal
2. Medicinal plant 1A
3. Parasitic plant
3C 2M
1. It is a herb
2. Plants having breathing root. V
3. Insect having six legs.
23. Make a list of different types of plants found in your locality and make their diagram.
24. Visit a zoo and write the names of differenct animals present there, then group them
according to their eating habits, survival instincts in a note book.
25. Can a polar bear survive in Rajasthan. If not, why?
26. Prepare a journal/diary/ notebook and list the unique places and things you saw at places
you visited during the holidays. (Examples – Structures,cuisine, artifacts, natural
flowers, insects, animals you saw). You could take pictures and write your feelings on
coming across these nature aspects. Later, compose a song or a painting on these