Latihan Sumatif Science Chapter 4
Latihan Sumatif Science Chapter 4
Latihan Sumatif Science Chapter 4
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Hari/tanggal :
Sunflower is a … .
a. living things
b. non-living things
c. plant
2. Look at the following picture!
Sun is a … .
a. living things
b. non-living things
c. animal
3. Water moves but it is … .
a. alive
b. not alive
c. living things
4. Look at the following picture!
Lion is an animal. So, it is a … .
a. not alive
b. non-living things
c. living things
5. All living things need …..
a. plant
b. food
c. animal
6. Look at the following picture!
What is it?
a. It is a seed
b. It is a flower
c. It is a leaf
7. Look at the following picture!
The part of the plant that holds the leaves and the flowers up is … .
a. Leaf
b. Roots
c. Stem
II. Put a tick (✓) on T if the statement is true or on F if the statement is false!
No. Statement T F
17. Plants get water through their roots.
18. Plants can’t grow in the cave because there is no light.
19. Loud sounds can safe your ear.
a. Light
III. Match the following statement with the correct answer! b. Stem
21. ( A cat ) It is a living things. c. Flower
22. ( Flower ) A part of the plant that produce seed. d. A cat
23. ( Light ) Plants need it to grow. e. Wall
Answer :
Because plant growth follows the direction of sunlight
1. Plants need water to grow. What will happen if there was no water?
If water is not given to the plants for a long time, they will dry and die soon