3rd Semester Syllabus
3rd Semester Syllabus
3rd Semester Syllabus
Unit-I:- Historical development, concept, nature and role of plant breeding, majorachievements
and future prospects; Genetics in relation to plant breeding, modes ofreproduction and
apomixes, self-incompatibility and male sterility- genetic consequences,cultivar options.
Unit-II:-Domestication, Acclimatization and Introduction; Centres of origin/diversity,
components of Genetic variation; Heritability and genetic advance; Geneticbasis and
breeding methods in self- pollinated crops - mass and pure line selection,hybridization
techniques and handling of segregating population.Multiline concept.Concepts of
population genetics and Hardy-Weinberg Law.
Unit-III:-Genetic basis and methodsof breeding cross pollinated crops, modes of selection;
Population improvement Schemes-Ear to row method, Modified Ear to Row, recurrent
selection schemes; Heterosis and inbreedingdepression, development of inbred lines and
hybrids, composite and synthetic varieties;Breeding methods in asexually propagated crops
, clonal selection and hybridization.
Unit-IV:-Maintenance of breeding records and data collection; Wide hybridization and
prebreeding; Polyploidy in relation to plant breeding, mutation breeding-methods anduses;
Breeding for important biotic and abiotic stresses; Participatory plant breeding;
IntellectualProperty Rights, Patenting, Plant Breeders and & Farmer’s Rights.
Practical :- MM:25
Unit-I:- Statistical Methods:- Introduction to Statistics and its Applications in Agriculture,
Graphical Representation of Data, Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion, Definition
of Probability, Addition andMultiplication Theorem (without proof). Simple Problems
Based on Probability.
Unit-II”-Definition of Correlation, Scatter Diagram.Karl Pearson’s Coefficient ofCorrelation.
Linear Regression Equations. Introduction to Test of Significance, One sample &two
sample test t for Means, Chi-Square Test. Introduction to Analysis of Variance, Analysis of
One Way Classification. Introduction toSampling Methods, Simple Random Sampling with
andwithout replacement.
Unit-III:- Elementary Mathematics:- Straight lines: Distance formula, section formula (
internal and external division), Equation of co-ordinate axes, Equation of lines parallel to
axes,Slope-intercept form of equation of line, Slope-point form of equation of line, Two
point formof equation of line, Intercept form of equation of line, Normal form of equation
of line, Point of intersection of two st. lines, Angles between two st. lines, Parallel lines,
Perpendicular lines.
Unit-IV:- Derivatives of sum,difference, product and quotient of two functions,Matrices and
Determinants: Definition of Matrices, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Transpose and
Inverse up to 2nd order.
Practical :- MM:25
Unit-I:- Importance and scope of fruit and plantation crop industry in India; Importance of
rootstocks. Production technologies for the cultivation of major fruits-mango, banana, and
Unit-II:- Production technologies for the cultivation of major fruits-grape, guava,litchi, papaya,
sapota, apple, pear, peach, walnut, and almond.
Unit-III:- Production technologies for the cultivation of minor fruits- date, ber, pineapple,
pomegranate, jackfruit and strawberry.
Practical:- MM:25
Unit-II:- Lipids:importance and classification; Structures and properties of fatty acids; storage
lipids and membranelipids. Proteins and amino acids: importance and classification; Structures,
titration and zwitterionsnature of amino acids; Structural organization of proteins; Biological
oxidation;Elementary knowledge of Plant pigments.
Unit-I :- Agricultural Finance:- Meaning, scope and significance, credit needs and its role in
Indianagriculture. Agricultural credit: meaning, definition, need, classification. Credit analysis: 4
R’s,and 3C’s of credits.
Unit-III :-An introduction to higherfinancing institutions–RBI, NABARD, ADB, IMF, World bank,
Insurance and Credit GuaranteeCorporation of India. Cost of credit. Recent development in
agricultural credit.
Practical:- MM:25
Unit-I:- Communication Skills: Structural and functional grammar; meaning and process of
Unit-II:- Verbal and nonverbal communication; listening and note taking, writing skills,oral
presentation skills; field diary and lab record; indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures.
Unit-III:- Reading and comprehension of general and technical articles, precise writing,
summarizing,abstracting; individual and group presentations, impromptu presentation, public
Practical:- MM:25
Listening and note taking, writing skills, oral presentation skills; field diary and lab
record; indexing, footnote and bibliographic procedures. Reading and comprehension of
general and technical articles, precise writing, summarizing, abstracting; individual and group
Unit-I:- Concept of Dairying, Dairying in India, Dairy development in different five year plans.
Dairy production statistics, Cleaning and sanitization of dairy equipment..
9. Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management-I 3(2+1) MM:75
Unit-I:- Symptoms, etiology, disease cycle and management of major diseases of following
crops: Field Crops: Rice: blast, brown spot, bacterial blight, sheath blight, false smut, khaira
andtungro;Maize: smut, downy mildew, leaf spots; Sorghum: anthracnose,Bajra:downy mildew
and ergot; Groundnut: early and late leaf spots, wilt Pigeonpea.
Unit-II:- Phytophthora blight, wilt and sterility mosaic; black & greengram: Cercospora leaf
spot and anthracnose, web blight and yellow mosaic;Tobacco: mosaic.
Unit-III :- Horticultural Crops: Guava: wilt andanthracnose; Banana: Panama wilt, bacterial wilt,
Sigatoka and bunchy top;Papaya: foot rot, leafcurl and mosaic, Pomegranate: bacterial blight;
Cruciferous vegetables: Alternaria leaf spot andblack rot; Brinjal: Phomopsis blight and fruit rot
and Sclerotinia blight.
Unit-IV:- Tomato: damping off,wilt, early and late blight, leaf curl; Okra: Yellow Vein Mosaic;
Beans:anthracnose ; Ginger: soft rot; Colocasia: Phytophthora blight; Coconut: wiltand bud rot;
Tea: blister blight; Coffee: rust.
Practical:- MM:25
Practical :- MM:25
IV Semester:-
Paper-1 Crop Production Technology –II (Rabi Crops) 2(1+1)
Paper-2 Production Technology of Vegetables and Spices 2(1+1)
Paper-3 Renewable Energy and Green Technology 2(1+1)
Paper-4 Problematic Soils and their Management 2(1+1)
Paper-5 Fundamental of Biotechnology 2(1+1)
Paper-6 Agricultural Marketing Trade and Prices 3(2+1)
Paper-7 Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology 2 (2+0)
Paper-8 Agricultural Microbiology 2 (1+1)
Paper-9 Principles of Food Science and Nutrition 2(2+0)
Paper-10 Water Management for Crops 2 (1+1)
Paper-11 Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops &
their Management–II 3 (2+1)
Paper-12Elective Course- (A) Highi-tech-horticulture 3(2+1) OR
(B)Biopesticides and Bifertilizers OR (C)Weed Management
Paper-13- NSS/NCC/Physical Education & Yoga Practices (non-gradial)
Educational Tour (Compulsory) (Non gradial) 2 (0+2)
TOTAL 17 + 10 =27+ (0+2)